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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
wedding chapel
▪ A section of the crowd turned events when it attacked the private Catholic chapels of several embassies.
▪ A Roman Catholic chapel adjoins the house, and the village has a Methodist chapel.
▪ I assumed that this must have found a place in the adjoining room which eventually became the little chapel.
▪ We got married in 1993 in a little chapel in Florida-it was very romantic.
▪ No one wanted to touch the little chapel.
▪ The Methodist chapel is also in a vulnerable spot, standing as it does at the crossroads.
▪ Another place of worship is the Methodist chapel situated on East Street.
▪ Opposite this wall is the Methodist chapel.
▪ The Methodist chapel was built in 1856, replacing an earlier building which was then used as a day school.
▪ The Methodist chapel proving insufficient to hold them, the large schoolroom was opened.
▪ The Methodist chapel was built in 1892 at a cost of £800.
▪ A Roman Catholic chapel adjoins the house, and the village has a Methodist chapel.
▪ On one occasion she held a mission at the Methodist chapel in Baldersdale which went on every night for two weeks.
▪ This was the only Nonconformist chapel Butterfield ever designed and in 1976 it became a parish church.
▪ Secondly, about half of those who did attend for worship chose to go to a Nonconformist chapel.
▪ Slowly the other features of the industrial towns were added: Anglican churches, Nonconformist chapels, schools and public houses.
▪ The old chapel was demolished in 1907 to make way fro the Centenary Memorial Hall.
▪ Aunt Mary gasped as we passed the old college chapel.
▪ Most moving were the forlorn-looking ruins of an old chapel and crofts.
▪ There are events throughout this year the old chapel was established in 1819.
▪ Instead she joined her immediate family for a service at the private chapel on the Althorp estate.
▪ The fine carpets, the warmth, the private chapel.
▪ A section of the crowd turned events when it attacked the private Catholic chapels of several embassies.
▪ It was in the Elector's private chapel here that Beethoven, a native of Bonn, gave his first public performance.
▪ Certainly the house hardly looked large enough to support a private chapel.
▪ He was also a member of the royal chapel choir, where he was classified as a taille or tenor.
▪ The Lusignans called it their own royal chapel.
▪ Catherine heard that Henry was praying in the royal chapel so ran screaming down the corridor.
▪ But the idea of founding fixed royal chapels in strategic places which could provide incomes for royal chaplains was already formed.
▪ But as they processed into the Quire of the royal chapel in June 1988 the ancient families were in a minority.
▪ In 1877 she opened a small chapel in her house in Cottenham Park.
▪ They had just prayed for an hour in a small chapel.
▪ Today, there is a small octagonal chapel in the Beirut coastal suburb of Antelyas dedicated to the 1915 massacres.
▪ A small chapel was started in 1730 and the parish library, including the books, was moved to the current location.
▪ She said: Our Blessed Lady asked me to ask you to have a small chapel built here in her honour.
▪ Did you know that Hoggatt's has got a small Wren chapel in the Lab grounds?
▪ With the passage of time attitudes changed and support grew, mainly from Baptists, non-Wesleyan Methodists and smaller Congregational chapels.
▪ The barn was stark and without adornment, save for a single crucifix in the tiny chapel.
▪ The tiny chapel in the centre of the gardens is by K. I. Dientzenhofer.
▪ He lay on the marble slab in the centre of the tiny oblong chapel like a king lying in state.
▪ It was almost dark outside now, and the tiny chapel was full of shadows.
▪ Suddenly, getting to the tiny chapel before the eclipse reached totality was the most important thing in the world.
▪ The Wesleyan Methodist chapel in Chapmangate was built in 1864 on the site of its predecessor of 1813.
▪ Other features of Main Street include the village school, the Wesleyan chapel and the shipyard.
▪ The Wesleyan chapel built in 1805 and restored in 1912 is still in use today.
▪ It was one of those memorial halls or Methodist Congregationals, or Wesleyan chapels or whatever they were.
▪ Along the road, and opposite the junction to Whynham lane was the Wesleyan chapel.
▪ Inside, the church is the shape of the Latin cross, with a plethora of side chapels.
▪ The ceremony was in the side chapel of a college church; the reception in a small, carnation-wreathed social hall.
▪ She had been shewn into a side chapel set apart for visitors.
▪ I genuflected before the winking sanctuary lamp and concealed myself in one of the side chapels.
▪ Inside there are three aisles and twelve side chapels.
▪ To her left was a corner, the interior flanking out in that direction possibly to form a side chapel.
▪ Edward's parents sent their condolences, attended the ceremony at chapel and graveside, and Mrs Thomas visited the widow.
▪ I attended morning chapel, and neither the seating nor the service had altered.
▪ This was demolished in the mid 1980s, the congregation attending the chapel at Haisthorpe.
▪ In this case the money came from a single, wealthy shipowner who attended his chapel.
▪ Bray's grandfather had been one of his converts and had helped to build the Twelveheads chapel.
▪ If you want to build a chapel of remembrance, don't site it in a Woolwich shopping precinct.
▪ It is believed that it was built as a chantry chapel in memory of Robert de Tattershall who died in 1121.
▪ There he built his palace and chapel, part of which survives in the present cathedral.
▪ He later built a chapel for him at Lee on the edge of the Broadlands estate.
▪ It was built as chapel to the nearby Doge's Palace and was made into the Cathedral of Venice in 1481.
▪ After leaving the chapel, they went walking in the gardens.
▪ Never did she show any disposition to leave my chapel, where her repose was respected.
▪ a wedding chapel
▪ He was also a member of the royal chapel choir, where he was classified as a taille or tenor.
▪ In a way the forest was like a chapel.
▪ In Portadown in the late nineteenth century there were two Primitive chapels.
▪ The chapel was started by Gian Giacomo Trivulzio to house his family mausoleum.
▪ The glory of the chapel, however, rests in the contents of the display cases.
▪ The layout is a solid one with thick, cellular walls and tall buttresses with chapels between.
▪ Unfortunately it is not possible to enter the chapel.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chapel \Chap"el\, v. t.

