a qualitative analysis/study
▪ a qualitative study of educational services/qualitative research
a rational analysis
▪ Emotions are running so high that any rational analysis of the situation is difficult.
careful analysis/examination/study etc
▪ careful analysis of the data
data analysis
▪ Computers are increasingly used for data analysis.
detailed description/account/analysis etc
▪ a detailed study of crime in Seattle
in-depth study/research/analysis etc
▪ an in-depth study of patients’ needs
quantitative analysis/methods/data etc
▪ We need to do a proper quantitative analysis of this problem.
SWOT analysis
▪ a SWOT analysis
undertake a review/analysis
▪ The Court of Appeal decided to undertake a review of the Law.
▪ A careful strategic analysis as described in chapter 4 will help to lessen the disadvantages of using leading indicators.
▪ Under careful analysis, however, the imagined alternatives do not stand up as realistic.
▪ But it does lend itself to careful analysis and preparation which may well pay off during the actual bargaining.
▪ This, it seems to me, is an issue worthy of careful analysis.
▪ Any careful cost-benefit analysis will show that every social practice and institution has limitations and presents difficulties as well as opportunities.
▪ He talked about the civil rights movement, the need for political engagement, careful analysis, honest leadership.
▪ It is careful analysis and a clear direction that will bring rewards.
▪ The key factor in making better decisions is a careful analysis of what an organization believes about itself and its environment.
▪ As a multi-skilled employee, her shifts involve chemical analysis, production monitoring and work as a colourist.
▪ It is also important that the chemical analysis of the specimen be started within 20 minutes of drawing the specimen. 191.
▪ Ceramics Two general approaches have been much used: thin-section petrography and chemical analysis of the body fabric or composition.
▪ It remains one of the most sensitive methods for chemical analysis ever developed.
▪ Part of the bile samples were frozen at -20°C until chemical analysis.
▪ One was sampled and subjected to chemical and structural analysis.
▪ Typically, the chemical analysis for each sample yields results on over twenty elements.
▪ Nevertheless an independent review emerged with a comparative analysis of a complex field.
▪ The former agent did a comparative analysis of the manifesto and five pages of letters and essays authored by Theodore.
▪ It may be possible to apply all of these to groups who contrast in some way, so facilitating a comparative analysis.
▪ Their comparative analysis tests the linear and non-linear forms of the relationship between income inequality and political violence.
▪ Thus detailed comparative analysis of different religions is possible.
▪ A comparative analysis of course documents made the extent and systematic nature of the changes quite evident.
▪ This makes any comparative analysis of data recorded at different times or using different aggregation units problematical.
▪ The comparative institutional analysis outlined above proceeds as follows.
▪ We will make a new commitment to critical viewing skills education and critical media analysis. 6.
▪ Professional employees should concentrate on working relationships and attempt to stay away from a critical analysis of personalities.
▪ In some cultures, critical analysis of texts is relatively unknown and may, indeed, be thought offensive.
▪ The critical analysis of local and central government performance by the project teams further precipitated the demise of the program.
▪ Not dissimilar from the system known as critical path analysis, the approach envisaged should show a time-scale allocation against each task.
▪ And yet Roosevelt was not spared the lash of critical analysis.
▪ There is also a critical analysis of the paper Religious and Moral Education 5-14 by.
▪ It is also useful to carry out your own critical analysis of an essay you have completed.
▪ Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry.
▪ Chapters 6 and 7 provide a detailed analysis of code switching behaviour.
▪ But it fell far short of providing the detailed model-by-model defect analysis demanded by Mr Gummer's critics.
▪ Any relocation depends on a detailed cost/benefit analysis being carried out to ensure that the exercise is truly worthwhile.
▪ But later in the day, a detailed analysis showed the concentrations to be safe.
▪ This section contains a detailed analysis of the behavioural determinants.
▪ In his book, Mowat proceeds to a detailed analysis of the part played by MacDonald in the crisis.
▪ More detailed analysis suggests the press was more successful at influencing assessments of party performance on unemployment than on other issues.
▪ It is the economic analysis which Porter demands that determines what quality, product and service mean in each case.
▪ Traditional economic analysis is premised on the assumption that more is better.
▪ From the perspective of economic analysis, children are high-priced consumption goods that are rapidly becoming more expensive.
