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urban center

n. a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city" [syn: city, metropolis]

Urban Center (art gallery)

The Urban Center is a gallery on Madison Avenue in manhattan, New York City which is run by the Municipal Art Society (MAS). The gallery serves to champion the fields of urban planning and design in New York, and is also the site of MAS' community development workshops, seminars, lectures, and other educational programs. The Urban Center also includes a book store which specializes in architecture, urban planning, urban design, and environmental studies.

Urban center

Usage examples of "urban center".

And so were thousands upon thousands more, in every major urban center on Jefferson.

This one spread rapidly to every major urban center of Jefferson and converged on Madison's spaceport.

He had not posted, it is true, nor forbidden entry, and in the urban center people came and went freely, as mood moved them, but his dream was so recent, so vivid still in his mind, that he felt interrupted, invaded.

Even in its position as an urban center, Casterbridge is still a rustic place with antiquated customs.

What is happening there and in every major urban center on Jefferson qualifies as murder.

Alkam-Zar, like many other Tezwan cities, was still smoldering more than two weeks after it had been racked by a shock wave from a Klingon torpedo, which had destroyed a military starport several dozen kilometers away from the urban center.

My Thombo findings are already stirring up controversy in the department, because they challenge the established view of Beklimot as the oldest urban center.

Hadrianopolis in Epirus reopened an urban center in the heart of an impoverished province: it owes its start to a visit which I made to the oracle of Dodona.

The terrain sloped upward to the containing wall in keeping with the general layout of the central valley, and westward toward Novyi Kazan a high-level reservoir bounded the detention facility and separated it from the urban center.

A fusion-drive ship hovering above an urban center is like a guillotine blade over an exposed neck.