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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a bird flaps its wings (=it moves its wings up and down)
▪ The baby birds were trying to flap their wings.
a winged insectliterary:
▪ Swallows swooped to snatch winged insects from the sky.
chicken breast/thigh/wing
▪ Chop the chicken breast into pieces.
wing chair
wing collar
wing commander
wing mirror
▪ a wing mirror
wing mirror
wing nut
▪ It is as much a product of the struggle for existence as are the black wings of the peppered moth.
▪ Athelstan felt he was looking at a man already under the shadow of Death's soft, black wing.
▪ Have you ever noticed that a lot of butterflies have the colour black on their wings?
▪ No black on wings and no long trailing legs distinguish them from all other large white birds in flight.
▪ There were, no doubt, hundreds of moths with brand new genes for black wings in nineteenth-century Manchester.
▪ Bateleur Eagles are unusual in having dimorphic plumage, the female displays grey secondary feathers whilst males have entirely black wings.
▪ Smaller and shorter-tailed than Woodpigeon, with no white patches, but has black wing-tips and two short black bars on wing.
▪ Almost a big as an oystercatcher, it is all white with black on the wings and back.
▪ In fact, some party stalwarts, particularly those from the religious conservative wing begged him to seek the nomination.
▪ He recalled watching the Democrats rebuff their own conservative wing until they lost their majority.
▪ With great rounded wings, spectacularly patterned pale and dark beneath, they circled effortlessly.
▪ With a sari Psepha unfolded his great wings and launched himself from his tree.
▪ It was a truly terrible storm, stronger than her great wings, stronger than anything.
▪ He turned to the left wing and announced Gabriel Marcel.
▪ One, Ram Singh Rathor, was controlling the left wing.
▪ Caught him on the rise just under the left wing at quarters.
▪ Taylor's plan backfired from the moment Flo switched to the left wing and took Pallister with him.
▪ To his left wing he could see the great blackness of the Park, lit only occasionally by murky yellow lights.
▪ To his left wing he made out a line of higher hills and headed for it.
▪ It flipped and spun a number of times, fuel spilling out of the damaged left wing - the aircraft was doomed.
▪ And it converted many more economists to the liberal, anti-interventionist wing of their trade.
▪ Of all the federal departments, Treasury is not one where we have learned to find the liberal wing of our presidencies.
▪ Mr Massow said the controversy had pitted the Tory leader, William Hague, against his own party's liberal wing.
▪ His departure was widely portrayed as a defeat for the liberal wing of the party.
▪ Zwygart, a teacher and a member of parliament, was described as being on the party's liberal wing.
▪ His immediate response was to arrest 150 people for suspected links with Hamas's military wing, Izzadin el-Qassam.
▪ The Blue Angels, the military adverts with wings and roof-skimming stunt pilots.
▪ His critics say he should not sit in government with a party whose military wing holds on to illegal weapons.
▪ Was he talking to political leaders who no longer or never could control the military wing?
▪ The deal was correctly seen as an attempt to clip the political wings of smaller parties and of President Havel.
▪ We are the political wing of the Liberal Party.
▪ There was anger and immediate condemnation from all parties save Euskal Herritarok, perceived as the separatist group's political wing.
▪ And Greenness can be seen as the political wing of the New Age.
▪ A different section of the resistance consisted of the political wing led by ex-President BeneÜ.
▪ The Tigers have had a political wing since 1976 but never registered it as a legal party.
▪ Left wing to right wing-try.
▪ That you know it is right wing agenda.
▪ Tony Underwood moves from the right wing to deputise for his brother.
▪ A mad scramble followed a Dollar free throw, and Hamilton eventually grabbed the ball on the right wing.
▪ The republican state was undermined by the right wing counter reforms which eased the road to violence.
▪ First and foremost, our fear that the right wing would have veto power over appointments to the Supreme Court.
▪ Eisenhower made it public for domestic political reasons, to appease the right wing of the Republican Party.
▪ Both sexes show white wing patches in flight, looking rather like small Goldeneye.
▪ He was in white ducks, brown and white wing tips, and a yellow silk sport shirt.
▪ The tumbling pigeons rose up and tumbled down, their white wings bright in the sunlight.
