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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a distant planet/galaxy/star
▪ They saw telescope images of the distant planet Neptune.
destroy the world/planet
▪ No one wants another war, which might destroy the world.
Planet Earth
▪ the origin of life on Planet Earth
▪ We will take the animals to different planets.
▪ To say the two groups come from different planets is almost true, and probably considered a compliment by both.
▪ The law-abiding seem to live on a different planet.
▪ I felt they were coming from a different planet.
▪ Though he dismisses the tag of dreamer, the scale of his plans are on a different planet.
▪ At least when it comes to politics, women and men are orbiting different planets and different parties.
▪ Suddenly they were on different planets.
▪ Andrew however came from a different planet.
▪ The funny man who had found her on a distant planet and had treated her as a human being.
▪ They got their name more than 100 years ago when astronomers thought their roundish shapes resembled distant planets.
▪ Perhaps prehistoric visitors from distant planets erected it here - Space Odyssey style - purely for this purpose?
▪ Why was she on this distant planet, trying to discover how the Althosian civilization was destroyed?
▪ We pretended to fly to distant planets in futuristic spaceships.
▪ She knows that the guest has come from another, distant planet, one with an important status in the universe.
▪ Taking all this into account, we have to ask why the extraterrestrials should be remotely interested in seeding distant planets.
▪ Circling the earth every 100 minutes, it will observe the entire planet every three days.
▪ Thus the immediate result of a K / impact anywhere on Earth would be wildfire ignition over the entire planet.
▪ He was going to die saving an entire planet from the Daleks.
▪ The entire planet is fluid, like a star.
▪ For the sake of a handful of people making huge profits the entire planet has been put in jeopardy.
▪ The ring of fire contains a very large fraction of the earthquake activity of the entire planet.
▪ Acid rain and marine pollution hurt neighbouring countries; ozone depletion and global warming threaten the entire planet.
▪ The best way to get that carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is to warm the entire planet.
▪ In this respect particular attention has been paid to the giant gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn.
▪ The giant planets will remain a puzzle for a long time.
▪ The giant planets, with such feeble solar heating, are also very cold.
▪ The high abundances of hydrogen and helium are features of the giant planets also.
▪ Typically, the giant planets contain about forty-five parts per million of helium-3 in their atmospheres.
▪ The giant planets are, in fact, warm inside.
▪ Discovery would enter a parking orbit around Saturn, be-coming a new moon of the giant planet.
▪ But that betrays a terribly parochial notion of what giant planets are like.
▪ Finally, Mercury and the Moon may be much less thoroughly outgassed than the other terrestrial planets.
▪ But what about other planets, where water may be a scarce commodity?
▪ But I wasn't sure they were the kind of entities that come from other planets.
▪ Thermal tides occur in the atmospheres of other planets.
▪ There may be yet more complicated objects than us on other planets, and some of them may already know about us.
▪ The outcome matches the estimated rate in Figure 8.2, and this provides support for the rates for the other planets.
▪ These could be on other planets, in artificial space colonies or even beneath the Earth's own oceans.
▪ But the annexation of the other planets of the Althosian system had left Nicaea economically and morally bankrupt.
▪ The pictures are the best indication so far that traces of life may be found on the red planet.
▪ Much wackiness ensues en route to the red planet.
▪ There are three main ways in which the terrestrial planets could have acquired their volatiles.
▪ The inner edge of the belt, the part closest to Mars and the other terrestrial planets, is compositionally complex.
▪ Finally, Mercury and the Moon may be much less thoroughly outgassed than the other terrestrial planets.
▪ The most likely fate is to collide with one of the terrestrial planets.
▪ Through all these means small bodies can bring to the terrestrial planets volatiles in sufficient abundance to match the observations.
▪ This astonishing discovery of polar ice on Mercury makes it clear that impacts play a major role on all the terrestrial planets.
▪ The mean density of Mercury indicates that its interior is substantially different from the interiors of the other terrestrial planets.
▪ Thus the four terrestrial planets are all affected in important but very different ways by comet and asteroid impacts.
▪ Suddenly, a whole new planet was accessible; and not only accessible but available, unoccupied, deserted.
▪ It is, in a sense, a whole new planet.
▪ This whole planet is controlled by a vast defence system.
▪ If time did stop, for the whole planet, it would always happen between things.
▪ We're talking about weapons neither of us could use without destroying ourselves and probably our whole planet.
▪ Star of Tolerance will address the whole planet, so we are obliged to be as responsible as we can be.
▪ Elton John is probably the best bloke on the whole planet.
▪ Would even a hidden master squander a whole planet simply to test one individual?
▪ There are 5.8 billion people on planet Earth today.
▪ On the planet Earth, the first crude knot had been tied...
▪ The game that was being played out in the shadows around the planet Earth was old beyond even its understanding.
▪ Since the dawn of time, roughly a hundred billion human beings have walked the planet Earth.
▪ No wonder failure exists on planet Earth.
▪ What exciting, fulfilling, profitable things do I want to do during my short span on planet Earth?
▪ The rest of us humans are outside, but inside the test tube of planet Earth.
▪ The law-abiding seem to live on a different planet.
▪ The fact that future generations may find themselves living in a warmer planet can not be built into today's selection processes.
▪ Astronauts have learned that we live on a delicate planet whose complex workings are poorly understood.
▪ Anita doesn't want to save the planet any more.
▪ He was going to die saving an entire planet from the Daleks.
▪ Geoffrey Cannon explains how you can save the planet by saving yourself.
▪ In part two: Time to act ... the Greens plea to save our polluted planet from destruction.
▪ Their daughter was saving the planet from complete annihilation.
▪ The Green Party is campaigning on the simplest of tickets in this election ... the need to save our planet.
▪ She was much more fun after a few drinks, gently mocking her dedication to saving this planet.
▪ We have 10 years to make the decisions which could save the planet.
▪ Saturn is the planet with rings around it.
▪ Certainly, evidence of intelligent civilizations on planets orbiting distant stars would be an epochal event in human history.
▪ In this way the differentiation of a planet may act to slow down the operation of the heat engine.
▪ It is almost certain that, during the Earth's early history, the planet was a frequent victim of cometary impacts.
▪ One of my boyfriends said that it's as if I was from another planet.
▪ The entire planet is fluid, like a star.
▪ The orbital motion of the earth provided a causal explanation for why the planets appeared to meander across the sky.
▪ We will take the animals to different planets.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Planet \Plan"et\, n. [OE. planete, F. plan[`e]te, L. planeta, fr. Gr. ?, and ? a planet; prop. wandering, fr. ? to wander, fr. ? a wandering.]

