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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a rural/urban setting
▪ The research station is located in a rural setting.
a rural/urban/suburban existence (=life in the country/city/suburbs)
▪ The girls hated their drab suburban existence.
an urban area (=in a town or city)
▪ 90% of the English population live in urban areas.
an urban district (=in a town)
▪ In 1911 over three-quarters of the British people lived in urban districts.
rural/industrial/urban etc landscape
the urban poor (=poor people who live in towns and cities)
▪ The condition of the urban poor could no longer be ignored.
the urban population (=the people who live in towns or cities)
▪ The region's urban population will more than double in the next two decades.
urban expansion
▪ We are seeing uncontrolled urban expansion in many African cities.
urban myth
urban regeneration
▪ a new strategy for urban regeneration
urban renewal
▪ an urban renewal program
urban sprawl
▪ We drove through miles of urban sprawl before we finally got out into the countryside.
urban sprawl
▪ planning policies designed to limit the growth of urban sprawl
urban unrest (=in towns or cities)
▪ Unemployment and poor housing were significant causes of urban unrest.
urban/city planner
▪ City planners are looking for ways to ease traffic.
urban/industrial wasteland
▪ the restoration of industrial wasteland
urban/inner-city riots
▪ The urban riots forced the Government to invest in the inner cities.
urban/rural poverty
▪ People come to the capital seeking to escape rural poverty.
▪ We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 urban areas.
▪ It is difficult to target economic development activities so that the most distressed urban areas or disadvantaged social groups are assisted.
▪ An Indoor Leisure Complex and an hotel which could be sited in the urban area are unlikely to receive planning permission.
▪ Half of the U. S. Latino population lives in these cities and the surrounding urban areas.
▪ These factors differ among communities and between rural and urban areas within a country.
▪ I have heard this concern raised particularly in urban areas with high concentrations of minority and disadvantaged young people.
▪ Mr. Win Griffiths I entirely agree with the hon. Gentleman about the sensitivity of rail routes through urban areas.
▪ In other urban areas, 816 permits were issued in San Antonio, or one every 1, 192 residents.
▪ Blacks in large numbers started leaving the South for northern urban centers in the 1920s.
▪ Westerners are often tempted to write off the great urban centers of the developing world as almost beyond hope.
▪ It was to its urban centers that those interested in a better education and a broader range of opportunities were drawn.
▪ In the case of trusts based on prosperous urban centres, there was a considerable increase in the participation of smaller savers.
▪ The all-important production of silk, for example, remained located outside the big urban centres throughout the prewar years.
▪ By the mid-1980s, confrontations were not confined to major urban centres, but were occurring in most parts of the country.
▪ As for the regionally-planned green field sites for development, they are usually placed near new urban centres deliberately to provide employment.
▪ The regeneration arena: housing policy as a response to the desire to revitalise declining urban centres and the rural economy.
▪ With the development of urban centres and religious foundations greater demand would have been placed on the hinterland.
▪ Ideologically sound sisters moved to hard-to-let housing in depressed urban centres and sold their properties to hotels and banks.
▪ Secular, economic power gravitated towards the lowlands and to the urban centres in particular.
▪ In recent years the number of initiatives have been increasing rapidly with development concentrated in deprived urban communities.
▪ The studies sampled selected rural and urban communities or ethnic or religious sub-groups.
▪ The participant observation techniques in this study were similar to those used in the urban community studies.
▪ In Britain two examples of cohort studies provide descriptive accounts of patterns of infant care in urban communities.
▪ Some sort of urban community was already there in embryonic form.
▪ The three sources are: Firstly the secular, moral and emotional behaviour of characters found in rural or urban communities.
▪ The Malays were an urban community many of whom lived in Colombo and Hambantota.
▪ However, virtually all were designed at least partially to house people and jobs from the older urban cores.
▪ These groups tend to locate in the older urban cores as a result of factors examined earlier.
▪ But there was no abrupt re-orientation of government spending towards the urban cores from 1977 to 1979.
▪ Why have so many left the older urban cores?
