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Crossword clues for sky

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
open to the sky/air/elements
▪ Many of the tombs had been robbed and left open to the sky.
praise sb/sth to the skies (=praise someone or something very much)
sky lightened
▪ As the sky lightened, we were able to see where we were.
sky marshal
the night sky
▪ We looked up at the stars in the night sky.
the sun is high/low in the sky
▪ They walked until the sun was low in the sky.
▪ The Moon has no atmosphere, and photographs taken on the Moon's surface show a black sky.
▪ Over a thousand tons of red hot metal shrapnel from the exploded ship rained dawn with the rocks from a black sky.
▪ It is a beautiful night, a full moon and a few bright stars against the black sky over the Heath.
▪ They were set not on black sky, however, but on a brilliantly painted mural which covered the dome.
▪ Just boring brown rock and shadows black as the sky.
▪ She saw the lights of the mill and the sulfuric clouds making yellow animal shapes against the black sky.
▪ Over her shoulder the stars twinkled in the black sky.
▪ He was examining the stars: hot white stars in a black sky.
▪ Being surprised by opinion polls is like being taken aback by blue skies.
▪ He was walking home in a thick fog, wondering when the crisp, blue skies of autumn might appear.
▪ For the first time that holiday, the sun shone in an unbroken blue sky.
▪ Brilliant blue skies and unseasonably balmy weather prevailed.
▪ A bad weather front feeling its way over from the west like a nasty white octopus in the blue summer sky.
▪ The downside is that if you channel your thought too much, you might never see the blue sky.
▪ Clear blue skies mean you bake all day and freeze all night.
▪ He made the most of the clear patches of brilliant blue sky fleetingly appearing through the white storm clouds.
▪ A slender new crescent moon lay on its back high in the clear night sky.
▪ The days were hot, filled with relentless sunshine and clear skies.
▪ The day was idyllic, with clear blue skies and temperatures up in the shirt-sleeves.
▪ At a great distance, the ghostly frost of a snow peak seemed suspended from the clear sky.
▪ She looked up at the clear sky.
▪ The mountains were etched against the clear, brilliant sky.
▪ The clarity of light throws everything into sharp relief against a backdrop of clear blue sky.
▪ Desert areas on Earth often have wide diurnal temperature ranges due to nighttime radiative cooling through very clear skies.
▪ The Moon in a cloudless blue sky is visible directly above the spacecraft.
▪ And here at the equator, we noted, it was 85 degrees, with cloudless sky and tropical breezes.
▪ Today she didn't even glance at the cloudless blue sky.
▪ A blistering July sun, a cloudless blue sky and the wine-dark seas without even a ripple to show for themselves.
▪ These days, the earth bakes beneath the cloudless midday sky, and the vegetation on the mountainsides turns a mournful brown.
▪ By day you can see for miles, and at night the moon shines brightly out of cloudless skies.
▪ The morning of December 31, 1862, came on with a cloudless sky and a ringing, frosty air.
▪ Britain's cloudy skies are only partly to blame for this poor performance.
▪ He looked around, but the streets were empty, cloudy skies indifferent.
▪ As she did so, the windscreen reflected the cloudy sky back at her as a white sheet.
▪ He stood against them, watching the dark western sky and the ash-blue cumulus now edged with brilliant white.
▪ There was a clear, dark sky.
▪ But he saw nothing, nothing but dark sky: The oxygen mask was filled with sweat.
▪ The darker the sky, the better chance of seeing the comet, he said.
▪ The stirring of their twigs against the dark, travelling sky Is the oracle of the earth.
▪ Three minutes before the dark, ominous skies unleashed a fury of rain and thunder.
▪ Floating through a dark blue sky.