  1. (Astron.) A celestial body which revolves about the sun in an orbit of a moderate degree of eccentricity. It is distinguished from a comet by the absence of a coma, and by having a less eccentric orbit. See Solar system.

    Note: The term planet was first used to distinguish those stars which have an apparent motion through the constellations from the fixed stars, which retain their relative places unchanged. The inferior planets are Mercury and Venus, which are nearer to the sun than is the earth; the superior planets are Mars, the asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, which are farther from the sun than is the earth. Primary planets are those which revolve about the sun; secondary planets, or moons, are those which revolve around the primary planets as satellites, and at the same time revolve with them about the sun.

  2. A star, as influencing the fate of a men.

    There's some ill planet reigns.

    Planet gear. (Mach.) See Epicyclic train, under Epicyclic.

    Planet wheel, a gear wheel which revolves around the wheel with which it meshes, in an epicyclic train.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late Old English planete, from Old French planete (Modern French planète), from Late Latin planeta, from Greek planetes, from (asteres) planetai "wandering (stars)," from planasthai "to wander," of unknown origin, possibly from PIE *pele- (2) "flat, to spread" on notion of "spread out." So called because they have apparent motion, unlike the "fixed" stars. Originally including also the moon and sun; modern scientific sense of "world that orbits a star" is from 1630s.


n. 1 (lb en now historical or astrology) Each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky—the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. (from 14thc.) 2 (lb en astronomy) A body which orbits the Sun directly and is massive enough to be in hydrostatic equilibrium (effectively meaning a spheroid) and to dominate its orbit; specifically, the eight major bodies of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. (Pluto was considered a planet until 2006 and has now been reclassified as a dwarf planet.) (from 17thc.) 3 A large body which directly orbits any star (or star cluster) but which has not attained nuclear fusion. 4 In phrases such as ''the planet'', ''this planet'', sometimes refers to the Earth.

  1. n. any of the celestial bodies (other than comets or satellites) that revolve around the sun in the solar system

  2. a person who follows or serves another [syn: satellite]

Planet (disambiguation)

A planet, in astronomy, is one of a class of celestial bodies that orbit stars. (A dwarf planet is a similar, but officially mutually exclusive, class of body.)

  • For articles on specific types of planet, see List of planets

Planet or Planets may also refer to:

  • Planets in astrology, another concept referring to celestial bodies but as used in prophecy
Planet (magazine)

Planet is a quarterly cultural and political magazine that looks at Wales from an international perspective, and at the world from the standpoint of Wales.

