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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a holy/sacred vow
▪ When we get married in church we are making sacred vows.
a sacred mountain (=considered holy)
▪ Mount Fuji is a sacred mountain.
a sacred oath (=one you swear by God)
▪ Stephen swore a sacred oath to recognise Matilda as Queen.
a sacred site (=a place that is important in a religion)
▪ Ayers Rock is the most sacred site of the Aborigines.
sacred cow
▪ In New York’s show business scene, money, fame and power are sacred cows.
▪ Probably different kinds of trees were regarded as sacred.
▪ The United States sees intellectual property rights as sacred, said Thomas Klitgaard, an attorney specializing in international law.
▪ Humanity isn't as sacred as it likes to think.
▪ This has become almost as sacred as the first amendment right of free speech.
▪ My own position would also be called into question, as I regard Sunday as sacred.
▪ Each tribe responded and became attached to its own specific landscape, seeing particular lakes and trees as sacred.
▪ Yet these texts are read as sacred texts.
▪ Much later, the perehera was adopted by the Buddhists to display their most sacred relic.
▪ Medieval texts refer to it as one of the fifty-one most sacred places for Hindus.
▪ More than 800 men died and their bodies still lie in what has become Britain's most sacred maritime war grave.
▪ A most sacred obligation was bound up with a most atrocious crime.
▪ This was the most sacred part of the cathedral and also of the castle itself.
▪ It means challenging some of the most sacred myths about public schooling.
▪ You call silly the most sacred moment between a man and a woman?
▪ They were most sacred days, when much of the ordinary business of life was suspended.
▪ She travelled in a chariot drawn by cats, the latter being her sacred animal symbol and familiars.
▪ His sacred animals were the ram and the goose.
▪ The ram was also one of the sacred animals of Amun.
▪ The juxtaposition of their love-making against Bishop Casey performing his sacred duties will do more than shock.
▪ So it was a husband's sacred duty not to refuse her on that day even if he were practising celibacy.
▪ But the priestly role was not finished, and their equally sacred duty of reading and explaining the law remained.
▪ And nothing must threaten this sacred duty.
▪ They married, had children, and tended the sacred fire.
▪ A sacred fire is protected by small, round stones.
▪ All the principles of sacred geometry were applied in their construction.
▪ As a description of a sacred grove, with its legends, character and atmosphere, this is hard to better!
▪ I am in the sacred grove with a priestess in the last surviving matriarchal, communal culture on earth.
▪ I believe the Druid sacred groves to have been functionally identical with, and a direct continuity of, ley mark-clumps.
▪ Then taking her on board they went where she directed and reached the sacred grove where the Fleece hung.
▪ The servants had unpacked the picnic hampers, filling the sacred grove with roasted chickens, quails, and potted shrimps.
▪ The sacred grove is our sanctuary, our temple.
▪ Black-armoured warriors burned the sacred groves.
▪ Moreover he enjoyed sacred music too.
▪ In May 1893, he conducted a special service of sacred music here at Halling, assisted by his wife.
▪ His sacred music, songs and string sonatas have been recorded and testify to the breadth of his artistry.
▪ Universities and Colleges Academic studies in university music faculties often pay considerable attention to sacred music from the Early and Renaissance periods.
▪ We understand how deeply people can become attached to sacred objects.
▪ Before we started, nuclear bombs were sacred objects.
▪ Sometimes they stand in for a deity, haunting the sacred places and occupying a position midway between gods and men.
▪ The Gypsy expressed shock that I could tell such a fib, especially in this sacred place.
▪ No one but the officiating priest was allowed to approach this most sacred place.
▪ Medieval texts refer to it as one of the fifty-one most sacred places for Hindus.
▪ Can it be by chance that mankind's sacred places are almost always spaces where echoed are heard to particularly good effect?
▪ Originally I conceived of this book as a series of journeys to sacred places.
▪ He became more famous when he moved to Walden Pond, which he saw as a kind of sacred place.
▪ Still, there is a way that science has helped to amputate our understanding of the world as a sacred place.
▪ Much later, the perehera was adopted by the Buddhists to display their most sacred relic.
▪ They were thus especially suitable to guard sacred relics and great sanctuaries.
▪ He was celebrated there as a martyr, and his grave became a shrine, a sacred site, a pilgrimage centre.
▪ In fact, I am looking forward to seeing my sacred site anew.
▪ This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region.
▪ Explorer-anthropologist Martin Gray has spent 12 years wandering through 800 sacred sites scattered around the globe.
▪ Ley hunters today answer as Watkins himself did, by suggesting the evolution of sacred sites.
▪ These taboos against women as polluting to male sacred space are very ancient.
▪ But the principles for planning a sacred space are the same, Price said.
▪ All haunted by the sense of a sacred space, a sacred time.
▪ All of this is contained in the sacred space unfurled by the telling of the myth.
▪ Yet these texts are read as sacred texts.
▪ Building anew on the old sacred texts, these innovations brought a spiritual renewal to every major faith.
▪ And, oh yes, a full-scale Martian invasion has been added to the sacred text.
▪ Messing around with sacred texts is against their religious law.
▪ Job descriptions became their sacred texts, for they were considered the workers' protection against exploitation.
▪ I imagined solemn covens chanting, straggling torchlight processions winding up to mountain tops, stone circles, sacred trees and springs.
▪ It is used in respect of sacred trees, shrines, etc., and is performed as an act of reverence or respect.
▪ This, he explained, was a sacred tree.
▪ The Mochlos ring shows a sacred tree growing out of the shrine being ferried along on the priestess's ship.
▪ In the public interest view also, regulators perform their allotted tasks as a sacred trust.
▪ For her, the designation of godparent is a sacred trust.
▪ They were, in a sense, a sacred trust.
▪ The Sky People allowed the Navajos to memorize each one as a sacred trust for healing purposes.
sacred rites
sacred writings
▪ a choir specialising in sacred music
▪ Certain animals were considered sacred by the Aztecs.
▪ Our time at home with our kids is sacred.
▪ The Japanese regard Mount Fuji as a sacred mountain.
▪ the miraculous power of sacred relics
▪ The olive tree was regarded as sacred to the goddess Athena.
▪ These burial grounds are sacred to the Native Americans.
▪ In the public interest view also, regulators perform their allotted tasks as a sacred trust.
▪ Like most everyone else in this country, I learned early on that the flag is a sacred symbol.
▪ Other cities also had noble temples; none had such a splendid facade to its whole sacred area.
▪ Religion is the human enterprise by which a sacred cosmos is established.
▪ The monotheistic order required that the feminine should be barred from the sphere of power, which coincided with the sacred.
▪ We could eat all the sacred dirt on earth, but still those who loved to make war would make war.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sacred \Sa"cred\, a. [Originally p. p. of OE. sacren to consecrate, F. sacrer, fr. L. sacrare, fr. sacer sacred, holy, cursed. Cf. Consecrate, Execrate, Saint, Sexton.]

