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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a convoy reaches sth
▪ When is the convoy expected to reach its destination?
a population reaches
▪ Nigeria 's population will reach 532 million in the middle of this century.
achieve/attain/reach your goal
▪ She has worked hard to achieve her goal of a job in the medical profession.
▪ They’re hoping to reach their goal of raising £10,000 for charity.
achieve/fulfil/reach/realize your potential (=succeed as much as you have the potential to succeed)
▪ A lot of athletes find it difficult to achieve their potential.
achieve/reach a level
▪ China’s imports of wheat reached record levels.
approach/reach/go into etc double figures
▪ The death toll is thought to have reached double figures.
be through to/reach the final
▪ He’s through to the men’s tennis final for the first time.
come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion (=decide something)
▪ I eventually came to the conclusion that I wanted to study law.
come to/bring to/reach fruition
▪ His proposals only came to fruition after the war.
▪ Many people have worked together to bring this scheme to fruition.
come to/reach a dead end
▪ The negotiations have reached a dead end.
come/get/reach etc home (=arrive at your home)
▪ It was midnight by the time we got home.
▪ What time are you coming home?
establish/reach a diagnosis
▪ It is important to establish the diagnosis and begin treatment quickly.
fall to/hit/reach etc a new low (=be worth less than ever before)
▪ The euro has fallen to a new low against the dollar.
get to/reach the end of sth
▪ The 40 year-old power station has now reached the end of its operating life.
get to/reach/live to a particular age
▪ One in three children die before they reach the age of 5.
▪ The number of people living to to the age of 80 has doubled in the last fifty years.
grow to/reach a length of 2 metres/8 feet etc
▪ A blue whale can reach a length of 100 feet.
meet/reach a standard
▪ Many food businesses fail to meet basic standards of hygiene.
reach a climax
▪ The film reaches its climax in the final scene.
reach a compromise
▪ After a bitter political fight, a compromise was finally reached.
reach a consensus (also arrive at a consensus)
▪ The committee found that it was unable to reach a consensus.
reach a maximum
▪ These sheep reach a maximum of 70 kg at adulthood.
reach a peak (also hit a peakinformal)
▪ The traffic reaches a peak between 5 and 6 pm.
▪ The company’s stock hit a peak of about $23.
reach a point
▪ Some couples reach a point where divorce is the only solution.
reach a position
▪ It has taken two years to reach the position we are now in.
reach a settlement
▪ The companies reached a settlement in March.
reach a speed
▪ The trains will reach speeds of 140 mph.
reach an audience
▪ For an advertiser who wants to reach a large audience, television news easily surpasses other news media.
reach double/six etc figures (=be 10 or more/100,000 or more etc)
▪ The death toll in the region has reached five figures.
reach epidemic etc proportions
▪ Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country.
reach into your pocket (=put your hand into your pocket to find something)
▪ "Do you want a cigarette?" he asked, reaching into his pocket.
reach its zenith/be at its zenith
▪ The Roman Empire reached its zenith around the year 100.
reach middle age (=be middle-aged)
▪ You need to start saving for retirement before you reach middle age.
reach puberty
▪ Fourteen is a fairly normal age for a girl to reach puberty.
reach/achieve/hit a target (=meet it)
▪ They achieved their target with just days to spare.
reach/arrive at a verdict (=agree on a decision)
▪ The jury failed to reach a verdict.
reach/arrive at your destination (also get to your destinationinformal)
▪ It had taken us 6 hours to reach our destination.
reach/attain manhood
▪ He had barely reached manhood when he married.
reach/be at the top of your profession
▪ He was a very highly respected man, at the top of his profession.
reach/come to an agreement (also conclude an agreementformal)
▪ It took the two sides several weeks to reach an agreement.
▪ The two sides failed to come to an agreement.
reach/come to/arrive at a decision (=make a decision after a lot of thought)
▪ We hope they will reach their decision as soon as possible.
reach/come to/grow to maturity
▪ These insects reach full maturity after a few weeks.
reached a crescendo
▪ The curtains opened as the music reached a crescendo.
reached a...deadlock
▪ The talks have reached a complete deadlock.
reached boiling point
▪ Relations between the two countries have almost reached boiling point.
reached fever pitch
▪ After a night of rioting, tensions in the city reached fever pitch.
reached its crescendo
▪ The campaign reached its crescendo in the week of the election.
reached saturation point
▪ The number of summer tourists in the area has reached saturation point.
reached the dizzy heights of
▪ Naomi had reached the dizzy heights of manageress.
reached the pinnacle
▪ She had reached the pinnacle of her political career.
▪ We reached an accommodation between both parties.
▪ Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse.
▪ The treatment of diabetes reached a significant milestone in the 1970s.
▪ By 1932, the depression had reached its nadir.
reached...pitch (=become so strong)
▪ The controversy reached such a pitch that the paper devoted a whole page to it.
▪ The speedboat reached a velocity of 120 mph.
reach/get to a stage