▪ I am referring here to the recent growth in economic analysis of politics and law.
▪ Neither of these seems to be a show-stopper, but both factors must be taken into account in a detailed economic analysis.
▪ Again, economic analysis explores both the rationale and the efficiency of such government intervention.
▪ In some cases, an economic analysis is also possible.
▪ The inaccessible lesions were included in the final analysis as the aim was to evaluate this procedure according to the intention to treat.
▪ In the final analysis, the Supreme Court will be called upon to resolve these conflicting interpretations.
▪ But in the final analysis it had been he who wanted out.
▪ It should also comfort to recognize that, in the final analysis, these sums are operating to purify decision-making.
▪ All arts are in the final analysis.
▪ But in the final analysis, these are just details.
▪ Whether Innocent could have achieved his ends earlier or by better means must in the final analysis be a matter of opinion.
▪ In the final analysis, it is hard to imagine just what Boschwitz thought he would accomplish with the letter.
▪ These patients were excluded from further analysis.
▪ The meeting therefore set the stage for further in-depth analysis.
▪ If further size analysis is to be undertaken the best procedure is to use two identical sub-samples.
▪ Acceptable word candidates remaining after lexical look-up are stored for further analysis.
▪ This hypothesis requires further analysis of the passive voice before it can be considered confirmed however.
▪ Results showing improved recognition rates after further analysis are presented.
▪ A further analysis using data disaggregated by type of good will be carried out to try and identify where these shifts originated.
▪ It is the basis of quantitative chemical analysis, for example.
▪ Using quantitative analysis and charts of past currency movements, he predicts the dollar will rally briefly in the first quarter.
▪ Where quantitative analysis requires mathematical and computer skills, area studies require language training and extensive field research.
▪ His critical judgments about quantitative sociology also are not sufficiently illuminating at a craft level to make quantitative analysis more fruitful.
▪ Because of the frequent occurrence of kept, this causes difficulties in quantitative analysis.
▪ However, if the study involves quantitative analysis of data, then some discussion is in order.
▪ As the discussion in this section has implied, a general analysis of the phonological system is a prerequisite to quantitative analysis.
▪ These are quantitative decisions, and quantitative analysis must guide them.
▪ The research is conducted by statistical analysis of secondary data on client companies and on market prices.
▪ After all, the key to the proper use of statistical analysis is the correct identification of levels of measurement.
▪ Cricket, an old and complex game, naturally lends itself to statistical analysis.
▪ Fortunately, our customer was running the same problem on a traditional statistical analysis program.
▪ The democratic principle is one person one vote, as is the principle of statistical analysis.
▪ A statistical analysis selected those strategies more frequently used in successful than unsuccessful situations.
▪ Dedicated software permitted statistical analysis of the data obtained.
▪ As far as we know, no other statistical analysis simulation software has even pro-posed doing this.
▪ Some of the procedures of discourse analysis will make for a more profound examination of this process.
▪ At the beginning of the article he observed that there were two possible directions for discourse analysis.
▪ The more recent studies of discourse analysis have captured the tones which people use to talk of others.
▪ We have, then, two approaches to language: sentence linguistics and discourse analysis.
▪ For discourse analysis, the most important idea to come out of the field of Artificial Intelligence is that of knowledge schemata.
▪ Recent linguistic work on characterisation has used the principles and analytical techniques of pragmatics and discourse analysis to considerable effect.
▪ Thus, in discourse analysis, reference is treated as an action on the part of the speaker / writer.
▪ We are, after all, performing a descriptive and not a prescriptive exercise when we undertake discourse analysis.
▪ Again, this was confirmed by the application of simple statistical regression analysis.
▪ The relationships between variables were evaluated by the simple correlation coefficient and a multiple regression analysis.
▪ To investigate relations between sets of possible explanatory factors and each outcome variable a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was used.
▪ We can use multiple regression analysis to discover the relative influence of these factors on perceptions.
▪ Bjornsson decided not to use a formula derived from multiple regression analysis.
▪ Table V shows results of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis of outcome variables from the ventilated infants.
▪ Among modifiable factors only access to a dietitian and an interested general practitioner featured significantly in the final multiple regression analysis.
▪ Multiple stepwise regression analysis was also applied.
▪ For example, applying this analysis to mental and different kinds of practical tests produces the following scheme shown in Table 2.1.
