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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a 6-screen/12-screen etc cinema
▪ The new leisure complex includes a 12-screen cinema.
a 6-screen/12-screen etc cinema
▪ The new leisure complex includes a 12-screen cinema.
a cinema screen (=the large white surface on which films are shown)
▪ The film was much better on the cinema screen than on TV.
a computer screen/monitor
▪ Make sure your computer screen is at the right height.
a flat screen television
▪ a buyer’s guide to the latest flat screen televisions
a movie screen
▪ It was strange to see herself up there on the movie screen.
a movie/film/screen/Hollywood actor
▪ the movie actor Brad Pitt
a star of stage and screen (=a star who has been in plays and films)
▪ Now this much-loved star of stage and screen has been made a Dame.
a television screen
▪ Bella’s eyes were fixed on the television screen.
big screen
▪ She was last seen on the big screen in the comedy ‘Jawbreaker’.
call screening
help screen
plasma screen
rood screen
routine monitoring/screening/inspection
▪ the routine screening of milk for contamination
sb’s screen image (=how someone seems in films or on TV)
▪ He had cultivated a screen image as a ruthless tough guy.
screen door
screen dump
screen printing
screen saver
screen test
show/screen a film
▪ The film is being shown in cinemas all across the country.
show/screen a movie
▪ What movies are they showing this weekend?
silk screen
silver screen
▪ stars of the silver screen
small screen
▪ a film made for the small screen
split screen
▪ a split-screen movie
the bottom of the page/screen
▪ There should be a menu bar at the bottom of your screen.
touch screen
▪ Monica is due to hit the big screen in January with the release of Dracula.
▪ Say your television is a big screen and takes up a good amount of wall space.
▪ At the advanced age of 71, Charles Bronson's wizened features are returning to the big screen.
▪ The only thing less suited to the big screen would be a movie set in a bomb shelter.
▪ Andrew himself is no stranger to the big screen and has featured in several commercials.
▪ People sit silently, faced forward toward a big screen.
▪ Were you disappointed not to be chosen for the big-screen Tomb Raider role?
▪ We watched it on the big screen.
▪ A huge office, full of computer screens and flashing lights.
▪ With the program running full screen some students had difficulty finding the Windows calculator.
▪ Data volumes can also be cut by not using full screen video.
▪ The video playback area is fully resizable-even up to full screen mode.
▪ This menu allows you to move, minimise to an icon or maximise the window to full screen.
▪ It still has to be used full screen, or at least with a fixed window size.
▪ This is the rate of data transfer needed to produce television quality video in full motion on a full screen.
▪ A thousand copies of the New York Times run past me on a giant screen.
▪ So you're talking about setting up giant screens and elaborate video and sound systems.
▪ Slick political ads play on a giant screen.
▪ The stage will be built facing the main stand and will be flanked by giant video screens.
▪ This year, three giant television screens have been installed to show all sides of the track.
▪ The software can now display full-screen presentations and drive large screen displays.
▪ They get their football fix from two large-screen televisions while drinking specially-priced Bud Light.
▪ The picture quality, even on a large screen, is surprisingly good.
▪ They produce displays that are about 30 percent larger than 15-inch screens, which may not seem like a big difference.
▪ Photos of Jack were shown, each thrown up on a large screen with a running commentary.
▪ Those watching the All-Star Game at the FleetCenter can do the same, alternating between the large screen and reality on ice.
▪ Fans watched highlights of the season on a large video screen as they waited for the players and marching bands.
▪ As one song bounced quickly to another, the words flashed on to two large screens placed on either side of the stage.
▪ She dies in 1963, years before the critically acclaimed work was being adapted for the silver screen.
▪ He snatches the issue from politicians and makes it as grand and simple as a silver screen story.
▪ Pembroke's major cinematic achievement to date was introducing Koo Stark to the silver screen.
▪ A hard act to follow, but its stars are confident that the small screen version will prove just as popular.
▪ Lamar Alexander, he has not let it affect his self-confidence on the small screen.
▪ Tobacco is barred from the seductive small screen while spirits are subject to a voluntary telly ban.
▪ It flips open to reveal a small video screen and a computer-style keyboard.
▪ The main advantage of Sidebar though, she says, is its ability to present information efficiently on small screens.
▪ A small television screen covered its upper half.
▪ Cigar advertising is some of the funniest on the small screen.
▪ Most of the men stared at small green screens full of numbers.
▪ The colour screen sits amongst the crippled, dust-flecked furniture like a rhinestone bauble.
▪ The colour screen was then replaced in contact, and fixed together permanently for viewing as a colour transparency.
▪ Thus for 16 colour screen, where each pixel requires four bits, each byte would describe two pixels.