  1. Set apart by solemn religious ceremony; especially, in a good sense, made holy; set apart to religious use; consecrated; not profane or common; as, a sacred place; a sacred day; sacred service.

  2. Relating to religion, or to the services of religion; not secular; religious; as, sacred history.

    Smit with the love of sacred song.

  3. Designated or exalted by a divine sanction; possessing the highest title to obedience, honor, reverence, or veneration; entitled to extreme reverence; venerable.

    Such neighbor nearness to our sacred [royal] blood Should nothing privilege him.

    Poet and saint to thee alone were given, The two most sacred names of earth and heaven.

  4. Hence, not to be profaned or violated; inviolable.

    Secrets of marriage still are sacred held.

  5. Consecrated; dedicated; devoted; -- with to.

    A temple, sacred to the queen of love.

  6. Solemnly devoted, in a bad sense, as to evil, vengeance, curse, or the like; accursed; baleful. [Archaic]

    But, to destruction sacred and devote.

    Society of the Sacred Heart (R.C. Ch.), a religious order of women, founded in France in 1800, and approved in 1826. It was introduced into America in 181

  7. The members of the order devote themselves to the higher branches of female education. Sacred baboon. (Zo["o]l.) See Hamadryas. Sacred bean (Bot.), a seed of the Oriental lotus ( Nelumbo speciosa or Nelumbium speciosum), a plant resembling a water lily; also, the plant itself. See Lotus. Sacred beetle (Zo["o]l.) See Scarab. Sacred canon. See Canon, n., 3. Sacred fish (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous species of fresh-water African fishes of the family Mormyrid[ae]. Several large species inhabit the Nile and were considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians; especially Mormyrus oxyrhynchus. Sacred ibis. See Ibis. Sacred monkey. (Zo["o]l.)

