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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a quality newspaperBritish English (= a newspaper with a lot of serious news and good writing)
▪ The story has not been given as much coverage in the quality newspapers.
a quality paperBritish English (= one intended for educated readers )
▪ Readers of quality papers, such as the Telegraph and the Guardian, are mainly employed in professional jobs.
endearing qualities/traits etc
▪ Shyness is one of her most endearing qualities.
exceptional quality
▪ This is a wine of exceptional quality.
high quality
▪ a range of high quality goods at low prices
inferior quality
▪ The poor soil produces wine of inferior quality.
intrinsic nature/quality/value/property of sth
▪ There is nothing in the intrinsic nature of the work that makes it more suitable for women.
leadership qualities
▪ She has great faith in her own leadership qualities.
personal qualities
▪ They stress the importance of a teacher’s personal qualities.
premium quality
premium quality British potatoes
quality assurance
quality control
quality time
▪ Do you spend enough quality time with your children?
redeeming quality/feature etc (=the one good thing about an unpleasant person or thing)
▪ The hotel had a single redeeming feature – it was cheap.
safety/hygiene/quality etc standards
▪ All our products meet the current safety standards.
star quality (=a special quality that could make someone a star)
▪ She radiates genuine star quality.
superior quality
▪ Digital radios offer a superior quality of sound.
the air quality
▪ The air quality is very poor on hot days.
the quality press (=newspapers intended for educated people)
▪ The book received excellent reviews in the quality press.
▪ This provides for a supply of very good quality water to the main river, which itself is used as potable supply.
▪ Patents and other proprietary mechanisms may prevent the use of the most efficient processes turning out the best quality products.
▪ Spring greens are at their best and quality primo cabbage is the best green buy this week.
▪ Scanners still provide better image quality and more flexibility than digital cameras.
▪ It is offered on a half board basis and the management prides itself on its reputation for the good quality home-cooking.
▪ Digital technology makes it easier to prevent signal theft and it means better voice quality and longer battery life.
▪ It will print to laser or dot matrix and with a better quality than our 350.00 pound package does.
▪ They have neglected the food shops and the markets where the merchandise is not of good quality and expensive.
▪ Plus two new additions, Sucrose and Caesium Chloride, assayed to the highest quality.
▪ In this setting she has considerable responsibility and receives a great deal of respect for the high quality of her work.
▪ Some writing is of undoubtedly high quality and may well find a place in the permanent repertoire of a wider public.
▪ Some published material is hand written and of such high quality that it is difficult to distinguish it from a typeset score.
▪ The Kintyre bar has a large selection of mouth-watering whiskies and the meals in the restaurant offer high quality cooking.
▪ The Jericho Conspiracy combines high quality drama with a lower-intermediate language syllabus aimed to help lift students over the intermediate plateau.
▪ It's being grown to make high quality paper and linen.
▪ The problem of poor image quality can be tracked down to the scanning stage.
▪ People are obliged to accept goods that are unexciting or of poor quality.
▪ A new disease was identified which had the symptoms of workplace disunity, low productivity, poor quality products.
▪ He had eaten in other rectories and had seen how deeply the poorer quality of meals could affect morale.
▪ It is caused by bacteria or parasites or poor water quality and the only sure treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection.
▪ They can not risk using poor quality seed.
▪ Creed recognised him from the picture on the front page of that morning's Dispatch, poor quality though it had been.
▪ Prison statistics are poor in quality and, like crime statistics, are published several years late.
▪ Bovis Homes reckons a major plus point are the top quality carpets, which are included in the £139,950 price tag.
▪ Salads with mixed greens and top quality olive oil or walnut oil can also be greatly enhanced by confit.
▪ Customers are snapping up the top quality magazine with its wonderful photography and editorial.
▪ The price is high but you are buying a top quality tent and one of the North Face's most popular.
▪ It takes time, effort and money to produce top quality fruit and this is reflected in the price.
▪ Name three features of Beaver's top quality competition prize. 3.
▪ Naturally, treasurers will normally restrict their dealings to top quality financial institutions.
▪ Offers of top quality second hand garments are welcome.
▪ The Acts lay down a minimum standard for air quality, and impose pollution emission controls to particular polluters.
▪ It also changed the monitoring period for ozone to better reflect actual air quality.
▪ Seven actions for drivers are listed which would lead to improvement in air quality.
▪ The technology is set up to register carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions, big contributors to poor air quality.
▪ He's being paid far below union wages in a factory with disgusting air quality.
▪ Beds, bedding, noise, light, clocks, temperature, and air quality all make up your sleep environment.
▪ Firstly, ambient air quality standards or goals need to be specified.
▪ Urban environments imply low air quality very high levels of light pollution, and serious obscuration of the sky by tall buildings.
▪ Is it just to do with production quality control or does it also embrace marketing, accounting and other functions?
▪ Most ReD seems to focus on indigenization, quality control and troubleshooting of imported technology.
▪ This list can be used in your quality control checks.
Control charts and statistical quality control generally became popular during World War Il and peaked in the late 1940s.
▪ They introduced rigid quality control, centralised distribution and electronic tills.
▪ It is particularly useful for interlaboratory quality control programs.
▪ Figure 7.8 illustrates the principles of statistical quality control leading to the most economic inspection technique for the degree of control required.
▪ Shewhart was among the first to establish a scientific foundation for quality control and techniques for monitoring production process efficiency.
