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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
bobby pin
chip and pin
▪ Most shoppers prefer chip and pin to the old system.
drawing pin
get pins and needles
▪ I’ll have to move because I’m starting to get pins and needles in my foot.
panel pin
pin money
▪ She helped her uncle out sometimes just to earn a bit of pin money.
pin your hopes on sth (=hope for one thing that everything else depends on)
▪ After a difficult year, the company is pinning its hopes on its new range of products.
pins and needles
▪ I’ll have to move because I’m starting to get pins and needles in my foot.
put/pin the blame on sb (also lay/place the blame on sbwritten) (= blame someone, especially when it is not their fault)
▪ Don’t try to put the blame on me.
▪ Everyone laid the blame for the crisis on the government.
rolling pin
safety pin
▪ It hung glittering like early morning cobwebs on her rolling pin.
▪ Holding a rolling pin and determined to have the last laugh.
▪ Roll out the bread lightly with a rolling pin after cutting off the crusts and spread thickly with the cheese filling.
▪ Last drops: use a rolling pin to squeeze the remains out of tubes of toothpaste.
▪ When cold, break bread pieces into a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin until fine.
▪ Roll out with a lightly floured rolling pin to a rectangle the same size as the tin.
▪ Lightly fold one half of the dough back over the rolling pin, then carefully transfer to the tin.
▪ Everything was recovered except a rolling pin.
▪ A drawing pin through the pocket ensures the holder does not fall out; comfort, security and peace at last.
▪ If you happen to.sit on a drawing pin and jump up the objective is a rear-end one.
▪ Using drawing pins, attach the top edge to the pelmet board.
▪ Well you could have heard a pin drop.
▪ The auditorium was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.
▪ You can pick up shoulder patches, lapel pins, badges, and more.
▪ Each participant received a packet including information guides, maps, a Super Bowl cap and a Share the Warmth lapel pin.
▪ I packed my AK-47 lapel pin, my polyester-blend suit and some white shoes for sporty occasions.
▪ Writer Tim Cahill likes to hand out commemorative lapel pins.
▪ It helped when I used to do a bit of coal-bag carrying in my spare time to earn some pin money.
▪ I love those ones where there's a piece of cloth just with a safety pin or something like that.
▪ One of its straps is broken and pinned with two safety pins.
▪ The maroon dress was neatly folded, and the coral necklace carefully pinned to the bodice with a large safety pin.
▪ By grade eight, she was putting safety pins in her legs and fastening them.
▪ Later the gadget acquired a popular name - the safety pin - and made some one else very rich.
▪ Heating an implement made of a straightened safety pin, he speared the bugs, then brought them to the candle flame.
▪ A dummy made of a diving suit, sitting in a wheelchair and wrapped with cloth was stuck with safety pins.
▪ Not money, and not technology unless it was as fundamental as safety pins.
▪ Michael stared at the tie pin glinting up from the red velvet lining.
▪ A diamond tie pin glittered at his throat.
▪ Shoving his hands into the pockets of his overcoat he felt the little box that contained the tie pin.
▪ Well you could have heard a pin drop.
▪ Suddenly you could have heard a pin drop, which is enough to make anyone feel self-conscious.
▪ The auditorium was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.
▪ You could have heard a pin drop if anyone in the room had dropped one.
▪ Derek Jefferson held the pin for Harley's approach putt of about fifty feet.
▪ He asked his caddie to hold the pin.
▪ Yet another x-rated scene shows her in suspenders lying on a kitchen table, holding a rolling-pin.
▪ Roman had pulled the pins out as soon as they had left the hotel and placed them in his pocket.
▪ Tom kept fooling with my hair, pulling out one pin after another.
▪ I pulled the pin out of the grenade.
▪ Polly said, pulling the pins out of her hair.
▪ He picked it up and started to remove all the pins.
▪ The owner picked up a metal rolling pin, whereupon the man took off his metal studded belt.
▪ Drape half of the dough over the rolling pin, then transfer to the pie pan.
▪ For this purpose, rolling pins, cutters of different shapes and sizes, and cake tins should be available.
▪ Some woman who bats him over the head with a rolling pin.