▪ Black fragments of tombs rose up on either side of the road, silhouetted against the still not quite dark sky.
▪ We saw dead volcanic lakes, grey under the grey sky.
▪ Beyond the police cars and their orange barrier, smoke veined with flames smudged the grey sky.
▪ Pouring rain and flat grey sky outside.
▪ The rain stops and the grey skies begin to clear.
▪ There was no definite horizon line and the castle seemed to be hanging in the grey sky like a mirage.
▪ A monochrome landscape, grey under a low grey sky, its horizons blurred by a grey haze.
▪ The grey and stormy skies made them if anything greener.
▪ The countryside looked like some vision of hell; white, silent fields and black trees against a grey sky.
▪ As the sun rose higher in the sky the shadow shortened until noon, when it disappeared at the sixth hour mark.
▪ Standing between the high gray sky and the pocket-sized pool, I feel omnipotent.
▪ The sun was high in the sky now and he could feel the heat of it on his head and shoulders.
▪ Those arriving high in the sky descend by banking sharply on out-stretched wings, then spiral down.
▪ Take me with you, wind, high over the sky.
▪ The lights were bright and yellow-white, and seemed very high in the sky.
▪ The moon is also higher in the sky during the winter months.
▪ The Galaxy was high in the sky and its misty lens shape stretched lazily from horizon to horizon.
▪ The sun was low in the sky as we worked our way carefully down the descent slopes and gullies.
▪ Rolling on to her back, she stared unhappily at too many clouds that raced each other across the low sky.
▪ The sun is low in the sky and the mood of the afternoon is sleepy and unfixed.
▪ It was a cold winter's day with the sun still low in the sky.
▪ A monochrome landscape, grey under a low grey sky, its horizons blurred by a grey haze.
▪ It hung lower in the sky, nearer, more golden, since now she loved and was loved.
▪ It was early afternoon but the sun was already low in the sky, the air as chilly as Dowd's welcome.
▪ The sun was now very low in the sky, and the urgency of the situation was clear.
▪ The photographer's glance alights on small details of foliage or suddenly sweeps upwards to the open sky.
▪ But Janir seemed content, even fascinated, to be under the open sky.
▪ Now Jaq understood the function of that helmet he had seen the Governor wearing out at the spaceport under the open sky.
▪ Part of it was open to the sky, so that a wedge of scalding light fell into the gloom.
▪ The windows were open and the sky was dark.
▪ The chancel is open to the sky.
▪ Now I can see rooftops outside the windows as well as open sky.
▪ They bend their heads right back until their faces are entirely open to the sky.
▪ There are a few planets in the evening sky, though.
▪ A little bit of thunder rolled through the evening sky, far off.
▪ She thought of evening skies, the silhouettes of lonely birds against the sun, and tired land.
▪ The soft light of dusk was thinning, leaving trees and buildings blackened agalnst the evening sky.
▪ Frith lies in the evening sky.
▪ Not for its elegance did I come to love the evening sky, hellish red with the gathering souls.
▪ It was not quite dark yet and the evening sky on the high tops was still aglow with delicate pastel shades.
▪ A magnificent privet bird stood silhouetted against the evening sky.
▪ Above him vast silver dirigibles moved in the morning sky, great black crates strung beneath them.
▪ As the sun rose higher into the morning sky, circuits went inside her greymass, flaring up and dwindling to ash.
▪ Under the clear summer morning sky the traffic thickens.
▪ The ashen flat morning sky reflects pewter.
▪ He dropped the remnant carcase of his prey and pushed up into the fresh morning sky.
▪ A dark shape stood silhouetted against the bright morning sky.
▪ The morning sky was blue as yet but storm clouds were gathering and the wind seemed on the change.
▪ A slender new crescent moon lay on its back high in the clear night sky.