▪ He was right there in front of me, white wings and a blue robe with gold buttons.
▪ Immature distinguishable from other immature skuas by small size, smaller bill and much less white in wings.
▪ One of the largest land birds of the region, showing much white on black-tipped wings in flight.
▪ The main thrust of the President's speech was an effort to appease the white right wing.
▪ Female and juvenile have no distinctive features, differing from Calandra and White-winged Larks in lack of white in wing.
▪ She knocked and opened the door and saw Patrick asleep in his wing chair.
▪ He would be reading, and she would be sitting across from him in a wing chair.
▪ One large wing chair in an attractive pale pink fabric blends perfectly with the dual colour scheme.
▪ The big leather wing chair that usually faced the doorway in the library was turned around.
▪ Louella removed her apron and sat on the vanity bench, as they took their accustomed places in the wing chairs.
▪ The two red leather wing chairs were drawn up to the fireplace, facing it.
▪ Barnabas leapt from the sofa and dashed after the biscuit that had skidded under a wing chair.
▪ But modern wing collars, frankly, don't work.
▪ If you insist on wearing a made-up tie, wear a shirt with a turned-down collar, not a wing collar.
▪ This time it was an inspector I who had come looking for the wing commander, his sergeant and his constable.
▪ Two wing commanders in a row had been fired, and things were getting progressively worse.
▪ These stones were removed when this monument was demolished and built in steps in the east wing of the villa.
▪ In the plans, the east wing next to SuperTarget carried a sign with the Gordmans logo.
▪ In the east wing of the hospital there was a linen store that was never used after about nine-thirty in the morning.
▪ She was found by the caretaker, whimpering and exhausted on the ground floor of the east wing.
▪ Somewhere behind the east wing of the castle glass shattered.
▪ Olive steadfastly refused to move from the Hall, retreating gradually into the east wing as the rest deteriorated.
▪ In re-planning the east wing galleries, built in 1928-32, great efforts have been made to respect their dignified classical architecture.
▪ Hedges rose to either side and the Cadillac's wing mirrors clipped against them.
▪ Bill was leaning on his cab, spitting at the wing mirror and half-heartedly polishing it with his sleeve.
▪ All the controls are easy to use, although adjusting the wing mirrors took a bit of working out.
▪ I could see in the wing mirror that my arrival had provoked some interest.
▪ Mobuto recoiled in horror, stumbling back painfully into the Studebaker's wing mirror.
▪ As the Ford charged after the Mercedes, Dunn saw in his wing mirror a spurt of tracer fire.
▪ The fork-lift truck was not fitted with either wing mirrors or a speedometer.
▪ They came down on the coach from Manchester and were delayed for an hour by a missing wing mirror.
▪ It stretched away into the darkness towards the empty north wing.
▪ The north wing with its range of rooms has more the appearance of a hostelry than a house.
▪ By day she remained behind locked doors in the room near the north wing which her two sons had shared.
▪ After all, what's a wing tip and a Continent between friends?
▪ Wings must include the entire wing with skin and muscle intact, but the wing tip may be removed. 4.
▪ New fibreglass wing tips and dorsal fin additions were attached.
▪ He was in white ducks, brown and white wing tips, and a yellow silk sport shirt.
▪ Remove the wing tips and reserve with the neck and gizzard for a stock.
▪ Her leg is broken, and the wing tip! but not badly.
▪ Parties aren't the same with parents there - they do clip one's wings somewhat.
▪ State Department shutdowns have clipped the wings of travelers.
▪ The deal was correctly seen as an attempt to clip the political wings of smaller parties and of President Havel.
▪ I just clipped his wings a little, that's all.
▪ It will clip her wings, but it won't clip Liam's, and that's where the resentment will start.
▪ The wowhawk flapped its wings desperately. ` Let go!
▪ A pair of night birds circled above, the flapping of their wings and their eerie screeches penetrating the thickening mist.
▪ However, the equation assumes stationary rather than flapping wings, making its use in this case misleading.
▪ A single bat was created and given leeway to automatically flap its wings.
▪ To flap their wings they will need more than 1,000 square centimetres.
▪ He looked as if he were about to flap his wings and strike.
▪ When he looked around, the wowhawk on her shoulder flapped its wings in his face.
▪ She must be allowed to spread her wings and open up.
