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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
listening device
▪ Disguised as toilet equipment all the apparatus was there - the listening device and several sophisticated miniaturized bugs.
▪ He pulled out the next box; there was no mark of any listening device on the wall behind it.
▪ I took the liberty of planting a listening device in the jukebox you ... earned.
▪ The businessman was then wired with a listening device and given $ 30, 000 to offer Mr Tucker.

Usage examples of "listening device".

I don't know how intelligent this armed listening device is, but I would question whether it's clever enough to tell the difference between the rhythmic rasping of a hacksaw and the pulse of an engine.

The spooks tried to use the listening device but didn't have any luck.

Lars was standing there, frozen in the act of attaching a listening device to the door.

Nothing escaped into the ambient air for any concealed listening device.

That was the towed listening device that relayed acoustic data to shore via satellite.

Picking up the hem of his kimono, he stepped quickly over the bodies in his path and recovered the hidden listening device.

However, there was a listening device attached to the inside of the cabin communicator in the crew quarters.

The cries emanating from the listening device grew shrill and panic-stricken and then Saryon heard no more, for suddenly kit world burst into flame around him.

They were prepared with an electronic listening device that could detect the soft tick of a safe's tumblers and amplify them, which made deducing the combination mere child's play, but as insurance they also took a full set of safe-cracking tools and a plastic explosive.