a dense population (=a lot of people living close together)
▪ Britain has a particular problem because of dense population.
a migrant population (=the migrants who live in a particular place)
▪ The town has a large migrant popluation.
a population explosion
▪ The decision not to plant the fields led to a population explosion in rabbits.
ageing population (=with more old people than before)
▪ Europe’s ageing population
control group/population/sample etc
▪ A control group of non-smoking women was compared to four groups of women smokers.
population density
▪ areas of high population density
the human population
▪ The UN estimates that the human population will reach 9.1 billion by 2050.
the immigrant population
▪ The immigrant population increased rapidly during the 1970s.
the prison population (=all the prisoners in a country)
▪ The government wants to reduce the size of the prison population.
working population
▪ A smaller working population will have to support a growing number of retired people.
▪ The results clearly show a high prevalence of oesophagitis in the adult asthmatic population.
▪ Out-migrants from rural areas are predominantly the younger members of the adult population.
▪ The conventional wisdom in the gay community is that 10 percent of the adult population is gay or lesbian.
▪ Over a fifth of the adult population owned shares in late 1988, contrasted with only 6 percent in early 1984.
▪ A recent United Nations report says that 90% of the adult population are literate.
▪ Half of the adult population never fully develops formal operational reasoning.
▪ It has an ageing population and social security laws which will generate a massive public expenditure burden and necessitate tax increases.
▪ They calculate that the ageing population is adding 1 percent annually to health service costs.
▪ How can health services be restructured to meet the needs of ageing populations more appropriately?
▪ This is not just because of the enormous scale of the demands which an ageing population puts on caring organisations.
▪ Does it therefore follow that an ageing population inevitably implies some impoverishment, if not among elderly, then among younger people?
▪ An ageing population is both less productive and a more costly burden on the health services.
▪ The fact is no government can meet the insatiable demand for ever more sophisticated medical technology by an ageing population.
▪ The majority of holdings in the uplands of Great Britain are farmed by owner-occupiers with an ageing population of farmers.
▪ Unlike Britain, the black population in the United States is as indigenous as the white.
▪ Between 1940 and 1960 the black population of Watts increased eightfold.
▪ Even as the black population ballooned, whites kept control of the City Council.
▪ Faced with the problems of waging war against the Union, they had the additional task of controlling a large black population.
▪ As with other areas, global comparisons between black and white populations hide differences within the black population.
▪ There are also clear differences within the black population.
▪ By singling out the black population for a special history month makes all other races feel slighted.
▪ But it was not solely the irregular Hutu extremist forces and the Mayi-Mayi that persecuted the civilian population.
▪ These organizations employed about 10 percent of the civilian working population of the United States.
▪ Even more so, the detailed provisions on protection of the civilian population restate, build upon and extend previous formulations.
▪ There you have the original civilian population of cyberspace.
▪ We had to withdraw into the hills, taking the civilian population with us.
▪ Besides, war nowadays is waged by virtually invulnerable professionals against extremely vulnerable civilian populations.
▪ Many Church leaders criticized the military for its attacks on civilian populations.
▪ As Table 5.3 shows there is a diversity between studies in the age taken as defining the elderly population.
▪ Current projections anticipate: Between 1991 and 2001 the 75+ age group will grow from 44% to 48% of the elderly population.
▪ The institutional population, as Chapter 2 illustrated, is a very elderly population.
▪ Yet the problems of rehabilitating the largely elderly resident hospital populations remained unsolved.
▪ These and other factors combined to give the elderly population a new and high profile in post-war public debate and social research.
▪ They were to retain a commitment to sessional work at Powick, with the elderly population, under the reformed system.
▪ Many discussions of the elderly population include women of 60+.
▪ So, too, was the entire population of Théovard-sur-Mer.
▪ For programs affecting the health and safety of the entire population a single average value serves well.
▪ The entire population had starved to death.
▪ It would require testing of the entire population which is unnecessary, unmanageable and costly.
▪ Lack of control over these had led to health hazards for the entire population, rich and poor.
▪ Should the United States enact some health plan that covers the entire population?
