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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a horse/boat/bike etc race
▪ It’s legal to gamble on horse races.
charley horse
clothes horse
cows/horses etc graze in a field (=they eat the grass growing there)
▪ Cattle were grazing in the field below.
dark horse
▪ In the 1955 golf championship, dark horse Jack Fleck defeated Ben Hogan.
eat like a horse (=eat a lot)
▪ She eats like a horse but never puts on any weight!
hold your horses! (=used to tell someone to do something more slowly or carefully)
horse chestnut
horse racing
horse show
horse trailer
pack horse
pommel horse
rocking horse
shire horse
stalking horse
white horses
wild horse/dog/pig etc
▪ Beware the ventriloquist, the dark horse, whose thrown voice juggles the truth.
▪ And then there was the dark horse in the field.
▪ Patterson, winner of the Euro 250 race at Mondello Park, could be the dark horse in these races.
▪ Horses that have been transported in dark closed-in horse trucks, certainly learn to fear them.
▪ I saw the white of Tamesin, the dead King's horse, as well as Alexander's purple cloak blowing in the wind.
▪ This is a dead draw, but Karpov flogged a very dead horse until move 86 before acquiescing in the inevitable.
▪ Beating the same old dead horse..
▪ Glitter is Dot Cotton in foot-thick panstick, flogging a dead horse until its bones are a pile of dust.
▪ The Sioux might eat a dead horse, but would never kill one for food.
▪ If something is carried on then it is flogging a dead horse or blind ambition.
▪ They seem to be flogging a dead horse.
▪ The commitment to devolution was the Trojan horse within Labour's gates.
▪ And, likewise, a Trojan horse.
▪ If Kinnock chooses to fight to retain his leadership, he will have to confront the Trojan horse.
▪ Target company A company which is about to be, or is being, acquired. Trojan horse Same as White squire.
▪ From 1874 upon the sail was emblazoned the rampant white horse of Kent.
▪ The notion of some man on a white horse saving the party with a late candidacy is fanciful.
▪ Mr Bean's mate was bringing out an extraordinary white horse covered in black spots.
▪ A small black and white quarter horse was nibbling grass among the trees.
▪ The white horse of heroin galloped to my side.
▪ A: A white horse swimming in Jell-O.
▪ He was on a white horse but even she could see that it was not Ana's horse.
▪ Here's the chap on the white horse again, he never loses his feathers.
▪ Roberts has found the prints of wolves, wild boar, goats, wild horse and sheep.
▪ The place was stark yet intensely present. Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
▪ Morthen kicked the wild horse and galloped up to the earth wall.
▪ Or the lean-flanked wild and free horse.
▪ He told me he had a wild horse for me to ride at the roundup.
▪ This Przewalski's stallion has the typical dun coat of a truly wild horse.
▪ The second type of horsemen are wild horse archers recruited from the nomadic tribes of the Kislev steppes.
▪ The familiar figure of Selwyn Hopkins sat on the bench under the horse chestnut tree, gazing out over the estuary.
▪ Already, two mature horse chestnuts had been felled.
▪ Its several greens with their majestic horse chestnuts are overlooked by the church from its commanding hilltop position.
▪ Some leaves are especially toxic: those of evergreens like holly and laurel, as well as horse chestnut and willows.
▪ But never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I say, be gracious and accept this delightful offering.
▪ That villain of a landlord was not the one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
▪ The Grand National as always, has been the horse race of the year.
▪ The musicals are a real horse race.
▪ The women's competition was a two horse race between last year's winners Surrey and previous champions Essex.
▪ It is certainly better than any horse race, or any other gambling, when the odds are never in your favor.
▪ Meanwhile Labour insist Cheltenham is now a 3 horse race with issues not personalities at the forefront.
▪ Because for once the Grammy contest is shaping up as a real horse race.
▪ As the spirit of the day mounted, there would probably be horse races and wrestling matches to entertain the folks.
▪ Among the Peers was the Marquess of Zetland, aged 54 and better known for his love of horse racing.
▪ Doncaster Central Library A substantial archive is devoted to the history of horse racing, and another to railways.
▪ Here you can also see National Hunt horse racing.
▪ The overall picture is of the first generation harbouring little interest in sport, apart from horse racing!
▪ Other activities available at a charge are horse riding, water-skiing, sauna, massage, tennis and wind-surfing lessons.
▪ The teachers in the ring show the children how to do basic horse riding.
▪ She attends Ropley School and enjoys dancing, horse riding and drama, as well as bell-ringing and singing in the Ropley Church choir.
▪ This is a veritable paradise for all those who love walking, swimming and above all, horse riding.
▪ Plenty to do for the young and elderly including windsurfing, sailing, bowls, tennis and horse riding.
▪ The holiday includes walking, horse riding and mountain biking in the area..
▪ It was a mixture of agricultural show, horse show, trade exhibition, Highland Games and garden fete.
