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Population dynamics

Population dynamics is the branch of life sciences that studies the size and age composition of populations as dynamic systems, and the biological and environmental processes driving them (such as birth and death rates, and by immigration and emigration). Example scenarios are ageing populations, population growth, or population decline.

Usage examples of "population dynamics".

And neither, it seems, do his ideological descendants today, who apply results taken from the population dynamics of animals, who consume resources and create nothing, to humans.

Vaddo had already made available to Hari the vast stores of data on pan movements, population dynamics, and behaviors.

The results would provide valuable information about population dynamics.

This could dramatically shift the population dynamics in a relatively short time.

Father some kind of scientist, mother an expert on population dynamics.

Music, gardening, and station bio-recycling techniques led to discussion of quaddie population dynamics and the methods—.

Music, gardening, and station bio-recycling techniques led to discussion of quaddie population dynamics and the methods -- technical, economic, and political -- for seeding new habitats in the growing necklace along the asteroid belt.