▪ This is one of the most important sources of water quality problems.
▪ The water quality board cited the port in 1995 for excessive contaminants in the convention center operation.
▪ Those beaches which benefit from improved sewage treatment systems, such as Hunstanton in Norfolk, are praised for their water quality.
▪ Under pressure, power projects threatening water quality and marine life were halted.
▪ Marines need special attention to water quality.
▪ Coast -- $ 17 million for wetlands, water quality, planning, access and beach restoration.
▪ It is caused by bacteria or parasites or poor water quality and the only sure treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection.
▪ In water quality and air quality, Texas has the worst record of any big state.
▪ This easy-to-read article presents business examples of ways to measure and improve service quality.
▪ Wise entrepreneurs understand that what they do should improve the quality of their lives and the lives of everyone they touch.
▪ They lack confidence in their ability to effect change or improve the quality of their lives.
▪ Allen King in Salinas has also adopted a new approach to helping his obese patients improve the quality of their lives.
▪ In this period the coinage improves in quality and increases in volume; and the Treasury of Cyrene at Delphi was built.
▪ The device is expected to improve patients' quality of life by allowing them to remain active and productive.
▪ The idea of improving the quality of education did not come into any of the replies.
▪ Meanwhile the Government has promised to reintroduce hospital matrons in an effort to improve the quality of nursing.
▪ Put yourselves in the client's position: what would you judge as a quality, desirable service?
▪ Every country must finally be judged by the quality of justice it delivers to its people.
▪ The instrument maker knows how to choose his materials, and can judge their qualities and defects.
▪ In addition, it can be difficult to judge the quality of some merchandise from a photo on a Web page.
▪ Yet the headmistress believes it's a poor way to judge quality.
▪ They judge for themselves the quality and character of the political leaders who parade before them on television seeking their support.
▪ Consumers judge quality by comparing the service they receive against expectations of what they should receive.
▪ One of the problems facing practitioners is judging the quality of a piece of research.
of merchantable quality
▪ At first instance, the judge held that the car was not of merchantable quality.
▪ By their work they are promoting the idea that goods should be of merchantable quality and fit for their purpose.
▪ Goods must be of merchantable quality, fit for their purpose and as described.
▪ The computer must be of merchantable quality.
▪ The concept of merchantable quality is one of degree.
▪ The Sale of Goods Act 1979 states that goods must be of merchantable quality when you buy them.
▪ The Scania soon proved to be seriously defective and not of merchantable quality.
▪ You're entitled to a full refund because the goods aren't of merchantable quality.
▪ Among his other endearing qualities, Ralph was an exceedingly patient man.
▪ Besides intelligence and charm, Bella had some less desirable qualities.
▪ Despite its many qualities, the school simply isn't getting results.
▪ Her jealousy is one of her worst qualities.
▪ Khat is a leaf with narcotic qualities.
▪ Lucas has outstanding leadership qualities.
▪ She always insists that her writing paper is of good quality.
▪ Supermarket wines tend to vary in price and quality.
▪ the qualities of honesty and independence
▪ The company guarantees the quality of its service.
▪ The essential quality of a good parent is patience.
▪ The recent hot, humid weather is affecting air quality.
▪ The recording is of very poor quality.
▪ There are certain qualities in Orwell's prose that I greatly admire.
▪ There is a wild quality in his books that keeps you reading.
▪ There is a wonderful quality of innocence in these paintings.
▪ This wine possesses a unique quality.
▪ We always guarantee the best quality to our customers.
▪ In addition, it can be difficult to judge the quality of some merchandise from a photo on a Web page.
▪ Invoking state regulatory mechanisms to improve the quality of the service provided is likely to be complex.
▪ It will print to laser or dot matrix and with a better quality than our 350.00 pound package does.
▪ Many reject coaching and the commitment to defense is not of championship quality.
▪ Obviously its qualities varied considerably and are in any case difficult to assess.
▪ Religion is a fundamental source of another quality compassion.
▪ There was a muted quality in her usually lively voice.
▪ They know that if an item has the Royal Navy's endorsement it is bound to be of good quality.
▪ Chapter 4 comprehensively deals with the crucial topic of quality control and quality assurance.
▪ I realized that I would lose quality control with all that franchising.
▪ Furthermore, most of the government's quality control measures are irrelevant.
▪ But these were costly and often dangerous, since quality control was nonexistent.
▪ Vaccination and treatment of animals, and quality control of meat have been used to combat the disease.
▪ We think we are having quality time with our children; they think we are eating pizza.
▪ Now we have closely monitored play groups, play dates, and quality time.
▪ Moreover, it rethinks the quality time issue in terms of relationships in and outside the family.
▪ Was it even possible to have quality time without quantity?
▪ That I will never have enough spare time or free time or quality time to do my work in this way.
▪ Spend quality time with my kid.
▪ The students will receive a quality education.
▪ As the staff looks toward the future, its game plan is to provide quality care.
▪ In nutrition the goal is to provide quality nutrition services to the populations served.
▪ Many fail to track the results of their work, for instance, or to define exactly what results constitute quality performance.
▪ Now we have closely monitored play groups, play dates, and quality time.
▪ The equation is simple: the successful parts of modern economies are based on knowledge, and that means quality education.
▪ We have a superb safety record, and offer quality track time.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quality \Qual"i*ty\, n.; pl. Qualities. [F. qualit['e], L. qualitas, fr. qualis how constituted, as; akin to E. which. See Which.]

