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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
childlike innocence/simplicity/directness
▪ ‘You know I love you,’ she said with childlike simplicity.
▪ The variety of Smith's endeavours was informed by a vision of great coherence and simplicity.
▪ The signal was one of great simplicity, a kiss.
▪ Because of the greater simplicity of design, the major units in a computer are generally synchronous.
▪ Carl Orff uses such multi-voiced layering to excellent effect, yet retains great simplicity, clarity, and directness.
▪ We sat in the packed aisles, the building's relative simplicity a delusion for what was to follow.
▪ They never settled anywhere very long, and so their way of life always kept its relative simplicity.
▪ We will assume for simplicity that the expectations hypothesis holds, so that there is no risk premium in the futures rate.
▪ It is assumed for simplicity that all transactions are in cash.
▪ In particular, we assume for simplicity that is uniform.
▪ A simple example of a monopoly airline is shown in figure 3.2, in which constant average costs are assumed for simplicity.
be patience/kindness/simplicity etc itself
▪ For the sake of simplicity, we will ignore seasonal changes in population.
▪ The design was beautiful in its simplicity.
▪ The jacket follows the lines of the body with graceful simplicity.
▪ Van Gogh was attracted to the beauty and simplicity of a common table or kitchen chair.
▪ For simplicity, we have also omitted the transfer function and its first derivative in order to amplify the weight change process.
▪ In a 3-D action game, simplicity is the key.
▪ In this way, theoretical simplicity is obtained at the cost of denying the very experiential basis of the theory.
▪ It is assumed for simplicity that all transactions are in cash.
▪ Remember to always use simplicity in design and plant boldly in groups of two or three for a strong impact.
▪ That's why the vast majority of users are attracted to Microsoft Windows by its very simplicity.
▪ The functional simplicity of the gym contrasts with the opulence of the marble floors, the paintings and the drapes.
▪ There is no superfluous decoration in Shaker design, yet there is a powerful beauty in its functional simplicity.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Simplicity \Sim*plic"i*ty\, n. [F. simplicit['e], L. simplicitas. See Simple.]

  1. The quality or state of being simple, unmixed, or uncompounded; as, the simplicity of metals or of earths.

  2. The quality or state of being not complex, or of consisting of few parts; as, the simplicity of a machine.

  3. Artlessness of mind; freedom from cunning or duplicity; lack of acuteness and sagacity.

    Marquis Dorset, a man, for his harmless simplicity neither misliked nor much regarded.

    In wit a man; simplicity a child.

  4. Freedom from artificial ornament, pretentious style, or luxury; plainness; as, simplicity of dress, of style, or of language; simplicity of diet; simplicity of life.

  5. Freedom from subtlety or abstruseness; clearness; as, the simplicity of a doctrine; the simplicity of an explanation or a demonstration.

  6. Weakness of intellect; silliness; folly.

    How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning?
    --Prov. i. 22.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "singleness of nature, unity, indivisibility; immutability," from Old French simplicite (12c., Modern French simplicité), from Latin simplicitatem (nominative simplicitas) "state of being simple, frankness, openness, artlessness, candor, directness," from simplex (genitive simplicis) "simple" (see simplex). Sense of "ignorance" is from c.1400; that of "simplicity of expression, plainness of style" is early 15c.\n

\nMiddle English also had simplesse, from French, attested in English from mid-14c. in sense "humility, lack of pride," late 14c. as "wholeness, unity;" c.1400 as "ignorance."\n\n


n. 1 The quality or state of being simple, unmixed, or uncompounded; as, the simplicity of metals or of earths. 2 The quality or state of being not complex, or of consisting of few parts; as, the simplicity of a machine. 3 Artlessness of mind; freedom from cunning or duplicity; lack of acuteness and sagacity. 4 Freedom from artificial ornament, pretentious style, or luxury; plainness; as, simplicity of dress, of style, or of language; simplicity of diet; simplicity of life. 5 Freedom from subtlety or abstruseness; clearness; as, the simplicity of a doctrine; the simplicity of an explanation or a demonstration. 6 Freedom from complication; efficiency.

  1. n. the quality of being simple or uncompounded; "the simplicity of a crystal" [syn: simpleness] [ant: complexity]

  2. a lack of penetration or subtlety; "they took advantage of her simplicity" [syn: simple mindedness]

  3. absence of affectation or pretense

  4. freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort; "he rose through the ranks with apparent ease"; "they put it into containers for ease of transportation" [syn: ease, easiness] [ant: difficulty]

  5. lack of ornamentation; "the room was simply decorated with great restraint" [syn: chasteness, restraint]

Simplicity (photography)
Simplicity (Joe Pass album)

Simplicity is an album by jazz guitarist Joe Pass, released in 1967.

Simplicity was reissued along with A Sign of the Times on CD by Euphoria Records in 2002.


Simplicity is the state or quality of being simple. Something which is easy to understand or explain seems simple, in contrast to something complicated. Alternatively, as Herbert A. Simon suggests, something is simple or complex depending on the way we choose to describe it. In some uses, the label "simplicity" can imply beauty, purity, or clarity. "Simplicity" may also occur with negative connotations to suggest a deficit or insufficiency of nuance or of complexity of a thing, relative to what one supposes as required.

The concept of simplicity has been related to in the field of epistemology. According to Occam's razor, all other things being equal, the simplest theory is the most likely to be true. In the context of human lifestyle, simplicity can denote freedom from hardship, effort or confusion. Specifically, it can refer to a simple living style.