▪ Monitor options include a 19-inch grey-scale or 16- or 19-inch colour screens.
▪ The addition of the colour screen meant a great increase in the exposure time.
▪ A huge office, full of computer screens and flashing lights.
▪ The software appears as a floating palette on the computer screen.
▪ Just above the milometer was a small computer screen, and Jack guessed that she would find that pretty disconcerting.
▪ Richard Chang slides an electronic pawn across the chess board on his computer screen.
▪ Jim sits in front of four computer screens, controlling de-inking equipment that cost $ 42 million to install.
▪ Gazing intently into her computer screen, Christine Montgomery has set her sights on the next generation of electronic language translators.
▪ The face on the computer screen is seen through a grid which divides into 512 horizontal and 480 vertical squares.
▪ Thousands of kids have used the computer mouse to click on objects on the computer screen and watch them move.
▪ Alternatively, a numeric pager can be used, having its own small display screen.
▪ The SkyCorder stores information for up to 20 jumps; a display screen and buttons let users check information for previous jumps.
▪ Full records were selected by line number from a brief display screen.
▪ The game starts when an egg on the display screen hatches and a chicken is born.
▪ The edit display screen can only be used, for all practical purposes, for cutting and pasting.
▪ On the display screen appeared a perfect half-moon, very brilliant against a background almost free of stars.
▪ That was as far as the conversation went, for I decided to end it by pushing open the screen door.
▪ He poured himself a double whiskey and stood looking at a fly on the front screen door.
▪ He saluted her, went through the screen door, vaulted the balustrade protecting the steps, and swaggered down the garden.
▪ Suddenly Cybil Ackerman appeared at the screen door.
▪ The back screen door slammed and a second later her son Hank padded silently into the kitchen.
▪ He rattled the screen door and pounded as hard as he could.
▪ Back at the house I found a note had been folded into the handle of the screen door.
▪ A large figure stood behind the screen door, a silhouette in front of the glow of living-room light.
▪ Her island had a twenty-foot movie screen, a pantomime parade, carnival.
▪ Walk into a dimly-lit gallery and approach the welded steel device fitted with a battery of fan-shaped movie screens.
▪ On a movie screen, close-ups of a good actor speaking dramatically can sometimes be interesting to watch.
▪ The single-engine Socata vanished from radar screens after taking off for Mull from Blackpool on Saturday.
▪ Without this information, the controllers only see a radar screen with signals that indicate planes.
▪ The weatherman's just lost it off the long-range radar screen.
▪ The aircraft had begun its descent to Houston Intercontinental Airport when it disappeared from radar screens.
▪ The pilot said he was changing direction - and vanished off radar screens.
▪ Our spirits surged when senior forecaster Llyle Barker pointed at a radar screen.
▪ So you figure that he either hit his approaches stiff - or off the radar screen.
▪ Some scholars say it will be regarded as only the slightest of blips on the radar screen of history.
▪ They all squatted on the paving-stone before the rood screen.
▪ He had built this out on the steps of the church and placed it on trestles before the rood screen.
▪ We walked down the dark, dingy nave under the simple rood screen into the sanctuary.
▪ He leaned against the rood screen and stared up at his newly repaired roof.
▪ Facilities like the screen saver that's built in are redundant with Windows 3.1, but with version 3.0, are useful.
▪ But they also appear on a screen saver that PointCast includes with its software.
▪ Screen Antics Windows screen savers don't generally stop people from working, at least they didn't before Johnny Castaway came along!
▪ In addition to ads, the screen saver features the information crawl at the bottom of the screen.
▪ So screen savers are, as you might say, a bit of a luxury.
▪ One path to self-indulgence lies in having just the right level of tastelessness for a screen saver on your computer.
▪ It's a screen saver, yes, but that's only where it starts.
▪ Snap, Crackle and Pop lore, Kellogg screen savers, etc.
▪ Today the new Little People, those who dance nightly on the television screen, have ousted the old.
▪ The bar is spacious and handsome with two television screens.
▪ She shook her head and stared into the fire and then at the television screen.
▪ The television screen became a rectangle of icy aquamarine.
▪ A sort of box with dials on and a little television screen.
▪ A small television screen covered its upper half.
▪ He was physically attractive and highly photogenic; on the television screen he came across as a man of warmth and charm.
▪ Petrocelli began his remarks with photographs of the victims in life and in death that were displayed on an oversized television screen.
▪ But the repetitions of the screen tests cause the story to stall.
▪ Opening it, she found herself in a large room in which row upon row of men sat behind video screens.
▪ In the front, on another video screen, three well-built specimens cavorted on the tailgate of a pickup truck.
▪ Giant video screens were erected, for example, to greet passengers arriving at the main London rail termini.
