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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pargeting \Par"get*ing\, n. [Written also pargetting.] Plasterwork; esp.:

  1. A kind of decorative plasterwork in raised ornamental figures, formerly used for the internal and external decoration of houses.

  2. (In modern architecture), the plastering of the inside of flues, intended to give a smooth surface and help the draught.


Parget \Par"get\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pargeted; p. pr. & vb. n. Pargeting.] [OE. pargeten, also spargeten, sparchen; of uncertain origin.]

  1. To coat with parget; to plaster, as walls, or the interior of flues; as, to parget the outside of their houses.
    --Sir T. Herbert.

    The pargeted ceiling with pendants.
    --R. L. Stevenson.

  2. To paint; to cover over. [Obs.]

  1. n. plaster used to coat outer walls and line chimneys [syn: parget, pargetting]

  2. ornamental plasterwork [syn: pargetting, pargetry]

  3. ornamental plastering [syn: pargetting]


Pargeting (or sometimes pargetting) is a decorative or waterproofing plastering applied to building walls. The term, if not the practice, is particularly associated with the English counties of Suffolk and Essex. In the neighbouring county of Norfolk the term "pinking" is used.

Pargeting derives from the word 'parget', a Middle English term that is probably derived from the Old French pargeter or parjeter, to throw about, or porgeter, to roughcast a wall. (Source: Webster's Dictionary.) However, the term is more usually applied only to the decoration in relief of the plastering between the studwork on the outside of half- timber houses, or sometimes covering the whole wall.

The devices were stamped on the wet plaster. This seems generally to have been done by sticking a number of pins in a board in certain lines or curves, and then pressing on the wet plaster in various directions, so as to form geometrical figures. Sometimes these devices are in relief, and in the time of Elizabeth I of England represent figures, birds and foliage. Fine examples can be seen at Ipswich, Maidstone, Newark-on-Trent.

The term is also applied to the lining of the inside of smoke flues to form an even surface for the passage of the smoke.

Usage examples of "pargeting".

It was surprisingly close to the lodge, but well screened by trees and shrubs, a fair-sized house with fine pargeting and black and white timber cladding.

At first he had identified the style as medieval European, but he decided that it was more like Tudor when he started along the lane that professed to be the main street, for there he saw older structures, whose beams had turned black and pargeting white.