The magazine publishes high-quality writing, artwork and photography by established and emerging figures, and covers subjects across politics, the arts, literature, current events, social justice questions, minority language and culture, the environment and more.

Planet enjoys a vibrant and diverse international readership and is read by key figures in the Welsh political cultural scene.

The magazine was originally set up as a bi-monthly publication by Ned Thomas in 1970, and was published continually until 1979. This followed a decision in 1967 to devolve the function of The Arts Council of Great Britain in Wales to the Welsh Arts Council. Thomas explained that "The arts council's literature director, Meic Stephens, had a vision of creating a publishing base in Wales that hadn't existed before". The magazine was renamed Planet: the Welsh Internationalist in 1977.

On the eve of the Welsh devolution referendum, 1979, predicting a "no" vote, Thomas decided to bring the magazine to an end as he believed "that a no vote would mean that Planet's stance and ideology had failed, and a yes vote would mean that Wales needed a magazine published more often than once every two months". He was persuaded to relaunch the magazine in 1985, and with improved funding, John Barnie was employed as a full-time assistant before becoming editor in 1990. Barnie was succeeded by his wife Helle Michelsen, in 2006, and in 2010 by Jasmine Donahaye. In 2012, Emily Trahair became the current editor, with Dafydd Prys ap Morus as Production Editor and Helen Pendry as Assistant Editor. The team also puts together the Planet Extra website.

In 2002, funding was moved from the Arts Council to the Welsh Books Council, and in 2009, the Welsh Books Council changed their magazine's funding remit to a quarterly. The first expanded quarterly issue was published in April of that year. The magazine celebrated its 40th anniversary with its 200th issue in November 2010.

Originally published in Llangeitho, the magazine's headquarters later moved to the publishing heartland of Aberystwyth. Planet also publishes a book imprint.

Planet (locomotive)

Planet was an early steam locomotive built in 1830 by Robert Stephenson and Company for the Liverpool and Manchester Railway.

Planet (software)

In online media, Planet is a feed aggregator application designed to collect posts from the weblogs of members of an Internet community and display them on a single page. Planet runs on a web server. It creates pages with entries from the original feeds in chronological order, most recent entries first.

Planet was written in Python and maintained by Jeff Waugh and Scott James Remnant. There are several successors: Venus, started by Sam Ruby; Pluto, started by hackNY, and a second project also named Pluto, started by Gerald Bauer.

Released under the Python License, Planet is free software.

Usage examples of "planet".

The thinking machines had been eradicated here, and the humans had caused so much damage to accomplish it that even they could no longer live on their own ancestral home planet.

In plain English this means that the ancient Maya had a far more accurate understanding of the true immensity of geological time, and of the vast antiquity of our planet, than did anyone in Britain, Europe or North America until Darwin propounded the theory of evolution.

These groups point at the increasing number of Vulcans affiliated with Starfleetand at the fact that they are sometimes required by their oaths to handle weapons or perhaps to act violently in the line of dutyand they claim that this is the beginning of the corruption of the species and a potential return to the old warlike ways that almost doomed the planet.

These were the sections which more closely mirrored conditions on the sort of mainly methane-atmosphered planets and moons the Affront preferred, and it was in these the Affront indulged their greatest passion, by going hunting.

Culture had been on the far side of the galaxy from the Affront home planet, and contacts between the Culture and the Affront had been unusually sparse for a long time for a variety of frankly banal reasons.

The fauna was far more dangerous than any Lunzie had seen on Ambrosia or on any of the planets she had so far visited.

At present the planet Mars is in conjunction, but with every return to opposition I, for one, anticipate a renewal of their adventure.

It seems to me that it should be possible to define the position of the gun from which the shots are discharged, to keep a sustained watch upon this part of the planet, and to anticipate the arrival of the next attack.

This arises from the possible appulse of the comet to the planet Pallas, whose mass, being so small, would more sensibly be disturbed by such an appulse than the earth.

The planet Arcos is of strategic importance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

And then the agent had gone on a tremendous amplification all over the planet, and it was still expanding its burn, with no end in sight.

Rufus in particular loved to work the Astrolabe, when it was not in use, and he has also learned, much to my Astonishment, quite a Lot of the Mathematical Calculation necessary for plotting the Orbits of Stars and Planets.

There are extraordinary, unexplainable landmarks scattered across the face of this planet, astronomically aligned wonders, yet all pieces of a single, giant puzzle.

The Astrophysics Department, however, insists that such a moment can be created by using the Tan equations on the planet Jupiter, causing it, in effect, artificially to go nova.

An autocratic year-captain could force them to settle for the first plausible-looking planet we find, simply by decree.