▪ But the danger is still there as long as there are enough weapons to kill the entire population of the world many times over.
▪ The current tuberculosis epidemic, which threatens the entire population with antibiotic-resistant strains, is the result of one such foolish cutback.
▪ Higher percentages of the elderly than of the general adult population live in accommodation built before 1919 that is often poorly maintained.
▪ For the general population, beta carotene is not a magic bullet.
▪ The applicability of such data derived from uranium miners to the general population is central to the radon issue.
▪ The basic education level of the general population has risen dramatically in recent decades.
▪ A total of 1272 men from the general population and 2099 retired coal miners aged 50-75 years took part in the study.
▪ It is believed that up to 20 percent of the general population has this condition.
▪ As a whole group they are in relative or absolute poverty, in contrast to the general adult population of working age.
▪ Sure, there are people using illegal substances in the Olympics, just as there are those among the general population.
▪ The heterogeneity of proliferative patterns found within the high risk population used for this study is not surprising.
▪ No amount of inside organization or outside aid can overwhelm a high population growth rate.
▪ Counties with low population density have sparse shading while counties with high population density have dark shading.
▪ It was passed before the four Republican governors whose states have the highest immigrant population had arrived for the meeting.
▪ Forest Gate in particular had a high population of clerical and professional workers.
▪ The social factors are also similar, including high rural populations, small landholdings and limited opportunities for alternative occupations.
▪ El Salvador has suffered from one of the highest rates of population growth in the under-developed world.
▪ There are barriers to a free movement of people from areas of high to low population pressure.
▪ One-third of the world's human population lives on land that is liable to be inundated if the seas rise.
▪ Such belief will spread rapidly throughout human populations.
▪ Outline the problems met with in designing a model to simulate changes in the size and structure of a human population.
▪ The social structures for coping with human population collapse are nearly nil.
▪ That is to say, within 100 years the human population will have quadrupled.
▪ Trichloroethene, a probable human carcinogen, can cause liver damage and genetic mutations in both human and animal populations.
▪ It is often seen in nature, but becomes much more obvious when natural hazards are removed in captive and human populations.
▪ The Colorado beetle spreads over a potato crop and a human population starves.
▪ A particularly important element of his study relates to the indigenous population of the region, who have land rights.
▪ These more remote areas are also those with the highest percentages of indigenous population.
▪ This island will be the scene of many official celebrations in October 1992: its indigenous population was wiped out long ago.
▪ The indigenous population decreased in alarming proportions.
▪ This is not catering for the indigenous population of Ayrshire and Arran.
▪ The indigenous population seemed very friendly.
▪ This system prevailed over a colony whose territorial boundaries were not determined by the pre-colonial boundaries recognised by the indigenous populations.
▪ In fact, the indigenous population probably had more influence than most historians believe.
▪ Effective though such techniques may be when goat numbers are low, they make little impact on a large population.
▪ Faced with the problems of waging war against the Union, they had the additional task of controlling a large black population.
▪ As people lived longer and the death rate fell. a larger population was able to persist.
▪ Besides proximity to a large population of consumers, the other advantage of the new store is greater efficiency.
▪ Thus, improved health in poor societies can lead to larger population, greater poverty, and eventually deterioration in health.
▪ To offer only one alternative, total abstention, is to exclude a large population in need of services.
▪ The hazel coppices are particularly favoured by the large Sussex Nightingale population.
▪ The idea is to gather data from a subset that reflects the most interesting characteristics of the larger population.
▪ In the 1800s most fishermen were after whales, until their coastal net fishery wiped out local populations.
▪ The Grand Army had problems enough without alienating the local population.
▪ The local bird population will appreciate them too.
▪ These transient colonialists dictated their needs, and the local populations in general complied.
▪ Surprisingly, he could not find out from local sources the population, size or exact borders of the country.
▪ Was there a change of mood, an ideological change of heart amongst the local population?
▪ Recipients of good schemes had access to local community facilities available to the local population at large.
▪ Watchful conservationists will make sure that baiters who've decimated the local badger population won't get their hands on these as well.