  1. To deposit or inter in a chapel; to enshrine. [Obs.]
    --Beau. & Fl.

  2. (Naut.) To cause (a ship taken aback in a light breeze) so to turn or make a circuit as to recover, without bracing the yards, the same tack on which she had been sailing.


Chapel \Chap"el\, n. [OF. chapele, F. chapelle, fr. LL. capella, orig., a short cloak, hood, or cowl; later, a reliquary, sacred vessel, chapel; dim. of cappa, capa, cloak, cape, cope; also, a covering for the head. The chapel where St. Martin's cloak was preserved as a precious relic, itself came to be called capella, whence the name was applied to similar paces of worship, and the guardian of this cloak was called capellanus, or chaplain. See Cap, and cf. Chaplain., Chaplet.]

  1. A subordinate place of worship; as,

    1. a small church, often a private foundation, as for a memorial;

    2. a small building attached to a church;

    3. a room or recess in a church, containing an altar.

      Note: In Catholic churches, and also in cathedrals and abbey churches, chapels are usually annexed in the recesses on the sides of the aisles.

  2. A place of worship not connected with a church; as, the chapel of a palace, hospital, or prison.

  3. In England, a place of worship used by dissenters from the Established Church; a meetinghouse.

  4. A choir of singers, or an orchestra, attached to the court of a prince or nobleman.

  5. (Print.)

    1. A printing office, said to be so called because printing was first carried on in England in a chapel near Westminster Abbey.

    2. An association of workmen in a printing office. Chapel of ease.

      1. A chapel or dependent church built for the ease or a accommodation of an increasing parish, or for parishioners who live at a distance from the principal church.

      2. A privy. (Law)

        Chapel master, a director of music in a chapel; the director of a court or orchestra.

        To build a chapel (Naut.), to chapel a ship. See Chapel, v. t., 2.

        To hold a chapel, to have a meeting of the men employed in a printing office, for the purpose of considering questions affecting their interests.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 13c., from Old French chapele (12c., Modern French chapelle), from Medieval Latin cappella "chapel, sanctuary for relics," literally "little cape," diminutive of Late Latin cappa "cape" (see cap (n.)); by tradition, originally in reference to the sanctuary in France in which the miraculous cape of St. Martin of Tours, patron saint of France, was preserved; meaning extended in most European languages to "any sanctuary." (While serving Rome as a soldier deployed in Gaul, Martin cut his military coat in half to share it with a ragged beggar. That night, Martin dreamed Christ wearing the half-cloak; the half Martin kept was the relic.)

  1. (context in Wales English) Describing a person who attends a nonconformist chapel. n. 1 A place of worship, smaller than, or subordinate to a church. 2 A place of worship in a civil institution such as an airport, prison etc. v

  2. 1 (context nautical transitive English) To cause (a ship taken aback in a light breeze) to turn or make a circuit so as to recover, without bracing the yards, the same tack on which she had been sailing. 2 (context obsolete transitive English) To deposit or inter in a chapel; to enshrine.