▪ We have reached the stage where no-one is safe to walk our streets at night.
reach/meet an objective (=achieve an objective)
▪ We need to control spending in order to meet our financial objectives.
reach/strike a deal (=agree a deal after a lot of discussions)
▪ The US and North Korea reached a deal about North Korea's nuclear development program.
rise to/achieve/reach a rank (also attain a rankformal)
▪ He rose to the rank of colonel.
rise to/reach etc ... heights
▪ He reached the dizzy heights of the national finals.
the far/furthest/vast reaches of space (=the far, furthest etc areas of space)
▪ Light takes time to travel across the vast reaches of space.
the jury reaches/arrives at a verdict (=decides if someone is guilty or not guilty)
▪ Has the jury reached a verdict?
the upper/lower etc reaches of a river (=the upper, lower etc parts)
▪ We sailed down the lower reaches of the river.
upper reaches
▪ the upper reaches of the Nile
within easy reach of (=close to)
▪ We live within easy reach of the shops.
within easy reach (=close to)
▪ The station is within easy reach of the town centre.
within reach (=close enough to touch)
▪ Adjust the driver’s seat so that all the controls are within reach.
▪ Death reached down and took a handful of sand.
▪ He reached down and opened the thought-drawer.
▪ With that, he reached down to grab up her suitcases.
▪ Turning his face aside, he reached down and in.
▪ Stephen reached down to his belt for the grenades.
▪ The General reached down and took the little bouquet.
▪ She shook her head no and reached down to take off her shoes.
▪ She reached out to touch the surface, aware of a chill that seemed to have settled around her.
▪ He reached out wildly, trying to grasp the creature, but it had moved away.
▪ Left fielder Mark Whiten reached out and poked a tailing fastball over the left-field wall in the second.
▪ Something about the angle of his shoulders made her want to reach out to him.
▪ Instead, political interest groups reach out directly, using computerized mailing lists and modems in addition to the old-fashioned campaign techniques.
▪ I felt an unusual twinge of pity for him and reached out and clasped one of his hands in mine.
▪ They reach out for some of the techniques as a panacea for ills that run far deeper.
▪ He reached over to touch my wrist, and his look was tender.
▪ He reached over the console and wiped some of the grime off the viewport.
▪ She sat up and reached over for a nacho on the table next to Cyril.
▪ Repeat to your left. Reach over to your left side, curving from your right arm.
▪ He reached over into aii ashtray and took out a fat joint.
▪ It was very nearly respectable, reaching over half way down her thighs.
▪ She reached over now and touched his cold rigid hand.
▪ In less than a year I would reach retirement age and I had nothing to fall back on.
▪ Male albatrosses are so faithful to their single wives that virtually every male that reaches the right age will breed.
▪ Still, he has reached the age when he must think of retirement.
▪ By the 1890s civil servants had become obliged to retire on reaching pensionable age.
▪ Illness eventually caught up with Alan, but not until he had reached the age of 79.
▪ Infant mortality is phenomenally high, and many children die before they reach six years of age.
▪ In some countries as many as one child in three dies before reaching the age of five.
▪ We shall never succeed in reaching an agreement on how far back we must go.
▪ Barneys said the two parties could not reach agreement on financing, royalties, equity and trade name issues.
▪ On Dec. 31 the government and Solidarity reached agreement on ending the strike.
▪ Critics and supporters alike acknowledge that it could take years to reach even a narrow agreement.
▪ It reached agreement over a number of issues including selection procedure and the team's uniform, flag and song.
▪ While the airline has slashed costs in many areas, it so far has failed to reach cost-cutting labor agreements.
▪ During their talks Qian and Alatas reached agreements on the remaining stumbling blocks to normalization.
▪ Platt and Brooks reached an agreement with the filmmakers by telephone, then flew to Dallas to meet them.
▪ As for smoking, we reached a compromise.
▪ Within a few months, they made the triumphant proclamation that they had reached a compromise all sides could live with.
▪ Eventually I reach the same old compromise.
▪ Republicans said they see little chance of reaching a compromise this year.
▪ It's hoping to meet the shopkeepers and reach a compromise.
▪ How hard after all these decades to reach out and compromise.
▪ Luckily the timely intervention of Trevor Proby's left boot into my right ear quickened everyone's resolve to reach a compromise.
▪ Failure to reach compromises on spending in 1995 and 1996 triggered two partial government shutdowns.
▪ Part of this process requires the team to reach conclusions as to how the corporate centre will relate to the operating businesses.
▪ Yet epidemiologists in many countries have independently evaluated possible methods of transmission and have reached the same conclusions.
▪ Therefore, a tribunal or inferior court acts ultravires if it reaches its conclusion on a basis erroneous under the general law.
▪ The seemingly interminable day was finally reaching its dark conclusion.
▪ There was nothing about how the pathologist had reached the conclusion that death had taken place some time between 1974 and 1977.
▪ Apparently, many of you already driving 528s reached the same conclusion.
▪ However as a story it reaches no conclusion.
