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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an election promise/pledge (=one that is made while a person or party is trying to be elected)
▪ The government has broken all its election promises.
pledge/offer (your) support (=say that you will support someone or something)
▪ Both the opposition parties pledged full support for the new administration.
pledge/promise assistance
▪ A group of donors led by the World Bank promised assistance to the value of US$508,000,000.
swear/pledge allegiance
▪ I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
swear/pledge loyalty (=promise that you will be loyal)
▪ The president's assistants swore their loyalty to him.
▪ To keep campaign pledges to make education his top priority, Clinton wants two new middle-class tax breaks for college tuition.
▪ Nothenberg will help Brown try to fix Muni, a key campaign pledge.
▪ Christie Todd Whitman had kept her campaign pledge to slash taxes.
▪ His proposal fulfilled a 1992 campaign pledge to provide a middle-class tax cut.
▪ The dramatic move - effectively devaluing our currency - exposed the Prime Minister's general election pledges of economic recovery as worthless.
▪ Some studies of specific election pledges and their fulfilment by governments have already been made.
▪ They had carefully avoided any election pledge to dismantle the structure of New Deal and Fair Deal programmes.
▪ Even the newly converted Battling Billy broke the pledge that day.
▪ When he broke that pledge, his political goose was cooked.
▪ And environment group Friends of the Earth accused the government of breaking a pledge to help more people.
▪ We shall fulfil the pledge given by the Prime Minister in 1987 and abrogated every year since then.
▪ His proposal fulfilled a 1992 campaign pledge to provide a middle-class tax cut.
▪ It is about time chairmen and administrators started to listen to the managers and worked on fulfilling the pledge.
▪ He said he had promised the nation an election then and would fulfil the pledge using all constitutional means.
▪ Downing Street announced that the Prime Minister intended to fulfil his longstanding pledge.
▪ Jones subsequently denied, however, that he had given any pledge of support to Braithwaite.
▪ But I give you this pledge.
▪ The Labour party has already given that pledge on behalf of a future Labour Government.
▪ Will the right hon. Gentleman publicly give that pledge?
▪ This arrangement could be extended to any group in the health service prepared to give a similar pledge.
▪ Shas has not even given a clear pledge to support the prime minister in peace talks.
▪ The Bishop says John Major should honour his pledge to raise the level of aid.
▪ Perhaps the time is coming when they will have to honour that pledge.
▪ Instead he should press Kennedy to honour Eisenhower's unwritten pledge to provide Polaris as an alternative to Skybolt.
▪ They have been undermined by the failure of governments to honour pledges to provide personnel and funds.
▪ She warned that not keeping those pledges could cause tremendous anger.
▪ To keep campaign pledges to make education his top priority, Clinton wants two new middle-class tax breaks for college tuition.
▪ Christie Todd Whitman had kept her campaign pledge to slash taxes.
▪ But they prepare people to be approached personally, and they created pressure on the volunteers to keep their pledge.
▪ You hope he keeps his pledge to stay in school another year to work on his skills.
▪ Chairman Sir John Hall made that pledge yesterday and the deal could be worth £1 million to Keegan.
▪ Rosenbloom is not asked to make any such pledge.
▪ Local boys Hong Kong made good their pledge to bring home the bacon for retiring coach Jim Rowark.
▪ One of the organisations has made a pledge of £25,000 to the appeal.
▪ It failed to redeem the pledge, and now says it is no longer bound by the deal.
▪ A year ago, he might even have considered signing the pledge and going to bed at six.
▪ He signed the pledge, and he and Dorothy were married on August 10, 1937.
▪ Landlords in Oxford are signing the drinkwise pledge.
▪ Gandhi was happy when six hundred men and women in Bombay signed the Satyagraha pledge.
▪ There is indeed something vaguely McCarthyite about demanding every candidate sign a pledge lest they be denounced.
▪ For example, it has persuaded 4, 500 supermarkets to sign a pledge endorsing farm workers rights.
▪ By September 1939, 130,000 people had signed the pledge.
▪ The group announced an advertising campaign to bring public pressure on lawmakers to sign the pledge.
fulfil a promise/pledge etc
▪ Instead, people earn both through a reinforcing cycle of making and fulfilling promises.
▪ Pity he didn't fulfil a promise he made to Darlington Business Venture when he came up last November.
▪ Young said he had fulfilled a promise he made when taking the helm in 1969&.
redeem a promise/pledge
▪ The coup leaders have ignored their pledges to hold democratic elections.
▪ The Government has fulfilled at least 50% of its election pledges.
▪ We have received pledges of help from various organizations.
▪ All 43 Texas Cowboys and pledges who were at the initiation picnic in Bastrop County tell strikingly similar stories about that night.
▪ He said he hopes Clinton will follow through on his pledge to restore aid to legal immigrants in later legislation.
▪ Insured bonds carry a pledge from a private backer to pay interest and principal on the bonds if the issuer defaults.