Simplicity is a theme in the Christian religion. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, God is infinitely simple. The Roman Catholic and Anglican religious orders of Franciscans also strive after personal simplicity. Members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) practice the Testimony of Simplicity, which involves the simplifying of one's life in order to focus on things that are most important and disregarding or avoiding things seen as least important.

In the philosophy of science, simplicity is a meta-scientific criterion by which scientists evaluate competing theories. In this field, a distinction is often made between two senses of simplicity: syntactic simplicity (the number and complexity of hypotheses), and ontological simplicity (the number and complexity of things postulated). These two aspects of simplicity are often referred to as elegance and parsimony respectively.

Simplicity (disambiguation)

Simplicity is the property, condition, or quality of being simple or un-combined.

Simplicity may also refer to:

  • Simplicity (Tim Curry album), 1981
  • Simplicity (Joe Pass album), 1967
  • Simplicity (Tesla album), 2014
  • Simplicity (The Bouncing Souls album), 2016
  • Simplicity (photography), a photographic technique
  • Simplicity Outdoor, a tractor manufacturer
  • Simplicity Pattern, a sewing pattern company
  • USS Simplicity (SP-96), a United States Navy patrol boat in commission from 1917 to 1918
Simplicity (Tim Curry album)

Simplicity was the third and final album recorded by the English actor/singer Tim Curry, released in 1981.

Whereas his previous album Fearless (1979) had been almost entirely original songs, Simplicity was a half-originals half-covers mix, and contained a wider variety of source material than the covers on his first album Read My Lips (1978). Covers include a version of The Zombies' " She's Not There" and Martha and the Vandellas' " Dancing in the Streets", both of which were hits in 1964. Curry also performs a version of " Take Me, I'm Yours", originally a 1978 hit by Squeeze.

The track "Working on My Tan" was released as a single in certain countries (backed with "On A Roll") but was not commercially successful. Curry did not make any promo videos for the album.

Simplicity (Tesla album)

Simplicity is the eighth studio album by American hard rock band Tesla. It was released on June 10, 2014 in the US and four days earlier in Europe, "Simplicity", sold around 14,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 24 on The Billboard 200 chart. The record arrived in stores on June 10 via Tesla Electric Company Recording's arrangement with Entertainment One Music and distribution.

Simplicity (The Bouncing Souls album)

Simplicity is the tenth album from The Bouncing Souls and was released on July 29, 2016 on Rise Records in conjunction with Chunksaah Records, the band's own label. The album is their first with drummer George Rebelo, who joined the band in 2013.

Usage examples of "simplicity".

Kensington Methodist Hall expressed in stone the ambivalent feelings of prosperous Methodists, who be424 KEN FOLLETT lieved in religious simplicity but secretly longed to display their wealth.

But nearly all these authors treat chiefly of parallel perspective, which they do with clearness and simplicity, and also mathematically, as shown in the short treatise in Latin by Christian Wolff, but they scarcely touch upon the more difficult problems of angular and oblique perspective.

Note that he frequently puts the point of sight quite at the side of his canvas, as at S, which gives almost the effect of angular perspective whilst it preserves the flatness and simplicity of parallel or horizontal perspective.

We will relate the leading circumstances of the case, as they were told us with perfect simplicity and frankness by the subject of an affection which, if classified, would come under the general head of Antipathy, but to which, if we give it a name, we shall have to apply the term Gynophobia, or Fear of Woman.

We have moved on, and so you must expect to meet here a certain naiveness of contrivance and simplicity of aim appertaining to the remote epoch.

The ignominious simplicity enraged her, that the Betrayer should have balked her bold play with no more than a commonplace firestorm.

In his Meditations, he thanks the gods, who had bestowed on him a wife so faithful, so gentle, and of such a wonderful simplicity of manners.

Yet, instead of the simplicity of style and narrative which wins our belief, an elaborate affectation of rhetoric and science betrays in every page the vanity of a female author.

The sun pours upon it his light with as large a hand, the herbage, the flowers and the fruits as fully partake of the bounteous care of nature, as the vales of simplicity and the fields of innocence.

This poor, simple, innocent, trusting creature, so utterly incapable of coming into any true relation with his aspiring mind, his large and strong emotions,--this mere child, all simplicity and goodness, but trivial and shallow as the little babbling brooklet that ran by his window to the river, to lose its insignificant being in the swift torrent he heard rushing over the rocks,--this pretty idol for a weak and kindly and easily satisfied worshipper, was to be enthroned as the queen of his affections, to be adopted as the companion of his labors!

Technically he was not strong as a draughtsman or a brushman, but he had a large feeling for form, great simplicity in line, keen perception of the relations of light and dark, and at times an excellent color-sense.

To one accustomed to small groups and simplicity, such an extravaganza must be overwhelming.

The illustrious John Hunter advised a man afflicted with hypospadias to impregnate his wife by vaginal injections of semen in water with an ordinary syringe, and, in spite of the simplicity of this method, the attempt was followed by a successful issue.

She had fallen to ingenuous surprise, and Mallard again laughed, partly at the simplicity of the question, partly because it pleased him to have brought her to such directness.

In their primitive state of simplicity and independence, the Germans were surveyed by the discerning eye, and delineated by the masterly pencil, of Tacitus, the first of historians who applied the science of philosophy to the study of facts.