▪ Many of you might reach the same conclusion about your whole organization.
▪ At least five local law societies found it difficult to reach a consensus amongst their members on the matter.
▪ After discussing several alternatives, the team reaches consensus on a plan of action.
▪ Most decisions are reached by general consensus with a minimum of formal voting. 7.
▪ Various group decision-making methods can be used to reach consensus.
▪ Our impressions are of a team in which decisions are reached by consensus and with the minimum of tension.
▪ The group itself must get together and reach such decisions by consensus.
▪ All agreements are reached by consensus.
▪ In general local law societies disagreed with the question, although they found it difficult to reach a consensus on the issue.
▪ Faced with the same situation, not all scientists will reach the same decision or adopt the same strategy.
▪ Regulators are scheduled to reach a decision by Feb. 18 on whether they will accept the banks' merger applications.
▪ Only on one count, against Powell, was the jury unable to reach a decision and a mistrial declared.
▪ This at once enhances the contribution which the court or parents can make towards reaching the best possible decision in all the circumstances.
▪ The no difference thesis is about what happens if authorities reach the right decision.
▪ But he rose from his sick-bed to be on hand when the committee reached their expected decision.
▪ I shall take careful account of all aspects of the application before reaching a decision.
▪ The missed approach is commenced immediately on reaching decision height, if visual contact has not been made at this point.
▪ When he reached the end of the street, Scott turned and looked back towards the house.
▪ The village sat on a shoreline as if it had reached the end of something and could go no further.
▪ When the tone stopped you had reached the end of the line - and that indicated the ferret's position.
▪ Press Home Home down arrow to reach the end of the document. 2.
▪ Helicopters circled overhead as the caravan finally reached the end of its historic journey.
▪ By the time you reach the end you have forgotten in what age you began it!
▪ They may originate above the clouds, but they reach us in the end.
▪ Parry, 23, has twice reached the national quarter finals, losing each time to the legendary John Lyon.
▪ He left Kansas a year before the Jayhawks reached the Final Four.
▪ Jackman, a 20-year-old from Norfolk, has reached four major finals since joining the world tour in August 1991.
▪ For every athlete who reaches the County finals, it is a potential stepping stone to the National Championships.
▪ I mean, the Seattle SuperSonics reached the Western Conference final in 1987 despite their 39-43 regular-season record.
▪ Parker, after all, had been a key figure in helping Forest reach four Wembley finals over the previous three seasons.
▪ Negotiators in Geneva reached their final agreement just hours before the midnight deadline.
▪ Many people who try to set themselves goals and call them objectives think they have failed when they don't reach them.
▪ There are strong differences on how to reach their shared goal.
▪ The Date Achieved is filled in only after you have reached your goal.
▪ These are the practical, day-by-day steps that we take to reach our goals.
▪ A lot of them failed to reach that desirable goal.
▪ Most of my clients quit well before reaching their goal weight.
▪ Mobility therefore relates to people's ability to move and to reach desired goals.
▪ How many people who walk in the door reach their goal weight and keep it off?
▪ How do we reach an acceptable level of data security?
▪ Now they own an international distribution company and have reached the highest levels of achievement in our business.
▪ As the winding current is increased, however, the flux density in the iron eventually reaches its saturation level.
▪ When the leaves have reached the water level they wind about below the surface and become dense tangles.
▪ With computer analysis it can also reach a far higher level of sophistication than can be achieved by hand methods.
▪ Small wonder it is so nourished by the time it reaches the national level.
▪ But if there is a significant improvement then the programme can be continued until the problem reaches an acceptable level.
▪ They were a special reward based on reaching various outstanding levels of performance.
▪ I reckon also I've reached the limit.
▪ As cognitive development reaches an upper limit with full attainment of formal operations, so too does affective development.
▪ Your tank has certainly reached its limits now, and some of the fish have yet to reach their full potential.
▪ Evidently he has reached the limit of his imagination, for at this point he reverts from words to breathing.
▪ Mercury will then let customers know when they have reached that limit, so that users can choose whether or not to make further calls.
▪ I stumbled out of town with barely enough strength to reach the city limits.
▪ It would create unfair trading as some buyers may already have reached their 90-claim limit.
▪ Valerie and Mike were both reaching the limits of fear and frustration.
▪ Discs Formula: Madness quit without ever reaching a proper peak.
▪ Boukreev's last climb was a dangerous attempt to reach the peak of the 26,700-foot Mount Annapurna in the winter.
▪ I just think Tony Jacklin had reached his peak.
▪ My interest in debating reached a high peak at Duke.
▪ As it reaches its peak throw the second ball underneath it towards your left hand.
