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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Teetotalism \Tee*to"tal*ism\, n. The principle or practice of entire abstinence, esp. from intoxicating drinks.


n. abstinence from the consumption of alcohol.


n. abstaining from alcohol [syn: teetotaling]


Teetotalism is the practice or promotion of complete personal abstinence from alcoholic beverages. A person who practices (and possibly advocates) teetotalism is called a teetotaler (also spelled teetotaller; plural teetotalers or teetotallers) or is simply said to be teetotal. The teetotalism movement was first started in Preston, England, in the early 19th century. The Preston Temperance Society was founded in 1833 by Joseph Livesey, who was to become a leader of the temperance movement and the author of The Pledge: "We agree to abstain from all liquors of an intoxicating quality whether ale, porter, wine or ardent spirits, except as medicine."

Usage examples of "teetotalism".

Shaw, it is said, tired of socialism, weary of wearing Jaegers, and broken down by teetotalism and vegetarianism, sought, some years ago, an escape from them.

Who but the veriest fanatic of teetotalism would grudge me those hours so gloriously redeemed?

Whiskey or rum taken unmixed from a tumbler is a knock-down blow to temperance, but the little thimbleful of brandy, or Chartreuse, or Maraschino, is only, as it were, tweaking the nose of teetotalism.