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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a petrol tanker (=a vehicle used for carrying petrol)
oil tanker
▪ Donson and Frudd - tanker drivers - were convicted of thefts not related to their jobs.
▪ A tanker driver on his way to an illegal dump in Co.
▪ Some petrol tanker drivers have refused to cross picket lines.
▪ The tanker driver was treated for shock at the scene, but was uninjured.
▪ He says that he say the tanker driver pacing up and down by his parked lorry.
▪ There, they claim, boats risk colliding with oil tankers waiting to go to Sullom Voe oil terminal.
▪ An oil tanker, she thought, or perhaps a freighter.
▪ The captain and crew of the oil tanker that ran aground on the Galapagos have been arrested.
▪ In 1984 the two sides began to attack oil tankers in the Persian Gulf with modern missiles.
▪ They have written to Transport Secretary Cecil Parkinson, proposing that oil tankers should avoid the area.
▪ The Home Secretary also confirmed that soldiers are being rapidly trained to drive oil tankers.
▪ The 40-minute bombardment reportedly sank several oil tankers and barges in the harbour.
▪ Also featured are pictures of oil tankers from 1892 onwards and original artefacts from the vessels and interactive displays.
▪ Some petrol tanker drivers have refused to cross picket lines.
▪ The petrol tanker road crews responded to a man and the dockers in Belfast and Larne equally well.
▪ Larger fixed tanks can be road tanker supplied.
▪ Too many people live without electricity or still buy drinking water from tanker trucks depositing the precious liquid in old chemical drums.
▪ They had to wait a few minutes more for the arrival of a tanker truck with water to fight the fire.
▪ The tanker truck was carrying some 8, 500 gallons of gasoline, he said.
▪ There are small drums, disabled tanker trucks and old 5, 000-to 10, 000-gallon underground tanks lying above ground.
▪ It must be shipped to gasoline terminals, where tanker trucks load up for delivery to service stations, by April 15.
▪ A tanker ban is only one of a package of measures which may be in place by the year 2000.
▪ He had boxed in the Army before he had become a tanker.
▪ It will be accompanied by five other warships, including destroyers and guided missile cruisers, and a fuel tanker.
▪ Last year was the worst for tanker spills since 1980.
▪ Meanwhile, the tankers did neutral steers and were just blasting with their guns.
▪ The Exxon Valdez was an oddity: one large oil company owned both tanker and oil, and employed the crew.
▪ The water was supplied from an eight-wheeled tanker that had arrived in Heymouth only an hour before.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tank ship \Tank ship\, Tank vessel \Tank vessel\ . (Naut.) A vessel fitted with tanks for the carrying of oil or other liquid in bulk; -- called also tanker. A tank ship of very large capacity is called a supertanker.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"ship for carrying oil or other liquid cargo," 1900, from tank (n.).


n. 1 A vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid. 2 A tank truck (context US English) or fuel tanker, petrol tanker, road tanker (context UK English) 3 (context military English) Member of a tank crew, or of an armoured unit. 4 (context surfing slang English) A longboard.

  1. n. a cargo ship designed to carry crude oil in bulk [syn: oil tanker, oiler, tank ship]

  2. a soldier who drives a tank [syn: tank driver]


Tanker may refer to:

Tanker (ship)

A tanker (or tank ship or tankship) is a merchant vessel designed to transport liquids or gases in bulk. Major types of tankship include the oil tanker, the chemical tanker, and gas carrier. In the United States Navy and Military Sealift Command, any type of tanker used to refuel other ships is called an oiler.

Usage examples of "tanker".

In addition to tankers and medical and repair ships, HQ is assigning two complete service squadrons of fast freighters for the specific purpose of assuring us an adequate supply of the new missile pods.

The fourth probe, the Tanker, would land near the peak of Mons Olympus and use its nuclear power plant to convert martian atmosphere and six tonnes of liquid hydrogen into ninety-six tonnes of methane and liquid oxygen.

The Tanker module-which carries a nuclear reactor and six tonnes of liquid hydrogen, to make ninety-six tonnes of methane and liquid oxygen from the martian atmosphere, was evolved from plans outlined in Mars Direct, by Robert Zubrin.

On the zigzag a gap opens to port, and Byron heads through it, undetected by the pinging, toward the huge listing tanker.

Out on the highway, truckers with their headlights on roared past, heading north with their tankers of oil, their loads of lumber, their freezer trucks full of sides of beef, or south with pulpwood, lobsters, or cans of sardines.

However, seamen aboard a Liberian tanker off Greenland have reportedly sighted oil slicks and all sorts of Louis Quatorze debris.

I supposed the gas and oil would be hauled along the road by tankers, transferred to ground tanks here and then rebottled in the drums for distribution to planters and farmers.

Usually, they tried for the full tankers as they revved up for the morning convoy, but were more likely to overshoot and blow up some jungle where their own troops were sniping from the other side.

I slammed into afterburner and rolled and turned, heading back to the tanker.

Between 28 March and 8 April, seven fleet tankers and three station tankers issued 940,000 barrels of fuel oil and 203,000 barrels of diesel, together with large quantities of lube oil and avg as to 277 ships.

Renamo used mainly women porters, trained since girlhood to carry weights on their cads That quantity of avgas was sufficient to keep the Hind flying for almost two hundred hours, and by then there would be a good chance of capturing a Frelimo fuel tanker, either on the railway line or on one of the roads nearer the coast that were still open to traffic.

And every now and then a tanker passed them, decks almost awash, with oil from Kuwait, Bahrain and Dahran.

KA-6D tankers north of Bangkok for refueling, after which they were to proceed to the area north of Chiang Mai.

The docks were crowded with oil tankers, bulk carriers, containerships, and tramp freighters of every make and tonnage, flying flags from all nations, although it was sometimes difficult to see those flags through the forest of cranes working to load and unload cargo.

Freighters, containerships, bulk carriers, tankers, military vessels of every size and shape, cruise ships, they all docked at Singapore, and they carried multinational crews.