▪ The sages said they may be reaching their peak.
▪ It reached a peak as miners surged in against the riot shields.
▪ Every 13 weeks Beck receives 300 units of the botulinum toxin, which reaches peak effect in about five weeks.
▪ This is because joke after joke is tedious and people quickly reach saturation point.
▪ You reach a point of success.
▪ His life reached its lowest point in 1970.
▪ He has reached the point where he will not tolerate any further evidence of divided loyalties.
▪ But he knew he hadn't reached that point yet.
▪ The principal message conveyed by the leadership was that the Three Gorges project had reached the point of no return.
▪ They have reached a point in their drama when they need factual information, they want to get it right.
▪ This convinced him he had to reach the point where there was no turning back.
▪ Disney said yesterday it had reached a settlement with one group of contractors for an undisclosed sum.
▪ Mr Widmer said there seemed little hope of reaching a settlement before Caldaire turned to legal action.
▪ Seagram reached a similar settlement with Heublein on more clearly listed ingredients in January.
▪ At the head of the valley we reached a tiny settlement and stopped to ask the way.
▪ His agent, Scott Casterline, reached a settlement with the team that will save Brown one paycheck during his suspension.
▪ This deal was subsequently accepted in the other regions, which had hitherto failed to reach settlements.
▪ Mills and Raines reached a settlement in March, with Mills receiving half of the winnings.
▪ They've just reached the half way stage of the project but it's taken them five years to get this far.
▪ Growth companies have not reached the regal blue-chip stage and are trying to expand their business by reinvesting most of their profits.
▪ We have reached a sensitive stage in the operation.
▪ As I stood looking out at the crowd, I felt I had finally reached a new stage in my life.
▪ Single-cell protein production from non-photosynthetic organisms has also reached the stage of commercial availability, mainly as animal feed.
▪ The trouble can mount as the child reaches the stage when he is supposed to begin learning emotional ideas.
▪ The up-side is that you have reached a stage where you can make some decisions.
▪ By the time I reach the stage again, the audience is one with me.
▪ Cherwell Scientific Publishing Limited was founded in 1990 to distribute and publish carefully selected software which reaches this standard.
▪ They insist that virtually all of their students reach a high educational standard.
▪ Both bodies regularly inspect the homes and have powers to make sure that care and other conditions reach specified standards.
▪ Why work more industriously to reach the new standard?
▪ The young concert pianist had spent fewer hours reaching concert standard than he had spent achieving a mediocre amateur level.
▪ They never reached the standard of work evidenced by the Parthenon or the Erechtheion.
▪ Diplomas are awarded to candidates who reach a satisfactory standard in written examinations following nine months of coursework.
▪ Studies that reach a high standard can be submitted for publication.
▪ Once you reach your target weight, you can increase your intake up to a maximum of 70 grams a day.
▪ Executives are given head-count-reduction targets by their boards, and sometimes financial incentives are tied to reaching the targets.
▪ Offerton lost eight wickets in reaching the target.
▪ To get our bearings, first he has me shoot from a distance too great to reach my target.
▪ The danger is that the pressure to reach target leads you to exaggerate chargeable hours.
▪ If any sweat was lost in reaching this target it was not noticeable, and a six-wicket win was duly recorded.
▪ Yet in the 1980s Britain missed its chance to reach for those targets.
▪ Allow me to present the evidence and then reach your own verdict.
▪ Nor did he grant the plaintiffs' request to sequester the panel until they reach a verdict.
▪ It took the jury almost five hours to reach a majority verdict and acquit her on all three charges.
▪ The jury considered the matter for many days and have reached their verdict.
▪ However, on July 29, the same day the Reclamation panel reached its verdict, Otis could no longer contain himself.
▪ As in a hung jury - one that can not reach a verdict.
▪ To reach a verdict, only nine of 12 jurors had to agree.
be at/hit/reach rock bottom
▪ By four o'clock Melissa's spirits were at rock bottom.
get to/reach first base
▪ Compared to this little middle-aged lot, we didn't get to first base!
hit/reach rock bottom
▪ After we lost the contract, morale in the office reached rock bottom.
▪ Confidence in the city's police force has hit rock bottom.
▪ Joan Rivers reveals how she hit rock bottom and recovered in her autobiography.
▪ As a result, hotel values hit rock bottom in 1992&.
▪ At the time, I thought one had hit rock bottom.
▪ But this time he does seem to have hit rock bottom.
▪ Ogmore to Barry beach sport hit rock bottom.
▪ The 28-year-old mechanical engineer's fortunes took a dramatic twist midway through last season when his career hit rock bottom.
reach sb's ears
▪ After you reach a certain age, nobody wants to hire you.
▪ Babies will put everything they can reach in their mouths.
▪ Can you reach the salt for me?
▪ Can you get that book down for me? I can't reach.
▪ China's economic output is likely to reach $13 trillion within the next few years.
▪ Gold prices have reached their lowest level in 15 years.