▪ It identified a series of constraints impinging on the urban cores and on many of those living within them.
▪ These functions, as mentioned earlier, are found increasingly beyond the urban cores.
▪ In short, unemployment must be considered as the primary agent causing and maintaining urban deprivation.
▪ This is reflected in the exhibit itself, which is a bit cluttered, but then, so is urban design.
▪ Enter the emerging and evolving practice of urban design in L.A.
▪ A further category of urban development was the growth of trading and financial centres.
▪ Towards this end, federal involvement in efforts to guide urban development had to be eliminated or at least dramatically reduced.
▪ Agriculture has also been the beneficiary of rapid industrial growth and urban development, which have created expanding market opportunities.
▪ The urban development corporations first introduced by the Conservative government in 1981 are one example of this.
▪ Similarly, the increasing use of urban development corporations ind Whitehall grants in inner cities would further undermine local authorities.
▪ They claim, further, that all this stimulated urban development.
▪ And for this we have to scrutinize the comparative process of urban development.
▪ Ancient and well-established episcopal churches tended to stabilize subsequent urban development.
▪ It was the ordinary police who prevented a complete collapse of law and order in the loyalist urban districts of Belfast.
▪ At one time there were no urban districts - they simply grow up around commercial and industrial interests.
▪ By 1935 the population of the urban districts had grown to 295,000.
▪ Furthermore, the causes of fuelwood scarcity must seem remote and diffuse to the average urban dweller.
▪ What the farmer gets is what the urban dweller pays minus transportation and distribution costs.
▪ The power that small hill farmers and poorer urban dwellers have in the state apparatus and in society at large is negligible.
▪ The real customers of the Department of Housing and Urban Development have not been poor urban dwellers, but real estate developers.
▪ Indeed, Cairenes are among the most resourceful of urban dwellers.
▪ Census takers historically have undercounted urban dwellers, particularly blacks and ethnic minorities, they argued.
▪ Dogtags were distributed among urban dwellers to make identification of the dead easier in the aftermath of what seemed inevitable.
▪ As federal and state support for the cities diminishes, poor urban dwellers will become even more destitute and marginalized.
▪ By working with others we can demonstrate the real contribution that chartered architects can make in reviving our urban environment.
▪ Most talked about the need to make a bridge between nature and their school's urban environment.
▪ In an urban environment, basement flats are not advisable for the single dweller.
▪ Air pollution and energy conservation aside, private vehicles also come under attack when we consider rural and urban environments.
▪ It is composed of species adapted to the urban environment and is influenced strongly by the availability of seeds.
▪ The Industrial Revolution transformed the face of the countryside and thrust workers together in the new urban environments, packed and smoky.
▪ The high quality of much of Glasgow's urban environment is increasingly important in attracting visitors and investors to the city.
▪ For one thing they were a rural party in an urban environment.
▪ The authors of Conurbation were particularly interesting in their treatment of the urban fringe.
▪ Land in the urban fringe is also at a premium for recreation, whether for rambling or for sports and recreation grounds.
▪ Most of the conflicts concerning agriculture and amenity also occur in a particularly acute form on the urban fringe.
▪ The condition of insecurity which often prompts people to migrate to towns means that urban growth occurs under highly unfavourable circumstances.
▪ The need now was for urban policies that matched the new challenges posed by the economics of urban growth and decline.
▪ Under what circumstances has urban growth occurred?
▪ Demographers estimate that about 60 percent of recent urban growth has resulted from high birthrates in the cities themselves.
▪ Suburban sanctuaries often became the foci for further urban growth.
▪ Excellent displays show how animals and plants are displaced by urban growth and the consequences of pollution.
▪ This was largely because these were areas in which planning authorities were aimed at containing urban growth and preserving open country.
▪ Low farm prices have also forced farmers off the land and into the city, even as urban growth consumes valuable farmland.
▪ The cycle of death leads us on towards the urban landscape that follows.
▪ This splendid lithograph by Bourne gives one a vivid idea of the impact of the railway on urban landscapes.