▪ Nevertheless, Sapaudia was divided up between the Burgundians and the native population.
▪ The native population was either driven back or dominated.
▪ By 1640, 100,000 planters had arrived in Ireland when the native population numbered only one million inhabitants.
▪ In other words, the very same trucks that have terrorized their native population for decades.
▪ Early colonists ravaged native populations with syphilis and typhoid.
▪ Reckless economic development and rapid population growth threaten the world's fragile environment.
▪ Life in Cairo often manages to work even under the oppressive condi-tions of poverty and rapid population growth.
▪ Congestion and land hunger were particularly acute in Lewis, because of the rapid population increase.
▪ But with rapid population growth, all the negative effects of poverty and ill-conceived government policies are magnified.
▪ They partly justified this by an eye upon the too rapid growth of population in some countries.
▪ The supply of food has been affected by rapid population growth as well.
▪ By 1951 rural population was on the increase, a trend that has continued throughout the postwar period.
▪ Unemployment among the rural and urban population is on the upswing.
▪ The danger is that current rural housing policies will produce a polarization of the rural population.
▪ Even the smallest county town could become the Mecca of the surplus rural population.
▪ With rising rural population and the end of the cereal boom, farm wages away from industrial areas simply stagnated.
▪ Parts of the land area have more specific handicaps and are characterised by having a declining rural population.
▪ The rural population had declined from 38 percent in 1979 to 34 percent.
▪ The ever-increasing flow of scientific and technological advances is of little significance to a rural population living at or below subsistence level.
▪ Gene loss might then be very small and the population will soon reach sustainable levels, or explode.
▪ In recent years there have been reports of a small remnant population in New Brunswick.
▪ Their world was small and their population large.
▪ Most studies have investigated senile dementia in relatively small populations.
▪ Obviously, the smaller the identified population the more manageable such a proposal would be.
▪ So, to minimise the chances of this, smaller populations require larger sampling ratios.
▪ With a smaller population than London, New York City has a considerably larger police force.
▪ Discussion Our screening programme covered 0.77% of the total population of Tayside.
▪ In 1986, people older than 65 made up 14 percent of the total population.
▪ The Moguls can have made very little impression on the total population however.
▪ Nationally, illegal immigrants compose 1. 9 percent of the total population.
▪ Aboriginal women in that age group have death rates around nine times those of the total female population.
▪ The number found breeding successfully in any year is small compared to the total population, for example only 20-25 pairs in 1971.
▪ In 1977, 24 million households, with a total population of 114 million, each had less than 0.4 hectares of land.
▪ First, fluoridation will raise the average steady state or plateau level of ionic fluoride in the blood throughout the total population.
▪ The apparent increasing prevalence of depression and mental-health disorders in ageing and socially fragmented urban populations.
▪ But many others in fast-lane urban populations seemed to grow more jaded and extreme as they grew older.
▪ Between 1850 and 1914 population doubled, urban population tripled and national income more than tripled.
▪ The rapidly increasing urban population has placed an impossible strain on the provision of housing.
▪ With the urban population growing towards 320 million by the year 2000, social and political tensions are likely to increase.
▪ We recommend immediate large-scale immunisation of the urban population, as well as tightened surveillance and appropriate vector control.
▪ Surveys in the 1970s showed that 40 percent of Britain's urban population suffered from traffic-induced noise.
▪ The beat was the site where police control of the urban population was felt most acutely.
▪ The conference is seen by some as part of a continuing campaign of racial denigration against the country's white population.
▪ The white population around the borders of the reservation was growing and expanding.
▪ Only in the homogeneous white population of the United Provinces of the River Plate did independence seem secure.
▪ Numerous programs for increasing the white population were debated in the colonial assembly, but no resolution was adopted.
▪ Their policies drew little disapproval from sports authorities or the rest of the white population.
▪ Just over 81 percent of all minimum wage workers are white in a population that is 84 percent white overall.
▪ On the one hand, the white population needs them to work while, on the other, their presence is resented.