▪ But more telescopes are needed to provide continuous coverage of the night sky at all latitudes.
▪ A sudden boom followed in its wake, a new parachute flare splitting the night sky - a red target flare.
▪ For a time Kathy stood gazing at the night sky.
▪ Above the village, almost invisible against the velvet shroud of the night sky, something huge silently blotted out the stars.
▪ Then he slumps forward, face down, turned away from the last bit of dim illumination offered by the night sky.
▪ The plane slipped easily down out of the night sky on to the Doha runway.
▪ Such a perfect green disk under such a perfect night sky.
▪ Her eyes, no longer hidden behind glasses, looked large and blue as a summer sky.
▪ I stood on that porch listening to the silence, watching the white clouds in the dark blue summer sky.
▪ Let the summer skies hold off, for the moment.
▪ A bad weather front feeling its way over from the west like a nasty white octopus in the blue summer sky.
▪ You have eyes as hot and sensuous as a blue summer sky.
▪ The black clouds had parted to show between them shreds of summer sky turned sickly green.
▪ Dragons so numerous that their wings darkened the sky descended on the Chaos Host.
▪ The Air Force intends the F-22 stealth fighter to be the grimmest perdition to darken the skies since mythological times.
▪ A cloud passes over the sun, darkens the sky, and we are both reflected in the green.
▪ On screen, a glowing rocket climbs into the darkened sky.
▪ The ash-fall was thick enough to darken the sky, and about half a centimetre accumulated on the ground.
▪ It ignores her, and looks philosophically out the window at the darkening sky.
▪ Straight away a great flock of wild crows came flying towards her, enough to darken the sky.
▪ The virtual disappearance of the moon glow then lights up the stars in the darkened sky.
▪ No more snow had fallen, the sky was still overcast but the air was crisp and a little warmer.
▪ But small rocks fall from the sky much more frequently.
▪ As for the money - it will fall from the sky.
▪ A cold rain was beginning to fall, the sky to the east was very dark.
▪ Money was falling from the sky quicker than Fielding could catch it.
▪ About a quarter mile offshore, birds are falling from the sky.
▪ It was as if she had fallen out of a generous sky.
▪ We prayed for rain at supper every evening, and for three months not a single drop fell from the sky.
▪ The glow fills the sky from the east until the edge of the sun lifts up above the edge of the ocean.
▪ It underwent a major restoration -- extensive filling in of painted sky and backdrop -- about 14 years ago.
▪ The incandescent circle overhead expanded until it filled the entire sky.
▪ The second lobe looms overhead until it fills most of the sky.
▪ When I heard the clatter of horse's hooves, it seemed an enormous, ringing sound, filling the empty sky.
▪ Even as it was, the glare of the Earth, filling half the sky, drowned all but the brighter stars.
▪ Within an hour the whole line was pouring out shells, filling the night sky with a dense traffic of metal.
▪ This burning, lighting up the sky, would be seen from afar.
▪ The setting sun has lit up the western sky.
▪ The taxi was destroyed in a huge fireball which lit up the night sky and showered red-hot debris for 150 yards.
▪ In the front was a guardian of brazen hue and dragon form lighting the skies with his radiance.
▪ An enemy flare was lighting up the sky at the other end of the village, probably over No. 6 Commando positions.
▪ After rolling on the sand in excruciating pain until stars lit up the sky, he relieved himself for a good half-hour.
▪ I didn't look up at the sky.
▪ What a day! Look at that sky!
▪ She looks up at the sky and says thank you.
▪ Then he exhaled and looked up at the sky and watched his breath leave him.
▪ He looked up at the sky.
▪ I looked up at the sky and the terror returned, this time more strongly.
▪ Ace found herself looking up at the sky.
