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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
help screen
▪ As with the shaping section, pressing the F1 key at any time will display a help screen.
▪ Each help screen has an index from which you may select a topic.
▪ There is even a help screen showing you how to use the help system.

Usage examples of "help screen".

But Kelly was not listening, she was pressing more buttons and moving the cursor, already trying to get something to happen, to get a help screen, something.

I help screen and select every B-2 bomber candidate, and I personally know and fly with every graduate from the 4007th CCTS.

Now she's working out the best dispositions for our units to help screen the arrival terminus from Peep drones.

The seething data traffic everywhere around must help screen hers.

The Ka-27 helicopter with its commandos on board had no choice but to turn around-they could not risk facing more shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles without some sort of covering fire to help screen their approach.

He carefully studied the lay of the ground, the trees, rocks, bushes, grass,--everything that could help screen him from the keen eye of savage scouts.