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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
pose a hazard (=be a possible hazard)
▪ It was not known whether radiation from the weapons posed any hazard to soldiers.
pose a questionformal (= ask a question)
▪ He poses the question, ‘What should we teach our children?’
pose a risk (=might be dangerous)
▪ Climate change poses serious risks to the environment.
pose for the camera (=sit or stand in a position in order to be photographed)
▪ Can you pose for the camera?
pose/create a dilemma
▪ The difficult economic situation poses a dilemma for investors.
posed nude (=been photographed or painted while nude)
▪ Have you ever posed nude?
pose/present a threat
▪ The rebels do not pose a serious threat to the armed forces.
present/pose a challenge (=be a difficult one)
▪ These changes pose a real challenge to farmers.
present/pose a problem (=cause it or make it have to be considered)
▪ A shortage of trained nurses is posing major problems.
present/pose an obstacle (=cause an obstacle to exist)
▪ Serious differences continue to present obstacles to an agreement.
▪ Our reliance on fossil fuels poses an obstacle to achieving these targets.
present/pose difficultiesformal (= be something that is difficult to deal with)
▪ English spelling may present some difficulties for learners.
▪ The information-based organization will also pose its own special management problems.
▪ The same man apparently also posed as a deacon at a nearby Catholic parish but fled when confronted.
▪ Every type has a unique charm and each also poses a unique challenge to the angler.
▪ Turnover in personnel may also pose problems.
▪ But it also poses problems and dilemmas which occur in communications policy more widely.
▪ The labor market could also pose problems.
▪ Implementing the Patient's Charter also poses many contradictions for both parties.
▪ Minshuku also pose problems for westerners who wish to have a western-style cooked breakfast and coffee.
▪ In structuralist theory the language of criticism ends up posing as many problems as the language of literature.
▪ The question must therefore be posed as to how many Roman Catholic theologians have remained unteachable in this fundamental respect.
▪ Miss January and Miss July were posed as carefully to conceal as to reveal.
▪ The six normally spent their working week posing as nude models in the Manchester Regional College of Art.
▪ The challenge which he poses is to accept or reject that foundation, to adopt or refuse to adopt that horizon.
▪ It also forced an awareness of the competitive challenges posed by life outside the cozy confines of farm and family.
▪ This puts theology in a much stronger position to accept the challenge posed by historians and philosophers.
▪ The need now was for urban policies that matched the new challenges posed by the economics of urban growth and decline.
▪ It dramatized the challenge of trying to pose as a progressive leader while maintaining a profiteering, corrupt political organization.
▪ Temperament and Activity People react in temperamentally different ways to the challenges posed by change.
▪ The challenges posed for schools are enormous.
▪ Confusion between love and work is one danger posed by the collapse of the wall between the two.
▪ One of the most worrying aspects is the danger posed by irresponsible and loony left local authorities.
▪ The emphasis is less on an individual's inner resources than on the danger he or she poses to others.
▪ The main grounds appeared to be the danger which it might pose to the small Southern protestant minority by encouraging mixed marriages.
▪ Most of these people are conscious of the dangers posed by the growth of big corporations.
▪ Applying a balancing test, the court held that the danger posed by drug abuse outweighed the individual's expectation of privacy.
▪ How much danger would be posed to such pensions by some of Labour's high-inflation, high-spending policies?
▪ It was all very well this fish menu, but it posed difficulties as most dishes had to be prepared today.
▪ In the early morning hours of 31 January, however, the order posed great difficulties.
▪ The chronic repeater Patients who repeatedly take overdoses pose considerable management difficulties.
▪ In the end, however, these drugs pose logistical difficulties for most poor countries because it is a high-maintenance therapy.
▪ Accordingly, monitoring the churning rule in practice poses significant difficulties for regulators.
▪ However, the interdependence of hardware and software poses formidable technical difficulties to running programs so transferred.
