n. analysis of changes over time
Trend analysis is the practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or trend, in the information. In some fields of study, the term "trend analysis" has more formally defined meanings.Trend analysis tries to predict a trend like a bull market run and ride that trend until data suggests a trend reversal (e.g. bull to bear market). Trend analysis is helpful because moving with trends, and not against them, will lead to profit for an investor.
"Trend analysis Definition" (2005), WebFinance, Inc., web:
Investor-TA: defined
as: a comparative analysis of a company's financial ratios over time.
" SETA :: Office of Social & Economic Trend Analysis" (2006),
Iowa State University (IAstate), web: SETA-TA.
"Public Attitudes on Higher Education – A Trend Analysis, 1993 to 2003" (February 2004),
John Immerwahr (Senior Research Fellow), Public Agenda (HigherEducation.org),
web: HighEduc.
Although trend analysis is often used to predict future events, it could be used to estimate uncertain events in the past, such as how many ancient kings probably ruled between two dates, based on data such as the average years which other known kings reigned.
Usage examples of "trend analysis".
This error in trend analysis left the field wide open to the likes of Encarta and Grolier.
But we track it in QA, do a trend analysis, and pass that on to Product Support.