▪ Visitors to the camp and the boys themselves endured cleansing rituals, and campers stayed away from the local annual horse show.
▪ This is always one of the best horse shows of the year.
▪ During a horse show he positioned himself at the edge of the arena.
▪ The keenness of the Horse Rangers is particularly evident during the build-up to their annual horse show.
▪ If you visit any horse show you will see plenty of freeze branded winners.
▪ We entered the very horse show that we had to sit out the year before.
▪ Nearby would be a trail head that could accommodate 15 cars and 10 horse trailers.
▪ You can take horses to shows in horse trailers pulled by cars or horse boxes, a vehicle of its own.
▪ Whereas the same horses often travel quite happily in the ordinary, well-lighted, double horse trailers drawn by a car.
▪ As he spoke, a figure came from one of the stables leading a horse.
▪ They often helped by leading the horse, setting the locks or steering the boat.
▪ He had to lead his horse over Honister Pass but its barrenness pleased him greatly.
▪ He noticed Karelius, raised a hand in greeting, and dismounted to lead his horse through to the stables.
▪ You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, he jokes.
▪ We are not only leading the horse but also giving it mental stimulation.
▪ A groan burst from his lips as he mounted his horse, and for a second the world swam before his eyes.
▪ Russell mounted his horse, rode off, and rode back at full gallop toward the trailer.
▪ Sharpe wearily mounted his fresh horse.
▪ Quickly the king's son mounted his horse again and rode back over forty-nine kingdoms.
▪ He had mounted the Dragoon's horse and was leading the tired mare by her reins.
▪ Knight, mounting his horse, wearing chain mail of the type developed from eastern sources during Barbarossa's reign.
▪ Scathach led the way to the gate, pulled it down again and mounted his own horse.
▪ Now, when you mount a horse, you simply push your boot in to the stirrup.
▪ It was our first morning of filming and when I rode the horse I really liked him.
▪ I was dreaming that I was riding a horse.
▪ Sometimes you can ride a horse that's never done it before.
▪ Nine-year-old Pippa Simmons likes dancing and would like to ride a horse.
▪ You're about to ride a horse.
▪ Additionally, training and riding a horse teaches it a whole range of new habits in relation to its work and us.
▪ To ride a horse it has to have saddlery.
▪ The plaintiff rode his horse violently and collided with a pole which the defendant had negligently left in the road.
I could eat a horse
back the wrong horse
be flogging a dead horse
▪ If something is carried on then it is flogging a dead horse or blind ambition.
▪ They seem to be flogging a dead horse.
be/get on your high horse
▪ All right, all right; don't get on your high horse.
▪ Don't get on your high horse with me.
▪ Oh, now he gets on his high horse and accuses me of being an anti-Semite!
choke a horse
▪ I have enough kitchen gadgets to choke a horse.
drive a coach and horses through sth
▪ But how useful would such a right be anyway, if an intelligence agency can drive a coach and horses through it?
▪ Callinicos drives a coach and horses through postmodernism; well and good.
never/don't look a gift horse in the mouth
pigeon/horse etc fancier
▪ Although this usage has almost disappeared, it is still visible in pigeon fanciers.
▪ Robert is a pigeon fancier and a member of the Johnstone Social Flying Club.
put the cart before the horse
▪ It is Labour's insistence on putting the cart before the horse which fills me with gloom.
▪ It seems to me that Mr Topolski is putting the cart before the horse.
▪ This is putting the cart before the horse.
▪ This may sound like putting the cart before the horse and being unnecessarily pessimistic.
shut/close the stable door after the horse has bolted
the Trojan Horse
wild horses would/could not ...
▪ Athelstan stopped his horse outside St Erconwald's and thought about that further.
▪ He kisses her and swings on to his horse.
▪ If you have a performance horse, be wary of prohibited substances.
▪ Meanwhile, Seb tied the reins of his horse to the back of the cart before sprinting towards the manor house.
▪ The horse rolled over on me and I had to jump off to safety.&.
▪ The horse was third favourite, quite well backed.
▪ This means that the rider can help his horse should he peck on landing or hesitate into a fence.
be/get on your high horse
▪ All right, all right; don't get on your high horse.
▪ Don't get on your high horse with me.
▪ Oh, now he gets on his high horse and accuses me of being an anti-Semite!
never/don't look a gift horse in the mouth
pigeon/horse etc fancier
▪ Although this usage has almost disappeared, it is still visible in pigeon fanciers.
▪ Robert is a pigeon fancier and a member of the Johnstone Social Flying Club.
put the cart before the horse
▪ It is Labour's insistence on putting the cart before the horse which fills me with gloom.
▪ It seems to me that Mr Topolski is putting the cart before the horse.
▪ This is putting the cart before the horse.
▪ This may sound like putting the cart before the horse and being unnecessarily pessimistic.
shut/close the stable door after the horse has bolted
the Trojan Horse
wild horses would/could not ...
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Footrope \Foot"rope`\, n. (Aut.)