▪ Although these can be valuable instruments of environmental policy, the application of such requirements to imported products can pose significant difficulties.
▪ I advised Gaitskell that this requirement posed a real difficulty for the defence.
▪ Yet these brighter prospects pose their own dilemma.
▪ When Joe was asked to join the First Family each year for Christmas dinner, it posed a dilemma.
▪ This deliberate emphasis on the young people's unreliable and hurtful past relationships poses a dilemma for residential workers.
▪ When a clinical situation poses a genuine moral dilemma, by definition no right answer exists.
▪ This posed a dilemma for him.
▪ Federal disinvestment posed a serious dilemma for distressed cities.
▪ This poses a dilemma for the Fed.
▪ But it also poses problems and dilemmas which occur in communications policy more widely.
▪ However, mats can themselves pose hazards, and it is as well if you are aware of these.
▪ When operated in wide expanses of water, away from other people, jet skis pose no hazard.
▪ The legislation stated that the plant posed serious environmental hazards and increased the risk of nuclear proliferation.
▪ Overloading a socket outlet can easily start a fire, and all those trailing flexes pose a serious trip hazard.
▪ They can pose a hazard to repair crews.
▪ Before tests can begin, the Food and Drug Administration must decide if the potatoes are likely to pose major safety hazards.
▪ Fears have been expressed by campaigners that the huge plant might pose serious health and social risks to people living nearby.
▪ The contamination does not pose any immediate public health threat because none of the seed has been planted.
▪ It is claimed that the new levels of pesticide do not pose a risk to health.
▪ Some fear that substances used in the process remain in the beans and could pose a health threat.
▪ The study stresses that the levels of caesium observed do not pose any risk to health.
▪ In sports bars, they tout the splendid qualities of ice-brewing, while posing for photos and signing autographs.
▪ She was introduced to Jamie Lee Curtis and posed for photos with the actress' daughter.
▪ On one occasion she agreed to pose for photographs on the condition that she would then be left alone.
▪ I saw Kim Anh in her wedding dress, and the stiffly posed photographs.
▪ Then, one day, Wilkens saw a group of his peers posing for a photograph.
▪ Scarborough Group enticed internationally renowned playwright Alan Ayckbourn into posing for a press photograph while signing appeal letters.
▪ His men posed for photographs holding severed heads.
▪ Although already gravely ill, she posed for this graduation picture just days before losing her battle against cancer.
▪ Grown men and women pose for pictures with a guy dressed as a giant pillow.
▪ She was appalled when he explained to her she would be required to pose in a picture frame.
▪ They posed for pictures with him in the tunnel outside the clubhouse.
▪ Some ask him to pose for pictures, others kid him about retiring.
▪ The artist, posed beside his picture, has moved during the exposure, paraphrasing the multiple-image effect of the painting.
▪ Like many mega-models, she's not content with just posing for pictures.
▪ Meanwhile, Sparky arrives, does interviews and poses for a picture with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
▪ Child instruction has always been hampered by the age-old problem posed by constraints of religion.
▪ Students will be asked to demonstrate competence with a problem posed in this area. b. Abstract / Scientific Mathematics.
▪ An interesting methodological and theoretical problem is posed by these contradictions.
▪ This is the essence of the problem that qualitative costs pose for struggling organizations: they are both undeniable and unmeasurable.
▪ Trial-and-error learning involves learning to perform a novel motor behaviour, which is used to solve a problem posed by nature.
▪ A number of problems is posed by Chesil Beach.
▪ For now, regulators suspect current credit problems pose a threat largely to bank earnings, rather than their survival.
▪ Even more seemingly intractable problems will be posed by attempts to store virtual reality.
▪ The following question can now be posed.
▪ In the wake of this development, however, the wrong questions are being posed.
▪ If this was verified, further questions were posed about how the information appeared, and if it was acceptable.
▪ The questions posed by group members after each presentation were insightful and demanding, and Fisher was pleased with the responses.
▪ These are not tremendously forceful answers to the thorny questions posed.
