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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
polo shirt
▪ During her absence Nathan had showered and changed into fawn trousers and a pale blue polo shirt.
▪ Gary wears regulation Levi 501 jeans and a Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
▪ He was wearing a blue blazer and a white polo shirt.
▪ Or buy a tailored polo shirt that fits?
▪ Right Long-sleeve polo shirt, £16.99; trousers, fencer's own.
▪ The swine looked even more attractive than ever in a black open-necked polo shirt and black jeans.
▪ Wearing her navy shorts and a jade-green polo shirt, she felt cool and fresh.
polo shirt

n. A casual top with buttons and a protruding collar.

polo shirt

n. a shirt with short sleeves designed for comfort and casual wear [syn: sport shirt]

Polo shirt

A polo shirt, also known as a golf shirt and tennis shirt, is a form of shirt with a collar, a placket with typically two or three buttons, and an optional pocket.

All three terms may be used interchangeably. Polo shirts are usually made of knitted cloth (rather than woven cloth), usually piqué cotton or, less commonly, interlock cotton, silk, merino wool, or synthetic fibers. A dress-length version of the shirt is called a polo dress.

Usage examples of "polo shirt".

He'd kept on his brown boots and white breeches which the game had hardly marked, so that everyone should know he was a polo player, but had changed into a clean blue Safus polo shirt.

He went to the dressing room and quickly pulled on khaki trousers, a polo shirt, and a tweed jacket.

A white polo shirt, with a tweed jacket complete with leather elbow patches, as if she'd read the dress code for college professors and was trying to conform.

She wore tan Docker pants, A white polo shirt, with a tweed jacket complete with leather elbow patches, as if she'd read the dress code for college professors and was trying to conform.

I was wearing dark blue jeans, a navy blue polo shirt, white jogging socks, and in black Nikes.

He went to the wardrobe, took out a red polo shirt, a pair of khaki pants, a cotton blazer, and Sullivan's boots.

He was wearing a polo shirt, khaki trousers, and a battered pair of Western boots.

When he returns, in wrinkled blue jeans and a polo shirt, he is accompanied by a stunning black-haired woman whom I recognize as Miriam, the orthopedic surgeon.

Kathy put on jeans and a polo shirt, opened a can of beer and made herself a tunafish sandwich.

The captain, a good-looking guy of about thirty with blond hair, dressed very casually in washed soft khaki pants and a polo shirt, had introduced him to the owner and to the other member of the crew, who looked like a younger version of the captain.

He dressed in midnight-blue linen slacks and a cream-colored Ralph Lauren polo shirt.

He was clad in a purple Ralph Lauren cotton polo shirt, a pair of old, smeared white ducks, and scarred Top-Siders without socks.

A girl in shorts and a green polo shirt was shooting craps on the floor with a man in dinner clothes.

The pictures were of the family having fun about the house, and some of an older guy in a white polo shirt, holding hands with Luz on the porch.

The man was maybe five-eight, but the orange polo shirt he wore strained over his chest.