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chapel service

n. a service conducted in a chapel; "he was late for chapel" [syn: chapel]

Usage examples of "chapel service".

Upon hearing that Darius was going out into the world, the superintendent of the Sunday school, a grave whiskered young man of perhaps thirty, led him one morning out of the body of the Primitive Methodist Chapel which served as schoolroom before and after chapel service, up into the deserted gallery of the chapel, and there seated him on a stair, and knelt on the stair below him, and caressed his head, and called him a good boy, and presented him with an old battered Bible.

The Lady Maria had a lively mind and had made early chapel service every morning for years, but she had always become quickly bored by anything intellectual.

The President himself had spoken at the chapel service, noting the death of a man who had served his country continuously for more than fifty years, having enlisted in the U.

A chapel service was planned for eleven o'clock Sunday morning, in the Party Room at the Siesta Inn.