▪ Have you been able to reach Neil?
▪ Have you tried reaching her at home?
▪ Hurricane damage could reach billions of dollars.
▪ I can't reach the top shelf.
▪ I don't think these curtains will reach down to the floor.
▪ In winter, parts of Northern Canada can only be reached by plane.
▪ Inflation continued to rise, reaching a peak of 28%.
▪ It took more than three days to reach the top of the mountain.
▪ It took seven hours before we reached the border.
▪ It won't work - the ladder won't reach.
▪ Snow prevented workers from reaching the broken pipeline.
▪ Some letters are taking up to two weeks to reach their destination.
▪ Someone reached out and grabbed her arm.
▪ Temperatures are expected to reach the 80s and 90s.
▪ After reaching the desired revs by using the foot throttle, the driver then pushes the centre button.
▪ At this point the panic reached its peak.
▪ Immersed in his thoughts, Kirov reached his small tailor's shop without realizing it.
▪ Lastly, Linda will have to work full-time or part-time for this retirement goal to be reached, Steinmetz said.
▪ The blankets lay to one side of the fire and she reached out for them.
▪ The door irised open and he reached inside, drawing out the tiny phial before the door closed up again.
▪ This means our mailings to advisers are far more likely to reach the person they are intended for.
▪ When he reached the age of reason, I confidently sent him forth to seek his fortune.
▪ For racegoers there are no less than six racecourses within easy reach.
▪ Men fought with bottles and knives, and with guns within easy reach.
▪ Also within easy reach of many places of interest, including the new International Convention Centre.
▪ A short climb from the tarn leads to the ridge wall, the summit then being within easy reach on the left.
▪ The latter were concentrated quite markedly in Stratford and Forest Gate within easy reach of the main railway line into the city.
▪ The centre is ideally located within easy reach of many historical sites and venues for practical and outdoor activities.
▪ In a farther reach of the bay, the seafront lights came on.
▪ As the warm weather arrives in Yosemite, so do the people en masse, many from far reaches of the world.
▪ They distrusted predictions about the far reaches of the universe because it did not seem they could be tested by observation.
▪ Whose idea was it to set a haunted-house flick aboard a spaceship at the far reaches of the solar system?
▪ She was a thin, slender woman, somewhere in the further reaches of middle age.
▪ The further reach of State enterprise had been confirmed.
▪ I still feel Nestle's global reach gives it a defensive quality.
▪ But a string of acquisitions starting 12 years ago has boosted its global reach.
▪ Microprocessor control on this long reach mower keeps the hood floating over undulations.
▪ The one in the shirt was taller, with a longer reach, and his short blond hair stood up with sweat.
▪ The long reach of the gene knows no obvious boundaries.
▪ However, Oxford's longer reach, excellent rhythm and exceptional fitness could prove decisive in the predicted headwind.
▪ The game was nearly over, and as usual Fred was winning, despite his opponent's longer reach.
▪ The real power of most artillery lies in its long reach.
▪ Above, a steep rib requires a ridiculously long reach before an easy traverse leads back into the corner.
▪ Even in the outer reaches of the capital-Bexley, say-you are looking at £137,000.
▪ They explored the outer reaches of the farm and took long hikes up Talcott Mountain.
▪ Grayling in upper reaches, some pike around Darlington.
▪ Eventually, of course, you will want to go for the upper reaches of naval accomplishment: world domination.
▪ Men involved in the upper reaches of political life might not necessarily find in it an adequate protection.
▪ It singled out the upper reaches of primary schools for particular criticism.
▪ For a sixty-year-old man in the upper reaches of the legal profession, that was pathetic.
▪ And even the long dried out upper reaches of the Pang are flowing ... just ... but more is required.
▪ Certainly, he had abundant connections to the upper reaches of the company hierarchy.
▪ You are a small world of scientists surrounded by a vast and rapidly expanding reaches of barbarism.
▪ This is just like the sweep stroke where we extend the reach to apply more force.
▪ J., will extend its reach to more than four million subscribers.
▪ Another day he calls for a higher minimum wage, or praises a bill that would extend the reach of health insurance.
▪ Cardboard folders of stamps lay haphazardly within my reach.
▪ The real power of most artillery lies in its long reach.
▪ a boxer with a long reach
▪ Grayling in upper reaches, some pike around Darlington.
▪ Its failing came in the inevitable shortfall between reach and grasp.
▪ Jaq doubted that even the most towering of storms could engulf the uppermost reaches of Vasilariov.
▪ The highest reaches of love and life depend on trust.
▪ The quality of diet is falling as the prices of meat and staple provisions rise beyond the reach of many poor residents.
▪ These shrimp live 3, 600 meters below the surface, far beyond the reach of sunlight.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Retch \Retch\ (r[e^]ch or r[=e]ch; 277), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Retched (r[e^]cht); p. pr. & vb. n. Retching.] [AS. hr[ae]can to clear the throat, hawk, fr. hraca throat; akin to G. rachen, and perhaps to E. rack neck.] To make an effort to vomit; to strain, as in vomiting.