▪ As their baseline constituents, the blue-collar and middle-class white populations, migrated to the suburbs, long-standing political alignments dissolved.
▪ It provides a reasonably equitable and comprehensive service to the whole population at remarkably small cost.
▪ Combat had created a whole new population of patients.
▪ Though the whole population remained the focus of interest, sampling techniques enabled it to be studied economically.
▪ When the whole population of New York was, oh hell, under 2 million.
▪ It is therefore a full survey conducted on the whole population.
▪ The whole population of the town seemed to be on the move.
▪ S., distributing a $ 10, 000, 000 gift to the whole population?
▪ The rate of growth of total working population fell to zero by the mid 1960s.
▪ One in seven of the working population is unemployed: 3¼ million people.
▪ The picture of the working population of West Ham emerging from these data is one dominated by unskilled male manual workers.
▪ They now cover 35 percent. of the working population and are carefully targeted on the areas most in need.
▪ The town has a working population of around 700, so the closures will put one in ten on the dole.
▪ It was also attributable to the increasing demands and expectations of the newly enfranchised working population.
▪ Lothian is also a well defined employment centre with nearly 92 percent of its working population employed within its boundary.
▪ The prize, however, was that the whole working population would have a pension of their own.
▪ Such stories reinforce stock images of a regime that imposes population control by force.
▪ In other areas, however, corruption has weakened population controls.
▪ The same principle has been effective in the case of population control.
▪ But sterilisation is the ultimate means of ensuring effective population control.
▪ For instance, population control, which neither involved women nor took their point of view into consideration, had failed utterly.
▪ Welcomes, with some reservations, the introduction of the Black Death as a vital measure of population control.
▪ If the Greens ever form a government, they should use him in the commercials advocating population control.
▪ For this reason, an increase in population density often precipitates a round of emigration.
▪ In some individual neighborhoods, the population density is three times greater than in the infamous slums of Calcutta or Jakarta.
▪ Average population densities doubled between 1900 and 1960.
▪ He suggested that the main cause of social differentiation was the increase in population density.
▪ Presumably there are factors that control the size, and they depend on the population density.
▪ Where there is a high population density and a rapid population turnover, the church must achieve visibility.
▪ Rural population densities are of prime importance in modifying the implications of the different relations of production under which land is used.
▪ This gave an average population density of over 1600 inhabitants per square mile in 1981.
▪ Pressures on carers will increase as Britain faces a population explosion among the most vulnerable elderly people.
▪ It could be a major factor is reversing the deadly momentum of the population explosion.
▪ He cites in support of this the population explosion.
▪ Mention procreation, and they talk about the population explosion.
▪ Pettitt sees urban services in particular offering vast scope for expansion as city fathers wake up to the dangers from the car population explosion.
▪ As the summer reaches its peak, there will be a population explosion of butterflies.
▪ But nomatterhow hard they are worked the population explosion continues.
▪ They say a pest control campaign is needed to stop a squirrel population explosion.
▪ Even before the birth of the world's six billionth inhabitant in 1999, demographers had marked the deceleration of population growth.
▪ According to modernisation theory, the urban centre is the locus of population growth, mobility and integration.
▪ As these areas were destroyed or reduced over the years by development and population growth, the owl populations went with it.
▪ There is a more significant difference, however, in population growth.
▪ Understanding of population growth in relation to the level of agricultural production facilitates future food planning and management.
▪ The problem for the future is the need to keep pace with mushrooming global population growth.
▪ The irony is that population growth itself eats away at development potential.
▪ Within such a discourse national intellectuals need not see themselves as attempting to impose their own culture orientations upon a majority population.
▪ The backlash within the majority population took a different path.
▪ The main reason for the huge prison population is the fashion for severe and mandatory sentencing.
▪ Financially, the programme depends on savings gained from reducing the prison population.
▪ Unfortunately however, such a policy would also have the effect of increasing the already excessive prison population by an enormous extent.
▪ This constituted 22 percent of the total prison population.
▪ This reduced the prison population by over 3,000, and without it the figure would have been 53,000.
▪ An estimated 8,500 other prisoners - most of the remaining prison population - also benefited from reductions in their prison terms.