  1. The condition of being of such and such a sort as distinguished from others; nature or character relatively considered, as of goods; character; sort; rank.

    We lived most joyful, obtaining acquaintance with many of the city not of the meanest quality.

  2. Special or temporary character; profession; occupation; assumed or asserted rank, part, or position.

    I made that inquiry in quality of an antiquary.

  3. That which makes, or helps to make, anything such as it is; anything belonging to a subject, or predicable of it; distinguishing property, characteristic, or attribute; peculiar power, capacity, or virtue; distinctive trait; as, the tones of a flute differ from those of a violin in quality; the great quality of a statesman.

    Note: Qualities, in metaphysics, are primary or secondary. Primary are those essential to the existence, and even the conception, of the thing, as of matter or spirit Secondary are those not essential to such a conception.

  4. An acquired trait; accomplishment; acquisition.

    He had those qualities of horsemanship, dancing, and fencing which accompany a good breeding.

  5. Superior birth or station; high rank; elevated character. ``Persons of quality.''

    Quality binding, a kind of worsted tape used in Scotland for binding carpets, and the like.

    The quality, those of high rank or station, as distinguished from the masses, or common people; the nobility; the gentry.

    I shall appear at the masquerade dressed up in my feathers, that the quality may see how pretty they will look in their traveling habits.

    Syn: Property; attribute; nature; peculiarity; character; sort; rank; disposition; temper.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "temperament, character, disposition," from Old French qualite "quality, nature, characteristic" (12c., Modern French qualité), from Latin qualitatem (nominative qualitas) "a quality, property; nature, state, condition" (said [Tucker, etc.] to have been coined by Cicero to translate Greek poiotes), from qualis "what kind of a," from PIE pronomial base *kwo- (see who).\n

\nMeaning "degree of goodness" is late 14c. Meaning "social rank, position" is c.1400. Noun phrase quality time first recorded 1977. Quality of life is from 1943. Quality control first attested 1935.


a. Being of good worth, well made, fit for purpose. n. 1 (context uncountable English) Level of excellence 2 (context countable English) A property or an attribute that differentiates a thing or person. 3 (context archaic English) high social position. (See also (term the quality English).) 4 (context uncountable English) The degree to which a man-made object or system is free from bugs and flaws, as opposed to scope of functions or quantity of items. 5 (context thermodynamics English) In a two-phase liquid–vapor mixture, the ratio of the mass of vapor present to the total mass of the mixture. 6 (context emergency medicine countable English) The third step in OPQRST where the responder investigates what the NOI/MOI feels like.