▪ Reminiscing about events that are now more than 50 years old, Dole said he could still remember being a pledge trainer.
▪ Some studies of specific election pledges and their fulfilment by governments have already been made.
▪ Therefore they do not apply to pledges.
▪ Today, at Shiv Shakti, a health post is being opened; a pledge that the people intend to stay here.
▪ One local authority's already pledged ten thousand pounds towards the study.
▪ But giant telecommunications firms that have already pledged tens of billions for highway construction favor a less regulated market.
▪ He also pledged that Midland did not intend to end free banking for personal customers in credit by introducing new charges.
▪ Netscape Communications also pledged its support for the new operating system.
▪ He is also pledging his private jet and everything else his family owns.
▪ Lang has also pledged himself to an increased emphasis on the teaching of art history at secondary school and college level.
▪ It has also pledged a further £15,000.
▪ The Agency has also pledged to triple the number of cleanups of contaminated sites conducted under the Superfund programme by 1993.
▪ The Co-op pledged yesterday that it has no plans to re-introduce charges.
▪ On the following day he apologized for his actions and pledged his allegiance to the government.
▪ With his hand on his heart and tears spilling down his cheeks, Charles Prince pledged his allegiance to the flag.
▪ When he is sworn into office he will have to pledge his allegiance to the republican constitution.
▪ When my friends or classmates pledged allegiance to the flag, I remained seated and silent.
▪ Only those who pledged allegiance to the musicians' brilliance, mesmerized by daredevil improvisations, were welcome.
▪ He doubted whether the company would pledge sufficient commitment to fulfill the promise of HyperCard.
▪ It pledges their support for efforts to protect the Stockton Darlington Railway Line.
▪ Who can trust such a Government when they pledge to improve the working of the economy?
▪ Shares in the company had rallied after the government pledged to sell it to private industry before the end of October.
▪ After a 12 percent cut this year, the government had pledged to make a further 15 percent cut next year.
▪ The U.S. government has pledged about $ 9 million to help the victims.
▪ The Government stopped it and pledged to save the mountain.
▪ On Nov. 7 he named his government and pledged to rebuild the country's economy.
▪ He said that the Government had only pledged itself to employ the successful barracks architects, but not the Government Offices architects.
▪ The government pledged to provide at least half of the money, and industry is expected to come up with the rest.
▪ The town remained prosperous and pledged its loyalty to its new owner in a rebellion against the Lancastrian government in 1452.
▪ Then he pledged loyalty to Frick and to his leadership.
▪ The U.S. government has pledged about $ 9 million to help the victims.
▪ To help attract the firm, the City Council pledged $ 1 million over four years.
▪ Yannis Papantoniou, the economy minister, has pledged to speed long-awaited structural reforms.
▪ Is it not short-sighted for both Opposition parties to be pledged to the abolition of this scheme?
▪ The Labour Party has pledged that, if elected, it will introduce credit controls as an alternative to high interest rates.
▪ By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who pledged to outlaw abortion altogether had been elected.
▪ He has pledged to increase support by 10 percent above the rate of inflation for the next three years.
▪ It pledges their support for efforts to protect the Stockton Darlington Railway Line.
▪ Netscape Communications also pledged its support for the new operating system.
▪ Having pledged its support for the environment and the poor, there is mounting pressure for it to institutionalize some safeguards.
▪ Call 623-1000 to pledge your support or get more information.
▪ More than 400 Wensleydale Smokebusters have pledged to help support some one wanting to give up cigarettes.
▪ The Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was helpful toward that end and pledged monetary support.
▪ One week earlier he had pledged $ 8 billion for drug control.
▪ Britain has pledged £1.3 million to the UN for refugee work.
▪ Many rock stars have pledged to support the campaign to save the rainforests.
▪ Moore has pledged $100,000 to the symphony.
▪ Should new citizens of Canada pledge allegiance to the queen of Great Britain?
▪ The government has pledged £500,000 worth of aid to the drought- stricken area.
▪ The U.S. has pledged aid to the country.
▪ And he pledged that the hospital will be only one facet of a much wider menu of mental health programs.
▪ He recalls Joe Scott blaming the problems on an improperly updated computer system, and pledging to make corrections.
▪ Later Tesco pledged to replace the trees at Golden Hill, Bristol.
▪ Our switchboard was flooded with calls and thousands bombarded our appeal hotline to pledge donations.
▪ President Clinton supports most of the bill, but has pledged to veto it if the education amendment is included.
▪ Rakhmanov immediately pledged to end the fighting.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pledge \Pledge\, n. [OF. plege, pleige, pledge, guaranty, LL. plegium, plivium; akin to OF. plevir to bail, guaranty, perhaps fr. L. praebere to proffer, offer (sc. fidem a trust, a promise of security), but cf. also E. play. [root]28. Cf. Prebend, Replevin.]