▪ Yet another x-rated scene shows her in suspenders lying on a kitchen table, holding a rolling-pin.
▪ Then you take out your rolling pin and flatten it.
▪ Gently roll with a rolling pin to secure.
Roll out dough using rolling pin and then fingers to spread it on to the prepared pan.
▪ A dummy made of a diving suit, sitting in a wheelchair and wrapped with cloth was stuck with safety pins.
▪ Never use rusty pins as they will mark the fabric.
▪ Roll out dough using rolling pin and then fingers to spread it on to the prepared pan.
▪ Last drops: use a rolling pin to squeeze the remains out of tubes of toothpaste.
▪ Crush biscuits either in a polythene bag using a rolling pin, or in a food processor.
▪ Alternatively, you could use a three pin plug with a built-in thermostat, available from electrical retailers.
▪ Specimens from unconsolidated gravels are not difficult to clean, any adherent sand grains being easily removed using a stout pin.
▪ Carefully lift the pastry lid over the pie using a rolling pin to support and arrange over the cherries.
▪ Cranston wears pin striped suit, Crombie overcoat and refulgent black shoes.
▪ But then she never wore any of the pins or anything else.
▪ He stopped wearing the pins last year after press inquiries were made concerning the propriety of it.
be on pins and needles
▪ I was on pins and needles until I found out I'd won.
you could hear a pin drop
▪ After he finished telling the story you could have heard a pin drop.
▪ It was so quiet in the hall you could hear a pin drop.
▪ You could hear a pin drop in the auditorium during Norvell's speech.
▪ After a skiing accident, Dan had a pin inserted in his wrist.
▪ But I busted the ball right in the middle of the green, maybe twenty feet past the pin.
▪ Drape half of the dough over the rolling pin, then transfer to the pie pan.
▪ Edward Cody, a World Civilization teacher, kept a map of the world with pins marking his students' birthplaces.
▪ Holding a rolling pin and determined to have the last laugh.
▪ Included in the pack are 20 specially tempered steel pins, 20 plastic caps, and a driving device.
▪ Loose chips will snap into place and you will hear a cracking sound as the pins are pushed deeper into the socket.
▪ The output enable pin of IC5 is controlled by the chip select line of the computer.
▪ Then it was belts, circle pins.
▪ We would completely pin back a side for the first 20 mins, and invariably crack them.
▪ She wore a black swimsuit, a huge straw hat with the brim pinned back and a bad-tempered scowl.
▪ Hair was pinned back to give height and volume to the crown.
▪ She was straining against her chain with her lips curled over her teeth and her ears pinned back.
▪ Crusaders were pinned back in their own half for the first 20 minutes as the visiting pack was dominant.
▪ Between two people one poncho was used as a groundsheet and the other was strung up and pinned down with home-made pegs.
▪ Charlie has them completely pinned down.
▪ It is telling that economists have so far found the precise productivity benefits of information technology difficult to pin down and measure.
▪ When we decided we had them pinned down, they called in an air strike.
▪ Halcrows say they are stabilising the soil by pinning down the hillsides.
▪ Our whole company was pinned down.
▪ On the other hand, he was extremely difficult to pin down to any conclusion.
▪ It is hard to pin down something as elusive as a good school climate.
▪ Official invitations to all les Girls would be pinned up on the stage doorkeeper's noticeboard.
▪ The cape was my college graduation gown pinned up so he could walk, and now the pins were coming loose.
▪ She had pinned up her heavy tawny hair on top of her head but she still felt hot.
▪ Instead of answering she walked to the bulletin board and pinned up the clipping.
▪ These were the kind of people I had pinned up on my bedroom wall, and here I was meeting them.
▪ You pin up a wall chart listing how many calories you eat each day.
▪ We pin up quality ditties on corporate walls to enthuse staff of our good and noble intentions.
▪ You pin up another one recording how many sit-ups you managed.
▪ In so doing, he pins the blame on the symptoms of our present stasis, not its causes.
▪ The first is generated by people fighting to pin blame upon one another when money is lost.
▪ And how would it be possible, in any event, to pin the blame on an individual?
▪ Many observers pin the blame on the army, whose all-powerful generals are seeing their grip weaken.
▪ Judgment was reserved yesterday on the first legal moves to pin the blame for the contamination.
