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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
brandy butter
▪ She poured him a large brandy.
▪ He would mysteriously shake so badly sometimes that old-timers recommended a large brandy.
▪ Even so, large quantities of brandy and gin were consumed as the men talked.
▪ The waiter at Le Coq d'Or asked Nick Thornton whether his guests should have small or large brandies.
▪ Pouring herself a large brandy, she booked a call to Northumberland, hoping that Nora would be out.
▪ It was led by Captain Pugwash with a large barrel of brandy and a look of extreme self-satisfaction on his face.
▪ Then I filled up the brandy bottle with what I thought was water from a big brown bottle.
▪ Orange rum butter Orange rum butter is a cousin of brandy butter.
▪ They include brandy glasses, a clock, a trinket box and other items.
▪ Alice clutched the brandy glass, then set it down on the coffee table.
▪ He regarded her over the rim of the brandy glass, captivated by her looks.
▪ Emmons said into his empty brandy glass.
▪ Feeling like a character in a split-screen movie, I opened another cupboard and took out two brandy glasses.
▪ They found a brandy glass in the kitchen and the door open.
▪ I played with the dumpy stem of the brandy glass, smirking at Ashley through the candle flame.
▪ The brandy glass chimed pleasantly as the bottle touched its lip.
▪ To the buttery juices in the pan add the brandy and let it sizzle for a few seconds.
▪ Stir in tomato paste and tarragon. Add wine and brandy and simmer for 5 minutes to reduce.
▪ Transfer the meat to warmed plates. Add the brandy to the meat juices and heat for a few seconds before igniting.
▪ Remove the vanilla pod and pass through a sieve or purée in a processor or a blender. Add the brandy.
Bring back the mustard-plasters instantly! Bring brandy and the other medicaments I ordered.
▪ But Jay sat on the bed, she had brought brandy liqueur and crystal glasses.
▪ I heard the consul shouting to somebody to bring brandy.
▪ Enjoying the terror he was creating, Michael drank his brandy in one gulp.
▪ He drinks off the brandy sip by sip and then pours himself another glass.
▪ And a whole lot more besides ... We drink brandy filled with lazy sunshine.
▪ They drank brandy out of water glasses, made jokes about death, illness, and the sufferings of animals and humans.
▪ He drank coffee and brandy, then dived in for another assault, feeling as if the databanks were deliberately obstructing him.
▪ The men drank brandy and ate kichel and returned shortly after to the streets.
▪ His temper was uncertain and he was drinking a great deal of brandy during the evenings.
▪ She ordered herself a brandy and downed it a little too fast.
▪ Charles wanted to order a brandy and drink it in one gulp.
▪ They kept ordering more brandy and all seemed genuinely upset.
▪ He ordered another coffee with brandy.
▪ Donna ordered brandy from the steward and sat gazing at the window of the train.
▪ On the contrary, she would go straight back to the lounge and she would order a brandy.
▪ My voice had nearly gone when I tried to order a brandy.
▪ Comfort piloted her to the nearest seat and hailed the waiter to order a brandy.
▪ She poured him a large brandy.
▪ I carried the telephone into the kitchen, poured a little pear brandy, and sat down with it at the table.
▪ When he was gone Klaus Ebert went across to the decanter and poured himself a second brandy.
▪ She watched as he sat opposite her on the worn old sofa and proceeded to pour the brandy into the glasses.
▪ He immediately went to the sideboard and poured two glasses of brandy.
▪ She poured herself more brandy and sat on the balcony, invisible against the dark room.
▪ He took out a pipe and poured a little brandy.
▪ Sit with the music, blow a little smoke, time enough to snap out of it, sip the brandy.
▪ Aubrey sipped his brandy, nursing the balloon in both hands and studying Langford openly.
▪ Rachel's hand shook as she sipped her brandy.
▪ She sipped brandy, held it on her tongue, set herself alight.
▪ Some even took port or brandy, too.
▪ He started to take a brandy up to her, then decided against it.
▪ One did not take to the brandy at ten o'clock in the morning!
▪ He nodded politely to Wakelate and took the glass of brandy with a crooked little finger.
▪ Southworth returned to his desk, taking the brandy with him.
▪ Donna decided to take her brandy back to her seat with her.
▪ Feeling like a character in a split-screen movie, I opened another cupboard and took out two brandy glasses.
▪ Will you take a spot of brandy?
▪ Alice clutched the brandy glass, then set it down on the coffee table.
▪ I really can't stand the taste of whisky or brandy.
▪ No more than one hundred are assigned to Wrigley Field for the forty-five thousand Bear fans, with their pints of brandy.
▪ One did not take to the brandy at ten o'clock in the morning!
▪ Otherwise it's months of planning up the wall, and Mr Churchill crying in his brandy.
▪ The men drank brandy and ate kichel and returned shortly after to the streets.
▪ They talked a lot during dinner and then after a couple of brandies, went up to the bedroom.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brandy \Bran"dy\, n.; pl. Brandies. [From older brandywine, brandwine, fr. D. brandewijn, fr. p. p. of branden to burn, distill + wijn wine, akin to G. branntwein. See Brand.] A strong alcoholic liquor distilled from wine. The name is also given to spirit distilled from other liquors, and in the United States to that distilled from cider and peaches. In northern Europe, it is also applied to a spirit obtained from grain.