▪ They just spread their wings and take off.
▪ Diana was eager to spread her wings and start her own life in London.
▪ Others are like birds in a greenhouse: banging against the glass, desperate to spread their wings.
▪ Later, I take off my watch to let it spread its wings.
▪ Then it spreads its wings and flies away, ready for its first meal of nectar!
▪ On its way down, the bundle unfolded, spreading wings left and right.
▪ The falcon spreads flightless wings and stalks among months of droppings.
▪ He stopped by on his night off, was let in the stage door, and stood in the wings.
▪ The village church is gone, the orphanage is still standing, though one wing of it has been gutted by fire.
▪ Ensign Erik Neal, stands on the bridge wing and talks to the helmsman on a microphone.
▪ Several nights before, Stephen Foster had shown up to stand in the wings and watch the play.
▪ Janeth Arcain was standing on the right wing, watching, waiting, figuring Cooper was going to make a play.
▪ None the less, there are always people waiting in the wings to discredit a positive image.
▪ The world's list of mammals is about five thousand long, but three thousand more may be waiting in the wings.
▪ Hundreds of similar cases waited in the wings.
▪ Platt has had to wait in the wings because he is one of four foreign players fighting for the permitted three places.
▪ The local chapter leaders waiting in the wings seemed upset.
▪ Shortstop Jose Vizcaino is a free agent, and if his price is too high Rich Aurilia is waiting in the wings.
▪ There were no wealthy aunts or uncles waiting in the wings.
be waiting in the wings
▪ Young, a talented quarterback, was waiting in the wings for the day when Montana couldn't play.
▪ A new comedy wave, I suppose, is waiting in the wings.
▪ If so, the Democrats would be waiting in the wings.
▪ Shortstop Jose Vizcaino is a free agent, and if his price is too high Rich Aurilia is waiting in the wings.
▪ The world's list of mammals is about five thousand long, but three thousand more may be waiting in the wings.
clip sb's wings
▪ The economic troubles could clip the wings of entrepreneurs starting small businesses.
spread your wings
▪ Recently she's begun spreading her wings, taking courses in real estate.
▪ Diana was eager to spread her wings and start her own life in London.
▪ Her dad wanted her to spread her wings a little - not too much mind.
▪ Later, I take off my watch to let it spread its wings.
▪ Others are like birds in a greenhouse: banging against the glass, desperate to spread their wings.
▪ She must be allowed to spread her wings and open up.
▪ The dragon spread its wings and gave an experimental flap, which lifted it momentarily off the ground.
▪ Then it spreads its wings and flies away, ready for its first meal of nectar!
▪ They just spread their wings and take off.
▪ a new children's wing at the hospital
▪ butterfly wings
▪ The racist right wing staged their biggest demonstration yet in the main square.
▪ the south wing of the Capitol
▪ The Tamil Tigers have had a political wing since 1976, but never registered it as a legal party.
▪ They were members of the Marxist wing of the Socialist Party.
▪ A process or an abstraction has to be caught on the wing.
▪ A set of wings was also introduced, said to have been designed by Jock Lewes.
▪ He had wings on his feet he ran so fast.
▪ Several times from wing to a desk at center stage he glanced out at the audience to acknowledge the applause.
▪ Some of these have wings and fly away to start new colonies of aphids on other plants.
▪ The feather'd fowls have wings, to fly to other nations.
▪ The stair-well in this wing indicates an upper storey which presumably would have been much on the same plan.
▪ We grilled things for them and fried wings.
▪ If it slips then, as it probably will, the Hingston fortune will wing its way elsewhere.
▪ Small but dangerously exciting trickles of pleasure were still winging their way through her virtually defenceless body.
▪ His resignation was winging its way to Sheppards yesterday afternoon.
▪ Readers' original gardening tips Another batch of £50 cash prizes are winging their way to this month's top tipsters.
▪ Photographs had winged their way across, and presents at Christmas and Easter, with Mammy's birthday a speciality.
▪ Within seventy minutes each plane has been unloaded, reloaded and winging its way to destination cities.
▪ We watched pelicans winging down the coastline.
▪ Really, I just wing it: no notes, no talking to witnesses.
▪ She sent a silent message winging to the small room at the Admiralty.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wing \Wing\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Winged; p. pr. & vb. n. Winging.]