▪ It is possible, however, to continue to apply our usual analysis in one special but useful case.
▪ In this book the author gives an overview of flow injection analysis as applied to the analysis of pharmaceuticals and related products.
▪ From this point we can apply our usual analysis.
▪ Does this enable the court to take into account the comparative social utility of the product and apply a cost-benefit analysis?
▪ What has remained from my original reaction is a concern that Mills failed to apply his type of analysis to local communities.
▪ Young's scheme is theoretical; it has not yet been applied to the analysis of case material from this country.
▪ By applying heightened equal protection analysis to this case, the Court frustrates the liberating spirit of the Equal Protection Clause.
▪ Maturation studies, based on geochemical analysis, demonstrate that gas-generative maturity is largely dependent on Jurassic burial.
▪ The following summary is based on her analysis.
▪ The two subgroups represent real 16S variants based on analysis of secondary structure.
▪ Also, when decisions based on that analysis process are made, they get implemented rather than lost in the functional silos.
▪ So our gains in youth work have been marked by surges of confidence based on a developing analysis.
▪ Three decades later, free-thinker James Lovelock arrived at the same conclusions based on his telescopic analysis of other planets.
▪ It is hoped eventually to suggest training improvements based upon the analysis of selling skills.
▪ First, such a work construct should be based on the analysis of activity, not states of mind.
▪ No single function can carry out such an analysis reliably.
▪ Do you have the necessary resources to carry out the workflow analysis and business process re-engineering?
▪ No-one appeared to carry out an analysis of pupils' needs.
▪ This team carries out information-related analysis and programming for all teaching and non-teaching departments.
▪ Discuss how your analysis would have been altered if you were carrying out the analysis on behalf of a prospective shareholder.
▪ Clarity about the nature of the task involved can be achieved by carrying out a task analysis.
▪ The system provides operators with detailed real-time analysis of the status of all of their fleets.
▪ Neither of these seems to be a show-stopper, but both factors must be taken into account in a detailed economic analysis.
▪ Further detailed analysis of the evidence in Table 5.13 is prevented by data constraints.
▪ The mass is assumed to be inactive politically and is rarely subjected to detailed analysis.
▪ The inaccessible lesions were included in the final analysis as the aim was to evaluate this procedure according to the intention to treat.
▪ Also included was the analysis of the Hagelin B-21 1 Cryptograph.
▪ Since the modifications were only slight, data from the piloting stage were included in the final analysis.
▪ Products are available that do character recognition and handwriting analysis, including analysis of complex characters.
▪ Studies include analysis of the genetics of growth using laboratory animals and of quantitative production traits in livestock.
▪ Data from these two patients are included in the statistical analysis of the diagnostic anorectal manometry, as they were incontinent.
▪ Applications include materials analysis in thin film, thick film, insulators, semiconductors, ceramics, metals and alloys.
▪ Only taxa with complete 16S rDNA sequences were included in the analysis.
▪ As a multi-skilled employee, her shifts involve chemical analysis, production monitoring and work as a colourist.
▪ Step 3 involves the analysis and interpretation of the numerical information developed in Step 2.
▪ The research will involve analysis of legal documentation, synthesis of existing research and interviews with representatives of interest groups.
▪ However, if the study involves quantitative analysis of data, then some discussion is in order.
▪ Conceptual clustering involves more detailed analysis of relationships between traits.
▪ This approach is broadly statistical in nature, as it involves corpus analysis to determine the empirical likelihood of various syntactic combinations.
▪ In summary, the key to understanding society from a Marxist perspective involves an analysis of the infrastructure.
▪ It should be on the shelve of all analysts involved in regulatory compliance analysis of metals.
▪ To explore the mode of inheritance further we performed a complex segregation analysis.
▪ A major problem with the approach adopted is that there is not enough detail to allow you to actually perform the analysis.
▪ The first approach is to perform syntactic analysis first then have a second pass convert the syntactic tree to a semantic representation.
▪ It is therefore important to be able to perform discrete sensitivity analysis and to handle lower bounds.
▪ Moreover, to be able to perform a reliable statistical analysis the sample size must be considerably larger.
▪ Unfortunately this method has a number of drawbacks, notably the time taken to perform the analysis.
