Usage examples of "detonating device".
We'll have to run a few more tests on the chemical-explosive charges-we don't have any data on the exact strength of the explosives they used then- and the tampers and detonating device will need to be tested a little.
The other end of the wire would be connected to the remote-control detonating device at the jailhouse.
Most importantly, you will also take with you, suitably wrapped in plastic, the krytron detonating device and conceal it well.
He had found a self-contained breathing unit and searched the holds for any sign of a detonating device, but could find nothing.
The experts deduced from the installation of the explosive and the detonating device—.
The experts deduced from the installation of the explosive and the detonating device--which was set to explode on a sudden deceleration, such as might be caused by contact at high relative velocity with another object--that had it come any closer to the Ship Yard it could have easily caused significant damage, not so much from the explosion itself as from the fragments propelled from the point of detonation by the explosives.
The experts deduced from the installation of the explosive and the detonating device-which was set to explode on a sudden deceleration, such as might be caused by contact at high relative velocity with another object-that had it come any closer to the ship yard it could have easily caused significant damage, not so much from the explosion itself as from the fragments propelled from the point of detonation by the explosives.
It placed a miniaturized nest of embryonic robots, no larger than pinheads, within the card file, then a tiny find-circuit transmitter behind a subsequent card, then at last a potent detonating device set on a three-day command circuit.
There is a very old legend that with the right detonating device, you can detonate water.
For safetys sake, I had set up the dynamite detonating device in two stages.
A metal cylinder wired to a detonating device lay on the floor near the furnacel The man had been planting a bomb!
In the silence the clicking of his shoes against the flagstone floor seemed to him like the ticking of a detonating device, growing louder, louder, louder.
He found nothing which could have been any part of a detonating device.
The lights on the digital display of the small detonating device flashed the code back at him, then settled into one small, red, blinking light that affirmed the readiness of the device.
Only Chib knows that the raising of the coffin lid has activated the detonating device in the grave.