  1. To furnish with wings; to enable to fly, or to move with celerity.

    Who heaves old ocean, and whowings the storms.

    Living, to wing with mirth the weary hours.

  2. To supply with wings or sidepieces.

    The main battle, whose puissance on either side Shall be well winged with our chiefest horse.

  3. To transport by flight; to cause to fly.

    I, an old turtle, Will wing me to some withered bough.

  4. To move through in flight; to fly through.

    There's not an arrow wings the sky But fancy turns its point to him.

  5. To cut off the wings of or to wound in the wing; to disable a wing of; as, to wing a bird; also, [fig.] to wound the arm of a person.

    To wing a flight, to exert the power of flying; to fly.


Wing \Wing\, n. [OE. winge, wenge; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. & Sw. vinge, Icel. v[ae]ngr.]

  1. One of the two anterior limbs of a bird, pterodactyl, or bat. They correspond to the arms of man, and are usually modified for flight, but in the case of a few species of birds, as the ostrich, auk, etc., the wings are used only as an assistance in running or swimming.

    As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings.
    --Deut. xxxii. 11.

    Note: In the wing of a bird the long quill feathers are in series. The primaries are those attached to the ulnar side of the hand; the secondaries, or wing coverts, those of the forearm: the scapulars, those that lie over the humerus; and the bastard feathers, those of the short outer digit. See Illust. of Bird, and Plumage.

  2. Any similar member or instrument used for the purpose of flying. Specifically: (Zo["o]l.)

    1. One of the two pairs of upper thoracic appendages of most hexapod insects. They are broad, fanlike organs formed of a double membrane and strengthened by chitinous veins or nervures.

    2. One of the large pectoral fins of the flying fishes.

  3. Passage by flying; flight; as, to take wing.

    Light thickens; and the crow Makes wing to the rooky wood.

  4. Motive or instrument of flight; means of flight or of rapid motion.

    Fiery expedition be my wing.

  5. Anything which agitates the air as a wing does, or which is put in winglike motion by the action of the air, as a fan or vane for winnowing grain, the vane or sail of a windmill, etc.

  6. An ornament worn on the shoulder; a small epaulet or shoulder knot.

  7. Any appendage resembling the wing of a bird or insect in shape or appearance. Specifically:

    1. (Zo["o]l.) One of the broad, thin, anterior lobes of the foot of a pteropod, used as an organ in swimming.

    2. (Bot.) Any membranaceous expansion, as that along the sides of certain stems, or of a fruit of the kind called samara.

    3. (Bot.) Either of the two side petals of a papilionaceous flower.

  8. One of two corresponding appendages attached; a sidepiece. Hence:

    1. (Arch.) A side building, less than the main edifice; as, one of the wings of a palace.

    2. (Fort.) The longer side of crownworks, etc., connecting them with the main work.

    3. (Hort.) A side shoot of a tree or plant; a branch growing up by the side of another. [Obs.]

    4. (Mil.) The right or left division of an army, regiment, etc.

    5. (Naut.) That part of the hold or orlop of a vessel which is nearest the sides. In a fleet, one of the extremities when the ships are drawn up in line, or when forming the two sides of a triangle.

    6. One of the sides of the stags in a theater.

  9. (Aeronautics) Any surface used primarily for supporting a flying machine in flight, especially the flat or slightly curved planes on a heavier-than-air aircraft which provide most of the lift. In fixed-wing aircraft there are usually two main wings fixed on opposite sides of the fuselage. Smaller wings are typically placed near the tail primarily for stabilization, but may be absent in certain kinds of aircraft. Helicopters usually have no fixed wings, the lift being supplied by the rotating blade.