Brandy fruit, fruit preserved in brandy and sugar.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1650s, abbreviation of brandywine (1620s) from Dutch brandewijn "burnt wine," so called because it is distilled (compare German cognate Branntwein and Czech palenka "brandy," from paliti "to burn"). The Brandywine Creek in Pennsylvania, site of a Revolutionary War battle, supposedly so named by the Dutch for the color of its waters.


alt. (given name female from=English) derived from brandy, an alcoholic liquor. Mostly seen in American usage during the 1970s and 1980s. n. (given name female from=English) derived from brandy, an alcoholic liquor. Mostly seen in American usage during the 1970s and 1980s.


n. distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice


Brandy (from brandywine, derived from Dutch brandewijn, "gebrande wijn" "burned wine") is a spirit produced by distilling wine. Brandy generally contains 35–60% alcohol by volume (70–120 US proof) and is typically taken as an after-dinner drink. Some brandies are aged in wooden casks, some are coloured with caramel colouring to imitate the effect of aging, and some brandies are produced using a combination of both aging and colouring.

In broader sense, the term "brandy" also denotes liquors obtained from distillation of pomace ( pomace brandy) or mash or wine of any other fruit ( fruit brandy). These products are also named eaux-de-vie.

Varieties of wine brandy can be found across the winemaking world. Among the most renowned are Cognac and Armagnac from Southwestern France.

Brandy (album)

Brandy is the self-titled debut album by American R&B singer Brandy. It was released by Atlantic Records on September 27, 1994 in North America, December 5 in the United Kingdom and on several dates in Europe and Oceania, starting on February 3, 1995. The album contains a range of contemporary genres, and the songs are a mix of soft hip hop soul, pop and contemporary mid–1990s R&B. They were chiefly produced by Keith Crouch who would contribute all four single releases from the album. Aside from Crouch, Norwood worked with a range of other writers and producers, including R&B group Somethin' for the People, Arvel McClinton, and Damon Thomas and young Robin Thicke.

Upon release, Brandy received generally positive reviews from music critics, who complimented Norwood's appearance, as well as the album's timeless appeal. It became a commercial success as well. While initial sales were slow, the album reached the top 20 of the US Billboard 200 was certified four-times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), selling over two million copies in the United States. It experienced similar success in Australia and Canada, where it was platinum and gold respectively. Worldwide, the album has sold over six million copies.

Four singles were released from the album, two of which became number-one hits on the Billboard Hot R&B Singles. " I Wanna Be Down" was chosen as the album's lead single, reaching the top ten in the United States and the top 20 in Australia and New Zealand. The song was critically lauded, and was regarded as a standout track on Brandy. The album's second single, " Baby" was also well received and charted even higher. With the following two singles, " Best Friend" and " Brokenhearted" also reaching the top ten in the US, Norwood established herself as one of the most successful of the new breed of urban R&B female vocalists to emerge during the mid-to late 1990s. It also garnered Norwood two Grammy Award nominations for Best New Artist and one for the album's second single, " Baby" for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance at the 38th Grammy Awards in 1996.

Brandy (disambiguation)

Brandy is an alcoholic beverage made by wine distillation. Related drinks include

  • Pomace brandy
  • Fruit brandy

Brandy may also refer to:

  • Brandy (given name), a given female name
Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)

"Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" is a 1972 pop song written and composed by Elliot Lurie and recorded by Lurie's band, Looking Glass, on their debut album Looking Glass. The single reached number one on both the Billboard Hot 100 and Cash Box Top 100 charts, remaining in the top position for one week. Billboard ranked it as the 12th biggest song of 1972. Horns and strings were arranged by Larry Fallon.

Brandy (given name)

Brandy is a feminine given name. It is possible that the name is derived from the Dutch language brandewijn, meaning " brandy wine", or "brandewine"; however, it is more likely a feminine form of Brandon.

Usage examples of "brandy".

Ulrich, in turn, recovered his senses, but as he felt faint with terror, he went and got a bottle of brandy out of the sideboard, and he drank off several glasses, one after anther, at a gulp.

The brandy came, and Mister Gosling, with a reproachful look at Barnacle, poured it over his bleeding arm.

In the Santa Barbara hacienda, Brandy and me found Benzedrine and Dexedrine and old Quaaludes and Soma and some Dialose capsules that turned out to be a fecal softener.

The stopper popped open with a soft plop and Brett sniffed the brandy appreciatively before he poured a hefty draught into a silver cup.

Ohara popped them onto his face and then rapidly poured a prairie oyster, a bromo and a cup of black coffee laced with brandy into him.

Tahiti Benoit poured herself an Alphard brandy, then sat back in her chair and examined the holograph of the two enormous tusks that hung, suspended in space and time, above her computer.

He opened it and found Malar Enares standing there, holding a tray upon which rested a bottle of brandy and two crystal goblets.

Lord get me two bottles of brandy, a long knife, a curved marlinspike, and a ball of spun yarn.

They lunched at the Glenmoriston Hotel, talking happily about a variety of subjects while they ate smoked salmon flan, steak and kidney pie, and followed these with pears stuffed with marrons glacis and covered with a brandy flavoured cream.

When white-trash high school girls are going on a date in the Metaverse, they invariably run down to the computer-games section of the local Wal-Mart and buy a copy of Brandy.

Prettiman still bearing the brandy, Milord bore the girl up the stairway and along the corridor to a small room at the back of the house.

Brandy would be there, of course, and he determined that he must speak to her, if for naught else to assure himself that she was not mortified by her behavior.

In the rear seats of the gefcar, Moryn and Olane relaxed, drank brandy, watched the mountains and moors of Cumberland flash by, looked ahead towards Scotland, impatient to reach the Southern Uplands the beginning of regressive country.

They are drinking Victory Punch, compounded of paregoric, Spanish Fly, heavy black rum, Napoleon brandy and canned heat.

Maigret had noticed on coming in was the table in the center of the room, on which stood an electric percolator, a cup with a little coffee left in it, a sugar bowl, and a bottle of brandy.