▪ Yolanda looks up at the sky.
▪ As the sun rose higher in the sky the shadow shortened until noon, when it disappeared at the sixth hour mark.
▪ Yet new buildings were rising toward the sky all over town; steam shovels and giant cranes worked double-time.
▪ He looked across the sea: a faint glimmer of pale light was rising in the midnight-blue sky.
▪ The red sun warmed him as it rose in the sky, and that brought him pleasure.
▪ She ran through the last few streets and saw with relief the familiar tall building rising against the night sky.
▪ Same mammoth grandstands rising into the sky.
▪ The moon rose high in the sky and shone unfalteringly into the woods, a silver goddess that I felt like worshipping.
▪ He put these thoughts behind him, as the golden crescent of Saturn rose in the sky ahead.
▪ Up, up, up, staring into the sky, Whitney rising behind her.
▪ I sank down in the chintz-covered chair and stared out at the sky through the window opposite me.
▪ He sat up and stared at the sky in wonder.
▪ Aaron sat on the roof and stared at the sky.
▪ Peach lay back and stared at the sky.
▪ I love you! she yelled silently, staring up at the skies.
▪ He wanted to stare at a free sky.
▪ He stared up into the sky, his vision pulsing.
▪ He stood against them, watching the dark western sky and the ash-blue cumulus now edged with brilliant white.
▪ When I finished up at Mrs James's, I ran down the street and watched the sky.
▪ There were a lot of humans on it, and most of them were watching the skies.
▪ He watched the sky and pretended he was a winner.
▪ As a kid in Tehran, I spent hours watching the night skies and became fascinated by the vertical dimension.
▪ We just went on sitting there, blown by the gusty wind and watching the sky where the plane had disappeared.
▪ The first is to watch the skies!
▪ As she watched the skies, half fascinated, half terrified, the planes shimmered and were gone.
heavy sky/clouds
▪ But towards morning heavy clouds spread across.
▪ Dark heavy clouds were crawling across the sky, blotting out the stars.
▪ Looking northwards towards the end of the dale, she frowned to see the accumulation of heavy clouds above the moors.
▪ The heavy clouds that had gathered about the summit of Mont Blanc boiled from within.
▪ Under dark, heavy clouds, I returned to the den on the river.
▪ While they slept, heavy clouds swirled over the valley in massed ranks and the snow began to fall.
pie in the sky
▪ Any talk of getting a reasonable response from the terrorists is just pie in the sky.
▪ Building a baseball field downtown is just pie in the sky right now.
▪ But that's all pie in the sky.
▪ Do not be deceived into throwing away a decent offer in pursuit of pie in the sky.
▪ Eventual payment was promised at the rate of 5Op per deal, but this proved pie in the sky.
▪ I was promised the pie in the sky by and by.
▪ So much pie in the sky, she remembered thinking later.
▪ What used to be pie in the sky when you die has, quite rightly, become pie now, please.
▪ The sky turned dark just before the storm.
▪ The rocket shot up into the sky.
▪ Just being in the same sky with them made me nervous.
▪ She ran through the last few streets and saw with relief the familiar tall building rising against the night sky.
▪ The sky is full of tears tonight.
▪ The darker the sky, the better chance of seeing the comet, he said.
▪ The island has no roads, one cellular phone and a fresh water supply that comes from the sky.
▪ Two searchlights came on, brilliant sticks of light, prodding the sky.
▪ We all share the same sky and the same passion, which is to see our joint projects take to the air.
▪ Yolanda looks up at the sky.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sky \Sky\ (sk[imac]), n.; pl. Skies (sk[imac]z). [OE. skie a cloud, Icel. sk[=y]; akin to Sw. & Dan. sky; cf. AS. sc[=u]a, sc[=u]wa, shadow, Icel. skuggi; probably from the same root as E. scum. [root]158. See Scum, and cf. Hide skin, Obscure.]