▪ Even in today's greatly changed urban landscape, the K ppersm hle in Duisburg is still a striking city landmark.
▪ Another photograph of an industrial and urban landscape that no longer exists.
▪ Demolition firms and builders are busy changing the urban landscapes.
▪ They have, through happenstance, and the nature of urban life that crunches lives and experiences together, simply become entangled.
▪ Many who live in the unincorporated metro-area come here to escape the hassles of urban life.
▪ Then, from discussing modern urban life, Eliot makes a remarkable leap.
▪ The fluctuations, then, are well within the range of ordinary urban life and hardly noticeable to humans.
▪ We want to say quite explicitly that the language with which the problems of contemporary urban life are addressed is necessarily problematic.
▪ As the seventies progressed, the center of gravity of much of urban life seemed to shift.
▪ But even without this unbuilt scheme there were enough dramatic changes in urban life to defeat conventional interpretations.
▪ Obviously, in the increasingly crowded cage of urban life we have had to adapt.
▪ It remains to be seen whether the archaeologists will win out over the urban planners.
▪ Traditional building materials tend to imply low-rise housing, and urban planners have an ambivalent attitude to low-rise.
▪ Clinton has pledged to refocus attention on the crumbling cities of the United States, with a new urban policy.
▪ In the context of urban policy this meant that cities must follow the lead of private enterprise.
▪ Hence, the Reagan urban policy celebrates the themes of deregulation, decentralization and privatization.
▪ However, Labour's urban policy can not be perceived as anything other than meagre.
▪ The need now was for urban policies that matched the new challenges posed by the economics of urban growth and decline.
▪ The corollary of this is the increasing emphasis that has been placed on urban policies, such as Inner-City Partnerships and Enterprise Zones.
▪ Under federal law, however, the President must send a national urban policy report to Congress every other year.
▪ With the urban population growing towards 320 million by the year 2000, social and political tensions are likely to increase.
▪ The apparent increasing prevalence of depression and mental-health disorders in ageing and socially fragmented urban populations.
▪ There may be a number of reasons why urban population loss has moderated.
▪ Substantial parts of the urban population were better off in material terms and there had been changes in attitudes.
▪ Yet not only was the urban population rapidly increasing, it was becoming ever more complex and articulate.
▪ Surveys in the 1970s showed that 40 percent of Britain's urban population suffered from traffic-induced noise.
▪ Without these, the dense urban populations of the twentieth century would not have been possible.
▪ National statistics show there has been a general decline in Britain's urban population.
▪ It may be that urban poverty then was no worse than poverty in the country.
▪ Can the problems of urban poverty be blamed on individual pathology?
▪ These policies were inpart based on assumptions about the causes of rural and urban poverty and low growth.
▪ The core issue is that of urban poverty.
▪ A range of policy innovations were needed to overcome or to moderate the urban problems.
▪ The definition of the urban problem had changed dramatically.
▪ Overcrowding was not just an urban problem.
▪ Unlike some of its counterpart urban problems commissions, the Housing Commission was active-meeting monthly-and influential almost from the beginning.
▪ To bring the argument full circle, one frequently-neglected aspect of the urban problem is the political dimension.
▪ Once again it was asserted that urban problems resulted from too little private investment and their resolution required an extension of privatism.
▪ The search for comprehensive solutions to complex urban problems has once again defied disciplinary and professional boundaries.
▪ Still, urban problems intensify, as the example of Cairo makes plain.
▪ Outlines two policy scenarios, one focusing on urban regeneration and the other on rural protection and urban compaction.
▪ The retraction of finances from city coffers calls into question the government's real commitment to urban regeneration.
▪ We will support Urban Development Corporations in their critical task of urban regeneration.
▪ Lax local authority policies and the undermining of policies of restraint on appeal, severely undermine processes of urban regeneration.
▪ The use of sport to help or lead urban regeneration is often centred on conspicuous facilities designed to host major events.
▪ There can be no doubt about the need for urban regeneration in the Cardiff docklands.
▪ It seems in retrospect that the Task Force in Merseyside was driven by Heseltine's particular vision of urban regeneration.
