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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Acyclic \A*cyc"lic\, a. [Pref. a- not + cyclic.] Not cyclic; not disposed in cycles or whorls; as:

  1. (Bot.) Of a flower, having its parts inserted spirally on the receptacle.

  2. (Org. Chem.) Having an open-chain structure; aliphatic.


a. 1 (context chemistry English) not cyclic; having an open chain structure 2 (context graph theory English) not cyclic 3 (cx botany English) Of a flower, having its parts inserted spirally on the receptacle.

  1. adj. botany; not cyclic; especially having parts arranged in spirals rather than whorls [ant: cyclic]

  2. chemistry; not cyclic; having an open chain structure [syn: open-chain] [ant: cyclic]


Acyclic can refer to:

  • In chemistry, a compound which is an open-chain compound, e.g. alkanes and acyclic aliphatic compounds
  • In mathematics:
    • A graph without a cycle, especially
      • A directed acyclic graph
    • An acyclic complex is a chain complex, all of whose homology groups are zero
  • In economics, an economic indicator with little or no correlation to the business cycle.