Beloved Julia, hear me still beseeching! (Here he grew inarticulate with retching.)

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English ræcan, reccan "reach out, stretch out, extend, hold forth," also "succeed in touching, succeed in striking; address, speak to," also "offer, present, give, grant," from West Germanic *raikjan "stretch out the hand" (cognates: Old Frisian reka, Middle Dutch reiken, Dutch reiken, Old High German and German reichen), from Proto-Germanic *raikijanau, perhaps from PIE root *reig- "to stretch out" (cognates: Sanskrit rjyati "he stretches himself," riag "torture" (by racking); Greek oregein "to reach, extend;" Lithuanian raižius "to stretch oneself;" Old Irish rigim "I stretch").\n

\nShakespeare uses the now-obsolete past tense form raught (Old English ræhte). Meaning "arrive at" is early 14c.; that of "succeed in influencing" is from 1660s. Related: Reached; reaching. Reach-me-down "ready-made" (of clothes) is recorded from 1862, from notion of being on the rack in a finished state.


1520s, from reach (v.); earliest use is of stretches of water. Meaning "extent of reaching" is from 1540s; that of "act of reaching" is from 1560s.\n\nAh, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp,\n
Or what's a heaven for?\n

[Browning, "Andrea del Sarto"]


n. 1 The act of stretching or extending; extension; power of reaching or touching with the person, or a limb, or something held or thrown. 2 The power of stretching out or extending action, influence, or the like; power of attainment or management; extent of force or capacity. 3 Extent; stretch; expanse; hence, application; influence; result; scope. 4 (context informal English) An exaggeration; an extension beyond evidence or normal; a stretch. 5 (context boxing English) The distance a boxer's arm can extend to land a blow. 6 An extended portion of land or water; a stretch; a straight portion of a stream or river, as from one turn to another; a level stretch, as between locks in a canal; an arm of the sea extending up into the land. 7 (context nautical English) Any point of sail in which the wind comes from the side of a vessel, excluding close-hauled. 8 (context obsolete English) An article to obtain an advantage. 9 The pole or rod connecting the rear axle with the forward bolster of a wagon. 10 An effort to vomit; a retching. vb. 1 To extend; to stretch; to thrust out; to put forth, as a limb, a member, something held, or the like. 2 Hence, to deliver by stretching out a member, especially the hand; to give with the hand; to pass to another; to hand over. 3 To attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand; to extend some part of the body, or something held by one, so as to touch, strike, grasp, etc. 4 To strike or touch with a missile. 5 Hence, to extend an action, effort, or influence to; to penetrate to; to pierce, or cut, as far as.