▪ Frail and wheelchair-bound, Mr Packard had a hard time hearing the questions posed by reporters.
▪ I'd like to see indeterminate sentencing, so we can look at the risk they pose before we release them.
▪ Betty Helphrey wishes that her daughter, Debbie, had known more about the risks posed by herbal products.
▪ The risk I pose is for the kids.
▪ This threat posed less of a distraction to the horses than I would have hoped.
▪ Meanwhile, the specific threats posed by the new Reagan administration were very real.
▪ But the gravest threat to health is posed by the total collapse of the economy, and the ensuing chronic poverty.
▪ Prosecutors determine the degree of threat offenders pose to the community and label them either high-risk, moderate-risk or low-risk.
▪ Faced with the threat it posed we somehow managed to break free of the old categories.
▪ Collectively, these opportunities and threats posed four main concerns for leaders: Managing assets and policies apart from people.
▪ The chaotic waters of the deep represented the threat they constantly posed.
▪ Further, more local, threats are posed for the sake of a few years' supply of raw materials.
▪ Some ask him to pose for pictures, others kid him about retiring.
▪ At these events, stars often are asked to pose for pictures with the journalists.
▪ Now, I have never been asked to pose for the cover of a magazine.
▪ In answer to a question posed by a congressman.
▪ In the end, however, these drugs pose logistical difficulties for most poor countries because it is a high-maintenance therapy.
▪ Moving away from the camera, Alvin posed beside Rose Garden tubeworms, providing unarguable proof of dimension.
▪ Ordering and analysing the output of the mass media obviously pose particular problems.
▪ The discrepancies between these different analyses pose a number of problems.
▪ These are not tremendously forceful answers to the thorny questions posed.
▪ Winning meant standing on a podium, smiling for cameras and posing for pictures.
▪ Several boxes and planks with blanket covers pose problems of height, area and weight.
▪ Natural rivers, however, pose problems as the speed of flow and amount of water are not constant.
▪ These may in turn pose problems as regards the maintenance of social order.
▪ But higher speeds than the normal three kilometres per hour pose problems getting on and off the moving walkway.
▪ But the terms of reference themselves pose problems, too.
▪ Certain plants, however, pose problems every year, and their complete removal may prove to be the only solution.
▪ Selecting which leadership groups to include poses problems.
▪ A capable woman, nobody's fool; but was she adopting a deliberate pose?
▪ Two young men in their late teens mugged for the camera, adopting the pose of a couple of affable tough guys.
▪ From time to time one gains brief purchase, adopting the pose of a Grand Duchess.
▪ A kungfu practitioner can adopt any pose that suits the situation.
▪ He assumed his rigid crouching pose, fists held out.
▪ And when they assume a pose of elegance, it often seems narcissistic.
▪ While assuming a pose of utmost civility and cordiality, Caroline is relentless in her campaign to undermine me.
▪ For four minutes they held this agonising pose.
▪ When they were all lined up, they held that pose for a moment.
▪ It can also be the moment when a dancer moves into a pirouette and spins before holding a pose.
▪ My husband holds his pose tight against the railing.
▪ This is shown vividly when, left finally alone, she strikes a dramatic pose of complete withdrawal from love and happiness.
▪ He struck the same pose on the sideline during overtime.
▪ And then, striking a dramatic pose she announced that she was terribly ashamed.
▪ They strike beautiful poses that could go unaltered into glossy magazines but tell us little about them.
strike a pose/attitude
▪ Sometimes, striking an attitude against an Italianate blue sky, Wandsworth looked magnificent.
▪ He shed the pose of the sophisticated lawyer and became his real self at last.
▪ But the odds are that even those women who appear impermeable to pain are suffering great hurt behind their face-saving pose.
▪ Not all poses are suitable for everyone.
▪ On her travels she's there with a goofy grin and a different pose for every occasion.
▪ Rather than pose it as a question of culture, however, they tackled it - often very productively - in terms of ideology.
▪ She was not a looker, but her Hard Number pose turned him on somehow.
▪ Try to experience the pose while you draw it.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pose \Pose\, v. t. [Shortened from appose, for oppose. See 2d Appose, Oppose.]