▪ It is a nave aspirant party leader, though, who pins his faith to gratitude.
▪ The preservationists, pinning their faith to moral superiority and persuasive argument, were beaten back every time.
▪ But now he has to pin his faith on the emerging talent and pray they continue to make progress.
▪ The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders, sitting astride her so that she couldn't move.
▪ Limbs fall off trees and pin you to the ground.
▪ There seemed to be a weight on her chest, pinning her to the ground and not letting her breathe.
▪ She was suffocating, it was squashing her, pinning her to the ground.
▪ Two of my other men came running over and they had to pin me to the ground.
▪ And I usually pin my hair up and stick it under a baseball cap.
▪ Now that they were a block from church she pulled off the kerchief and slipped the bobby pins from her hair.
▪ Nor had she pinned her hair securely; it was beginning to break loose.
▪ Her red lipstick was smudged and she hadn't bothered to pin up her hair properly at the sides.
▪ Then Andrew made his way back to Nero, and Topaz began to pin up her hair.
▪ She might have pinned up her hair in her sleep, it was so untidy.
▪ He is pinning some hope on a cabinet reshuffle.
▪ He seems to pin his hopes on it.
▪ Geller is pinning primary hopes on getting the Supreme Court to dismiss the appeal on a procedural point.
▪ Treacy is pinning his hopes on Derry again falling victim to a goal famine of crisis proportions.
▪ Realtors are pinning their hopes for another banner year on low mortgage rates.
▪ This year it is pinning its hopes on an 8% uplift in passenger growth to around the 82m mark.
▪ Duregar pinned his hopes on Dwarven determination to keep the army safe.
▪ You can pin it on the wall.
▪ The map of the New York City subway system was pinned to the wall above his bed.
▪ Old Wang first learned the habit of reading newspapers closely during the Cultural Revolution and has several cuttings pinned on the wall.
▪ I picked him up and pinned him against the wall, holding him there until he broke down and cried.
▪ You pin up a wall chart listing how many calories you eat each day.
▪ On at least one occasion, demonstrators were pinned against the wall to make it easier to assault them.
▪ As they work, roughs are pinned to the wall where they remain until the following day.
▪ A chart was pinned to the wall stating body-fat percentages and a less-than-subtle verdict.
▪ Remorse had drawn Thomas there and it kept him pinned, though he was also wild for flight.
▪ Regardless of your actions, the little group would keep the flirt label pinned on you because of their own baggage.
▪ The theory was that the effort of changing would keep me pinned to the table, diligent and creative.
▪ No: three Counsellors were concentrating on him, keeping him pinned behind his shield of stones.
▪ He had just enough gas to keep me pinned into Score Quick.
▪ Reports from the lead platoons indicated that the artillery fire was being most effective in keeping the enemy pinned down.
▪ She tried to pin her thoughts elsewhere, but found that they always boomeranged back.
▪ However, it seemed to flounder whenever it tried to pin multimedia down.
▪ Let them try to pin it on her!
▪ There was something about those little feet, Guy thought suddenly, trying to pin down the memory.
▪ Tell him how you feel but don't try to pin him down.
be on pins and needles
▪ I was on pins and needles until I found out I'd won.
▪ A note was pinned on the door of his office.
▪ Each delegate wore a name tag pinned to their lapel.
▪ He had pinned a red rose to his jacket.
▪ One of the straps was pinned in place with two safety pins.
▪ Although we will clarify it in the course of this study, multimedia is hard to pin down to a rigid definition.
▪ Geller is pinning primary hopes on getting the Supreme Court to dismiss the appeal on a procedural point.
▪ Halcrows say they are stabilising the soil by pinning down the hillsides.
▪ She sobbed and fought and screamed but Martin pinned her down with his new strength.
▪ The idea of a crossroads is a difficult concept to pin down because we have to distinguish between different types of changes.
▪ This year it is pinning its hopes on an 8% uplift in passenger growth to around the 82m mark.
▪ You need a lot of time to yourself in order to explore your dreams, rather than being pinned to the work place.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pin \Pin\, v. t. (Metal Working) To peen.