▪ Huge video screens profile each new batter and replay how he fares at the plate.
▪ None of the surface panels is visible in either this or the photograph taken from the video screen.
▪ The stage will be built facing the main stand and will be flanked by giant video screens.
▪ The backs of the heads of the first and second officer and engineer flashed on the video screens.
▪ Through cobwebby windows I saw a relief model of the surrounding mountains and a large vacant video screen hanging from the ceiling.
▪ Choose a character who is central to the story, and pause as soon as this character appears on the screen.
▪ With this version, a single line of dashes appears on the screen when Wordperfect ends a page for you.
▪ The cursor is the point where text appears on the screen.
▪ The prompt appears on the screen.
▪ The image will seem to magically appear on screen from nowhere.
▪ The first gay characters appeared on the silent screen 70 years ago, when archly effeminate sissies were exploited for cheap laughs.
▪ Finally the digitised, manipulated television picture appears on the screen of the computer.
▪ But they also appear on a screen saver that PointCast includes with its software.
▪ The number of lines refers to the lines of text which fill the screen.
▪ A stage-a melee-heaving bodies-and then a huge hand filled the screen and blotted out everything for an instant.
▪ In this way exhibitors were forced to fill up their screens for months ahead with pictures they had never seen.
▪ A Huey flying low level filled the screen.
▪ The planet grows to fill the screen, the saucer glows as it passes into the atmosphere.
▪ Menacing photographs of opposing candidates fill the screen.
▪ The pixels can be enlarged until a few of them fill the screen and detailed manipulation can be done.
▪ Next, a dozen barn-owls, pale masks, almost filling the dark screens.
▪ Otherwise the Birmingham I knew only flashed briefly on screen.
▪ When Bowman asked Hal for the telescopic display, a sparsely sprinkled star field flashed on to the screen.
▪ A minute later a picture was flashed on the screen.
▪ A Hindu deity with many arms flashes up on the screen.
▪ In 15-minute snatches an assortment of murders, crash deaths and apartment infernos is flashed across the screen.
▪ He remembers thinking in amazement that his name also was being flashed on screens in thousands of other movie theaters.
▪ The Tory recapture of Kincardine and Deeside flashes across the screen.
▪ As one song bounced quickly to another, the words flashed on to two large screens placed on either side of the stage.
▪ A cadmium sulphide paste is printed through a screen on to a glass substrate.
▪ These, along with dates and locations, will be printed out on the screen to help identify them.
▪ For example, will cause subsequently printed characters to be printed to the screen in flashing inverse video.
▪ The character generator operates like an electronic typewriter, printing titles on the screen.
▪ Here you can set the speed of the transition effect and the length of time each graph is shown on screen.
▪ This display is updated constantly so that the information shown on the screen is as accurate as possible.
▪ Your child must press a letter on the keyboard that matches one of the letters shown on the screen.
▪ For two days nothing beyond the ghost of the walnut tree showed through the flickering screen of brownish-yellow light.
▪ The clock to record response time starts at the same time that the probe digit is shown on the screen.
▪ We stared gloomily at the screen.
▪ I would turn and stare unblinkingly at the screen for the duration of the commercial.
▪ Kelly switched on the television and stared blankly at the screen as some mindless cops and robbers show unfolded.
▪ Most of the men stared at small green screens full of numbers.
▪ Justine finds me staring at the screen.
▪ You would walk into the bar to find everyone staring at the screen above your head.
▪ I stare at the screen while they show a grainy old black-and-white photo of me, younger, with longer hair.
▪ Lake perched on the arm of Morris's chair and stared at the screen.
▪ Heartened, she watched the screen with new eyes.
▪ The disk just sitting there, its mysteries yet to be unravelled ... Watch the screen, er ... space.
▪ I circled around a group of men who were watching the screen and began investigating the length of the room.
▪ Still I ignored her, watching the screens.
▪ The last two days, I just watched the screen fill with Melrose, Melrose and Melrose.
▪ David Dorn takes time off from watching the screen antics to bring you the details.
▪ When the curtains part and you see a white screen you know you're watching a screen and it isn't real.
on sb's/the radar (screen)
screen goddess
▪ But when Meryl Streep tumbled off a plane at Heathrow yesterday, the screen goddess looked every inch a mortal.
the big screen
▪ Filmmakers are hoping to bring several of Sandlin's works to the big screen.
▪ Her play was adapted for the big screen.
▪ Andrew himself is no stranger to the big screen and has featured in several commercials.
▪ Arnold Schwarzenegger, man of action and few words on the big screen.
▪ Rosheen watched as Postine came into view on the big screen, her massive frame picked out in infra-red against the night.
▪ The only thing less suited to the big screen would be a movie set in a bomb shelter.
▪ We watched it on the big screen.
the silver screen