▪ Over the past six or seven years we have been victims of the city council's urban regeneration strategy.
▪ An important issue associated with urban renewal concerned the locus of program control.
▪ In the fifth century the popes embarked, in alliance with the local aristocracy, on a programme of urban renewal.
▪ Critics point out the neighborhood had been living under the threat of condemnation for 10 years, while urban renewal was debated.
▪ Bellway Homes urban renewals division is building 140 two and three-bedroomed houses and flats for sale at Netherfields Green.
▪ Once urban renewal was complete, it would be hard for newcomers to know that anything else had ever been there.
▪ This area has seen much urban renewal over the past few years, with £6 million spent on rebuilding and refurbishment programmes.
▪ The urban renewal administrative process drew considerable criticism because it was so long and encumbered with red tape.
▪ The displacement of large numbers of rural dwellers to urban areas has increased overcrowding in urban schools.
▪ Moreover, many of our urban school systems are in crisis.
▪ As parents choose where to send their children some small schools are being by-passed for the larger urban schools.
▪ Two years ago, he was honored by fellow urban school chiefs.
Schools are often the target for petty acts of vandalism and urban schools in particular sometimes suffer from graffiti attacks.
▪ The influx of fresh cash did enable Richmond Unified to become a model urban school district.
▪ Suburbs are almost universally middle or upper-middle class; their homogeneity is even more monolithic than urban schools.
▪ Even in urban schools, physical conditions are often difficult.
▪ It was egalitarian and free from the weakening and divisive influence of the Roman world and of urban society.
▪ Both, in fact, were based on urban societies enjoying the benefits of trade and riches.
▪ We started with the best of intentions, to heal the new wounds of an industrial, urban society.
▪ But from Gujarat east, the urban societies were committed to Hindu and Hindu-Buddhist traditions.
▪ The result was an urban sociology which came very close to that which we have been developing in this book.
▪ To adequately understand the beginnings of urban sociology we need to develop this theme a little further.
▪ The question must arise, therefore, why this kind of urban sociology has become unfashionable.
▪ The time has come to start using these concepts and arguments in relation to present-day urban sociology.
▪ Political economy and class perspectives on urban sociology lend little credence to this type of analysis.
▪ Contemporary Marxist urban sociology places much less emphasis on the supposed necessity for the state to be engaged in collective consumption.
▪ They have broken the mould of the old structuralist and determinist urban sociology.
▪ This kind of understanding is quite distinct from that usually associated with contemporary urban sociology.
▪ This factor had considerable importance in engendering urban sprawl.
▪ It negates home-field advantage for home-grown retailers and contributes to urban sprawl.
▪ Ribbon development, urban sprawl and scattered housing were all brought under reasonable control.
▪ Nor are the results of urban sprawl always aesthetic.
▪ A fictionalised countryside comes back to brighten the dark heart of the urban sprawl.
▪ If you want the definition of urban sprawl, look at one-acre or three-acre lots.
▪ These powers were permissive, and in most of Britain urban sprawl and ribbon development continued more or less unabated.
▪ They soon left the urban sprawl of roundabouts, sodium streetlights and Wimpey homes and Dexter began to speed along country lanes.
centre of population/urban centre
inner city/urban renewal
▪ Recent approaches to inner city renewal have relied very heavily on institutional innovations and tighter targeting of expenditure patterns.
urban growth
urban unemployment
▪ China's growing urban population
▪ post-war urban planning
▪ the urban population
▪ The problem of air pollution is especially serious in urban areas.
▪ Furthermore, one way of saving money has been to allow larger classes, with severe overcrowding in some urban primary classrooms.
▪ Larger urban dioceses in the Northeast, including the Archdiocese of Boston, have yet to experience any serious shortage of priests.
▪ So stations call themselves urban to make themselves more attractive to those agencies which would never buy a black station.
▪ We recommend immediate large-scale immunisation of the urban population, as well as tightened surveillance and appropriate vector control.
▪ We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 urban areas.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Urban \Ur"ban\, a. [L. urbanus belonging to the ?ity or town, refined, polished, fr. urbs, urbis, a city: cf. F. urbain. Cf. Urbane.]