  1. A cloud. [Obs.]

    [A wind] that blew so hideously and high, That it ne lefte not a sky In all the welkin long and broad.

  2. Hence, a shadow. [Obs.]

    She passeth as it were a sky.

  3. The apparent arch, or vault, of heaven, which in a clear day is of a blue color; the heavens; the firmament; -- sometimes in the plural.

    The Norweyan banners flout the sky.

  4. The wheather; the climate.

    Thou wert better in thy grave than to answer with thy uncovered body this extremity of the skies.

    Note: Sky is often used adjectively or in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, sky color, skylight, sky-aspiring, sky-born, sky-pointing, sky-roofed, etc.

    Sky blue, an azure color.

    Sky scraper (Naut.), a skysail of a triangular form.

    Under open sky, out of doors. ``Under open sky adored.''


Sky \Sky\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Skiedor Skyed; p. pr. & vb. n. Skying.]

  1. To hang (a picture on exhibition) near the top of a wall, where it can not be well seen. [Colloq.]

    Brother Academicians who skied his pictures.
    --The Century.

  2. To throw towards the sky; as, to sky a ball at cricket.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1200, "a cloud," from Old Norse sky "cloud," from Proto-Germanic *skeujam "cloud, cloud cover" (cognates: Old English sceo, Old Saxon scio "cloud, region of the clouds, sky;" Old High German scuwo, Old English scua, Old Norse skuggi "shadow;" Gothic skuggwa "mirror"), from PIE root *(s)keu- "to cover, conceal" (see hide (n.1)).\n

\nMeaning "upper regions of the air" is attested from c.1300; replaced native heofon in this sense (see heaven). In Middle English, the word can still mean both "cloud" and "heaven," as still in the skies, originally "the clouds." Sky-high is from 1812; phrase the sky's the limit is attested from 1908. Sky-dive first recorded 1965; sky-writing is from 1922.


"to raise or throw toward the skies," 1802, from sky (n.).


n. 1 (lb en obsolete) A cloud. 2 The atmosphere above a given point, especially as visible from the ground during the day. 3 The part of the sky which can be seen from a specific place or at a specific time; its condition, climate etc. 4 heaven. vb. (context sports English) to hit, kick or throw (a ball) extremely high.


v. throw or toss with a light motion; "flip me the beachball"; "toss me newspaper" [syn: flip, toss, pitch]


n. the atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth


The sky (or celestial dome) is everything that lies above the surface of the Earth, including the atmosphere and outer space.

In the field of astronomy, the sky is also called the celestial sphere. This is viewed from Earth's surface as an imaginary dome where the sun, stars, planets, and the moon are seen to be traveling. The celestial sphere is conventionally divided into regions called constellations. Usually, the term sky is used informally as the point of view from the Earth's surface; however, the meaning and usage can vary. In some cases, such as in discussing the weather, the sky refers to only the lower, more dense portions of the atmosphere.

During daylight, the sky appears to be blue because air scatters blue sunlight more than it scatters red. At night, the sky appears to be a mostly dark surface or region scattered with stars. During the day, the Sun can be seen in the sky unless obscured by clouds. In the night sky (and to some extent during the day) the moon, planets and stars are visible in the sky. Some of the natural phenomena seen in the sky are clouds, rainbows, and aurorae. Lightning and precipitation can also be seen in the sky during storms. Birds, insects, aircraft, and kites are often considered to fly in the sky. Due to human activities, smog during the day and light pollution during the night are often seen above large cities.

Sky (band)

Sky were an English/Australian instrumental symphonic rock group that specialised in combining a variety of musical styles, most prominently rock and classical. The group's best known members were classical guitarist John Williams, bass player Herbie Flowers (a former member of Blue Mink and T. Rex) and Francis Monkman, a founder member of progressive rock band Curved Air.

Sky (disambiguation)

The sky is the area above the Earth as seen from the ground.

Sky or SKY may also refer to:

Sky (Yui Horie album)

Sky (stylized as sky) is Yui Horie's third solo album. A limited edition version of this album was released with an alternate album cover and included a photo book. This album also has the opening and ending themes from her radio show "Tenshi no Tamago".

Sky (US band)

Sky was an American rock power trio active in the early 1970s, based out of Detroit, Michigan. It released two albums with RCA before breaking up in 1973. It's mostly known today as an early point in musician Doug Fieger's career, later the frontman of The Knack.

Sky (TV serial)

Sky is a mystically oriented children's science fantasy television serial made for ITV by HTV and broadcast in seven parts from 7 April to 14 May 1975.