    1. Any Asiatic monkey of the genus Semnopithecus, regarded as sacred by the Hindoos; especially, the entellus. See Entellus.

    2. The sacred baboon. See Hamadryas.

    3. The bhunder, or rhesus monkey.

      Sacred place (Civil Law), the place where a deceased person is buried.

      Syn: Holy; divine; hallowed; consecrated; dedicated; devoted; religious; venerable; reverend. [1913 Webster] -- Sa"cred*ly, adv. -- Sa"cred*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., past participle adjective from obsolete verb sacren "to make holy" (c.1200), from Old French sacrer "consecrate, anoint, dedicate" (12c.) or directly from Latin sacrare "to make sacred, consecrate; hold sacred; immortalize; set apart, dedicate," from sacer (genitive sacri) "sacred, dedicated, holy, accursed," from Old Latin saceres, from PIE root *sak- "to sanctify." Buck groups it with Oscan sakrim, Umbrian sacra and calls it "a distinctive Italic group, without any clear outside connections." Related: Sacredness.\n

\nNasalized form is sancire "make sacred, confirm, ratify, ordain." Sacred cow "object of Hindu veneration," is from 1891; figurative sense of "one who must not be criticized" is first recorded 1910, reflecting Western views of Hinduism. Sacred Heart "the heart of Jesus as an object of religious veneration" is from 1765.


Etymology 1

  1. 1 Set apart by solemn religious ceremony; especially, in a good sense, made holy; set apart to religious use; consecrated; not profane or common; as, a '''sacred''' place; a '''sacred''' day; '''sacred''' service. 2 Relating to religion, or to the services of religion; not secular; religious; as, '''sacred''' history. 3 designated or exalted by a divine sanction; possessing the highest title to obedience, honor, reverence, or veneration; entitled to extreme reverence; venerable. 4 Hence, not to be profaned or violated; inviolable. 5 Consecrated; dedicated; devoted; -- with to. 6 (context archaic English) Solemnly devoted, in a bad sense, as to evil, vengeance, curse, or the like; accursed; baleful. Etymology 2


  2. (en-past of: sacre)

  1. adj. concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music" [ant: profane]

  2. worthy of respect or dedication; "saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling"

  3. made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use; "a consecrated chursh"; "the sacred mosque"; "sacred elephants"; "sacred bread and wine"; "sanctified wine" [syn: consecrated, sanctified]

  4. worthy of religious veneration; "the sacred name of Jesus"; "Jerusalem's hallowed soil" [syn: hallowed]

  5. (often followed by `to') devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person; "a fund sacred to charity"; "a morning hour sacred to study"; "a private office sacred to the President"

Sacred (novel)

Sacred (1997) is the third book in the Kenzie/Gennaro series by Dennis Lehane.

Sacred (Paradox album)

Sacred is the second album by Irish grunge band Paradox, released on May 11, 2004.

Sacred (video game)

Sacred is an action role-playing game for Microsoft Windows and Linux released in 2004. It takes place on the magical continent of Ancaria, with characters of various races ( dark elf, vampiress, dwarf, etc.) each with their own missions. More than 1.8 million copies of the game were sold worldwide. In 2008 Linux Game Publishing announced that they would port the game to the Linux operating system.

Sacred was developed by Studio II Software and Ascaron Entertainment and published in 2004 by Encore in the USA release.


Sacred means revered due to sanctity and is generally the state of being holy (perceived by religious individuals as associated with divinity) or sacred (considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion; or inspiring awe or reverence among believers).

From an anthropological or atheistic perspective, the religious view of the sacred is an emic perspective on a culture's collection of thoughts and practices that function as a basis for the community's social structure.

Objects are often considered holy or sacred if used for spiritual purposes, such as the worship or service of gods. The property is often ascribed to people ("a holy man", a "holy prophet" who is venerated by his followers), objects (a "sacred artifact" that is venerated and blessed), times (" holy days"), or places (" holy places", "sacred ground").