  1. v. reach a destination, either real or abstract; "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts" [syn: make, attain, hit, arrive at, gain]

  2. reach a point in time, or a certain state or level; "The thermometer hit 100 degrees"; "This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour" [syn: hit, attain]

  3. move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense; "Government reaches out to the people" [syn: reach out]

  4. be in or establish communication with; "Our advertisements reach millions"; "He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia" [syn: get through, get hold of, contact]

  5. to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks" [syn: achieve, accomplish, attain]

  6. to extend as far as; "The sunlight reached the wall"; "Can he reach?" "The chair must not touch the wall" [syn: extend to, touch]

  7. reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team"; "We made it!"; "She may not make the grade" [syn: make, get to, progress to]

  8. place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers" [syn: pass, hand, pass on, turn over, give]

  9. to exert much effort or energy; "straining our ears to hear" [syn: strive, strain]

  1. n. the limits within which something can be effective; "range of motion"; "he was beyond the reach of their fire" [syn: range]

  2. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet"; "the ambit of municipal legislation"; "within the compass of this article"; "within the scope of an investigation"; "outside the reach of the law"; "in the political orbit of a world power" [syn: scope, range, orbit, compass, ambit]

  3. the act of physically reaching or thrusting out [syn: reaching, stretch]

  4. the limit of capability; "within the compass of education" [syn: compass, range, grasp]


Reach may refer to:

Reach (Gloria Estefan song)

"Reach" is a song by Gloria Estefan, released as a single in 1996. Co-written with Diane Warren and taken from the official Atlanta 96 album Rhythm of the Games, it later featured on Destiny, which is Estefan's seventh studio album.

Reach (Eyes Set to Kill album)

Reach is the debut full-length album by American rock band Eyes Set to Kill. It was released on February 19, 2008, and peaked at #29 on the Billboard Top Heatseekers chart. The album features three songs ("Darling", "Liar in the Glass", "Young Blood Spills Tonght") from their EP, When Silence is Broken, The Night Is Torn that were re-recorded following the departure of lead vocalist Lindsey Vogt in 2007. Some songs are re-recorded, renamed songs.

Reach (Eyes Set to Kill song)

"Reach" is a song from an American metalcore band Eyes Set to Kill. It was released February 5, 2008 and was the lead single of the band from their debut album Reach. Alexia Rodriguez is now the vocals after Lindsey Vogt left. An acoustic version of the song will be included on Lexia's debut Underground Sounds.

Reach (mathematics)

In mathematics, the reach of a subset of Euclidean space R is a real number that roughly describes how curved the boundary of the set is.

Reach (geography)

A reach is a general term for a length of a stream or river, usually suggesting a level, uninterrupted stretch. The beginning and ending points may be selected for geographic, historical or other reasons - and may be based on landmarks such as gauging stations, river miles, natural features, and topography.

A reach may also be an expanse, or widening, of a stream or river channel. This commonly occurs after the river or stream is dammed. A reach is similar to an arm. The term "reach" can also refer to:

  • An extended portion or stretch of land or water;
  • a straight portion of a stream or river, as from one turn to another;
  • a level stretch, as between locks in a canal;
  • an arm of the sea extending up into the land.

As of 2015, the US Board on Geographic Names records 334 place names in the US with the characterization of a named "reach".

Reach (advertising)

In the application of statistics to advertising and media analysis, reach refers to the total number of different people or households exposed, at least once, to a medium during a given period. Reach should not be confused with the number of people who will actually be exposed to and consume the advertising, though. It is just the number of people who are exposed to the medium and therefore have an opportunity to see or hear the ad or commercial. Reach may be stated either as an absolute number, or as a fraction of a given population (for instance 'TV households', 'men' or 'those aged 25–35').

For any given viewer, they have been "reached" by the work if they have viewed it at all (or a specified amount) during the specified period. Multiple viewings by a single member of the audience in the cited period do not increase reach; however, media people use the term effective reach to describe the quality of exposure. Effective reach and reach are two different measurements for a target audience who receive a given message or ad.

Since reach is a time-dependent summary of aggregate audience behavior, reach figures are meaningless without a period associated with them: an example of a valid reach figure would be to state that "[example website] had a one-day reach of 1565 per million on 21 March 2004" (though unique users, an equivalent measure, would be a more typical metric for a website).

Reach of television channels is often expressed in the form of "x minute weekly reach" – that is, the number (or percentage) of viewers who watched the channel for at least x minutes in a given week.

For example, in the UK, BARB defines the reach of a television channel as the percentage of the population in private households who view a channel for more than 3 minutes in a given day or week. Similarly, for radio, RAJAR defines the weekly reach of a radio station as the number of people who tune into a radio station for at least 5 minutes (within at least one 15 min period) in a given week.