▪ stars of the silver screen
the small screen
▪ I had seen the movie before, but it didn't look as good on the small screen.
▪ It's one of the best shows ever seen on the small screen.
▪ The story of Hearst's life made it to the small screen last spring.
▪ She was well-known as a star of stage and screen.
▪ The company has recently introduced free health screening for all its employees.
▪ Conference-goers, though, brushed aside the news as a blip on the political radar screen.
▪ He also throws open the rear door, revealing a video screen.
▪ I rediscovered them on the screen in the close-ups of objects which impressed and influenced me.
▪ If the images in Myst bog down your screen, pony up the bucks for more memory or a faster video card.
▪ The distinction between idea and expression has been applied in the context of screen displays.
▪ The example below uses a macro to pass a character to the screen or printer.
▪ The material from the iron mortar boxes was washed out on to a screen and the oversize returned to the stamps.
▪ There are various power conservancy options like three levels of screen brightness, and variable times for screen and disk power-down.
▪ They are then sent on placements to local firms who are carefully screened before being chosen.
▪ Because of the risk of potential toxicity, patients have to be carefully screened so that the drug is not inappropriately prescribed.
▪ The nesting trunk in the aviary is carefully screened to avoid disturbance.
▪ Lockyer advocates less expensive alternatives to prison, such as longer county jail terms and carefully screened and monitored parole.
▪ There are barriers in front of the centre, and people going in are carefully screened.
▪ Two bays in Sutton depôt were screened off and such office work as still had to be done locally was done there.
▪ This shooting in the head was what Sammler had been attempting to shut out, screen off.
▪ High up in the sky was a protective layer of gas that screened out dangerous ultraviolet rays from the sun.
▪ The nitrogen oxides are almost as effective as dust at screening out sunlight.
▪ The human brain evolved to survive in such a world; it is stimulated by change and it screens out repetition.
▪ When you have written fifteen or twenty questions, you are ready to select and screen out those questions least relevant.
▪ Most blinds other than a roller blind will screen out too much light.
▪ Those high failure rates make it an efficient way of screening out teenagers who might later fail a university course.
▪ The use of medical examinations as a means of screening out disabled persons from employment would need to be regulated.
▪ She must be screening her calls.
▪ But if you want some privacy, using one another way lets some people screen their calls.
▪ But do you mind if I connect the machine anyway, it screens calls.
▪ Identification of this gene provides an opportunity to screen for disease within polyposis families at birth.
▪ All videos and movies are screened.
▪ It has therefore been accepted that the urinary albumin concentration or albumin:creatinine ratio can be used to screen patients.
▪ After school hours, a large room that opened on to a verandah was converted into a makeshift screening centre for tuberculosis patients.
▪ Doctors now routinely use super-sensitive blood and urine tests to screen women suffering from any lower abdominal pain.
▪ A mobile screening unit is currently in Darlington and aims to have screened all women over 50 in the area by 1993.
▪ Many physicians have been trained to screen women for domestic abuse.
▪ After £100 million spent on the screening programme 1,500 women will still die each year of cervical cancer.
▪ There has been much debate on whether to screen women who are between the ages of 40 and 49.
▪ It has therefore been accepted that the urinary albumin concentration or albumin:creatinine ratio can be used to screen patients.
▪ Thin layer chromatography or spectrophotometry is used for screening.
▪ This cDNA fragment was used to screen several murine cDNA libraries.
▪ These fusion proteins could be used similarly to screen expression libraries.
▪ Subjecting applicants or employees to medical examinations is not the only means that employers have used to screen out disabled employees.
▪ "Border War" is to be screened by Channel Four later on in the week.
▪ Because breast cancer is common in older women, we screen all women over 50.
▪ If you receive blood in the United Kingdom it will already have been screened for HIV.
▪ In the back yard, a hedge neatly screens the vegetable plot.
▪ Management has announced new procedures for screening applicants.
▪ Spielberg's 1995 blockbuster is being screened on network TV for the first time tonight.
▪ The film was under attack before it was even screened.
▪ The house is screened from the road by a row of tall trees.
▪ High up in the sky was a protective layer of gas that screened out dangerous ultraviolet rays from the sun.
▪ The human brain evolved to survive in such a world; it is stimulated by change and it screens out repetition.
▪ They were selected by a screening panel of professional, business and community leaders.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Screen \Screen\ (skr[=e]n), n. [OE. scren, OF. escrein, escran, F. ['e]cran, of uncertain origin; cf. G. schirm a screen, OHG. scirm, scerm a protection, shield, or G. schragen a trestle, a stack of wood, or G. schranne a railing.]

