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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sanderling \San"der*ling\, n. [Sand + -ling. So called because it obtains its food by searching the moist sands of the seashore.] (Zo["o]l.) A small gray and brown sandpiper ( Calidris arenaria) very common on sandy beaches in America, Europe, and Asia. Called also curwillet, sand lark, stint, and ruddy plover.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

wading bird (Crocethia alba), c.1600, probably from sand (n.) + a diminutive suffix, but OED suggests possible derivation from Old English *sand-yrðling, with second element yrðling "plowman" (literally "earthling").


n. A small wading bird, ''Calidris alba'', that breeds in the Arctic and winters on sandy shores and estuaries around the world. A type of stint.


n. small sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and migrates southward along sandy coasts in most of world [syn: Crocethia alba]


The sanderling (Calidris alba) is a small wading bird. The name derives from Old English sand-yrðling, "sand-ploughman". The genus name is from Ancient Greek kalidris or skalidris, a term used by Aristotle for some grey-coloured waterside birds. The specific alba is Latin for "white".

It is a circumpolar Arctic breeder, and is a long-distance migrant, wintering south to South America, South Europe, Africa, and Australia. It is highly gregarious in winter, sometimes forming large flocks on coastal mudflats or sandy beaches.

It is somewhat unlike other sandpipers in appearance, which has led to the suggestion that it should be placed into a monotypic genus Crocethia. A more recent review (Thomas et al., 2004) indicates, however, that the sanderling is a fairly typical " stint" or small sandpiper and should be separated from the large knots with its closest relatives in a distinct genus.

This bird is similar in size to a dunlin, but stouter, with a thick bill. It shows a strong white wingbar in flight, and runs along the sandy beaches it prefers with a characteristic "bicycling" action of its legs, stopping frequently to pick small food items. It eats small crabs and other small invertebrates. In spring, birds migrating north from South America consume large numbers of horseshoe crab eggs in the Delaware Bay area.

In spring, the birds arrive on the High Arctic breeding grounds (see map), where they lay 3–4 eggs in a ground scrape. On the nesting grounds, these birds mainly eat insects and some plant material.

The sanderling is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds ( AEWA) applies.

Sanderling (disambiguation)

A sanderling is a wading bird.

Sanderling may also refer to:

  • Kurt Sanderling (19122011), German conductor
  • Michael Sanderling (born 1967), German conductor and violoncellist, son of Kurt Sanderling
  • Stefan Sanderling (born 1964), German conductor, son of Kurt Sanderling
  • Thomas Sanderling (born 1942), German conductor, son of Kurt Sanderling
  • USS Sanderling, several ships of the U.S. Navy

Usage examples of "sanderling".

A Sanderling had stood beside Wren Elessedil when she had fought at the Valley of Rhenn and driven the Federation and its allies back into the deep Southland more than 150 years ago.

On this occasion, he had brought his sons along as well, something Sanderling regarded as particularly dangerous.

Of all Elven army units assigned to the Prekkendorran, only the Home Guard was still intact, and only Pied Sanderling was still with his command.

Most were in shock, but word had spread that Pied Sanderling had led a successful counterattack against the Federation and damaged the airship and weapon that had destroyed their fleet.

Elton was at daggers drawn with Sanderling of Astronomy over the subject of the movement of the spheres.

Doctor Sanderling subscribed to the ancient belief that all heavenly bodies visible in the night sky revolved around the earth.

Prekkendorran, a brilliant flare of golden light sweeping out of the eastern horizon down the twisting, broken maze of ridges and gullies where Pied Sanderling crouched.

Ti Auberen could be depended on, and Pied Sanderling was depending on him heavily.

Pied Sanderling shouted the Elven war cry, leaping from his hiding place and raising his arm.

Tom Sanderling went to soldier in Ab-Yar, and he learned to handle a sword.

There had been Sanderlings standing with the Elessedil Kings for as long as anyone could remember.

Scattered among them are many odd stints and sanderlings and ringed-plovers.

As the waters ran away, leaving their spume behind to melt into the sand, a few of the plovers, sanderlings and funny beat-tailed grackles gave chase.

Most were still asleep, heads tucked into their back feathers, sanderlings, dunlins, sandpipers.

A flock of sanderlings raced along the shore, moving in and out with the waves as fast as their little legs could carry them.