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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
oil tanker
▪ An oil tanker, she thought, or perhaps a freighter.
▪ The captain and crew of the oil tanker that ran aground on the Galapagos have been arrested.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
oil tanker

oil tanker \oil" tank`er\ n. A ship having large compartments, designed to transport crude oil over the ocean.

oil tanker

Oiler \Oil"er\, n.

  1. One who deals in oils.

  2. One who, or that which, oils.

  3. An oil tanker.

  4. A ship which is powered by oil.

  5. An oilcan.

oil tanker

n. a cargo ship designed to carry crude oil in bulk [syn: oiler, tanker, tank ship]

Usage examples of "oil tanker".

Save for a large oil tanker well away beyond the Lizard, there was nothing in sight —.

Maybe they could even find a freighter or oil tanker to eject alongside.

He kept on with his cello lessons though she suspected he was somehow humouring her -- and did indeed school her in the basics of operating an oil tanker.

The oil tanker was left behind, floating nearer the oil storage tanks on the opposite shore of the harbor, but a good mile farther from the more populated center of the city.

The admiral elbowed his way through the crowd, stalking Nickerson like a submarine trailing an oil tanker.

There had been a collision between an oil tanker and another ship.

It announced the launch of a new, double-hulled oil tanker which, trumpeted Mobil, would “.

After Taurus, Fritz, and I left them, Lezek and Zbigniew enjoyed themselves at home until they were called up, to work on an oil tanker on the Vistula.

They were being carefully watched from the harbour and from the oil tanker, and at the first sign that the sub might be deploying sailors, there'd be trouble.