A mysterious alien boy with strange solid blue eyes, the eponymous Sky (Marc Harrison), finds himself on Earth in the wrong period of time. He uses his psychic powers to achieve his goal of finding a way to his correct temporal destination, which is after "The Chaos". Sky is confronted by the world soul of Earth in the form of Nature, which tries to reject him much as an immune system might an infection. In his quest to reach the time he was intended for, Sky is assisted by three human children. The serial was written by Bob Baker and Dave Martin, also known for their scripts for Doctor Who and the fantasy television series for children Into the Labyrinth.

Although the series was kept on 2" videotape into the 1990s, during a transfer to film stock episodes 3 and 7 were damaged beyond repair. The series was finally released by Network DVD in May 2009, with the damaged segments replaced by inferior, but watchable, VHS copies of the episodes.

Sky (Canadian band)

Sky was a Canadian R&B-influenced Pop rock group from Montreal, Quebec. The duo originally consisted of James Renald and Antoine Sicotte. Both were songwriters, producers and multi-instrumentalists, who met in 1992 at a music engineering school in Montreal. Anastasia (2000–2003) replaced James as the lead singer after he left, and Karl Wolf (2003–2005) was the last lead singer of the group.

SKY (universities)

SKY is an acronym used to refer to the three most prestigious universities in South Korea: Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University. The term is widely used in South Korea, both in media broadcast and by the universities themselves.

In South Korea, admission to one of the SKY universities is widely considered as determining one's career and social status. Many of South Korea's most influential politicians, lawyers, physicians, engineers, professors, and policy makers have graduated from one of the SKY universities.

Sky (song)

"Sky" is a song co-written and recorded by British singer and DJ Sonique. It was released in September 2000 as the third single from the album, Hear My Cry.

Sky (video gamer)

Li "Sky" Xiaofeng (born March 27, 1985, ), who also goes by the pseudonym "Sky" or "WE.Sky", is a Chinese former professional gamer of the popular Blizzard Entertainment real-time strategy game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. He played for the China-based World Elite team. He is considered as one of the best Human players in the game's history by World Cyber Games In the past few years he has been heavily involved with coaching Team WE's League of Legends team.

Li Xiaofeng is featured in the documentary film Beyond the Game.

Sky (TV series)

Sky was a Malaysian-made Mandarin drama series, produced by and aired on 8TV, which combined newly discovered celebrities, particularly from the station's reality programmes Malaysian Idol, Project Superstar Malaysia and I Wanna Be A Model, namely Hoon Mei Sim, Johnson Wee, Gary Yap, Candy Lim and Daniel Lee Chee Hun.

Sky began its run on 8TV on 6 May 2007 and ended its run after 13 weeks. The DVD release of the drama was released on 27 September 2008. Currently, there is no word of any plans to distribute the drama internationally.

Just after filming of a scene of the series in Ulu Langat had completed, two members of 8TV's crew were killed in a collision with a lorry. Leong Kak Sek, 26, was killed on the spot while Loke Ting Hong, 20 died on the way to Hospital Kajang. They were the only crew in the van that was being used to transport the production equipment and wardrobe when the accident occurred.

Sky (Faye Wong album)

Tian Kong , known as Sky in the English-speaking world, is the ninth studio album (her second album in Mandarin) recorded by Chinese singer Faye Wong when she was based in Hong Kong. It was released on 10 November 1994.

Sky (hieroglyph)

The ancient Egyptian Sky hieroglyph, (also translated as heaven in some texts, or iconography), is Gardiner sign listed no. N1, within the Gardiner signs for sky, earth, and water.

The Sky hieroglyph is used like an Egyptian language biliteral-(but is not listed there) and an ideogram in pt, "sky"; it is a determinative in other synonyms of sky. For the language value hrt, it has the phonetic value hry.

Sky (Sky album)

Sky is the debut album by the supergroup Sky, released in 1979.

In 2014 Esoteric Recordings started a schedule of remasters and expanded releases with this recording.

Sky (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

Sky is a two-part story of The Sarah Jane Adventures which was broadcast on CBBC on 3 and 4 October 2011. It is the first story of the fifth and last series. In this episode, Sky Smith joins the main cast.