  1. (Law) The transfer of possession of personal property from a debtor to a creditor as security for a debt or engagement; also, the contract created between the debtor and creditor by a thing being so delivered or deposited, forming a species of bailment; also, that which is so delivered or deposited; something put in pawn.

    Note: Pledge is ordinarily confined to personal property; the title or ownership does not pass by it; possession is essential to it. In all these points it differs from a mortgage [see Mortgage]; and in the last, from the hypotheca of the Roman law. See Hypotheca.
    --Story. Kent.

  2. (Old Eng. Law) A person who undertook, or became responsible, for another; a bail; a surety; a hostage. ``I am Grumio's pledge.''

  3. A hypothecation without transfer of possession.

  4. Anything given or considered as a security for the performance of an act; a guarantee; as, mutual interest is the best pledge for the performance of treaties. ``That voice, their liveliest pledge of hope.''

  5. A promise or agreement by which one binds one's self to do, or to refrain from doing, something; especially, a solemn promise in writing to refrain from using intoxicating liquors or the like; as, to sign the pledge; the mayor had made no pledges.

  6. A sentiment to which assent is given by drinking one's health; a toast; a health.

    Dead pledge. [A translation of LL. mortuum vadium.] (Law) A mortgage. See Mortgage.

    Living pledge. [A translation of LL. vivum vadium.] (Law) The conveyance of an estate to another for money borrowed, to be held by him until the debt is paid out of the rents and profits.

    To hold in pledge, to keep as security.

    To put in pledge, to pawn; to give as security.

    Syn: See Earnest.


Pledge \Pledge\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pledged; p. pr. & vb. n. Pledging.] [Cf. OF. pleiger to give security. See Pledge, n.]

  1. To deposit, as a chattel, in pledge or pawn; to leave in possession of another as security; as, to pledge one's watch.

  2. To give or pass as a security; to guarantee; to engage; to plight; as, to pledge one's word and honor.

    We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
    --The Declaration of Independence.

  3. To secure performance of, as by a pledge. [Obs.]

    To pledge my vow, I give my hand.

  4. To bind or engage by promise or declaration; to engage solemnly; as, to pledge one's self.

  5. To invite another to drink, by drinking of the cup first, and then handing it to him, as a pledge of good will; hence, to drink the health of; to toast.

