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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a window/aisle seat (=one next to the window or the space between seats, for example in a plane)
▪ I'd prefer a window seat, please.
▪ Slowly he and his acolytes processed up the center aisle, carrying the small ball of flame.
▪ Some one had the grand idea of placing gardenia trees at the end of each pew at center aisle.
▪ When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
▪ It seemed strange that there was no center aisle.
▪ She and her uncle left by the center aisle.
▪ No more than thirty to forty feet away, at the head of the narrow aisle, was the tiny altar.
▪ The first time Cantor attempted to visit him, the narrow aisles were blocked by serving carts.
▪ Trash cans blocked the narrow aisles.
▪ He turned to the right and made for the north choir aisle.
▪ Now the choir and the south choir aisle were empty except for the Chapter clergy and the cathedral policeman.
▪ Bill is in the aisle seat.
▪ They always chose an aisle seat so that Sweetheart could slip away to talk to her friends without disturbing anyone.
▪ He was in an aisle seat beside two tough-looking men with vaguely familiar faces.
▪ A Cadillac compared to an aisle seat on the bus.
▪ The pew creaked when Keith sat down, and Stella looked across the aisle.
▪ I move among the aisles and walkways, which are a scented, winking, shimmering, crooning riot of Christmas.
▪ Like a chameleon, it moved out of the aisle between machines, then stopped, and became utterly motionless.
▪ The man screamed, fell off his seat, and rolled down the aisle to the front.
▪ I never saw anyone roll in the aisles.
▪ She remembers running up the aisle, but mass had ended.
▪ A shadow ran down the aisle, thumping a loose board under my head.
▪ Singers stood in the aisles, beggars grumbled past them; a leper thrust a fingerless hand at Alan for alms.
▪ He stands in the aisle, beckoning to me.
▪ The fourth and fifth were already jam-packed, people standing in the aisles, body to body.
▪ The wedding was off, because no way was she going to walk down the aisle looking like an eejit!
▪ The man who had been walking the aisles approached the counter but was empty-handed.
▪ As she walked down the aisle her heart brimmed over with love and adoration for Charles.
▪ Sangfroid then walked up the aisle.
▪ Early the following month a radiant Lucy walked up the aisle on her father's arm.
▪ Together, they walked down the aisle behind the crucifix, toward the rear of the church.
▪ Inspector Miskin was walking down the aisle.
▪ I tremble as I walk up the aisle with the policeman.
be rolling in the aisles
▪ Across the bleachers, the Oregon band puts down its instruments and starts dancing in the aisles.
▪ An aisle of steps ran through the room, front to back.
▪ Last year the musical had the audience dancing in the aisles so tickets are selling fast.
▪ Primo waves his hand at his own reflection and that of the empty seat on the opposite side of the aisle.
▪ We paraded down the aisle, tapping loudly with our canes and shouting and whistling to the crowd.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Aisle \Aisle\, n. [OF. ele, F. aile, wing, wing of a building, L. ala, contr. fr. axilla.] (Arch.)

  1. A lateral division of a building, separated from the middle part, called the nave, by a row of columns or piers, which support the roof or an upper wall containing windows, called the clearstory wall.

  2. Improperly used also for the have; -- as in the phrases, a church with three aisles, the middle aisle.

  3. Also (perhaps from confusion with alley), a passage into which the pews of a church open.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., ele, "lateral division of a church (usually separated by a row of pillars), from Old French ele "wing (of a bird or an army), side of a ship" (12c., Modern French aile), from Latin ala, related to axilla "wing, upper arm, armpit; wing of an army," from PIE *aks- "axis" (see axis), via a suffixed form *aks-la-. The root meaning in "turning" connects it with axle and axis.\n

\nConfused from 15c. with unrelated ile "island" (perhaps from notion of a "detached" part of a church), and so it took an -s- when isle did, c.1700; by 1750 it had acquired an a-, on the model of French cognate aile. The word also was confused with alley, which gave it the sense of "passage between rows of pews or seats" (1731), which was thence extended to railway cars, theaters, etc.


n. A wing of a building, notably in a church separated from the nave proper by piers.

  1. n. a long narrow passage (as in a cave or woods)

  2. passageway between seating areas as in an auditorium or passenger vehicle or between areas of shelves of goods as in stores [syn: gangway]

  3. part of a church divided laterally from the nave proper by rows of pillars or columns

Aisle (political term)

In the United States, the two major political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are often referred to as "the two sides of the aisle."

Aisle (video game)

Aisle is an interactive fiction video game whose major innovation is to allow only a single move and offer from it over a hundred possible outcomes. It is notable for introducing and popularizing the one move genre.

Aisle (disambiguation)

An aisle is a space for walking with rows of seats on both sides or with rows of seats on one side and a wall on the other.

Aisle may also refer to:


An aisle is, in general (common), a space for walking with rows of seats on both sides or with rows of seats on one side and a wall on the other. Aisles can be seen in airplanes, certain types of buildings, such as churches, cathedrals, synagogues, meeting halls, parliaments and legislatures, courtrooms, theatres, and in certain types of passenger vehicles.

Aisles can also be seen in shops, warehouses, and factories, where rather than seats, they have shelving to either side. In warehouses and factories, aisles may consist of storage pallets, and in factories, aisles may separate work areas. In health clubs, exercise equipment is normally arranged in aisles.

Aisles are distinguished from corridors, hallways, walkways, footpaths/pavements (American English sidewalks), trails, paths and (enclosed) "open areas".

Usage examples of "aisle".

The tower certainly stood on the site of the present tower, as Roman ashlaring has been discovered on the north-west side of the north-west tower pier, above the vault of the side aisle, and also portions of a shaft with a base, which probably belonged to the Norman clerestory.

There is also a row of niches on the towers immediately above the ornamental gable of the aisle windows, and the upper part of each tower is covered with niches.

As the side porches fronting the aisles are on the same level with the main porch, the bottom part of the front is bound together, and the divisions of nave and aisle, emphasised above by the prominent buttresses, are minimised below.

Thus, on the south the aisle buttresses are crowned by lofty pinnacles having at their bases niches, in some of which statues still remain.

At any rate, there are no pinnacles to the aisle buttresses on the north side, and, consequently, no flying buttresses.

The bays are marked by plain aisle buttresses, terminating in three-cornered caps, with a battlement of cusped stonework ornamented with finials behind them.

The aisle buttresses end some little way below the battlements of the aisle.

The exterior of the western aisle of this transept is very curious in arrangement.

Between the groups of aisle windows are blind arches narrower than the windows themselves.

The triforium passage, hidden by the roof of the aisle, runs below the screen and the windows, and between the two.

The windows of the aisle are delicately moulded with capitals to their shafts, and are ornamented with a crocketed gable, ogee-shaped and topped with a prominent finial rising just above the battlements of the aisle.

The buttresses separating it from the aisle are decorated with six storeys of niches, two to each storey, except the lowest, which contains only one.

The aisle windows have ogee gables above them with finials, and immediately above them a band of panelling running right across the exterior buttresses.

Those of the south aisle differ from those of the north, being fewer in number and wider.

The aisle fronts have upper storeys ornamented with blind arches and an upper row of small lancet windows.