  10. One of two factions within an organization, as a political party, which are opposed to each other; as, right wing or left wing.

  11. An administrative division of the air force or of a naval air group, consisting of a certain number of airplanes and the personnel associated with them.

    On the wing. (a) Supported by, or flying with, the wings another.

    On the wings of the wind, with the utmost velocity.

    Under the wing of, or Under the wings of, under the care or protection of.

    Wing and wing (Naut.), with sails hauled out on either side; -- said of a schooner, or her sails, when going before the wind with the foresail on one side and the mainsail on the other; also said of a square-rigged vessel which has her studding sails set. Cf. Goosewinged.

    Wing case (Zo["o]l.), one of the anterior wings of beetles, and of some other insects, when thickened and used to protect the hind wings; an elytron; -- called also wing cover.

    Wing covert (Zo["o]l.), one of the small feathers covering the bases of the wing quills. See Covert, n., 2.

    Wing gudgeon (Mach.), an iron gudgeon for the end of a wooden axle, having thin, broad projections to prevent it from turning in the wood. See Illust. of Gudgeon.

    Wing shell (Zo["o]l.), wing case of an insect.

    Wing stroke, the stroke or sweep of a wing.

    Wing transom (Naut.), the uppermost transom of the stern; -- called also main transom.
    --J. Knowles.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 12c., wenge, from Old Norse vængr "wing of a bird, aisle, etc." (cognates: Danish and Swedish vinge "wing"), of unknown origin, perhaps from a Proto-Germanic *we-ingjaz, suffixed form of PIE root *we- "blow" (source of Old English wawan "to blow;" see wind (n.)). Replaced Old English feðra (plural) "wings" (see feather). The meaning "either of two divisions of a political party, army, etc." is first recorded c.1400; theatrical sense is from 1790.\n

\n\nThe slang sense of earn (one's) wings is 1940s, from the wing-shaped badges awarded to air cadets on graduation. To be under (someone's) wing "protected by (someone)" is recorded from early 13c. Phrase on a wing and a prayer is title of a 1943 song about landing a damaged aircraft.


c.1600, "take flight;" 1610s, "fit with wings," from wing (n.). Meaning "shoot a bird in the wing" is from 1802, with figurative extensions to wounds suffered in non-essential parts. Verbal phrase wing it (1885) is said to be from a theatrical slang sense of an actor learning his lines in the wings before going onstage, or else not learning them at all and being fed by a prompter in the wings; but perhaps it is simply an image of a baby bird taking flight from the nest for the first time (the phrase is attested in this sense from 1875). Related: Winged; winging.


n. 1 An appendage of an animal's (bird, bat, insect) body that enables it to fly; a similar fin at the side of a ray or similar fish 2 (context slang English) Human arm. 3 Part of an airplane that produces the lift for rising into the air. 4 One of the large pectoral fins of a flying fish. 5 One of the broad, thin, anterior lobes of the foot of a pteropod, used as an organ in swimming. 6 (context botany English) Any membranaceous expansion, such as that along the sides of certain stems, or of a fruit of the kind called samar

  1. 7 (context botany English) Either of the two side petals of a papilionaceous flower. 8 A side shoot of a tree or plant; a branch growing up by the side of another. 9 Passage by flying; flight. 10 Motive or instrument of flight; means of flight or of rapid motion. 11 A part of something that is lesser in size than the main body, such as an extension from the main building. 12 Anything that agitates the air as a wing does, or is put in winglike motion by the action of the air, such as a fan or vane for winnowing grain, the vane or sail of a windmill, etc. 13 An ornament worn on the shoulder; a small epaulet or shoulder knot. 14 A fraction of a political movement. Usually implies a position apart from the mainstream center position. 15 An organizational grouping in a military aviation service: 16 # (context British English) A unit of command consisting of two or more squadrons and itself being a sub-unit of a group or station. 17 # (context US English) A larger formation of two or more groups, which in turn control two or more squadrons. 18 (context British English) A panel of a car which encloses the wheel area, especially the front wheels. 19 (context nautical English) A platform on either side of the bridge of a vessel, normally found in pairs. 20 (context nautical English) That part of the hold or orlop of a vessel which is nearest the sides. In a fleet, one of the extremities when the ships are drawn up in line, or when forming the two sides of a triangle. 21 (context sports English) A position in several field games on either side of the field. 22 (context sports English) A player occupying such a position, also called a winger v