    Pledge me, my friend, and drink till thou be'st wise.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1400, "to promise" (something to someone), "to give over as security for repayment," also "promise faith to," from pledge (n.) and from Old French plegier, from plege (n.). From mid-15c. as "to stand surety for, be responsible for;" late 15c. as "to mortgage." Meaning "put (someone) under oath" is from 1570s; sense of "to solemnly promise or guarantee" is from 1590s, as is sense "to drink a toast." Related: Pledged; pledging.


mid-14c., "surety, bail," from Old French plege (Modern French pleige) "hostage, security, bail," probably from Frankish *plegan "to guarantee," from *pleg-, a West Germanic root meaning "have responsibility for" (cognates: Old Saxon plegan "vouch for," Middle Dutch plien "to answer for, guarantee," Old High German pflegan "to care for, be accustomed to," Old English pleon "to risk the loss of, expose to danger;" see plight (v.)).\n

\nMeaning "allegiance vow attested by drinking with another" is from 1630s. Sense of "solemn promise" first recorded 1814, though this notion is from 16c. in the verb. Weekley notes the "curious contradiction" in pledge (v.) "to toast with a drink" (1540s) and pledge (n.) "the vow to abstain from drinking" (1833). Meaning "student who has agreed to join a fraternity or sorority" dates from 1901.


n. 1 A solemn promise to do something. 2 Something given by a person who is borrowing money etc to the person he has borrowed it from, to be kept until the money etc is returned. 3 A person who has taken a pledge of allegiance to a college fraternity, but not yet formally approved. 4 A security to guarantee payment of a debt. 5 A drinking toast. 6 {{context|with (l en the)|lang=en}} A promise to abstain from drinking alcohol. vb. 1 To make a solemn promise (to do something). 2 To deposit something as a security; to pawn. 3 (context transitive English) To give assurance of friendship by the act of drinking; to drink to one's health.

  1. n. a deposit of personal property as security for a debt; "his saxophone was in pledge"

  2. someone accepted for membership but not yet fully admitted to the group

  3. a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event [syn: toast]

  4. a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something; "an assurance of help when needed"; "signed a pledge never to reveal the secret" [syn: assurance]

  1. v. promise solemnly and formally; "I pledge that will honor my wife" [syn: plight]

  2. pay (an amount of money) as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals; "I pledged $10 a month to my favorite radio station" [syn: subscribe]

  3. propose a toast to; "Let us toast the birthday girl!"; "Let's drink to the New Year" [syn: toast, drink, salute, wassail]

  4. give as a guarantee; "I pledge my honor"

  5. bind or secure by a pledge; "I was pledged to silence"


Pledge may refer to:

Pledge (The Gazette song)

"Pledge" is a maxi-single featuring a winter ballad by the Japanese rock band The Gazette. It was released on December 15, 2010 in two editions; the "Optical Impression" edition, "Auditory Impression" edition. The first edition has two types, A and B. Type A includes two songs "Pledge" and "The True Murderous Intent", and a DVD containing the music video and making for the song "Pledge". Type B also includes two songs, and a DVD which contains three songs of their latest concert. The second edition comes with a bonus track "Voiceless Fear".

Pledge (brand)

Pledge is a cleaning product made by S. C. Johnson & Son. It is used to help dust and clean.

Pledge (law)

A pledge is a bailment that conveys possessory title to property owned by a debtor (the pledgor) to a creditor (the pledgee) to secure repayment for some debt or obligation and to the mutual benefit of both parties. The term is also used to denote the property which constitutes the security. A pledge is type of security interest.

Pledge is the pignus of Roman law, from which most of the modern European-based law on the subject is derived, but is generally a feature of even the most basic legal systems. It differs from hypothecation and from the more usual mortgage in that the pledge is in the possession of the pledgee. It is similar, however, in that all three can apply to personal and real property. A pledge of personal property is known as a pawn and that of real property is called an antichresis.

In earlier medieval law, especially in Germanic law, two types of pledge existed, being either possessory (cf. Old English wed, Old French gage, Old High German wetti, Latin pignus depositum), i.e. delivered from the outset, or non-possessory (cf. OE bād, OFr nam, nant, OHG pfant, L pignus oppositum), i.e. distrained on the maturity date, and the latter essentially gave rise to the legal principle of distraint. This distinction still remains in some systems, e.g. French gage vs. nantissement and Dutch vuistpand vs. stil pand. Token, symbolic reciprocal pledges were commonly incorporated into formal ceremonies as a way of solidifying agreements and other transactions.