▪ Furthermore, expanding prison populations have crippling consequences for prison regimes.
▪ The total world population was put at 190 at the last count.
▪ On the one hand, a growing, needy world population eliminates nature day by day.
▪ The year 1994 is the latest year for which reasonably comprehensive data on world population are available.
▪ Surely then, until Third World populations decline through national programmes of family planning, population pressure will cause hunger and shortages.
▪ Pedro, like the rest of the working world population, was somewhat underemployment.
▪ If percapita consumption remained static, an increased world population would still need 40 percent more energy by 2025.
▪ At the same time, health and welfare services will have to expand for a growing and aging population.
▪ The growing population needs more roads, wooden shacks and outhouses.
▪ We needed all our land to accommodate our growing population.
▪ As a result, many were lulled into thinking that the world can accommodate an infinitely growing population.
▪ But at first the cities simply increased in number, grew in population and became more densely packed.
▪ On the one hand, a growing, needy world population eliminates nature day by day.
▪ The areas around London grew in population throughout the inter-war period.
▪ Likewise, growing population placed increasing demands on electric generation and water treatment facilities.
▪ Numerous programs for increasing the white population were debated in the colonial assembly, but no resolution was adopted.
▪ The rapidly increasing urban population has placed an impossible strain on the provision of housing.
▪ This is more likely if increasing wealth is matched by increasing population and increasing density of population.
▪ Such costs increase as the population size increases.
▪ By analogy, shows the marginal percapita crowding costs, i.e. the amount by which crowding costs increase as the population increases.
▪ Yet a rapidly increasing population has prevented this growth from raising per capita income as much as might be hoped.
centre of population/urban centre
native New Yorker/population/inhabitants etc
▪ Although he was a native New Yorker, like many denizens of that city he had a romantic view of country life.
the mass of people/the population/workers etc
▪ For the mass of the population, indeed, the shift of interest arguably went in the other direction.
▪ Such feelings developed very much within the context of the lived experience of the mass of the population.
the population/public/society/world etc at large
▪ Equally important is how a baby communicates back to caregivers and the world at large.
▪ How then did this concept originate, and why has it received such currency among specialists and the public at large?
▪ However, in spite of that, the availability both here and in Britain should be known to the public at large.
▪ I came and looked around and felt this campus is no different than the society at large.
▪ In some societies the boy-preferring habit seems to have spread from elites to the society at large.
▪ The rise of the Internet has taken that idea from offices to the world at large.
▪ They chattered on among themselves, oblivious to the world at large, lovingly cared for in this cozy place.
▪ 30% of the male population suffers from heart disease.
▪ A large portion of the population lives in poverty.
▪ Austria has a population of 7.5 million.
▪ In 1966 the population of Lima was about two million.
▪ In Ghana 46% of the population is under 16 years of age.
▪ In many Western European countries the population is no longer increasing.
▪ In our study, significantly more miners complained of weight loss than the general population.
▪ Most of the population of Canada lives relatively near the U.S. border.
▪ New Jersey has a population of around 7.6 million.
▪ Ninety percent of the adult population is literate.
▪ The population of Germany is about 80 million.
▪ The population of Singapore is almost 3 million.
▪ The country's Jewish population was angered by the prime minister's remarks.
▪ The patients have been isolated to keep the disease from spreading to the rest of the population.
▪ The U.S. has a rate of population growth that is five times that of Europe.
▪ What is the population of Montana?
▪ But most of this growing population is poor and marginalised, even before disaster strikes.
▪ City officials are wary of population loss to suburbs and point with pride to the overall population gain that has accompanied annexation.
▪ In those countries where indigenous women existed side by side with a late-arriving and dominant population, the indigenous women suffered disproportionately.
▪ More than 53 million people, about one-fifth of the population, live in those counties.
▪ Most of them have populations that are growing rapidly.
▪ The steppes support around 65 percent of the remaining worldwide bustard population.
▪ Ultimately the regional problem and the changing geography of population and industrial distribution gave the subject field a dramatically widened remit.