  1. adj. of superior grade; "choice wines"; "prime beef"; "prize carnations"; "quality paper"; "select peaches" [syn: choice, prime(a), prize, select]

  2. of high social status; "people of quality"; "a quality family"

  1. n. an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare

  2. a degree or grade of excellence or worth; "the quality of students has risen"; "an executive of low caliber" [syn: caliber, calibre]

  3. a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something; "each town has a quality all its own"; "the radical character of our demands" [syn: character, lineament]

  4. (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound); "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely"; "the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet" [syn: timbre, timber, tone]

  5. high social status; "a man of quality"


Quality may refer to:

Quality (album)

Quality is the debut studio album by American rapper Talib Kweli. The album was released on November 19, 2002, by Rawkus Records. It received wide critical acclaim and had some commercial appeal from the song " Get By", produced by Kanye West. Kludge magazine included it on their list of best albums of 2002.

Quality (physics)

In response theory, the quality of an excited system is related to the number of excitation frequencies to which it can respond. In the case of a homogeneous, isotropic system, the quality is proportional to the FWHM.

This sense of the phrase is the precursor of the usage of the word in music theory. In music theory, quality is the number of harmonics of a fundamental frequency of an instrument (the higher the quality, the richer the sound).

Quality (philosophy)

In philosophy, a quality (from ) is an attribute or a property characteristic of an object. In contemporary philosophy the idea of qualities, and especially how to distinguish certain kinds of qualities from one another, remains controversial.

Quality (business)

In business, engineering and manufacturing, quality has a pragmatic interpretation as the non-inferiority or superiority of something; it is also defined as fitness for purpose. Quality is a perceptual, conditional, and somewhat subjective attribute and may be understood differently by different people. Consumers may focus on the specification quality of a product/service, or how it compares to competitors in the marketplace. Producers might measure the conformance quality, or degree to which the product/service was produced correctly.

Support personnel may measure quality in the degree that a product is reliable, maintainable, or sustainable. A quality item (an item that has quality) has the ability to perform satisfactorily in service and is suitable for its intended purpose.

Usage examples of "quality".

Yet, in many of the plans and designs got up for his accommodation, in the books and publications of the day, all due convenience, to say nothing of the respectability or the elegance of domestic life, is as entirely disregarded as if such qualities had no connection with the farmer or his occupation.

He was also an accurate weather-vane on the quality of my work, whose judgement I quickly learned to trust and respect.

Danforth and I saw the freshly glistening and reflectively iridescent black slime which clung thickly to those headless bodies and stank obscenely with that new, unknown odor whose cause only a diseased fancy could envisage--clung to those bodies and sparkled less voluminously on a smooth part of the accursedly resculptured wall in a series of grouped dots--we understood the quality of cosmic fear to its uttermost depths.

No one ever possessed superior intellectual qualities without knowing them--the alliteration of modesty and merit is pretty enough, but where merit is great, the veil of that modesty you admire never disguises its extent from its possessor.

Soul is allotted its fortunes, and not at haphazard but always under a Reason: it adapts itself to the fortunes assigned to it, attunes itself, ranges itself rightly to the drama, to the whole Principle of the piece: then it speaks out its business, exhibiting at the same time all that a Soul can express of its own quality, as a singer in a song.

Where we read that, after the casting of lots, the sample lives are exhibited with the casual circumstances attending them and that the choice is made upon vision, in accordance with the individual temperament, we are given to understand that the real determination lies with the Souls, who adapt the allotted conditions to their own particular quality.

The General, during this, was tactless enough to allude to the quality of the basic weapon, with the French being praised for their ability to build better ships.

On subsequent inquiries, through a circuitous channel, unnecessary to be detailed here at length, on the part of the manufacturer of the cheese, it was found, that as the supplies of anotta had been defective and of inferior quality, recourse had been had to the expedient of colouring the commodity with vermilion.

Vestman at Trianon Studios for his expert audio recordings of my whole seminar and Dave Morton and the staff of Cassette Express for their continued appreciation of this material and their quality service.

She imagined him kind and gentle, appreciative of her many fine qualities.

Quality: reason has, so to speak, appropriated a portion of Reality, that portion manifest to it on the surface.

A first principle is that the knowing of sensible objects is an act of the soul, or of the living conjoint, becoming aware of the quality of certain corporeal entities, and appropriating the ideas present in them.

One way that this archetypal association manifests itself in dreams is that there is a tendency for the quality of light in dreams to be metaphoric of the quality of waking consciousness that has already been brought to the main theme of the dream.

Let that not be held too much against him, for many an English dramatist, like almost every English novelist, is weak in the architectonic qualities of his work.

I would emphasize again as I emphasized at the opening of this paper, is better written, both as regards style and architectonic quality, and it is a truer reading of life, than any of the Highland stories.