Pin \Pin\, v. t. [Cf. Pen to confine, or Pinfold.] To inclose; to confine; to pen; to pound.


Pin \Pin\, n. [OE. pinne, AS. pinn a pin, peg; cf. D. pin, G. pinne, Icel. pinni, W. pin, Gael. & Ir. pinne; all fr. L. pinna a pinnacle, pin, feather, perhaps orig. a different word from pinna feather. Cf. Fin of a fish, Pen a feather.]

  1. A piece of wood, metal, etc., generally cylindrical, used for fastening separate articles together, or as a support by which one article may be suspended from another; a peg; a bolt.

    With pins of adamant And chains they made all fast.

  2. Especially, a small, pointed and headed piece of brass or other wire (commonly tinned), largely used for fastening clothes, attaching papers, etc.

  3. Hence, a thing of small value; a trifle.

    He . . . did not care a pin for her.

  4. That which resembles a pin in its form or use; as:

    1. A peg in musical instruments, for increasing or relaxing the tension of the strings.

    2. A linchpin.

    3. A rolling-pin.

    4. A clothespin.

    5. (Mach.) A short shaft, sometimes forming a bolt, a part of which serves as a journal. See Illust. of Knuckle joint, under Knuckle.

    6. (Joinery) The tenon of a dovetail joint.

  5. One of a row of pegs in the side of an ancient drinking cup to mark how much each man should drink.

  6. The bull's eye, or center, of a target; hence, the center. [Obs.] ``The very pin of his heart cleft.''

  7. Mood; humor. [Obs.] ``In merry pin.''

  8. (Med.) Caligo. See Caligo.

  9. An ornament, as a brooch or badge, fastened to the clothing by a pin; as, a Masonic pin.

  10. The leg; as, to knock one off his pins. [Slang] Banking pin (Horol.), a pin against which a lever strikes, to limit its motion. Pin drill (Mech.), a drill with a central pin or projection to enter a hole, for enlarging the hole, or for sinking a recess for the head of a bolt, etc.; a counterbore. Pin grass. (Bot.) See Alfilaria. Pin hole, a small hole made by a pin; hence, any very small aperture or perforation. Pin lock, a lock having a cylindrical bolt; a lock in which pins, arranged by the key, are used instead of tumblers. Pin money, an allowance of money, as that made by a husband to his wife, for private and personal expenditure. Pin rail (Naut.), a rail, usually within the bulwarks, to hold belaying pins. Sometimes applied to the fife rail. Called also pin rack. Pin wheel.

    1. A contrate wheel in which the cogs are cylindrical pins.

    2. (Fireworks) A small coil which revolves on a common pin and makes a wheel of yellow or colored fire.


Pin \Pin\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pinned; p. pr. & vb. n. Pinning.] [See Pin, n.] To fasten with, or as with, a pin; to join; as, to pin a garment; to pin boards together. ``As if she would pin her to her heart.''

To pin one's faith upon, to depend upon; to trust to.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

acronym for personal identification number, 1981, from the first reference used with redundant number.


mid-14c., "to affix with a pin," from pin (n.). Figurative use from 1570s. Related: Pinned; pinning. Sense of "to hold someone or something down so he or it cannot escape" is attested from 1740. In U.S., as a reference to the bestowal of a fraternity pin on a female student as an indication of a relationship, it is attested by 1938. Phrase pin down "define" is from 1951.


late Old English pinn "peg, bolt," from Proto-Germanic *penn- "jutting point or peak" (cognates: Old Saxon pin "peg," Old Norse pinni "peg, tack," Middle Dutch pin "pin, peg," Old High German pfinn, German Pinne "pin, tack") from Latin pinna "a feather, plume;" in plural "a wing;" also "fin, scoop of a water wheel;" also "a pinnacle; a promontory, cape; battlement" (as in Luke iv:9 in Vulgate) and so applied to "points" of various sorts, from PIE *pet- (see pen (n.1)).\n

\nLatin pinna and penna "a feather, plume," in plural "a wing," are treated as identical in Watkins, etc., but regarded as separate (but confused) Latin words by Tucker and others, who derive pinna from PIE *spei- "sharp point" (see spike (n.1)) and see the "feather/wing" sense as secondary.\n

\nThe modern slender wire pin is first attested by this name late 14c. Transferred sense of "leg" is recorded from 1520s and hold the older sense. Pin-money "annual sum allotted to a woman for personal expenses on dress, etc." is attested from 1620s. Pins and needles "tingling sensation" is from 1810. The sound of a pin dropping as a type of something all but silent is from 1775.