  1. The rope rigged below a yard, upon which men stand when reefing or furling; -- formerly called a horse.

  2. That part of the boltrope to which the lower edge of a sail is sewed.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English hors, from Proto-Germanic *hursa- (cognates: Old Norse hross, Old Frisian hors, Middle Dutch ors, Dutch ros, Old High German hros, German Roß "horse"), of unknown origin, connected by some with PIE root *kurs-, source of Latin currere "to run" (see current (adj.)).\n

\nThe usual Indo-European word is represented by Old English eoh, from PIE *ekwo- "horse" (see equine). In many other languages, as in English, this root has been lost in favor of synonyms, probably via superstitious taboo on uttering the name of an animal so important in Indo-European religion.\n

\nUsed since at least late 14c. of various devices or appliances which suggest a horse (as in sawhorse). To ride a horse that was foaled of an acorn (1670s) was through early 19c. a way to say "be hanged from the gallows." Slang for heroin is first attested 1950. Horse latitudes first attested 1777, the name of unknown origin, despite much speculation. Dead horse as a figure for "something that has ceased to be useful" is attested from 1630s.\n\nHORSEGODMOTHER, a large masculine wench; one whom it is difficult to rank among the purest and gentlest portion of the community.

[John Trotter Brockett, "A Glossary of North Country Words," 1829]

\nThe horse's mouth as a source of reliable information is from 1921, perhaps originally of racetrack tips, from the fact that a horse's age can be determined accurately by looking at its teeth. To swap horses while crossing the river (a bad idea) is from the American Civil War and appears to have been originally one of Abe Lincoln's stories. Horse and buggy meaning "old-fashioned" is recorded from 1926 slang, originally in reference to a "young lady out of date, with long hair." The proverbial gift horse was earlier given horse:\n\nNo man ought to looke a geuen hors in the mouth.

[Heywood, 1546]

\nThe modern form perhaps traces to Butler's "Hudibras" (1663), where the tight iambic tetrameter required a shorter phrase:\n\nHe ne'er consider'd it, as loth\n
To look a Gift-horse in the mouth.\n

Old English horsian "to provide with a horse or horses," from horse (n.). Related: Horsed; horsing. Sense of "to play excessive jokes on" is by 1893, mostly in formation horse around (1928), perhaps from horseplay.\n\n[A] favorite pastime for many men is to "horse" or guy a friend who has shown himself susceptible to ridicule or fun making. "Horsing" is extremely wholesome mental discipline for over sensitive or super-conceited young men. "Horsing" always implies a joke at another's expense. As to how it came into use there is no satisfactory theory to offer.

["Yale Literary Magazine," December 1893]


Etymology 1 n. 1 (lb en heading) ''Any of several animals related to Equus ferus caballus. 2 # A hoofed mammal, of the genus Equus, often used throughout history for ride and draft work. vb. 1 (context intransitive English) To frolic, to act mischievously. (Usually followed by "around".) 2 (context transitive English) To provide with a horse. 3 (context obsolete English) To get on horseback. 4 To sit astride of; to bestride. 5 (context of a male horse English) To copulate with (a mare). 6 To take or carry on the back. 7 To place on the back of another person, or on a wooden horse, etc., to be flogged; to subject to such punishment. Etymology 2

n. (context uncountable slang dated English) heroin.

  1. n. solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times [syn: Equus caballus]

  2. a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs

  3. troops trained to fight on horseback; "500 horse led the attack" [syn: cavalry, horse cavalry]

  4. a framework for holding wood that is being sawed [syn: sawhorse, sawbuck, buck]

  5. a chessman in the shape of a horse's head; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa) [syn: knight]


v. provide with a horse or horses


H.O.R.S.E. is a form of poker commonly played at the high-stakes tables of casinos. It consists of rounds of play cycling among:

  • Texas Hold 'em,
  • Omaha hi-low split-eight or better,
  • Razz,
  • Seven card Stud, and
  • Seven card stud hi-low split-Eight or better.
Horse (zodiac)

The Horse (馬 午) is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. There is a long tradition of the horse in Chinese mythology. Certain characteristics of the Horse nature are supposed to be typical of or to be associated with either a year of the Horse and its events, or in regard to the personality of someone born in such a year. Horse aspects can also enter by other chronomantic factors or measures, such as hourly.

Horse (disambiguation)

A horse is a hoofed mammal of the species Equus ferus caballus.