Reach is an important measure for the BBC, which is funded by a mandatory licence fee. It seeks to maximise its reach to ensure all licence fee payers are receiving value. Reach and frequency of exposure are also two of the most important statistics used in advertising management. When reach is multiplied by average frequency a composite measure called gross rating points (GRPs) is obtained. Reach can be calculated indirectly as: reach = GRPs / average frequency.

Reach (S Club 7 song)

"Reach" is a song by English pop group S Club 7. It was released as a single on 22 May 2000. "Reach" is an up-tempo track co-written by Cathy Dennis and Republica keyboardist Andy Todd. The song debut at its number two peak on the UK Singles Chart, with first week sales of almost 124,000 (more than the first week sales of their two previous singles). It spent three weeks at its peak, unable to dislodge Sonique's " It Feels So Good" from number one. It is one of the group's most popular songs.

"Reach" was the theme tune to the second series of the group's CBBC series, L.A. 7 and was the last song at every CBeebies live show. The song has sold 588,000 copies in the UK, according to the Official Charts Company.

Reach (comics)

The Reach are a villainous race of cybernetic insectoid aliens in the DC Comics universe. They are unintentionally responsible for the creation of the dynasty of super heroes known as the Blue Beetles.

Reach (Meredith Edwards album)

Reach is the only album by American country music artist Meredith Edwards. It was released in 2001 by Mercury Nashville and peaked at #24 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart. The album includes the singles "A Rose Is a Rose" and "The Bird Song."

Reach (brand)

Reach is a brand of oral hygiene products, including toothbrushes, dental floss and mouthwash. The brand started from Reach toothbrushes developed by DuPont in 1976.

Reach (Survivor album)

Reach is the eighth studio album from rock band Survivor, released under Frontiers Records on 25 April 2006. This is the band's latest album in 18 years. Some of the material originates from a period from 1993 to 1996 when the band recorded demos for an unreleased album that can be heard on the Fire Makes Steel bootleg.

By this time, Frankie Sullivan was the only original member of Survivor, as Jim Peterik left the band in 1996. Following the release of this album singer Jimi Jamison left Survivor as well, though he subsequently reunited with them in 2012. Ultimately, this turned out to be his final album with the band, due to his death in 2014.

Usage examples of "reach".

Mishani would never have believed it possible - not only that Lucia had been allowed to reach eight harvests of age in the first place, but also that the Empress was foolish enough to think the high families would allow an Aberrant to rule Saramyr.

As they reached the broad open space where I had had my first disquieting glimpse of the moonlit water I could see them plainly only a block away--and was horrified by the bestial abnormality of their faces and the doglike sub-humanness of their crouching gait.

She often returned home pale and silent, having reached the uttermost depths of human abomination, and never daring to say all.

All the Aboriginal girls were sent out as domestics once they reached fourteen.

I reached around and grabbed the belt and hissed as fabric abraided my skin.

It was possible that Abraxas was nowhere Remo could reach him before the precious minutes were up.

Memphis had pursued its winding course through an alluvial country, made when abreast of Vicksburg a sharp turn to the northeast, as though determined to reach the bluffs but four miles distant.

But even if we were to assume that freedom of speech and freedom of the press were protected from abridgment on the part not only of the United States but also of the States, still we should be far from the conclusion that the plaintiff in error would have us reach.

In a burst of red abysmal ferocity it was over, except for one wretch who fled screaming back the way the priests had come, pursued by a swarm of blood-dabbled shapes of horror which reached out their red-smeared hands for him.

As our most powerful particle accelerators can reach energies only on the order of a thousand times the proton mass, less than a millionth of a billionth of the Planck energy, we are very far from being able to search in the laboratory for any of these new particles predicted by string theory.

It is accessible through the system of worldlet gates reached in External Hall.

She was always so self-contained, so immaculate, so perfectly poised and turned out that his need to see her with her mouth swollen after love, her hair tangled by his fingers, her eyes languorous and heavy, her breathing quickened, sharp and desirous, was sometimes so great that he ached to reach out and take hold of her.

Fernbrake Lake, one of the four magical lakes in Achar, lay deep in the Bracken Ranges far to the south of the Avarinheim, and the Avar people had to travel secretly through the hostile Skarabost Plains to reach the lake they called the Mother.

Gradually, the French became more and more intransigent and this climaxed in 1292 when the papal throne became vacant and the French and Italian factions in the College of Cardinals cancelled each other out to the extent that they wrangled for two years without reaching agreement: no candidate achieved the required two-thirds majority.

I reached Acies Castle, having walked almost the entire length of the city.