  1. Anything that separates or cuts off inconvenience, injury, or danger; that which shelters or conceals from view; a shield or protection; as, a fire screen.

    Your leavy screens throw down.

    Some ambitious men seem as screens to princes in matters of danger and envy.

  2. (Arch.) A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, or the like.

  3. A surface, as that afforded by a curtain, sheet, wall, etc., upon which an image, as a picture, is thrown by a magic lantern, solar microscope, etc.

  4. A long, coarse riddle or sieve, sometimes a revolving perforated cylinder, used to separate the coarser from the finer parts, as of coal, sand, gravel, and the like.

  5. (Cricket) An erection of white canvas or wood placed on the boundary opposite a batsman to enable him to see ball better.

  6. a netting, usu. of metal, contained in a frame, used mostly in windows or doors to allow in fresh air while excluding insects.

    Screen door, a door of which half or more is composed of a screen.

    Screen window, a screen inside a frame, fitted for insertion into a window frame.

  7. The surface of an electronic device, as a television set or computer monitor, on which a visible image is formed. The screen is frequently the surface of a cathode-ray tube containing phosphors excited by the electron beam, but other methods for causing an image to appear on the screen are also used, as in flat-panel displays.

  8. The motion-picture industry; motion pictures. ``A star of stage and screen.''


Screen \Screen\ (skr[=e]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Screened; p. pr. & vb. n. Screening.]

  1. To provide with a shelter or means of concealment; to separate or cut off from inconvenience, injury, or danger; to shelter; to protect; to protect by hiding; to conceal; as, fruits screened from cold winds by a forest or hill.

    They were encouraged and screened by some who were in high commands.

  2. To pass, as coal, gravel, ashes, etc., through a screen in order to separate the coarse from the fine, or the worthless from the valuable; to sift.

  3. to examine a group of objects methodically, to separate them into groups or to select one or more for some purpose. As:

    1. To inspect the qualifications of candidates for a job, to select one or more to be hired.

    2. (Biochem., Med.) to test a large number of samples, in order to find those having specific desirable properties; as, to screen plant extracts for anticancer agents.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-14c., "upright piece of furniture providing protection from heat of a fire, drafts, etc.," probably from a shortened (Anglo-French? compare Anglo-Latin screna) variant of Old North French escren, Old French escran "fire-screen" (early 14c.), perhaps from Middle Dutch scherm "screen, cover, shield," or Frankish *skrank "barrier," from Proto-Germanic *skerm- (cognates: Old High German skirm, skerm "protection," from PIE *(s)ker- (1) "to cut" (see shear (v.)).\n

\nMeaning "net-wire frame used in windows and doors" is recorded from 1859. Meaning "flat vertical surface for reception of projected images" is from 1810, originally in reference to magic lantern shows; later of movies. Transferred sense of "cinema world collectively" is attested from 1914; hence screen test (1918), etc. Screen saver first attested 1990. Screen printing recorded from 1918.


