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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a practical/workable solution (=one that is really possible)
▪ They've had to find practical solutions to practical problems.
▪ Out of our argument, a better and more workable curriculum could emerge.
▪ And there is no line other than viability which is more workable....
▪ The Second Treatise seeks to find some other more workable foundation for political authority.
▪ These physical techniques of preparation eliminate air pockets and increase homogenisation of moisture and inclusions making the clay more workable.
▪ Replication techniques have the unfortunate quality of appearing to provide workable solutions to pressing dilemmas.
workable clay
▪ a workable and safe solution
▪ A new plan provides for loans to students, but to make the system workable more government funding will be needed.
▪ There is a dispute over land but we believe we have found a workable solution to this problem.
▪ Getting your goal clear in your mind is the first step in making a dream real, workable, possible.
▪ It does not just redress an historic wrong; it perfects a workable future.
▪ Ores, which are economically workable mineral deposits, are highly concentrated occurrences of useful minerals.
▪ The descent to the Main Cliff and Upper tier remains serious, but no workable remedy has been found so far.
▪ The National Curriculum orders for each study unit need to be turned into meaningful and workable schemes of work and class activities.
▪ This may provide the first observable category of classroom behaviour for a workable schedule.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Workable \Work"a*ble\, a. Capable of being worked, or worth working; as, a workable mine; workable clay.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1540s, from work (v.) + -able. Related: Workably; workability.


a. 1 Capable of functioning. 2 Able to be worked or fashioned


adj. capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are [syn: feasible, executable, practicable, viable]


Workable may refer to:

  • Shek Kip Mei SA, a football club which play under the name Workable FC in 2007–2008 season in Hong Kong First Division League
  • Workable FC, a Hong Kong football club, played in Hong Kong First Division League in the 2007–08 season

Usage examples of "workable".

A Socialist movement which can swing the mass of the people behind it, drive the pro-Fascists out of positions of control, wipe out the grosser injustices and let the working class see that they have something to fight for, win over the middle classes instead of antagonizing them, produce a workable imperial policy instead of a mixture of humbug and Utopianism, bring patriotism and intelligence into partnership -- for the first time, a movement of such a kind becomes possible.

Doc Savage had explained that the very hooligan nature of the characters Cabeza and Cuerpo might make them workable.

She culled out any that dealt with photography or imaging, and focused on a more workable list of nine.

Surely it is far wiser to exercise care to ensure an endamaged, workable probe than to sabotage the whole project by reckless impatience.

Put so, it sounds too simple to work, but actually the traditions that had gathered with the five thousand years since the first Voluntary Grouping of Gurrahs was supposed to have been established, made the system complicated, flexible - and workable.

I snapped up the still rustless and workable lid and drew out the book within.

The autopilot was taking the aircraft down, as fast as it could safely go, into the thicker atmosphere at 30,000 feet where they would find enough ambient pressure to make the oxygen masks workable.

They spent some time talking over the details, and the longer they talked, the more familiar it seemed to Bonner, therefore the more workable.

One is the course the United States followed toward Afghanistan after Operation Enduring Freedom, which focused on putting in place a minimally workable political arrangement that would allow for the early exit of U.

The wires will have to be rebound into bundles in order to be reinserted and render the burners even potentially workable, but my uncle has no tool for binding.

In conclusion, it may be said that the present volume contains many precious relics of the Bewick, Newbury, Goldsmith, Newcastle York, Banbury, Coventry, and Catnach presses, and a representative collection of the stock of workable woodcuts of a provincial printer in the latter part of the 18th century, and to those who would like to inspect the rentable copies of those valuable and interesting little books, and some of the original Horn Books, etc.

Everything that gives them hope and self-respect and preserves their homes from the worst indignities of panic, appeasement, treason-hunting and the rest of it, is to be encouraged, and meanwhile their sons will have time to think and it may be possible so to search, ransack and rationalise the Streit project as to make a genuine and workable scheme for the socialisation of the world.

In conclusion, it may be said that the present volume contains many precious relics of the Bewick, Newbury, Goldsmith, Newcastle York, Banbury, Coventry, and Catnach presses, and a representative collection of the stock of workable woodcuts of a provincial printer in the latter part of the 18th century, and to those who would like to inspect the rentable copies of those valuable and interesting little books, and some of the original Horn Books, etc.

But the room had an Internet connection, workable through the TV for the hire of a portable keyboard for a charge of a few euros, or a few thousand lira, according to the yellowing, outdated note on the TV cabinet.

He was able to craft workable nonaggression pacts with the Gaels, Bos Kashi, and Sons of Freedom that have eliminated the episodic but disastrous interclan wars, while continuing the tradition of individual feuds and vendettas that all these people seem to relish so much.