Horse or Horses may also refer to:

Horse (1941 film)

is a 1941 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Kajiro Yamamoto and starring Hideko Takamine, whom Yamamoto had directed in his film Composition Class (Tsuzurikata Kyōshitsu) three years before. Uma was actually completed by assistant director Akira Kurosawa. It follows the story of Ine Onoda, the eldest daughter of a poor family of farmers, who raises a colt from birth and comes to love the horse dearly. When the horse is grown, the government orders it auctioned and sold to the army. Ine struggles to prevent the sale.

Horse (1965 film)

Horse is a 1965 underground film directed by Andy Warhol, written by Ronald Tavel, and starring Edie Sedgwick, Gregory Battcock, Tosh Carillo, Ondine, Norman Glick, Daniel Cassidy Jr., and Larry Latrae (Latreille). Warhol himself makes a cameo appearance in the film.

A photo from Horse published in Parker Tyler's book Underground Film ( Grove Press, 1969; reprint DaCapo Press, 1995) shows all the male performers dressed only in jockstraps.

Horse (musician)

Horse (born Sheena Mary McDonald, 22 November 1958 in Newport on Tay, Fife, Scotland) is a Scottish female singer-songwriter. She has a wide following in the UK and worldwide and has toured with Tina Turner and secured several record chart hits in Europe. She is noted mainly for her rich, sonorous voice, and The Scotsman referred to her as "one of Scotland's all-time great vocalists, also possessed of a keen songwriting intelligence".

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of her debut album The Same Sky, Horse and her band played the entire album on a concert tour of the United Kingdom in October and November 2010.

In 2011, Horse performed a duet with Heather Peace, on a song they wrote together: Beechwood avenue.

Horse toured in March 2011, playing an unplugged acoustic set with the full band. These concerts featured "exclusive previews of several new songs from the upcoming ninth album, as well as Horse standards and rare B sides".

She is also slated to appear in the soundtrack of the forthcoming UK independent film, About Her.

Horse appeared on the 2012 charity single 'It Does Get Better' created by The L Project. The single benefitted LGBT charities, and was written in response to the suicide of LGBT teenagers.

Horse and her band had a UK wide tour in 2012 and visited Australia (Perth, Sydney, Melbourne) to great reviews.

She performed a one-off show at the Barrowland, Glasgow 2 March 2013 with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of God's Home Movie and the release of her ninth studio album HOME.

She will be touring later this year in the UK, Germany and Australia.

Horse (geology)

Horse is the geological technical term used for any block of rock completely separated from the surrounding rock either by mineral veins or fault planes. In mining the term refers to a block of country rock entirely encased within a mineral lode. In structural geology the term was first used to describe the thrust-bounded imbricates found within a thrust duplex. In later literature it has become a general term for any block entirely bounded by faults, whether the overall deformation type is contractional, extensional or strike-slip in nature.

Usage examples of "horse".

Kuhmbuhluhners on their big horses, aided and abetted, if the tales of the fugitives were to be believed, by bearded Ahrmehnee warriors and even Moon Maidens.

I will abide thee on a good horse with all that we may need for the journey: and now I ask leave.

In the cold stream Deacon Rose bathed and performed his ablutions and meditations, while a much subdued Pryor saw to the horses.

Thus then they abode a-feasting till the sun was westering and the shadows waxed about them, and then at last Ralph rose up and called to horse, and the other wayfarers arose also, and the horses were led up to them.

Then he walked out through the pecan trees in front of the house where Antonio stood waiting with the horses and they stood for a moment in a wordless abrazo and then he mounted up into the saddle and turned the horse into the road.

By noon he was riding a farmland road where the acequias carried the water down along the foot-trodden selvedges of the fields and he stood the horse to water and walked it up and back in the shade of a cottonwood grove to cool it.

Azareel went inside to purchase rooms while Acies led the horses to the stable.

Caroline and Amelia had been shocked when James brought her home, riding before him on his horse with Acorn trailing behind.

As soon as he had been made acquainted with the contents of this, he gave orders to bring out two restive horses.

With his guardian Addis de Valence teaching him to see the small evidence left behind by men on horse or foot, he had led the small troop that caught them.

Bay came racing out of the adobe house and hugged Sloan as she stepped down from her horse.

And he drew from recollection, the raw enthusiasm of his adolescence, when ideals were a substitute for judgment, life was play, and the future entailed nothing more lively than horse raids and begetting children.

Two Boers appeared in front of the advancing line of the Imperial Light Horse and held up a flag.

The Yeomanry, the Scottish Horse, and the Constabulary poured a steady fire upon the advancing wave of Horsemen, and the guns opened with case at two hundred yards.

The horses, the bull Brutus, even the human acrobats and aerialists and jugglers.