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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Armor \Ar"mor\, n. [OE. armure, fr. F. armure, OF. armeure, fr. L. armatura. See Armature.] [Spelt also armour.]

  1. Defensive arms for the body; any clothing or covering worn to protect one's person in battle.

    Note: In English statues, armor is used for the whole apparatus of war, including offensive as well as defensive arms. The statues of armor directed what arms every man should provide.

  2. Steel or iron covering, whether of ships or forts, protecting them from the fire of artillery.

    Coat armor, the escutcheon of a person or family, with its several charges and other furniture, as mantling, crest, supporters, motto, etc.

    Submarine, a water-tight dress or covering for a diver. See under Submarine.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "mail, defensive covering worn in combat," also "means of protection," from Old French armeure "weapons, armor" (12c.), from Latin armatura "arms, equipment," from arma "arms, gear" (see arm (n.2)). Figurative use from mid-14c.\n

\nMeaning "military equipment generally," especially siege engines, is late 14c. The word might have died with jousting if not for late 19c. transference to metal-shielded machinery beginning with U.S. Civil War ironclads (first attested in this sense in an 1855 report from the U.S. Congressional Committee on Naval Affairs).


mid-15c., from armor (n.). Related: Armored; armoring.


n. 1 (context uncountable English) A protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces. 2 (context uncountable English) A natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body. 3 (context uncountable English) Metal plate, protecting a ship, military vehicle, or aircraft. 4 (context countable English) A tank, or other heavy mobile assault vehicle. 5 (context military uncountable English) A military formation consisting primarily of tanks or other armoured fighting vehicles, collectively. 6 (context hydrology uncountable English) The naturally occurring surface of pebbles, rocks or boulders that line the bed of a waterway or beach and provide protection against erosion. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To equip something with armor or a protective coating or hardening. 2 (context transitive English) To provide something with an analogous form of protection.

  1. n. protective covering made of metal and used in combat [syn: armour]

  2. a military unit consisting of armored fighting vehicles [syn: armour]

  3. tough more-or-less rigid protective covering of an animal or plant [syn: armour]


v. equip with armor [syn: armour]

Armor (novel)

Armor is a military science fiction novel by John Steakley. It has some superficial similarities with Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers (such as the military use of exoskeletons and insect-like alien enemies) but concentrates more on the psychological effects of violence on human beings rather than on the political aspect of the military, which was the focus of Heinlein's novel.

It was first published in December 1984.

Armor (comics)

Armor is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She is a Japanese mutant who enrolled at the Xavier Institute as a teenager and who retained her powers after the events of Decimation.

Armor (hydrology)

In hydrology and geography, armor is the association of surface pebbles, rocks or boulders with stream beds or beaches. Most commonly hydrological armor occurs naturally; however, a man-made form is usually called riprap, when shorelines or stream banks are fortified for erosion protection with large boulders or sizable manufactured concrete objects. When armor is associated with beaches in the form of pebbles to medium-sized stones grading from two to 200 millimeters across, the resulting landform is often termed a shingle beach. Hydrological modeling indicates that stream armor typically persists in a flood stage environment. Bed Armor is most often transported through entrainment, and more specifically suspension and saltation. Both of these processes involve moving the sediment both near and around the bed of a river. When a sediment is entrained it is being moved downstream through the forces between the layers of water around it, and once it settles it begins to create a layer on the bed of the river. This layer of sediment changes the hydrology of the river around it, as once this layer on the bottom is formed it affects the hydraulics of the river. This layer of sediments on the bed of the river can act as barrier to the incoming flow, and depending on the size and distribution of the grains, can change the river. Understanding the Hjulstroms Diagram is important, as it represents at what grain size and flow speed a particle is transported. The slope present at the top left of the graph is due to clay and silt cohesion.

Armor (magazine)

ARMOR is the professional journal of the U.S. Army’s Armor Branch, published by the Chief of Armor at Fort Benning, Georgia, training center for the Army’s tank and cavalry forces ( United States Army Armor School). ARMOR magazine is the U.S. Army's oldest professional journal, founded by U.S. Cavalry officers in 1888, and originally titled as The Cavalry Journal.

Armor (album)

Armor is the second album by Janus, released independently in 2004.

The Jewelcase CD album cover depicts buildings from Chicago, Illinois, with the new Janus logo in yellow, while the Digipak CD cover depicts an orange bug in a navy blue background with the old Janus logo in white. gave the album a 3 out of 5 star rating (Good)

Usage examples of "armor".

Five minutes later the Lackawanna, Captain Marchand, going at full speed, delivered her blow also at right angles on the port side, abreast the after end of the armored superstructure.

I had all the clothing, body armor, abseil kit, the lot, and the weapons that any member of the assault group would be taking, and there was Fat Boy, who was dressed up in the kit.

With few forces to spare, no more than an armored cavalry regiment would initially be deployed in the vast province abutting an unfriendly country and including large Sunni cities.

Leaping down from the broken stalagmite, Andzrel strode toward the captain who commanded them, a slender female in adamantine armor with white hair drawn up in a topknot.

I shall tell thee the boon that I would ask of thee and thy generosity has granted me, and it is that on the morrow thou wilt dub me a knight, and that this night in the chapel of thy castle I shall keep vigil over my armor, and on the morrow, as I have said, what I fervently desire will be accomplished so that I can, as I needs must do, travel the four corners of the earth in search of adventures on behalf of those in need, this being the office of chivalry and of knights errant, for I am one of them and my desire is disposed to such deeds.

It was as if the Southern Welt had been emptied in its entirety, and sunlight glinted off the armor that some of the Aerians were strong enough to bear in full flight.

He waved a pulse cartridge rifle unsteadily with one hand, shooting again and again, but three armored cymeks pounced upon him from their own aerofoil vessels.

The weapon disappeared in a blur of armored skirts and the blocky, powerful thighs of Clodius Afer, lunging between Vibulenus and death.

There the true gods led him to the subterranean pool where eyeless, albescent fish swam around the clutch of huge eggs, as hard as the finest armor, left there countless centuries past.

Even the watchers, far below, could see the armor plating on the big amphibian melting.

He wanted to ask if they had any ideas about what use all the silvered weapons and silver chains and silver armor he and all the other smiths had made in Ardagh Vale might have been put.

CHAPTER II THRUSTS FROM THE DARK OUTSIDE the Argyle Museum, the armored vans had slithered smoothly to a stop in front of the great stone gates.

The jumping-off schedule for five armies, the Second, Eighth, Tenth, Twelfth and Fourteenth, comprising thirty-six divisions, including three armored, was sent out.

I can build all my own armor and clothing from base materials but it takes me more time than a professional armorer and seamstress and the results are cruder.

The horses, as well as the men, were clothed in complete armor, the joints of which were artfully adapted to the motions of their bodies.