  1. To interrogate; to question. [Obs.] ``She . . . posed him and sifted him.''

  2. To question with a view to puzzling; to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny; to bring to a stand.

    A question wherewith a learned Pharisee thought to pose and puzzle him.


Pose \Pose\, n. [AS. gepose; of uncertain origin; cf. W. pas a cough, Skr. k[=a]s to cough, and E. wheeze.] A cold in the head; catarrh. [Obs.]


Pose \Pose\, n. [F. pose, fr. poser. See Pose, v. t.] The attitude or position of a person; the position of the body or of any member of the body; especially, a position formally assumed for the sake of effect; an artificial position; as, the pose of an actor; the pose of an artist's model or of a statue.


Pose \Pose\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Posed; p. pr. & vb. n. Posing.] [F. poser to place, to put, L. pausare to pause, in LL. also, to place, put, fr. L. pausa a pause, Gr. ?, fr. ? to make to cease, prob. akin to E. few. In compounds, this word appears corresponding to L. ponere to put, place, the substitution in French having been probably due to confusion of this word with L. positio position, fr. ponere. See Few, and cf. Appose, Dispose, Oppose, Pause, Repose, Position.] To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect; to arrange the posture and drapery of (a person) in a studied manner; as, to pose a model for a picture; to pose a sitter for a portrait.


Pose \Pose\, v. i. To assume and maintain a studied attitude, with studied arrangement of drapery; to strike an attitude; to attitudinize; figuratively, to assume or affect a certain character; as, she poses as a prude.

He . . . posed before her as a hero.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., posen, "suggest (something is so), suppose, assume; grant, concede," from Old French poser "put, place, propose," a term in debating, from Late Latin pausare "to halt, rest, cease, pause" (source also of Italian posare, Spanish posar; see pause (v.)). The Late Latin verb also had a transitive sense, "cause to pause or rest," and hence the Old French verb (in common with cognates in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) acquired the sense of Latin ponere (past participle positus) "to put, place," by confusion of the similar stems. Meaning "put in a certain position" in English is from early 15c. Sense of "assume a certain attitude" is from 1840; the transitive sense (as an artist's model, etc.) is from 1859. Related: Posed; posing.\n\nOne of the most remarkable facts in F[rench] etymology is the extraordinary substitution whereby the Low Lat. pausare came to mean 'to make to rest, to set,' and so usurped the place of the Lat. ponere, to place, set, with which it has no etymological connection. And this it did so effectually as to restrict the F. pondre, the true equivalent of Lat. ponere, to the sense of 'laying eggs;' whilst in all compounds it completely thrust it aside, so that compausare (i.e. F. composer) took the place of Lat. componere, and so on throughout. Hence the extraordinary result, that whilst the E. verbs compose, depose, impose, propose, &c. exactly represent in sense the Lat. componere, deponere, imponere, proponere, &c., we cannot derive the E. verbs from the Lat. ones since they have (as was said) no real etymological connection.

[W.W. Skeat, "Etymological Dictionary of the English Language," 1898]


"to puzzle, confuse, perplex," 1590s, earlier "question, interrogate" (1520s), probably from Middle French poser "suppose, assume," from Old French poser "to put, place, set" (see pose (v.1)). Also in some cases a shortening of English appose "examine closely," and oppose. Related: Posed; posing.


"act of posing the body," 1818, from pose (v.1), in a sense developed in the French cognate. Figuratively from 1884.


Etymology 1 n. (context obsolete English) common cold, head cold; catarrh Etymology 2

n. position, posture, arrangement (especially of the human body). vb. 1 (context transitive English) To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect. 2 (context transitive English) Ask; set (a test, quiz, riddle, etc.). 3 (context transitive English) To constitute (a danger, a threat, a risk, etc.). Etymology 3

alt. 1 (context obsolete English) To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate. 2 (context now rare English) to puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions. 3 (context now rare English) To perplex or confuse (someone). vb. 1 (context obsolete English) To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate. 2 (context now rare English) to puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions. 3 (context now rare English) To perplex or confuse (someone).

  1. n. affected manners intended to impress others; "don't put on airs with me" [syn: airs]

  2. a posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes

  3. a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display [syn: affectation, mannerism, affectedness]

  1. v. introduce; "This poses an interesting question" [syn: present]

  2. assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often" [syn: model, sit, posture]

  3. pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions; "She posed as the Czar's daughter" [syn: impersonate, personate]

  4. behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself" [syn: posture]

  5. put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point" [syn: put, set, place, position, lay]

  6. be a mystery or bewildering to; "This beats me!"; "Got me--I don't know the answer!"; "a vexing problem"; "This question really stuck me" [syn: perplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, amaze, dumbfound]

Pose (disambiguation)

A pose refers to a position of a human body.