n. 1 A small device, made (usually) of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening. 2 A small nail with a head and a sharp point. 3 A cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts. 4 (cx wrestling English) The victory condition of holding the opponent's shoulders on the wrestling mat for a prescribed period of time. 5 A slender object specially designed for use in a specific game or sport, such as skittles or bowling. 6 (''in plural'' '''pins'''; ''informal'') A leg. 7 (context electricity English) Any of the individual connecting elements of a multipole electrical connector. 8 A piece of jewellery that is attached to clothing with a pin. 9 (context US English) A simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener, often round and bearing a design, logo or message, and used for decoration, identification or to show political affiliation, etc. 10 (context chess English) A scenario in which move a lesser piece to escape from attack would expose a more valuable piece to attack. 11 (context curling English) The spot at the exact centre of the house (the target area) 12 (context dated English) A mood, a state of being. 13 One of a row of pegs in the side of an ancient drinking cup to mark how much each person should drink. 14 (context medicine obsolete English) caligo 15 A thing of small value; a trifle. 16 A peg in musical instruments for increasing or relaxing the tension of the strings. 17 (context engineering English) A short shaft, sometimes forming a bolt, a part of which serves as a journal. 18 The tenon of a dovetail joint. vb. 1 (''often followed by a preposition such as'' '''to''' ''or'' '''on''') To fasten or attach (something) with a pin. 2 (context chess usually in the passive English) To cause (a piece) to be in a pin. 3 (context wrestling English) To pin down (someone). 4 To enclose; to confine; to pen; to pound. 5 (context computing GUI English) To attach (an icon, application, etc.) to another item. 6 (alternative form of peen English)

  1. v. to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned under the fallen tree" [syn: trap, immobilize, immobilise]

  2. attach or fasten with pins [ant: unpin]

  3. pierce with a pin; "pin down the butterfly"

  4. immobilize a piece

  5. [also: pinning, pinned]

  1. n. a piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garment

  2. when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat [syn: fall]

  3. small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc. [syn: peg]

  4. a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts [syn: personal identification number, PIN number]

  5. informal terms of the leg; "fever left him weak on his sticks" [syn: peg, stick]

  6. axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns [syn: pivot]

  7. cylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown

  8. flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green [syn: flag]

  9. a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things

  10. a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing [syn: peg, thole, tholepin, rowlock, oarlock]

  11. a club-shaped wooden object used in bowling; set up in groups as a target [syn: bowling pin]

  12. [also: pinning, pinned]


A pin is a device used for fastening objects or material together. Pins often have two components: a long body and sharp tip made of steel, or occasionally copper or brass, and a larger head often made of plastic. The sharpened body penetrates the material, while the larger head provides a driving surface. It is formed by drawing out a thin wire, sharpening the tip, and adding a head. Nails are related, but are typically larger. In machines and engineering, pins are commonly used as pivots, hinges, shafts, jigs, and fixtures to locate or hold parts.

Pin (chess)

In chess, a pin is a situation brought on by an attacking piece in which a defending piece cannot move without exposing a more valuable defending piece on its other side to capture by the attacking piece. "To pin" refers to the action of the attacking piece inducing the pin, and the defending piece so restricted is described as pinned.

Only pieces that can move an indefinite number of squares in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line, i.e., bishops, rooks and queens, can pin opposing pieces. Kings, knights, and pawns cannot pin. Any piece may be pinned except the king, as the king must be immediately removed from check under all circumstances.

Pin (professional wrestling)

A pinfall is a victory condition in various forms of professional wrestling that is met by holding (pinning) an opponent's shoulders on the wrestling mat, usually till the referee counts to three. In professional wrestling, a pinfall is a common method of winning a match.

The purpose of a pinning maneuver is to hold the opponent's shoulders against the mat for a count of three. The count is broken (a near-fall) if the opponent manages to raise one or both of his shoulders off of the mat, commonly by kicking out (throwing their legs up to cause their shoulders to rise from the mat). In some positions, a wrestler may bridge (arching their back so that only their feet and the top of their head are touching the ground) to put more of their weight on the pinned opponent or to prop themselves up from being pinned. Sometimes, an attacking wrestler may (illegally) hook the opponent's tights for extra leverage. Another popular illegal tactic of heel wrestlers is to attempt a pin close to the ring ropes so they can prop their legs (or on rare occasions, arms) up on the ropes to gain additional leverage, putting more weight on the opponent. On the other hand, a pin fall attempt cannot occur in the first place when one rolls out of the ring if falls do ''not ''count anywhere, or if the opponent lies on his/her stomach upon impact, so it would take extra effort to roll the opponent over, even when he/she is knocked out cold due to the body being effectively a dead weight.

Pin (song)

"Pin" is a single by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs from their debut album, Fever to Tell (2003). It was released on July 22, 2003, and received critical acclaim but did not receive much mainstream attention, especially when compared with the band's next single " Maps". This single includes the B-side "Mr. You're On Fire Mr." (a Liars cover), which is not found on any of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' full-length releases. The single peaked at #29 on the UK official charts.

The animated video for the song was created by Tunde Adebimpe.

