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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Hearst sustained a stinger on his left shoulder.
▪ Running back Garrison Hearst sustained a left shoulder stinger when he crashed into linebacker Jesse Tuggle on a lead block.
▪ Wide receiver J. J. Stokes incurred a right shoulder stinger.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stinger \Sting"er\, n. One who, or that which, stings.

Professor E. Forbes states that only a small minority of the medus[ae] of our seas are stingers.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1550s, agent noun from sting (v.). As an animal part, from 1889; earlier in this sense was sting (n.).


n. 1 A pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack. 2 Anything that is used to sting, as a means of attack. 3 Anything, such as an insult, that stings mentally or psychologically 4 a cocktail of brandy and crème de menthe 5 A device used by police and military forces consisting of a portable bed of nails to puncture car tires. 6 A minor neurological injury of the spine characterized by a shooting or stinging pain down one arm, followed by numbness and weakness. 7 A station identifier on television or radio played between shows. 8 A scene shown on films or television shows after the credits. 9 (context slang English) A nonlethal grenade using rubber instead of shrapnel, more commonly called a sting grenade. 10 (context slang English) A final note played at the end of a military march. 11 (context slang television and film English) An extension cord.

  1. n. a cocktail made of made of creme de menthe and brandy

  2. a remark capable of wounding mentally; "the unkindest cut of all" [syn: cut]

  3. a portable low altitude surface-to-air missile system using infrared guidance and an impact fuse; fired from the shoulder

  4. a sharp organ of offense or defense (as of a wasp or stingray or scorpion) often connected with a poison gland

  5. a sharp stinging blow

Stinger (disambiguation)

Stinger may refer to:


A stinger, or sting, is a sharp organ found in various animals (typically arthropods) capable of injecting venom, usually by piercing the epidermis of another animal.

An insect bite or sting is a break in the skin or puncture caused by an insect and complicated by introduction of the insect's saliva, venom or excretory products. Specific components of these substances are believed to give rise to an allergic reaction, which in turn produces skin lesions that may vary from a small itching wheal, or slightly elevated area of the skin; to large areas of inflamed skin covered by vesicles and crusted lesions.

Stinging insects produce a painful swelling of the skin, the severity of the lesion varying according to the location of the sting, the identity of the insect and the sensitivity of the subject. Many species of bees and wasps have two poison glands, one gland secreting a toxin in which formic acid is one recognized constituent, and the other secreting an alkaline neurotoxin; acting independently, each toxin is rather mild, but when they combine through the sting, the combination has strong irritating properties. In a small number of cases the second occasion of a bee or wasp sting causes a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis.

Hornets, some ants, centipedes, and scorpions also sting.

Some insects leave their stinger in the wound and multiple stings may give rise to severe systemic symptoms, which may lead to death.

Stinger (cocktail)

A stinger is a duo cocktail made by adding crème de menthe to a spirit.

The classic recipe is based on brandy and white crème de menthe, shaken and served in a cocktail glass. The origins of this drink are unclear, but it is mentioned in bartender's recipe books as far back as Tom Bullock's The Ideal Bartender, published in 1917.

Stinger (Marvel Comics)

Stinger (real name Wendy Sherman) is a fictional mutant in the Marvel Comics Universe.

Stinger (arcade game)

Stinger is an arcade shoot 'em up released by Seibu Denshi on 1983. It was the first videogame released by this company. This arcade game is notable for being a horizontally scrolling shooter with a vertically oriented screen, a rather uncommon design.

The game consists of traveling around a space fortress meanwhile shooting aliens and spaceships. An object called "Bongo" could be used as a defense method. This object will shoot itself to the enemies for a few seconds.

Stinger (comics)

Stinger, in comics may refer to:

  • Stinger (Marvel Comics), a fictional mutant in the Marvel Comics Universe
  • Stinger (Genetix), a member of Genetix in the Marvel UK comics
  • Stinger, the alias of Cassandra Lang in the MC2 universe
  • Stinger II, fought the Avengers in Avengers #179-180 (January-February 1979)
  • Stinger IV, a clone of Scott Lang that fought the Heroes for Hire in Heroes for Hire #12 (June 1998)
  • Stinger, an enemy of the Golden Age Angel, who also appeared in Marvel Super-Heroes vol. 3 #7 (October 1991)
Stinger (sculpture)

Stinger is an outdoor 1967–68/1999 painted steel sculpture by Tony Smith, installed at Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle, Washington.

Stinger (medicine)

In medicine, a stinger, also called a burner or nerve pinch injury, is a neurological injury suffered by athletes, mostly in high- contact sports such as ice hockey, rugby, American football, and wrestling. The spine injury is characterized by a shooting or stinging pain that travels down one arm, followed by numbness and weakness. Many athletes in contact sports have suffered stingers, but they are often unreported to medical professionals.

Anyone who experiences significant trauma to his or her head or neck needs immediate medical evaluation for the possibility of a spinal injury. In fact, it's safest to assume that trauma victims have a spinal injury until proven otherwise because:

  • The time between injury and treatment can be critical in determining the extent of complications and the amount of recovery
  • A serious spinal injury is not always immediately obvious. If it is not recognized, more severe injury may occur
  • Numbness or paralysis may develop immediately or come on gradually as bleeding or swelling occurs in or around the spinal cord

Usage examples of "stinger".

Afghanistan, and the factories producing Stinger missiles and recoilless artillery pieces were quite safe from Soviet attack.

Im talkin trees you cant even see roun, trees got snicks an stingers so big you dont want to think what maybe lookin at you there.

They were all over him, chewing and thrashing at the fabric of his suit with their teeth and spiny legs, digging their heads and stingers down into his flesh.

So far, there was no sign of antiair activity, not even of a Stinger squad, much less anything more sophisticated.

Their only hope was to get inside the Cebu defensive screen and strike the great pegasi down by bullet or stinger, even though the latter method would mean their own deaths as well.

When the attack began, Claudia manipulated her model Hinds and there were enthusiastic cheers from the watching Shanganes as one by one they were brought crashing to earth by volleys of Stinger missiles.

Once the Hinds had been destroyed, they must have abandoned their Stingers and rushed up the hill to join the sack of the laager.

Although Nora knew they had to be holographically generated, like everything else, they looked amazingly real as they came straight at her, each with a vicious stinger extruded from its abdomen, gleaming with venom.

The demonlord seized the stinger and placed one of its peds on her mantle, next to the wound.

The old prop-job planes of the Rebels could not hope to evade any kind of Stinger or surface-to-air missiles.

Over the past several months I have fired more than 5,000 Stingers in a variety of rimfire arms, both domestic and foreign.

In selecting your survival stores, add some high velocity solids or some semi-hollow points to your Stingers and you should be well supplied for any chores that you could reasonably expect your rimfire firearm to perform.

Factory starts work as soon as we shut down the stinger and finish filing all the paperwork via our lawyers.

Thirty specialised probes hung on telemetric cables from the underside of the gondola, dangling like the venom-tipped stingers of some grotesque aerial jellyfish.

People with lobster claws instead of hands, legs fused or amputated to make room for stingers or spinnerets, heads that in no way matched the bodies they were attached to.