Sacred (Los Lonely Boys album)

Sacred is the Los Lonely Boys' fourth album and their second studio set, released on July 18, 2006. The original title of the album, as shown on the "Diamonds" single printed materials was to be "Òralé". "Diamonds", a revised version of the same song from the 1997 album, was the first single to be released on May 8, 2006. This was followed by the single release of "My Way".

The album features a fuller sound than the earlier album, primarily due to extra instruments. The button accordion is prominently featured on "Texican Style", and harmonica on "Home". There are horn accompaniments (trumpet, tenor and baritone sax) on several songs, including "My Way".

Willie Nelson and the boys' father, Enrique Garza, both perform on "Outlaws". Patrick Simmons of the Doobie Brothers is a co-author of "Roses".

Sacred (disambiguation)

Sacred is being set apart for the worship or service of gods.

Sacred may also refer to:

  • Sacred (video game), a 2004 PC Action-RPG, that takes place on the magical continent of Ancaria
  • Sacred (Los Lonely Boys album), 2006
  • Sacred (Paradox album), 2004
  • Sacred Records, a record label founded in 1944 by Earle E. Williams
  • "Sacred", a song by Depeche Mode from the album Music for the Masses
  • Sacred baboon, alternative name for the species hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas)
  • Sacred (novel), a novel by Dennis Lehane
  • Sacred (manga), an OEL Manga by Lizbeth R. Jimenez

Usage examples of "sacred".

If it be possible to measure the interval between the philosophic writings of Cicero and the sacred legend of Theodoret, between the character of Cato and that of Simeon, we may appreciate the memorable revolution which was accomplished in the Roman empire within a period of five hundred years.

Everywhere the sacred body of Nature was covered with the veil of allegory, which concealed it from the profane, and allowed it to be seen only by the sage who thought it worthy to be the object of his study and investigation.

By this latest allonge to the Sacred Covenant Priestess Poogli agrees to permit an all-out food-netting in her newly discovered preserve at the bottom of our universe.

That person was the man on whom devolved the duty of holding in his consecrated hands the Sacred Ampulla, my Lord Regnault de Chartres, Archbishop Duke of Reims, Chancellor of the Kingdom.

In the last section she had read Louisa was planning to go out to the Valley of the Tombs to bury the scent bottle which had turned out to be a sacred ampulla, at the feet of Isis.

But what a pity that it comes branded with the mark of paganism, and christened with the name of the sun god, when adopted and sanctioned by the papal apostasy, and bequeathed as a sacred legacy to Protestantism.

Its three altars and other sacred appurtenances have crumbled and passed away years ago.

The sacred screen now before me mounts its head into the dome, and presents an imposing and even an architectonic aspect, but certain details, such as classic mouldings of columns, and a broken entablature, pronounce the edifice to be comparatively modern.

Instead of asserting, that the authority of the gods was superior to that of the emperor, they desisted, with a plaintive murmur, from the use of those sacred rites which their sovereign had condemned.

No one living that Anaxthenes could find ever remembered the elderly Archpriest serving in the Sacred Squares or any other army.

In the foyer was an autograph book on a lighted stand and a small stack of souvenir pictures: Jesus, His sacred heart exposed like a biology-book illustration.

He remembered the sound of TIAMAT as the initiates spoke the word for the first time, and remembered the tale the Worshipful Master told them of the sacred origins of the order, of Guiseppe Balsamo, called Cagliostro, and the secret entrusted him by the Shining Brother in an English wood.

The Ktemnoi Sacred Squares were dressed in blue shirts and breeches, with brown boiled-leather jacks for the musketeers and polished steel breastplates for the billmen, set off by orange sashes.

In consequence of their endlessly varied, constantly recurring, intensely earnest speculations and musings over this contrast of finite restlessness and pain with infinite peace and blessedness, a contrast which constitutes the preaching of their priests, saturates their sacred books, fills their thoughts, and broods over all their life, the Orientals are pervaded with a profound horror of individual existence, and with a profound desire for absorption into the Infinite Being.

The Sacred Name blossomed like a rose within me, swelling to fill every part, until there was no room left for any trace of fear.