Pose may also refer to:

Pose (artist)

Jordan Nickel (born 1980), professionally known as POSE, is a contemporary American artist living and working in Chicago, Illinois.

Pose (computer vision)

In computer vision and in robotics, a typical task is to identify specific objects in an image and to determine each object's position and orientation relative to some coordinate system. This information can then be used, for example, to allow a robot to manipulate an object or to avoid moving into the object. The combination of position and orientation is referred to as the pose of an object, even though this concept is sometimes used only to describe the orientation. Exterior orientation and Translation are also used as synonyms to pose.

The image data from which the pose of an object is determined can be either a single image, a stereo image pair, or an image sequence where, typically, the camera is moving with a known speed. The objects which are considered can be rather general, including a living being or body parts, e.g., a head or hands. The methods which are used for determining the pose of an object, however, are usually specific for a class of objects and cannot generally be expected to work well for other types of objects.

The pose can be described by means of a rotation and translation transformation which brings the object from a reference pose to the observed pose. This rotation transformation can be represented in different ways, e.g., as a rotation matrix or a quaternion.

Pose (Daddy Yankee song)

"Pose" is the first single by Puerto Rico reggaeton artist Daddy Yankee from the movie soundtrack to the motion picture Talento de Barrio, and was released on May 14, 2008, by Machete Music and El Cartel Records. The single was made available through online music stores on August 12, 2008. The song features different musical styles, ones that differ from Daddy Yankee's past singles. It is an electro song, which fuses other genres such as latin pop, dance-pop, pop rap, dance, hip hop and pop, as well as Latin and dance rhythms.

The song has recently been used in The Bold and the Beautiful.

Usage examples of "pose".

With the exception of Harry Keeler, who posed a direct threat to the Abiders, he had yet to see or hear of an Interloper killing a human being.

But the point is that, where there once appeared a single and absolutely unbridgeable gap between the world of matter and the world of lifea gap that posed a completely unsolvable problemthere now appeared only a series of minigaps.

Glenn Alien Abies and Charles Mellis are charged with serious crimes and pose an immediate threat to the community.

The squatter leased it on easy terms, and bought it only when it had sufficient value to be desired by agriculturists or by selectors who posed as agriculturists.

And though a landing aboard the carrier at night in bad weather was far and above the most challenging feat of airmanship one could attempt, making the same approach on a fixed, unmoving airfield posed a different kind of threat--just as deadly, but far more subtle.

His animosity toward Malvin could have caused Alker to masquerade as the Mask, posing as Warrendale, to settle scores with Malvin.

Anglo-Australian tunnel by two ruffians, the more savage being a jack-of-all trades whom I had previously known by sight as a hanger-on of the journalistic profession, while the other, a sinister figure in a strange tropical garb, was posing as an Artesian engineer, though his appearance was more reminiscent of Whitechapel.

It all looked good, including Walt, who might have posed for a statue of a Greek athlete, with asphodel or some other appropriate flower around his feet.

Therese, seeing that he was posing as master of the field, and that his manners disgusted me, began to snub him, much to his displeasure, and after sneering at the poorness of the dishes, and praising the wine which he had supplied, he went out leaving us to finish our dessert by ourselves.

But Brye, alive, though posing as a dead man, could not evade discovery.

He posed against a ceiba tree, his camouflage fatigues starched and creased, his jump wings flashing on his chest, an Uzi machine pistol slung casually over his right shoulder.

The Combmaker, when he came the next day, had abandoned all his poses and jokes.

After the reception I had met with I could without affectation pose as offended, and visit the family no more, for whether I were guilty or innocent, Madame X.

Gravitational anomaly representing enemy weapons research activity posed possible threat to cyborg unit and success of mission.

The size of the digitized collections must pose a serious challenge as far as timely retrieval is concerned.