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tropical medicine

n. the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are found most often in tropical regions

Tropical medicine

Tropical medicine (also sometimes called International medicine) is the branch of medicine that deals with health problems that occur uniquely, are more widespread, or prove more difficult to control in tropical and subtropical regions.

Many infections and infestations that are classified as "tropical diseases" used to be endemic in countries located in the tropics. This includes widespread epidemics such as malaria, Ebola and hookworm infections as well as exceedingly rare diseases like lagochilascaris minor. Many of these diseases have been controlled or even eliminated from developed countries, as a result of improvements in housing, diet, sanitation, and personal hygiene.

Sir Patrick Manson is recognised as the "Father of Tropical Medicine." He founded the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in 1899.

Usage examples of "tropical medicine".

Charges of imprecision and exaggeration have never been laid at the doors of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine or the Registrar General.

Prestige was something she had always intended to win at first hand, crusader against the slave trade, celebrated pioneer in tropical medicine, writer of admired books on African travel.

It was a bright chap at the School of Tropical Medicine who came up with it.

The report from the Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine in Belgium was the third Sophia read after plunging back into work, the last scientist still there.

The Sick African, a practical study of tropical medicine, had contained ludicrous theories that had earned her the derision of her medical peers she had even dared to suggest that malarial fever was not caused by breathing the foul night airs of tropical swamps, when this fact had been known since the time of Hippocrates.

Stephen and M'Alister had a fair library of books on tropical medicine.

Larne even carried a dedicated surgeon, one who used his interest in tropical medicine and the various fevers that plagued these coasts to compile a mass of notes that might one day take him to the College of Surgeons in London.

The combination was where I always kept it, between pages 670 and 671 of the seventh edition of Hunter's Tropical Medicine.

It chanced also that I was then free of my second wife, that svelte-mannered Parsi lady, ill-omened star alike of my first film and my life, whose vast promised array of talents was too quickly revealed as little more than a glib tongue and an over-sufficient knowledge of tropical medicine.

Possibly Burdick had been putting up some degree of resistance but had now broken because he believed his daughter to be ill, and the exchange had been agreed on: it was to take place as soon as possible and in the United States, possibly in or near an isolation hospital with tropical medicine facilities, Theory, not assumption.