"to shield from punishment, to conceal," late 15c., from screen (n.). Meaning "examine systematically for suitability" is from 1943; sense of "to release a movie" is from 1915. Related: Screened; screening.


n. 1 A physical divider intended to block an area from view, or provide shelter from something dangerous. 2 A material woven from fine wires intended to block animals or large particles from passing while allowing gasses, liquids and finer particles to pass. 3 The informational viewing area of electronic output devices; the result of the output. 4 The viewing surface or area of a movie, or moving picture or slide presentation. vb. 1 To filter by passing through a screen. 2 To remove information, or censor intellectual material from viewing 3 (context film television English) To present publicly (on the screen). 4 To fit with a screen.

  1. v. test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; "screen the blood for the HIV virus" [syn: test]

  2. examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"

  3. examine in order to test suitability; "screen these samples"; "screen the job applicants" [syn: screen out, sieve, sort]

  4. project onto a screen for viewing; "screen a film"

  5. prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight" [syn: block out]

  6. separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff [syn: riddle]

  7. protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm [syn: shield]

  1. n. a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing [syn: silver screen, projection screen]

  2. something that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet" [syn: blind]

  3. display on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube on which is electronically created [syn: CRT screen]

  4. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "they crouched behind the screen"; "under cover of darkness" [syn: cover, covert, concealment]

  5. protective covering consisting of a metallic netting mounted in a frame and covering windows or doors (especially for protection against insects)

  6. a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles [syn: sieve]

  7. a door that is a screen to keep insects from entering a building through the open door; "he heard the screen slam as she left" [syn: screen door]

  8. partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space


Screen or Screens may refer to:

Screen (magazine)

Screen is a leading weekly film magazine, published in India. Established in 1951, it is owned by The Indian Express publishing group. The content focuses on India's Hindi film industry, a.k.a. Bollywood, located mainly in Mumbai. It also has an e-magazine version.

Screen (journal)

Screen is an academic journal of film and television studies based at the John Logie Baird Centre at the University of Glasgow and published by Oxford University Press. The editors-in-chief are Tim Bergfelder ( University of Southampton), Alison Butler ( University of Reading), Dimitris Eleftheriotis ( University of Glasgow), Karen Lury (University of Glasgow), Alastair Phillips ( University of Warwick), Jackie Stacey ( University of Manchester), and Sarah Street ( University of Bristol).

Screen (ice hockey)

In ice hockey, a screen is obstruction by a player of the goaltender's view of the puck. The word can also be used as a verb, commonly "don't screen the goaltender", or "the goalie was screened". Screens can be both planned, as when an attacking forward positions himself in front of the net, or accidental, like when a defensemen accidentally blocks the goalie's view. Attacking players may attempt to take advantage of a screen by taking a shot, which the opposing goalie cannot attempt to save if he is being screened.

Tomas Holmström, Darcy Tucker, Ryan Kesler, and Ryan Smyth are known for screening goalies.

Category:Ice hockey terminology Category:Ice hockey strategy

Screen (sports)

A screen is a blocking move by an offensive player, by standing beside or behind a defender, to free a teammate to shoot, receive a pass, or drive in to score. In basketball, it is also known as a pick. Screens can be on-ball (when set for the ball-handler), or off-ball (when set for a teammate moving without the ball to get open for a pass). The two offensive players involved in setting the screen are known as the screener (who blocks the defender) and the cutter (who gets free from the defender).

Successfully "setting a screen" in team sports such as basketball and water polo requires attention to position and timing. An offensive player will first establish position so that his teammate can move toward him. The teammate changes pace and direction, and cuts (moves or dribbles quickly) very close to the screening player. The defender who is covering the cutter will have to push into the screening player, or divert around, losing a few steps. In basketball, the offensive player setting the pick must remain stationary at the moment of contact with the defender, and allow the defensive player a "reasonable opportunity" to avoid the screen; a screen is illegal if the screener moves in order to make contact, and obtains an advantage; the result is an offensive foul. There must be illegal contact for a moving screen to be a foul; no illegal contact, no foul, no matter how much moving the screener does. If the screener holds, leans or moves into the defender to cause contact, this will result in a foul on the screener.