▪ I Charreau, who prepared the randomisation list and performed the intermediate analysis.
▪ The results are sent to the agency which then provides a statistical analysis of all results to each participating laboratory.
▪ Sir Robin and Judy Laybourne will be providing news and analysis of the region's political scene.
▪ A range of third party applications is also available, providing analysis capabilities and visual displays.
▪ Four main strategies have been utilized to provide the data for analysis via a sequence such as that indicated in Figure 3.1.
▪ The written press provides back-up, analysis and in-depth knowledge but rarely encourages or inspires people.
▪ It will provide a systematic analysis of the issues involved in three ways.
▪ This, in turn, provides a basis for analysis of case-mix and volume and their subsequent management.
▪ A culture is very much like the experimental space used in the analysis of behavior.
▪ Our findings are intended not to replace, but to supplement other materials used for the analysis of political systems.
▪ We can use multiple regression analysis to discover the relative influence of these factors on perceptions.
▪ These kinds of questions also underscore the importance of defining with precision the concepts that we use in political analysis.
▪ He used Pareto analysis to identify the principal cause as a loose loading arm.
▪ This was the sample used for the analysis of birth weight, gestational age, and respiratory symptoms.
▪ The two are aiming to develop three demonstrators for advanced pattern recognition systems that could be used for data analysis.
▪ The Department of Health has signalled its intention to review the formula in the light of 1991 census data, again using small area analysis.
comparative study/analysis etc
▪ All the topics covered would have to be placed in context but there would be no, say, comparative studies.
▪ Other recent examples of comparative studies are those of Lowe - independent study modules and lecture tours, in 1981.
▪ She said a comparative study of about 15, 000 randomly selected Gulf War veterans is planned for the near future.
▪ Space and resources preclude an exhaustive or even an extensive comparative study in this work.
▪ The comparative study of institutions is not new in political science.
▪ The comparative study of kinship terminologies is one of the longest established traditions in academic anthropology.
▪ Thus, the comparative analysis of achievable stopping patterns by bus, light rail and suburban rail is well done.
cost-benefit analysis/study/approach
▪ Any careful cost-benefit analysis will show that every social practice and institution has limitations and presents difficulties as well as opportunities.
▪ Does this enable the court to take into account the comparative social utility of the product and apply a cost-benefit analysis?
▪ Easing actions were subject to an instant cost-benefit analysis.
▪ Economists have long been calling for safety regulations to be subject to cost-benefit analysis.
▪ Environmental intangibles have been built into the cost-benefit analysis in the same way as they are for road schemes.
▪ Few laws require cost-benefit analysis for new rules and many actively prohibit it.
▪ The port should have the results of a cost-benefit analysis within 120 days, Bowman said.
▪ The third approach to merger policy is the cost-benefit approach.
defy description/analysis/belief etc
▪ His changeable features, his tones, gestures and expressions seemed to defy descriptions.
▪ His swerve was something that defied analysis; just as it defied attempts to counter it.
▪ It defies belief and makes you question exactly who the law is protecting here: the sick minds or their young victims?
▪ Like the secret of Stradivari's varnish, this extra dimension defies analysis.
▪ The dam defied description; it defied belief.
▪ Two other women lay upon the counter a pickle-bottle and a glass vessel of a kind which altogether defies description.
▪ Yet other species exhibit variation patterns that defy analysis of the sophistication of present-day biology.
▪ An analysis of data from Australia shows that skin cancer is on the increase.
▪ In the final analysis, it is the better organized party that will probably win.
▪ Our analysis shows that proposed cost for the new highway is unrealistic.
▪ The article provides a detailed analysis of various research designs.
▪ A more accurate analysis of ulcer recurrence can be derived using lifetable analysis.
▪ Bringing these out in the open and subjecting them to scrutiny and analysis will yield fruitful results.
▪ In 1984 primiparous women over 35 were too few for analysis.
▪ In terms of the analysis of the previous section, the imperfect industry shares become free to vary.
▪ Just sitting down together as a family to draft an agreement can encourage analysis and co-operation.
▪ Phonological analysis also interacts with syntactic and semantic analysis.
▪ Such an inquiry could have produced serious questions and a thorough analysis regarding the precepts of Centralism that underlay the entire scheme.
▪ This type of analysis is helpful to agency creative people, but has practical limitations.