The chief difference between Roman and English law is that certain things (e.g. apparel, furniture and instruments of tillage) could not be pledged in Roman law, while there is no such restriction in English law. In the case of a pledge, a special property passes to the pledgee, sufficient to enable him to maintain an action against a wrongdoer, but the general property, that is the property subject to the pledge, remains in the pledgor.

As the pledge is for the benefit of both parties, the pledgee is bound to exercise only ordinary care over the pledge. The pledgee has the right of selling the pledge if the pledgor make default in payment at the stipulated time. No right is acquired by the wrongful sale of a pledge except in the case of property passing by delivery, such as money or negotiable securities. In the case of a wrongful sale by a pledgee, the pledgor cannot recover the value of the pledge without a tender of the amount due.

The law of Scotland and the United States generally agrees with that of England as to pledges. The main difference is that in Scotland and in Louisiana a pledge cannot be sold unless with judicial authority. In some of the U.S. states the common law as it existed apart from the Factors Acts is still followed; in others the factor has more or less restricted power to give a title by pledge.

Pledge (album)

Pledge (stylized PL3DGE) is the fourth studio album by American hip hop recording artist Killer Mike, released on May 17, 2011, through SMC Recordings, Grind Time Official, Tree Leaf Records and Grand Hustle Records. The album's production was handled by Tha Bizness, No I.D., Flying Lotus, The Beat Bullies, DJ Speedy, Raz of the Beat Billionaires and Grind Time label-mates Smiff & Cash. The album, which is his third in the I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind series, was supported by the lead single "Ready Set Go", featuring Grand Hustle label-boss and fellow American rapper T.I..

Usage examples of "pledge".

Her life was forfeited to revenge, and even to justice: but the patriarch obtained and pledged an oath for her safety: a monastery was allotted for her prison, and the widow of Maurice accepted and abused the lenity of his assassin.

To avoid attributing a breach of solemn pledges, it must be supposed that Virginia was considered as out of the Union, and a public enemy, in whose borders it was proper to destroy whatever might be useful to her of the common property of the States lately united.

But in addition to the usual causesnew band uniforms and computers for the public library and funds for the Legion Auxiliary summer beautification project-every game, every booth, was pledging money to the effort to find Josh.

Bardel acknowledged the applause, hung the great hydrophane amulet around his own sweaty neck, pledged packtrains of Lyrian wine as gifts for Moess and Shandor.

If ye will pledge us that, we will deliver ye forthwith to our mistress, Maire of the Moors.

But when she saw that I could talk and smile as usual, she was unsparing in her attempts to coax from me a pledge that I would never again peril life or limb to gratify my curiosity regarding the very few pursuits in which, for the highest remuneration, Martialists can be induced to incur the probability of injury and the chance of that death they so abjectly dread.

On this occasion Pitt was mortified by the opposition of his friend Wilberforce, who objected that the obvious tendency of the address was to pledge the house to a prosecution of the war till there should be a counter revolution in France.

The binder had different little informal and action photos from the waiting-room walls, and offprints of clippings, and three rings for the packet of guidelines and Honor-Code pledges, all done up by Moore in a Gothic ital.

Nobody had promised to say masses for her soul if she made this disposition of her property, or pledged the word of the Church that she should have plenary absolution.

Flushing, the Brille, and Rammekins, as pledges for the money due to her.

And now that we have settled these matters, let us drink a last cup together in pledge of them, Ramose, of whom I purpose to make a viceroy in Kush or elsewhere, or perchance to send upon an embassy.

Dubois recieved thousands of signed pledges from scientists from every corner of the earth, which were promptly publicized the world over.

But not one of the specific reforms he pledged - The Prime Minister 137 the abolition of closure, the appointment of a permanent Speaker, the establishment of an independent commission to deal with the decennial redrawing of constituency boundaries, and Senate reform -was implemented.

There was much talk of truce, but neither clan would stop their reiving and killing without pledges.

The talk was fine and amiable, the ale flowed freely, and we spent the evening pledging and repledging our undying friendship to one another.