Pin (bridge)

In bridge and similar trick-taking games, the term pin refers to the lead of a higher card from one hand to capture a singleton of lower rank in an opponent's hand.

Pin (film)

Pin is a 1988 Canadian thriller horror film starring David Hewlett, Cynthia Preston and Terry O'Quinn, directed by Sandor Stern. The film was released in Canada with the title Pin, A Plastic Nightmare. It was released direct-to-video in the USA on January 27, 1989. The running time is 102 minutes. It is based on the novel of the same name by Andrew Neiderman.

Pin (amateur wrestling)

A pin, or fall, is a victory condition in various forms of wrestling that is met by holding an opponent's shoulders or scapulae (shoulder blades) on the wrestling mat for a prescribed period of time. This article deals with the pin as it is defined in amateur wrestling.

In amateur wrestling, a pin ends the match regardless of when it occurs. Situations which are almost pins but for whatever reason do not meet the criteria — for example, have only one shoulder down or have the defending wrestler blocked in a neck bridge — are rewarded with exposure points (in collegiate wrestling, known as near fall points or back points) in order to encourage wrestlers to take risks to try to pin their opponents.

Under the 2004–05 changes to the United World Wrestling rules, amateur wrestling moved to a round-based system in which each period is conducted as a separate match with a winner declared. The pin is an exception — it ends a match outright, unlike the period-only victories awarded by technical fall or decision on points. In this way, the fall is analogous to a knockout in boxing.

Pin (computer program)

Pin is a platform for creating analysis tools. A pin tool comprises instrumentation, analysis and callback routines. Instrumentation routines are called when code that has not yet been recompiled is about to be run, and enable the insertion of analysis routines. Analysis routines are called when the code associated with them is run. Callback routines are only called when specific conditions are met, or when a certain event has occurred. Pin provides an extensive application programming interface (API) for instrumentation at different abstraction levels, from one instruction to an entire binary module. It also supports callbacks for many events such as library loads, system calls, signals/exceptions and thread creation events.

Pin performs instrumentation by taking control of the program just after it loads into the memory. Then just-in-time recompiles (JIT) small sections of the binary code using pin just before it is run. New instructions to perform analysis are added to the recompiled code. These new instructions come from the Pintool. A large array of optimization techniques are used to obtain the lowest possible running time and memory use overhead. As of June 2010, Pin's average base overhead is 30 percent (without running a pintool).

Usage examples of "pin".

Possibly the gums or the inside of the cheeks may have been scratched or abraded with a pin.

When an authorized person needs to access the network from offsite, she must first identify herself as an authorized user by tyPINg in her secret PIN and the digits displayed on her token device.

Granny Aching had been wrapped in a woollen blanket, with a tuft of raw wool pinned to it.

Baptiste had Adeem pinned against the floor, straddling him as he wrapped his hands around his neck.

The giant gave a lopsided smile and held Ager by the shoulders, pinning him down.

He was so ashamed of breaking ahimsa that his body fell slack and the other boys managed to pin him to the floor.

It is in my heart that when Akela misses his next kill,--and at each hunt it costs him more to pin the buck,--the Pack will turn against him and against thee.

In his dreams he was watching his father from six-year-old eyes, submerged to test depth on the old sub his father had commanded, and in the mirror was a child staring back at him wearing coveralls with a dolphin pin, and he went into the stateroom and Alameda was there, wearing something filmy and she began kissing him and she climbed into his rack with him.

No longer interested in conversation, he struggled for his life, and felt the Arachnos responding to her commands to pin him down.

This air is enhanced by the presence of five aspidistras, placed in a row on the top of the bunting, which has been stretched across the top, over the opening and the turned-back lid, tightly fixed to the edges with drawing pins, and allowed to fall in artistic festoons down the sides and in a sort of valance-like effect across the front.

Before Auger could react, he had expertly pinned her against the door and was holding one of her eyes open and aiming the end of the pen into it.

Corporal Hart relinquished his seat to the azimuth tracker, who promptly speared the oncoming blip with her electronic pin.

He noted that Barton Badging was a prim-looking gentleman who wore gold-coin cufflinks, a tie pin fashioned from a coin, and had a gold-coin watch fob dangling from a heavy gold chain stretched across his vest.

As they proceeded, he marked roughly on the side of his tin baler, with the point of a pin borrowed from Helen, the form of the coast line.

Ned yelled as he tugged the pin from his last black banger, lifted the hatch, dropped it down and shut the hatch again.