  2. 1 (lb en transitive) To injure slightly (as with a gunshot), especially in the arm. 2 (lb en intransitive) To fly. 3 (lb en transitive of a building) To add a wing (extra part) to. 4 (lb en transitive) To act or speak extemporaneously; to improvise; to wing it. 5 (lb en transitive) To throw.

  1. n. a movable organ for flying (one of a pair)

  2. one of the horizontal airfoils on either side of the fuselage of an airplane

  3. a stage area out of sight of the audience [syn: offstage, backstage]

  4. a unit of military aircraft

  5. the side of military or naval formation; "they attacked the enemy's right flank" [syn: flank]

  6. a hockey player stationed in a forward positin on either side

  7. the wing of a fowl; "he preferred the drumsticks to the wings"

  8. a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud; "in England they call a fender a wing" [syn: fender]

  9. an addition that extends a main building [syn: annex, annexe, extension]


v. travel through the air; be airborne; "Man cannot fly" [syn: fly]

Wing, ND -- U.S. city in North Dakota
Population (2000): 124
Housing Units (2000): 89
Land area (2000): 0.589750 sq. miles (1.527446 sq. km)
Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
Total area (2000): 0.589750 sq. miles (1.527446 sq. km)
FIPS code: 86780
Located within: North Dakota (ND), FIPS 38
Location: 47.140938 N, 100.280626 W
ZIP Codes (1990): 58494
Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
Wing, ND

WING "ESPN 1410" is a commercial AM radio station in Dayton, Ohio operating with 5,000 watts at 1410 kHz with studios, offices and transmitter located on David Road in Kettering. It is the first (and oldest) full-time commercial radio station in Dayton. It is currently a local affiliate for ESPN Radio and the Ohio State IMG Sports Network, but is best known and remembered as Dayton's first Top 40-formatted station.

Wing (disambiguation)

A wing is an appendage used for flight by an animal or an apparatus used to create lift in aeronautics.

Wing may also refer to:

Wing (DC Comics)

Wing How is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe. He is the Asian sidekick and valet to the Crimson Avenger, one of the first costumed heroes of the Golden Age of Comics. He bears more than a slight resemblance to Kato, the sidekick of The Green Hornet. Wing first appeared in Detective Comics #20 (October, 1938).

Wing (South Park)

"Wing" is the third episode in the ninth season of the animated series South Park. It was written by series co-creator Trey Parker and first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on March 23, 2005. The episode was the 128th overall and was named after New Zealand singer Wing, who stars in the episode in an eponymous part loosely based on herself. The message of the episode equates talent agents to Chinese slave traders.

Wing (singer)

Wing Han Tsang (; b. 1960), popularly known simply as Wing, is a New Zealand singer of Hong Kong origin. She is known for her unique singing style, which has drawn comparisons to Florence Foster Jenkins. She is an example of outsider music.

Wing (Marvel Comics)

Wing (Edward "Eddie" Tancredi) is a fictional mutant character appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics.

Wing (comics)

Wing or Wings, in comics, may refer to:

  • Wing (DC Comics), also known as Wing How, is a DC Comics superhero and valet of the Crimson Avenger
  • Wing (Marvel Comics), a Marvel Comics character
  • Wing (Elfquest), a character from Elfquest
  • Colleen Wing, a Marvel Comics character
  • "Supergirl: Wings", an Elseworlds one-shot
  • Captain Wings, a Marvel Comics character

It may also refer to:

  • Blackwing, two Marvel Comics characters
  • Blitzwing, a Transformers character who has appeared in the comics
  • Darkwing Duck (character), a Disney character
  • Deathwing (comics), an alternate version of Nightwing/Dick Grayson
  • Dragonwing, a Marvel Comics character
  • Dreadwing, a Transformers character made from combining two other robots, including Darkwing
  • Iron Wings, a 2000 Image Comics mini-series
  • Nightwing, a number of DC Comics characters
  • Petalwing, a character from Elfquest
  • Redwing (comics), a Marvel Comics characters
  • Red Wing (comics), a DC Comics character
  • Swingwing, a character from The Boys
  • Thunderwing, a Transformers character
  • Webwing, a Marvel Comics character and member of the Imperial Guard
  • Wingman (comics), a DC Comics character and member of the Batmen of All Nations
  • Wingman (manga), a manga series
  • Wingnut (TMNT), a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles character
  • Wingspan (Transformers), a Transformers character
  • Wyatt Wingfoot, a Marvel Comics character
Wing (Waltz)

A Wing is a silver syllabus Waltz Ballroom Dance move. It is a transitional movement that repositions the follower to the leader's left side. Thus, while many dance moves can proceed a Wing, only a reverse movement can follow a wing, such as a Reverse Turn, Double Reverse Spin, Telemark, Fallaway Reverse, or Drag Hesitation.

The Wing begins with a forward hesitation while leading the woman to take three forward steps to the man's left side. Thus, the next figure will begin in outside partner position, moving into a Reverse Turn.

Wing (building)

A wing is part of a building - or any feature of a building - that is subordinate to the main, central structure. The individual wings may directly adjoin the main building or may be built separately and joined to it by a connecting structure such as a colonnade or pergola. New buildings may incorporate wings from the outset or these may be added at a later date as part of an expansion or remodelling.

Usage examples of "wing".

Far aboon, ommost lost to mi view, Aw lang for a pair ov his wings, To fly wi him, an sing like him, too.

Some hours after midnight, the Typhoon abated so much, that through the strenuous exertions of Starbuck and Stubb-- one engaged forward and the other aft--the shivered remnants of the jib and fore and main-top-sails were cut adrift from the spars, and went eddying away to leeward, like the feathers of an albatross, which sometimes are cast to the winds when that storm-tossed bird is on the wing.

In the meantime we may follow the unhappy fortunes of the small column which had, as already described, been sent out by Sir George White in order, if possible, to prevent the junction of the two Boer armies, and at the same time to threaten the right wing of the main force, which was advancing from the direction of Dundee, Sir George White throughout the campaign consistently displayed one quality which is a charming one in an individual, but may be dangerous in a commander.

Lafayette-Constant wing of French liberalism by no means denies the existence of utilitarian themes in their advocacy of human rights.

One lone Aerian flew across the cavernous space, his gray wings unfolding beneath colored glass.

Sleek in some lines and blunt in others, it resembled the F-42, an experimental Air Force fighter unmatched in stealth, maneuverability, and weapons, with a thrust that well exceeded its weight, and aeroelasticity that allowed its wings to alter according to commands from its onboard mesh.

It crossed the illimitable spaces where the herding aerolites swirl forever through space in the wake of careering world, and all their whistling wings answered to it.

Out front on the green cement lawn a tiptoed Cupid, wings aflutter, squirted from pouty lips an eternal stream of blue-colored water into a marble pool deep in good-luck coins and casino chips.

Any honest afrit would by now have grown wings and shot down to find me, but without a nearby ledge or roof to hop to, the skeleton was stymied.

Part of a wing whistled down through the air, slicing through a branch of the afzelia tree.

The Wing Commander had to penetrate the veil of bitterness with which the pilot cloaked his account to see the fine airmanship that had got Robert down at all.

At first I believed they would surely tear their wings uponthe branches of the trees, but in looking more closely I saw that the great branches of the trees had been cut away to allow about twenty feet clearance, giving the alated an entrance and exit to the world.

The ranks of the winged were growing, for the Youth of sixteen were being enlisted, and now the count of able-bodied alated was well over two hundred thousand.

The birds withdrew in frenzied flight, probably alighting somewhere beyond, since they were no longer on the wing.

The airplane gets more lift from the air traveling faster over the wing, so the pilot needs to slow the plane down and bring it to a lower altitude to maintain its path.