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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an insurance salesman
▪ He offered me a post as a life insurance salesman.
travelling salesman
▪ The better a salesman you are the more likely you are to succeed.
▪ A good salesman, he said, can guide a man toward a nice gift package.
▪ Stan had discovered that he was a good insurance salesman.
▪ Even a good salesman in a small business-you take him away, and you can destroy the business.
▪ Alexander was a salesman, but like all the very best salesmen, he had the instincts of a trader.
▪ A good salesman could transform a shy, nervous thrift president into a maniacal gambler.
▪ She lost her best ad salesman when her brother got too busy with his job and couldn't help out anymore.
▪ The only real hospital case was a travelling salesman who had been shot through the foot.
▪ I am slowly becoming a travelling salesman called Pete.
▪ In its short life, Stox was staffed by very young salesmen, sometimes teenagers.
▪ Not surprisingly, young salesmen dashed around the place looking cowed and frightened, while young traders smoked cigars.
▪ A keen young salesman was dogging their footsteps.
▪ The young salesman had reminded Renie of himself at that age.
▪ I was shipped to London to become a bond salesman.
▪ Most bond salesmen use the language of investment, analyzing the company and its prospects.
▪ I found imagining myself as a bond salesman only marginally more plausible than imagining myself as a bond trader.
▪ The rat with no exercise wound up as a bond salesman.
▪ When we met, he was returning to New York, to be a bond salesman on the forty-first floor.
▪ Now its humiliation has been deepened by, of all people, a second-hand car salesman.
▪ There are lawyers and car salesmen, and then there are people who make an honest living.
▪ That's the motto of car salesmen who have put up a gag board to amuse motorists.
▪ Read in studio A car salesman is recovering after being held up at gunpoint by a man posing as a customer.
▪ Why, Brecht, the car salesman!
▪ Joe is the arms trade's equivalent of a used car salesman.
▪ Before Lawless made his approach, Ian was a warehouse manager in Durham, while Stephen was a car salesman.
▪ He could have been a computer salesman.
▪ I've been a life insurance salesman and I was in the deep freeze business for ages.
▪ But I get a big thrill out of seeing players go on to become doctors and lawyers and insurance salesmen.
▪ Jennifer and insurance salesman Dennis Crawford split up when the model was a teenager.
▪ Several dozen insurance salesmen went pale.
▪ Stan had discovered that he was a good insurance salesman.
▪ They could have been greengrocers, insurance salesmen, buggy repairmen, schoolteachers, congressmen or even preachers as much as criminals.
▪ You were an insurance salesman once, why can't you go back to that?
▪ Perhaps, when the shouting from snake oil salesmen subsides, our leaders will find a way to forge a bipartisan solution.
▪ For all his odd and scary views, Buchanan has played the fear card like a snake oil salesman hawking eternal life.
▪ Many companies employ both IFAs and salesmen.
▪ This gives him an antidote to the high pressure selling techniques sometimes employed by door-to-door salesmen.
▪ His father, Lucien, was a traveling whiskey salesman and proprietor of a billiard parlor.
▪ Oluf was a skilled baker who had graduated to traveling salesman.
▪ All traveling Salomon salesmen stayed at the Bristol.
▪ He began his career as a traveling salesman for a hardware company.
be wearing your teacher's/salesman's etc hat
snake oil salesman/peddler
▪ For all his odd and scary views, Buchanan has played the fear card like a snake oil salesman hawking eternal life.
▪ Perhaps, when the shouting from snake oil salesmen subsides, our leaders will find a way to forge a bipartisan solution.
▪ All three came from the Midlands and had been at the sharp end of the business as salesmen for distribution companies.
▪ Dash did what most salesmen did, only better.
▪ Isn't it nice to see a couple turning the tables on a double-glazing salesman?
▪ It covered subjects which included selling skills, overcoming customers' objections and motivating retail salesmen.
▪ Over three months leading salesmen, traders, and financiers shared their experiences with the class.
▪ Ranieri cast himself in an odd role for a Wall Street salesman.
▪ That's about 30 to 40 times faster than phone modems, according to Midcontinent salesman Eric Waldhaus.
▪ We're all salesmen then, armed with brochures, videos and amusing anecdotes.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Salesman \Sales"man\ (s[=a]lz"man), n.; pl. Salesmen (-men). One who sells anything; one whose occupation is to sell goods or merchandise.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1520s, from genitive of sale (compare craftsman, tradesman) + man (n.).


n. A man whose job it is to sell things, either in a shop / store or elsewhere.


n. a man salesperson

Salesman (1969 film)

Salesman is a 1969 direct cinema documentary film about door-to-door Bible salesmen, directed by brothers Albert and David Maysles, and Charlotte Zwerin.

Salesman (disambiguation)

A salesman is someone who works in sales, with the main function of selling products or services to others.

Salesman may also refer to:

  • Salesman (1969 film), a 1969 film
  • The Salesman (2011 film), a 2011 Canadian film
  • The Salesman (2016 film), a 2016 Iranian film
  • "Salesman", song by Stan Ridgway from The Big Heat (album)
  • "Salesman", song by The Monkees

Usage examples of "salesman".

Apparently the only outsider the La Cima citizens had allowed to stay for a while was a galvanized tin salesman.

Behind it, Dreidel sticks his head out like an anxious housewife surprised by a salesman.

Her husband, the vice president of Henderson Petroleum, had been backed into a corner by insurance salesman Carl Godet and was trying to edge away gracefully.

A salesman who succeeds in selling refrigerators to Eskimos to prevent food from freezing would be as much of an innovator as if he had developed brand-new processes or invented a new product.

She was accustomed to the friendly Majo, the slight salesman who usually staffed the store.

He made a hand pass and the Kelvin in the mirror was newly attired almost as nattily as was the salesman.

So did Okey Shurn, which was natural enough, since he was supposed to be a traveling salesman too.

While Klebbert guided Mordant into a waiting automobile, an old model but of expensive make, Okey listened attentively to the comments of the bone fide salesmen who sat in the line of hotel chairs.

The other man waiting, a smartish youngster of the salesman type, spoke without looking up from the sporting sheet he was studying.

In the latter case, a foreign corporation, which had not been issued a license to do business in Washington, but which systematically and continuously employed a force of salesmen, residents thereof, to canvass for orders therein, was held suable in Washington for unpaid unemployment compensation contributions in respect to such salesmen.

But it sure as hell fit the man Tamber had become, living in New England and working as a salesman for a chocolate bar distributor.

To Mark, with a long experience of their kind gained in his travels and time as a law officer, they spelled cheap tinhorn card shark, goldbrick salesmen, or petty thief.

Well, Colmer thought gloomily, facing up to it, most writers were nuts anyway, or else they would be real estate salesmen, where the big money was, or editors De Wike kept pestering him about heading their science fiction department.

This vast formation, so precise and rigid, yet so quick and fluid to change course or rearrange itself, a seagoing miracle surely beyond the dreams of Nelson himself, was maintained with careless ease by hundreds of officers of the deck, not one in ten of whom was a professional seaman: college boys, salesmen, schoolteachers, lawyers, clerks, writers, druggists, engineers, farmers, piano players-these were the young men who outperformed the veteran officers of the fleets of Nelson.

I now realized that I had to consume the books in the closet faster than Potch, an enterprising salesman, could retrieve them.