  1. Of or belonging to a city or town; as, an urban population.

  2. Belonging to, or suiting, those living in a city; cultivated; polite; urbane; as, urban manners.

    Urban servitude. See Predial servitude, under Servitude.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

masc. proper name, from Latin urbanus "refined, courteous," literally "of a city" (see urban).


"characteristic of city life, pertaining to cities or towns," 1610s (but rare before 1830s), from Latin urbanus "of or pertaining to a city or city life; in Rome," also "in city fashion, polished, refined, cultivated, courteous," but also sometimes "witty, facetious, bold, impudent;" as a noun, "city dweller," from urbs (genitive urbis) "city, walled town," of unknown origin.\n

\nThe word gradually emerged in this sense as urbane became restricted to manners and styles of expression. In late 20c. American English gradually acquiring a suggestion of "African-American." Urban renewal, euphemistic for "slum clearance," is attested from 1955, American English. Urban sprawl recorded by 1958. Urban legend attested by 1980.


a. Related to the (or any) city.

  1. adj. relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area; "urban sociology"; "urban development"

  2. located in or characteristic of a city or city life; "urban property owners"; "urban affairs"; "urban manners" [ant: rural]


Urban means "related to cities." It may refer to:

  • Urban area, geographical area distinct from rural areas
  • Urban culture, the culture of towns and cities, sometimes used as a euphemism for African-American culture
Urban (name)

Urban as a given name or surname may refer to:

Any of several men with Urban as a given name:

  • Pope Urban (disambiguation)
  • Urban Blitz, English rock musician
  • Urban Hansen, Danish politician
  • Urban of Langres, 4th-century French saint and bishop
  • Urban (bishop of Llandaff), Welsh bishop (1076–1134)
  • Urban of Macedonia, legendary 1st-century apostle bishop
  • Urban Meyer, American football coach
  • Urban Priol, German comedian
  • Urban Shocker, American baseball pitcher

Any of several people with Urban as a surname:

  • Adolf Urban, German footballer
  • Amanda Urban, literary agent
  • Benjamin d'Urban, colonial administrator
  • Charles Urban, film producer
  • Damir Urban, musician
  • Gábor Urbán, Hungarian footballer
  • Gasper Urban, American football player
  • George Urban, journalist
  • Glen L. Urban, professor
  • Ignatz Urban German botanist
  • Jan Urban, Polish footballer and manager
  • Jerheme Urban American Football wide receiver
  • Jerzy Urban, journalist
  • Joseph Urban, Austrian artist and architect
  • Karl Urban, New Zealand actor
  • Keith Urban, Australian country singer
  • Mark Urban, British journalist
  • Matt Urban, military officer
  • Milo Urban, Slovak writer
  • Miloš Urban, Czech writer
  • Peter Urban (translator), German translator and writer
  • Stuart Urban, film and television director
  • Tim Urban, American singer
Urban (newspaper)

Urban was a Danish free daily newspaper owned by Det Berlingske Officin.

Urban (bishop of Llandaff)

Urban (1076–1134) was the first bishop of South East Wales to call himself 'bishop of Llandaff'. He was of a Welsh clerical family and his baptismal name in the Welsh language is given in charter sources as Gwrgan. He Latinised it to the papal name 'Urban'.

Usage examples of "urban".

Lenfant has abridged and compared the original narratives of the adherents of Urban and Clement, of the Italians and Germans, the French and Spaniards.

I had the curious thought that these men were nostalgic for black-and-white, their longings dominated by achromatic values, personal extremes of postwar urban gray.

He devoted infinite devices to the advancement of a worthless nephew, Francesco Prignano, and when Charles of Durazzo refused to grant the nephew certain favors, Urban resorted to arms.

Finally His Holiness, Pope Urban XVI, took his seat in the straight-backed throne with Albedo standing behind him.

But as they left the beautifully landscaped road that had carried them from the airport to the city and turned off into the urban residential district he saw that the splendor was, unsurprisingly, a fraud of the usual Alvarado kind: the avenues had been paved, all right, but they were reverting to nature again, cracking and upheaving as the swelling roots of the bombacho trees and the candelero palms that had been planted down the central dividers ripped them apart.

And he anon, withoute tarrying, Did his message, and when that he it told, Urban for joy his handes gan uphold.

After they had left Deception Well, Urban had grown an atrial organ in his head that let him communicate directly with the ship.

After graduating from Cairo University with a degree in architectural engineering in 1990, Atta worked as an urban planner in Cairo for a couple of years.

After the endless months of paperwork of audit trails and expenditure profiles, of asset calculations and restraint preparations it had come to this: the sordid little drama played out across dozens of cities, hundreds of estates, thousands of similar patches of urban wasteland.

To hear Grand Prix boosters tell it, the winos of Bicentennial Park are the urban equivalent of the Viet Cong.

Miss Urban, I agreed to let your people make Bonaventure think he can get them.

Within the space of a day, he had packed up and set off for Syria, leaving Rome in charge of the urban praetor, Gaius Antonius, and without so much as bothering to write a note to Antony or tell the Senate that he was leaving.

Another thing that perplexed Hero Buss was that their guns were not typical guerrilla weapons but the kind used for urban operations.

He told us the valley is to be dammed and made into a lake for urban water supply.

British suspicion of the doctrinaire and the political idealist, the ordinary shopkeeper and householder are quite of opinion that urban values in land can be taxed legitimately for the benefit of the community, and that democracy would do well to decree some moderate tax on land values for the relief of the overtaxed non-landowner.