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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ At their triennial congress on Sept. 15-21, 1990, delegates adopted a new party programme replacing that of 1975.
▪ June 30 would mark the end of the triennial contract cycle that had punctuated labor-management relations in the copper industry since midcentury.
▪ The triennial election for the Senate Presidency took place on Oct. 2.
▪ The Fourth Lateran Council, held at the end of his reign, imposed a triennial twentieth for the same purpose.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cyclic \Cyc"lic\ (s?k"l?k or s?"kl?k), Cyclical \Cyc"lic*al\ (s?k"l?-kal), a. [Cf. F. cycluque, Gr. kykliko`s, fr. ky`klos See Cycle.]

  1. Of or pertaining to a cycle or circle; moving in cycles; as, cyclical time.

  2. (Chemistry) Having atoms bonded to form a ring structure. Opposite of acyclic.

    Note: Used most commonly in respect to organic compounds.

    Note: [Narrower terms: bicyclic; heterocyclic; homocyclic, isocyclic]

    Syn: closed-chain, closed-ring.

  3. Recurring in cycles[2]; having a pattern that repeats at approximately equal intervals; periodic. Opposite of noncyclic.

    Note: [Narrower terms: alternate(prenominal), alternating(prenominal); alternate(prenominal), every other(prenominal), every second(prenominal); alternating(prenominal), oscillating(prenominal); biyearly; circadian exhibiting 24-hour periodicity); circular; daily, diurnal; fortnightly, biweekly; hourly; midweek, midweekly; seasonal; semestral, semestrial; semiannual, biannual, biyearly; semiweekly, biweekly; weekly; annual, yearly; biennial; bimonthly, bimestrial; half-hourly; half-yearly; monthly; tertian, alternate(prenominal); triennial]

  4. Marked by repeated cycles[2].

    Cyclic chorus, the chorus which performed the songs and dances of the dithyrambic odes at Athens, dancing round the altar of Bacchus in a circle.

    Cyclic poets, certain epic poets who followed Homer, and wrote merely on the Trojan war and its heroes; -- so called because keeping within the circle of a single subject. Also, any series or coterie of poets writing on one subject.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1630s, "lasting three years;" 1640s, "occurring every three years," with -al (1) + Latin triennium "three-year period," from tri- "three" (see tri-) + annus "year" (see annual). For vowel change, see biennial. As a noun, 1630s. Related: Triennially.


a. 1 happen every three years. 2 last for three years. n. A third anniversary.

  1. adj. occurring every third year or lasting 3 years

  2. n. the 300th anniversary (or the celebration of it) [syn: tercentennial, tercentenary]

Usage examples of "triennial".

Chapter 10 Julia stood among the crowd inside the propylon of the Asklepion and listened to the seemingly endless program of poets competing in the triennial festival honoring the god.

He concluded by stating that the act for septennial parliaments must be repealed, and by proclaiming himself a convert to triennial parliaments.

After the triennial mating in the Desert, after the caves had been walled up with eggs inside to bake through the summer, after the hatchlings had flown, dragons lingered for a while before flying south to the Catha Hills and their wintering grounds.

Their writing is poor, and they're afraid of the triennial examination they will have to face as licentiates, so they've bought places in the Academy, and are about to set off for the capital.