Sky (skyscraper)

Sky (also known as 605 West 42nd Street) is a mixed-use building in Midtown Manhattan developed by the Moinian Group. The 71 story tower contains rental residences designed by the Rockwell Group, ranging from studios to two bedrooms and includes the Vue penthouse collection. The building also contains retail space. The building’s architect was Goldstein, Hill & West Architects.

Sky (film)

Sky is a 2015 French-German drama film written and directed by Fabienne Berthaud. It stars Diane Kruger, Norman Reedus, Gilles Lellouche, Lena Dunham, Q'orianka Kilcher, and Lou Diamond Phillips. It was shown in the Platform section of the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was released in France on 6 April 2016 by Haut Et Court, and in Germany on 2 June 2016 by Alamode Films.

Sky (cable company)

Sky Cable Corporation (simply traded as Sky and stylized as SKY) is a Filipino telecommunications company and the country's largest cable television provider. It is a subsidiary of the media conglomerate ABS-CBN Corporation and is based in Quezon City. Sky operates in Mega Manila and provincially through its various subsidiaries.

Sky was founded on June 6, 1990 as Central CATV, Inc. by Benpres Holdings Corporation (now Lopez Holdings Corporation). Today it expanded to offer digital cable television, direct-broadcast satellite television, broadband internet, mobile internet, pay per view, and video on demand services to its over 840 thousand subscribers nationwide, of which 700 thousand are cable television subscribers and the remaining 140 thousand are broadband internet subscribers.

Sky (Titanium song)

"Sky" is a song by New Zealand boy band Titanium, from their debut studio album All For You (2012). It is the album's third single and was released by Illegal Musik on Friday, 2 November 2012. "Sky" premiered on radio station, The Edge on Thursday, 1 November. The song was made available for pre order via Itunes. "Sky" is an uptempo pop dance song written by Vince Harder.

"Sky" has received positive reviews from music critics, commending its chorus, catchy melody and rap verse.

Usage examples of "sky".

Hutchinson has little leisure for much praise of the natural beauty of sky and landscape, but now and then in her work there appears an abiding sense of the pleasantness of the rural world--in her day an implicit feeling rather than an explicit.

Two of the towers were ablaze, black smoke pouring from their arrow loops and twisting in the light wind as it rose into the sky.

The belly shimmered and disappeared, and through it Alexander could see a large room with a vaulted window, opening on to a night-dark sky ablaze with stars.

Val died, his gardens were abloom with chrysanthemums, the air golden, the oaks in his yard sculpted against a hard blue sky.

Despite a conservative training--or because of it, for humdrum lives breed wistful longings of the unknown--he swore a great oath to scale that avoided northern cliff and visit the abnormally antique gray cottage in the sky.

The same women that despised Sky Eyes, that gossiped about her and futilely forbade their sons to come near her, they came for abortifacients, joint easers, the silvery drink that brought one out of a dark mood, a dozen other things.

The evening light was abuzz with energy, the sky swarming up into her eyes.

The trees had the thickest of canopies, stunningly clothed in the reds and golds and russets of their autumn canopies: I spent many an hour while Achates slept in my arms watching their seductive dancing against the sky.

Reckless and stupid enough to strike at a busy inn in the heart of a bustling city that was bound to be acrawl with wizards, at the bright height of day and in full sight of all, parading around the sky on a conjured nightwyrm.

And when Karen called me out of my hiding place, to attend her by a window, the sky was acrawl with them.

In retrospect, Addle realized that the whole event should have been much more terrifying: breaking into a cemetery near midnight, on an evening when the moon was a great bloodshot eye in the sky.

Something fluttered, flittered, dipped, and bobbed in the clear desert sky like an addled bat driven into sunshine.

But she looked up as the thought crossed her mind, and she saw that Aerians were in the skies.

She wanted to see Aerians sweeping the heights above, and Leontines prowling around the pillars that were placed beneath those heights, as if they held up not only ceiling but sky.

The aeroplane, after it had attained a few hundred feet, seemed to merge into the dark background of night sky.