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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

pilot of the plane beside the lead aircraft in a formation, 1943 (earlier as a football position), from wing (n.) + man (n.). With figurative extensions, including the dating-sidekick one that was in use by 2006.


n. 1 A pilot partner of another, a pilot who flies in the same wing or squadron. 2 (context by extension English) a friend who accompanies one to offer (or receive) support


n. the pilot who positions his aircraft outside and behind (on the wing of) the leader of a flying formation


A wingman (or wingmate) is a pilot who supports another in a potentially dangerous flying environment. Wingman was originally a term referring to the plane flying beside and slightly behind the lead plane in an aircraft formation.

According to the U.S. Air Force,

The traditional military definition of a "Wingman" refers to the pattern in which fighter jets fly. There is always a lead aircraft and another which flies off the right wing of and behind the lead. This second pilot is called the "Wingman" because he or she primarily protects the lead by "watching his back."

Wingman (social)

Wingman is a role that a person may take when a friend needs support with approaching potential partners. A wingman is someone who is on the "inside" and is used to help someone with intimate relationships. In general, one person's wingman will help him or her avoid attention from undesirable prospective partners or attract desirable ones, or both.

The 'pre-wing' refers to the talking up of one friend to another in order to build an attractive persona before any direct interactions. The pre-wing is then usually followed by the wingman role.

Wingman (disambiguation)

Wingman may refer to:

  • A wingman, a pilot who supports another in a potentially dangerous flying environment
  • Wingman (social): a term as used in social interaction

Usage examples of "wingman".

The other exploded in midair as the surviving wingman radioed a warning.

Wingmen rolled out in opposite directions, turning on ailerons into level attitude, and banked around to cut a crossover with their leaders before rejoining the formation like fish swimming close in a school.

The downed pilot had been rescued but the incoming wingman had fuel sufficient for only one pass, and if that pass were waved off the pilot would have to crash land into the sea and hope for a destroyer pickup, unless one of the copters could find him in the gathering dusk.

The wingman had boltered twice, while the lead trapped on his second attempt.

His wingman was Corey Ford, a quiet aeronautical engineer from MIT who wanted to become a test pilot because it was a first step to becoming an astronaut.

Steve had never climbed a tree before but he approached it with the same confidence with which he had first scaled the tower frame designed to test the nerves of wingmen on the Academy's underground assault course.

Yet he could not deny the first-hand evidence provided by his guard-father who, as a wingman, had put in a double-six up the line and was now a shrunken shadow in a wheelchair.

And nowadays, Lessa smiled thinly, no one not even dragonmen, with the notable exceptions of F'lar and his wingmen, bothered to drill with firestone, much less uproot grass near houses.

Zodyak One, the flight leader, was the hunter, and his wingman, Zodyak Two, was the quarry.

Their older son played on a junior hockey team, and the KGB officers who trailed them around had it written up in their file that Edward Foley II was a pretty good wingman for a seven-year-old.

But the same motive that had impelled the wingman to stay at the scene of the crash, the motive that forced Nestor Gamidge to plunge into the icy sea, was at work upon the admiral and he said, ``We'll hold the wind a little longer.

Sivarek's wingman, flying in an identical F- 16C, responded on the interplane frequency.

With only one wingman to provide cover, over sixty wounded linemen and another thirty-seven lying under the floor in body-bags, Hartmann decided to head back to one of the main way-stations to seek assistance and await reinforcements.

When Armstrong's defenses have been neutralized I will fly to the station, plant the explosive on it, then detonate it once my wingmen and I are away.

Gorshkov quickly pushed the Reset button on his target acquisition radar and confirmed what his wingman had reported.