After setting the screen, the screener is often open to roll to the basket and receive a pass. This tactic is called pick and roll in basketball. Another basketball tactic, called the pick and pop, is for the ballhandler to drive to the basket while the screener squares for a jumpshot.

Defensive moves to defeat a screen include sliding by the pick if the screening player leaves space, fighting over the screen (pushing the screener away, where allowed—this is not allowed in basketball), if the defender is strong enough, or switching defensive assignments with another defender, who can pick up the cutter on the other side of the screen.

In the team sport Ultimate setting a screen is not allowed. The screened player can call "pick", whereupon the play stops with all other players holding their current positions. The screened player can now catch up to the offensive player he or she was defending, then play continues.

Screen (Twenty One Pilots song)
  1. redirect Vessel (Twenty One Pilots album)
Screen (bridge)

The screen is a device used in some tournaments in duplicate bridge that visually separates partners at the table from each other, in order to reduce the exchange of unauthorized information and prevent some forms of cheating. It is a panel made of plywood, spanned canvas or similar material, which is placed vertically, diagonally across the playing table, with a small door in the center and a slit beneath it. The door is closed during the bidding stage, and the players place their calls using bidding cards on a movable tray, which slides under the door. After the opening lead, the door is opened, but its size allows the players only to see the hands and cards played from the opposite side of the screen, not their partner's face.

Screens are normally used on high-level competitions, such as World Bridge Olympiads, national teams championships and similar. They are always accompanied with bidding boxes and a tray for moving the bids across. Screens were first introduced in Bermuda Bowl competition in 1975, at the home venue in Bermuda; however, they didn't prevent the infamous foot-tapping scandal involving two Italian players. Following that event, screens used in high-level events extend under the table to the floor forming a barrier running diagonally between two table legs.

Usage examples of "screen".

I was sitting there listening to her go on about abortion, I casually made an off-mike comment to my call screener that I wished I could abort this call.

Shimon made a movement with his hand and Abrim waited for the screen to go dark.

Garm Bel Iblis had turned on the invaders like a cornered wampa, and Fleet Group Two was accelerating through the refugee screen to meet the enemy head-on.

She tried to ignore the dizzying perspective plucking at her peripheral vision over the low sides of the pod and concentrated instead on the stress and acceleration vectors graphically represented on her screen.

Grannie wants you to go down to Acme Films at ten fifteen when they will screen all the film we have of Red Army people who work for the Karlshorst Security Control Area.

Like a glow-worm golden In a dell of dew, Scattering unbeholden Its aereal hue Among the flowers and grass, which screen it from the view!

The Pope would die and the circus would actually begin with the tawdry tinkle of the hurdy-gurdy and monkeys on chains, the trumpet fanfare of a Fellini movie and the clowns and all the freaks and aerialists joining hands, dancing, capering across the screen.

CHAPTER 13 SUNDAY, 12 MAY 0530 GREENWICH MEAN TIME Go had bay sixty miles east OF point hotel USS seawolf 1330 beijing time Pacino watched from the galley door to the darkened wardroom as the officers concentrated on the large projection screen on the aft wall.

The two women disappeared behind the afterclap, the canvas screen at the back of the wagon, and Sarah called for the servants to bring the copper hip bath and buckets of hot water from the cooking fire.

The slim Senite appeared on the screen, no longer looking ageless and aloof, but shaken and tired.

The triforium passage, hidden by the roof of the aisle, runs below the screen and the windows, and between the two.

When the screen readjusted itself, Verduin saw Akers stagger backward slightly, apparently disoriented by what was coming through his helmet.

Floyt caught a look at the screen where Alacrity had entered his question.

As Alkine stood there, staring into the screen, hands locked behind his back, he could well have been mistaken for a human being.

Looking southwards, some holland screens barred half of the nave, which showed ambery in the sunlight and was speckled at both ends by the dazzling blue and crimson of stained-glass windows.