  1. n. a place of worship that has its own altar

  2. a service conducted in a chapel; "he was late for chapel" [syn: chapel service]


A chapel is a religious place of fellowship, prayer and worship that is attached to a larger, often nonreligious institution or that is considered an extension of a primary religious institution. It may be part of a larger structure or complex, such as a college, hospital, palace, prison, funeral home, church, synagogue or mosque, located on board a military or commercial ship, or it may be an entirely free-standing building, sometimes with its own grounds. Many military installations have chapels for the use of military personnel, normally under the leadership of a military chaplain.

Until the Protestant Reformation, a chapel denoted a place of worship that was either at a secondary location that was not the main responsibility of the local parish priest, or that belonged to a person or institution. The earliest Christian places of worship are now often referred to as chapels, as they were not dedicated buildings but rather a dedicated chamber within a building. Most larger churches had one or more secondary altars, which if they occupied a distinct space, would often be called a chapel. Although chapels frequently refer to Christian places of worship, they are also commonly found in Jewish synagogues and do not necessarily connote a specific denomination. In England, where the Church of England is established by law, nondenominational or inter-faith chapels in such institutions may nonetheless be consecrated by the local Anglican bishop.

In Russian Orthodox tradition, the chapels were built underneath city gates, where most people could visit them. The most famous example is the Iberian Chapel.

Non-denominational chapels are commonly encountered as part of a non-religious institution such as a hospital, airport, university, prison or military installation.

Chapel (disambiguation)

A chapel is a private church or area of worship.

Chapel may also refer to:

Chapel (programming language)

Chapel, the Cascade High Productivity Language, is a parallel programming language developed by Cray. It is being developed as part of the Cray Cascade project, a participant in DARPA's High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program, which had the goal of increasing supercomputer productivity by the year 2010. It is being developed as an open source project, under version 2 of the Apache license.

Chapel (comics)

Chapel is a fictional character and supervillain comic book character appearing in books published by his creator, Rob Liefeld. Liefeld created the character in 1992 as member of the government superhero group Youngblood, which started in their series of the same name.

Chapel (music)

In music, chapel refers to a group of musicians.

Usage examples of "chapel".

Rimon and Jord were to teach the changeover class in the chapel while Kadi and Willa visited with Abel Veritt and his wife.

Since the chapel was stone, it provided fairly good insulation, so he did not pick up the blazon of anger from outside until the door opened and Abel entered with his wife, Kadi, and Willa.

Charles arrived at this place, and he had not broken his fast, but before taking anything he visited the different chapels for meditation, of which Father Adorno gave him the points.

Since the bear, the leading figure of the Ainu pantheon, is regarded as a mountain god, a number of scholars have suggested that a like belief may account for the selection of lofty mountain caves to be the chapels of the old Neanderthal bear cult.

Miss Airedale could have saved him, in her racing roadster, but she had not emerged from the melee in the chapel.

How many delirious days had passed since I had returned to Alsatia from the Rolls Chapel?

The seminar was being held in this little chapel affair that was once an Anabaptist hall.

They are followed by the Right Honourable Joseph Hutchinson, lord mayor of Dublin, his lordship the lord mayor of Cork, their worships the mayors of Limerick, Galway, Sligo and Waterford, twentyeight Irish representative peers, sirdars, grandees and maharajahs bearing the cloth of estate, the Dublin Metropolitan Fire Brigade, the chapter of the saints of finance in their plutocratic order of precedence, the bishop of Down and Connor, His Eminence Michael cardinal Logue, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, His Grace, the most reverend Dr William Alexander, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, the chief rabbi, the presbyterian moderator, the heads of the baptist, anabaptist, methodist and Moravian chapels and the honorary secretary of the society of friends.

On the way, in one of the cities in the north of Batiara, where the Antae had their own court, we saw a chapel complex.

At a short distance from the great hall and its domestic buildings Lady Appleton could just make out a small chapel, also built of stone.

Jennet grumbled as she and Mark walked the short distance from the house to the small private chapel at Appleton Manor.

Jennet says she is oddly hesitant to speak of it, but that she came to Appleton Manor to visit without a qualm the last time her father wanted to measure the chapel.

Her view encompassed the rear of Appleton Hall, extending as far the apple orchard and including the small stone chapel where Dame Cat had made her home.

Queen to an embroidered throne under a velvet baldachino in a gorgeous chamber which had been the chapel of the Popes.

Lots of people, so far, have managed to live and die without making the acquaintance of Jeremy Mars, but Cleo Baldrick has left Jeremy Mars and his mother something strange in her will: a phone booth on a state highway, some forty miles outside of Las Vegas, and a Las Vegas wedding chapel.