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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a shooting/stabbing incident (=when someone is shot or stabbed)
▪ Two men died today in a shooting incident.
a stabbing pain (=sharp and sudden)
▪ Marcus heard a shot and felt a stabbing pain at the back of his ankle.
▪ Another piercing roar, and the stabbing pain of a Darkfall strike.
▪ Killed by a stranger: Student admits stabbing tutor.
▪ There was no time to raise it and draw back for a stabbing blow.
▪ The campaign came in response to a spate of fatal stabbings and involved extra police officers being drafted in to patrol late-night trouble spots.
▪ A stabbing brought in the police one night.
▪ In 1985, at a court in Birmingham, a similar stabbing happened and procedures were stepped up.
▪ Recourse to stabbing is at least potentially more open to abuse.
▪ Some knives have sharp edges for slashing, others have points for stabbing, and some can do both.
▪ The stabbings occurred just one night after two homeless men were stabbed several times while they slept only a few blocks away.
▪ They are the victims of auto accidents, industrial accidents, falls from cliffs, fires, fights, stabbings, shootings.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stab \Stab\ (st[a^]b), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stabbed (st[a^]bd); p. pr. & vb. n. Stabbing.] [Cf. OD. staven to fix, fasten, fr. stave, staff, a staff, rod; akin to G. stab a staff, stick, E. staff; also Gael. stob to stab, as n., a stake, a stub. Cf. Staff.]

  1. To pierce with a pointed weapon; to wound or kill by the thrust of a pointed instrument; as, to stab a man with a dagger; also, to thrust; as, to stab a dagger into a person.

  2. Fig.: To injure secretly or by malicious falsehood or slander; as, to stab a person's reputation.

  1. (context of pain English) sharp, intense n. An incident in which a person is stabbed. v

  2. (present participle of stab English)

  1. adj. causing physical or especially psychological injury; "a stabbing remark"; "few experiences are more traumatic than losing a child"; "wounding and false charges of disloyalty" [syn: traumatic, wounding]

  2. as physically painful as if caused by a sharp instrument; "a cutting wind"; "keen winds"; "knifelike cold"; "piercing knifelike pains"; "piercing cold"; "piercing criticism"; "a stabbing pain"; "lancinating pain" [syn: cutting, keen, knifelike, piercing, lancinate, lancinating]

  1. n. a sudden sharp feeling; "pangs of regret"; "she felt a stab of excitement"; "twinges of conscience" [syn: pang, twinge]

  2. a thrusting blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument; "one strong stab to the heart killed him" [syn: thrust, knife thrust]

  3. informal words for any attempt or effort; "he gave it his best shot"; "he took a stab at forecasting" [syn: shot]

  4. [also: stabbing, stabbed]

  1. v. use a knife on; "The victim was knifed to death" [syn: knife]

  2. stab or pierce; "he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife" [syn: jab]

  3. poke or thrust abruptly; "he jabbed his finger into her ribs" [syn: jab, prod, poke, dig]

  4. [also: stabbing, stabbed]


See stab


A stabbing is penetration with a sharp or pointed object at close range. Stab connotes purposeful action, as by an assassin or murderer, but it is also possible to accidentally stab oneself or others. Stabbing differs from slashing or cutting in that the motion of the object used in a stabbing generally moves perpendicular to and directly into the victim's body, rather than being drawn across it.

Stabbings today are common among gangs and in prisons because knives are cheap, easy to acquire (or manufacture), easily concealable and relatively effective. In 2013 about 8 million stabbings occurred.

Usage examples of "stabbing".

And then Astasia saw her freeze, stabbing her finger at an upper window.

He closed on Atrides, spear stabbing his shield right on the boss but the bronze could not drive through, so back he drew to his ranks, dodging death, glancing left and right, fearing a lance would graze his flesh.

He waved the cigarillo about, as if using it to hunt for a word, then stabbing forward with it.

Dominating the western horizon was the black bulk of the Ecclesiarch Palace, its slab-like towers over two kilometres tall, their uplink masts stabbing high into the cold, cyan sky.

In the concourse outside, knots of factionists were already hurling missiles, brandishing improvised clubs, kicking, punching, and stabbing.

The long-shafted iron-hea framea was used, according to Tacitus, both as a missile and as a stabbing weapon.

Human taunters threw brogans and coins, jabbed at them with old hooly sticks, anything at all to tease the stabbing horns of the chained beasts.

Before the ducking Brynn could even think about stabbing forward under that slashing blade, Ung Lik Dy altered the momentum so that his sword was cutting diagonal slashes between the two combatants, forcing Brynn to retreat instead.

The boatman was beating the mako over the head with a hammer, and another man was stabbing at the fish with what looked like a narrow spade.

He teased himself with memories of Pyrites, where the stabbing wet-cold of the outer city reaches had seemed so painful.

It was obvious that the well-armed men and women would have had little to fear in an open contest with the ruffianish throng had there not been so many of them, for their armament was mostly pitifulhere and there was a sword or an axe or a real lance, but the bulk were furnished only with crude-looking wickerwork targes and a few darts or a stabbing spear or a thick club.

The faun Scoggin had disabled lay on the ground with a dozen men on him, holding down his rangy body and stabbing.

Ilberd Crownsilver gaped at him in utter astonishment-and was still staring like a statue when hurled goblin maces battered Talar down, and a snarling swarm of goblins surged over him, hacking and stabbing.

Marsh Gate was the nearest way out of the great and glamorous city that was now loathsome to them, a city of beloved, unfaceable ghosts--indeed, not to be endured for one more stabbing, leaden heartbeat than was necessary.

Now the image shrank so that we could see Weall stabbing with his stubby index finger into his other palm as he tried to drive his point home.