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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Qualitative analysis

Qualitative \Qual"i*ta*tive\, a. [Cf. LL. gualitativus, F. qualitatif.] Relating to quality; having the character of quality. -- Qual"i*ta*tive*ly, adv.

Qualitative analysis (Chem.), analysis which merely determines the constituents of a substance without any regard to the quantity of each ingredient; -- contrasted with quantitative analysis.

qualitative analysis

n. (context chemistry English) The determination of the elements, functional groups or compounds present in a sample.

qualitative analysis

n. the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements [syn: chemical analysis]

Qualitative analysis

Qualitative analysis may refer to:

  • Qualitative research, an inquiry into the reasoning behind human behavior
  • Qualitative organic analysis, a type of chemical analysis
  • Qualitative inorganic analysis, a type of chemical analysis

Usage examples of "qualitative analysis".

Trying to make sense out of fragments in the Id is like trying to run a qualitative analysis in the middle of a sun.

Which meant that a qualitative analysis of an already-assembled machine was none too easy.

Can you fence, juggle, carry out a qualitative analysis, identify birdcalls, practice judo, medicine, or law?