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  1. Involved in the transportation or correct positioning of a protein inside or outside a specific region of the cell. alt. Involved in the transportation or correct positioning of a protein inside or outside a specific region of the cell. n. An instance of target#Ver

  2. vb. (present participle of target English)

Targeting (politics)

Targeting in politics is widely used in determining the resources of time, money, and manpower to be deployed in political campaigns. Political parties, campaign committees and political action committees prefer to place their resources disproportionately in constituencies where victory is possible, but not assured.


Targeting is to make a thing or group of things a target, to select it or them to be acted upon.

  • in Biology
    • Gene targeting, in genetics
    • Protein targeting, in cell biology, is the mechanism by which a protein is transported to its proper destination
  • in Geography
    • Geographic targeting, in geography
  • in Marketing
    • Targeted advertising, to select a demographic or other group of people to advertise to, and create advertisements appropriately
    • Geo targeting, in internet marketing
    • Behavioral targeting
  • Inflation targeting, in economics
  • Targeting (warfare), to select objects or installations to be attacked, taken, or destroyed
  • Targeting (politics), to determine where to spend the resources of time, money, manpower and attention when campaigning for election
  • Targeting pod, in warfare
  • Targeting tower, a radio frequency antenna
  • Targeting (film), a 2013 film
Targeting (warfare)

Targeting is the process of selecting objects or installations to be attacked, taken, or destroyed in warfare. Targeting systematically analyzes and prioritizes targets and matches appropriate lethal and nonlethal actions to those targets to create specific desired effects that achieve the joint force commander’s (JFC’s) objectives, accounting for operational requirements, capabilities, and the results of previous assessments. The emphasis of targeting is on identifying resources (targets) the enemy can least afford to lose or that provide him with the greatest advantage (high-value target [HVT]), then further identifying the subset of those targets which must be acquired and engaged to achieve friendly success (high-payoff target [HPT]). Targeting links the desired effects to actions and tasks.

The targeting process can be generally grouped into two categories: deliberate and dynamic. Deliberate targeting prosecutes anticipated or known targets within a given operational area and timeframe, and normally supports the joint force’s future plans effort, which is overseen by the plans directorate of a joint staff (J-5). (Normally, the future operations directorate focuses on 24 hours up to 72 hours. This is a critical linkage during targeting execution.) By contrast, dynamic targeting prosecutes targets that were not included in the deliberate targeting process, possibly because they were not known or not initially selected for prosecution. Dynamic targeting is normally employed in current operations planning because the nature and time frame associated with current operations (usually the current 24-hour period) typically requires more immediate responsiveness compared to deliberate targeting.

Technologically advanced countries can generally select their targets in such a way as to minimize collateral damage and civilian casualties. This can fall by the wayside, however, during unrestricted warfare.

Targeting may also refer to the targeting of the actual objective to be destroyed by military personnel, such as "painting" a target with a laser for laser guided munitions, estimating range for artillery, etc.

A target is an entity (person, place, or thing) considered for possible engagement or action to alter or neutralize the function it performs for the adversary. Every target has distinct intrinsic or acquired characteristics that form the basis for target detection, location, identification, and classification for ongoing and future surveillance, analysis, engagement, and assessment. Physical, functional, cognitive, environmental, and temporal are broad categories that help define the characteristics of a target.

The joint targeting cycle is a six phase iterative process: Phase 1 - End state and commander’s objectives, Phase 2 - Target development and prioritization, Phase 3 - Capabilities analysis, Phase 4 - Commander’s decision and force assignment, Phase 5 - Mission planning and force execution, Phase 6 - Assessment.

Targeting (international health)

Targeting (international health)

Targeting, a commonly used technique in international health and public health, develops a specialized health intervention approach for a specific group of people. This group of people may be identified by various factors, including geography, race/ethnicity, age, health issues, etc. Taking into account characteristics the group members share in common, only one version of program materials is used in a targeted health intervention and the intervention materials show features that the targeted population subgroup members prefer.

Targeting (film)

Targeting is a 2014 feature film about Mattie Ridgeway, a female veteran of the Afghan-American conflict. It's directed by Tarique Qayumi and produced by Alan De La Rosa. It's co-written by Joey Patterson, Tarique Qayumi and Alan De La Rosa.

Targeting, starring Tajana Prka as Mattie and Bobby Naderi as Baktosh, premiered in June 2014 at the Dances With Films Festival in Los Angeles.

Usage examples of "targeting".

A modified Boeing 707, it carried extensive mission avionics packages for long-range targeting information and identification.

But the avionics resisted targeting a friendly, now with his IFF on, and that would work in his favor as well.

Netaian fighters trained their targeting lasers on Dickin, then poured energy into his slip-shields.

It would not do to have their subject electrocute himself along the internal pathways of his own targeting system.

Bigelow built into their prototype predictor the feedback circuits needed to incorporate the tracking data derived from radar signals reflecting off enemy warplanes, and to feed that stream of new inputs to the computers targeting apparatus.

But all the signs point to a fetishistic serial killer, someone targeting people with situs inversus for some ritual or psychological reason.

For example, Iraq has flagrantly violated the 1925 and 1949 Geneva Conventions regarding the treatment of prisoners of war, the use of weapons of mass destruction, and the purposeful targeting of civilians.

Instead of lobbing missiles at cities, as they had done during previous conflicts, the Iraqis were targeting military installations and command centers, some of which had only recently been established.

Amid the confusion, Stark lay flat where his jump had landed him, carefully targeting each mutineer firing a weapon.

It appeared that some of these girls had been at one of my public appearances shortly before they dropped out of sight and she wondered if some nutter was targeting my fans.

They had to reacquire on their own, without guidance from the ships which had launched them, and their onboard targeting systems were far less capable than the fire control of their motherships.

But whoever Vann was, he was passing them information on him, targeting information no doubt.

During a normal timetable, we would execute periapsis burn for Earth encounter thirty minutes later, at eighteen-thirty, but for this mission we will have a minor glitch in the targeting computer, causing a disagreement in the primary AI interface.

All nine missiles were primed and ready to launch, the data configuration of their target already programmed into their computers through the B-2s GATS geopositional targeting system.

The conical white radome then disappeared, replaced by a heavy-action turret borrowed from the Abrams tank and a turret targeting system borrowed from the Hummer-25.