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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
geometric progression
▪ Serigne Mbaye Camara carves geometric forms and applies them to two-colour backgrounds.
▪ Apollinaire and Hourcade added that this conceptual or intellectual approach led naturally to a selection of simple geometric forms.
▪ The asymmetric deployment of forces can be used to change one geometric form into another.
▪ Two laser displays which create geometric patterns of pure light pulsate to the atmospheric music.
▪ The two substances differ from each other only in the geometric pattern with which the carbon atoms are packed.
▪ The repetition of many geometric patterns at Withington and Newton St. Loe is notable.
▪ It surely can not be thought coincidental that these precise geometric patterns have been set out in the Wiltshire countryside.
▪ So you can expect the geometric pattern lounge carpet to look sharp in years to come.
▪ Go for strong colours and simple geometric patterns.
▪ I was taken aback by the decor - vivid red, yellow and green geometric patterns screaming from every wall.
▪ I can see street lights ahead, and the geometric shapes of darkened houses.
▪ Then you can soften the geometric shapes a bit.
▪ Very commonly, people see static landscapes, moving faces or a sequence of pictures or geometric shapes.
▪ Experiment will reveal that any regular polygon needs similar adjustment to transform a geometric shape into a sensory image.
▪ Only at the front, where the door to the garden was, was its smooth, perfectly geometric shape broken.
▪ It consists of outlining hidden geometric shapes in larger complex figures.
▪ These vary from York stone and granite sett look-alikes to hexagonal and other geometric shapes.
▪ A perfect circle then forms within which a powerful geometric shape used in worship appears.
▪ A measured, geometric square, stood on edge, seems too tall.
▪ Experiment will reveal that any regular polygon needs similar adjustment to transform a geometric shape into a sensory image.
▪ I brought him some geometric abstractions -- he was not into abstraction anymore -- he was very helpful.
▪ Red brick dormitories and concrete buildings that rose like geometric blocks from a foundation of asphalt and cement.
▪ Roller blinds offer a good deal of scope through colour and fabric combinations, from floral patterns to bold geometric prints.
▪ The projection of triangles Projective geometry evolved out of the geometric perspective, beloved of Renaissance architects, engineers and painters.
▪ Then you can soften the geometric shapes a bit.
▪ Very commonly, people see static landscapes, moving faces or a sequence of pictures or geometric shapes.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Geometric \Ge`o*met"ric\, Geometrical \Ge`o*met"ric*al\, a. [L. geometricus; Gr. ?: cf. F. g['e]om['e]trique.]

  1. Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem.

  2. (Art) characterized by simple geometric forms in design and decoration; as, a buffalo hide painted with red and black geometrical designs.

    Syn: geometric.

    Note: Geometric is often used, as opposed to algebraic, to include processes or solutions in which the propositions or principles of geometry are made use of rather than those of algebr

    1. Note: Geometrical is often used in a limited or strictly technical sense, as opposed to mechanical; thus, a construction or solution is geometrical which can be made by ruler and compasses, i. e., by means of right lines and circles. Every construction or solution which requires any other curve, or such motion of a line or circle as would generate any other curve, is not geometrical, but mechanical. By another distinction, a geometrical solution is one obtained by the rules of geometry, or processes of analysis, and hence is exact; while a mechanical solution is one obtained by trial, by actual measurements, with instruments, etc., and is only approximate and empirical.

      Geometrical curve. Same as Algebraic curve; -- so called because their different points may be constructed by the operations of elementary geometry.

      Geometric lathe, an instrument for engraving bank notes, etc., with complicated patterns of interlacing lines; -- called also cycloidal engine.

      Geometrical pace, a measure of five feet.

      Geometric pen, an instrument for drawing geometric curves, in which the movements of a pen or pencil attached to a revolving arm of adjustable length may be indefinitely varied by changing the toothed wheels which give motion to the arm.

      Geometrical plane (Persp.), the same as Ground plane .

      Geometrical progression, proportion, ratio. See under Progression, Proportion and Ratio.

      Geometrical radius, in gearing, the radius of the pitch circle of a cogwheel.

      Geometric spider (Zo["o]l.), one of many species of spiders, which spin a geometrical we

    2. They mostly belong to Epeira and allied genera, as the garden spider. See Garden spider.

      Geometric square, a portable instrument in the form of a square frame for ascertaining distances and heights by measuring angles.

      Geometrical staircase, one in which the stairs are supported by the wall at one end only.

      Geometrical tracery, in architecture and decoration, tracery arranged in geometrical figures.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s, shortened form of geometrical. As a style of ancient Greek pottery and associated culture, 1902.


a. 1 Of, or relating to geometry. 2 increasing or decreasing in a geometric progression. 3 Using simple shapes such as circles, triangles and lines in a decorative object.

  1. adj. characterized by simple geometric forms in design and decoration; "a buffalo hide painted with red and black geometric designs" [syn: geometrical]

  2. of or relating to or determined by geometry [syn: geometrical]

Geometric (company)

Geometric Ltd is a specialist in the domain of engineering services and technologies.The company is headquartered in Mumbai, India. Its portfolio includes Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM), Global Engineering Services, Embedded Systems, and Digital Technology.

Geometric technology solutions(GTS) business unit develops design and manufacturing productivity tools and technologies that includes DFMPro, CAMWorks, GeomCaliper,eDrawings Publisher, Glovius,NestLib, Feature Recognition (FR), GeomDiff and 3DSearchIT.

Key business verticals of this company are Aerospace, Automotive, Heavy Engineering and High-Tech.

Geometric was set up as a Division of Godrej and Boyce in 1984-85. The company was incorporated in 1994 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. It is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India.Geometric is assessed at SEI CMMI 1.1 Level 5 for its software services and ISO 9001:2008 certified for engineering operations. The company’s operations are also ISO 27001:2005 certified.

Geometric has a joint venture with Dassault Systèmes, 3D PLM Software Solutions Ltd., which was set up in 2002 with an equity participation of 58% and 42% respectively. Geometric and Dassault Systèmes have reached an agreement whereby Dassault Systèmes will acquire full ownership of 3DPLM software solutions Ltd.

Usage examples of "geometric".

As soon as the daily newspapers are done with, he rips them up in geometric squares and stores them in the cellar privy so that they all can wipe their arses with I them.

She then applied the plane generated by taking the seventh angle cosecant of a trisected cone that had been created from a five dimensionally rotated equilateral right triangle-impossible without awareness of ireality mathematics-and then combined the resulting geometric paradox to the chronowarp.

The canvas coverlid bulged out between the hoops in various geometric shapes, the points and angles and curves of his boxed and bundled things.

The one exception is a set piece with the other Petersburg as its subject, the city glittering with palaces, the abnormal, abstract, fantastical and geometric capital of Imperial Russia, icy and inhuman.

The geometer emanates from the causal field of creation and begins to assume geometric proportions, expressed as physical energy and as dictated inherently by the original geometer.

Extending from the geometer, or warp of nothingness, into the geometric field-to-be.

In a rose garden, a rose is a rose because of geraniol, a 10-carbon compound, and it is the geometric conformation of atoms and their bond angles that determine the unique fragrance.

Maus abhorred tea bags, pressure cookers, canned fruit cocktail, bottled mayonnaise, instant coffee, iceberg lettuce, monosodium glutamate, eggs poached in geometric shapes, New England boiled dinners, and anything resembling a smorgasbord, salad bar, or all-you-can-eat buffet.

That ring, which I called maximus, had a diameter of three geometric paces.

In some places, the hypercards are placed in precise geometric patterns, like atoms in a crystal.

She liked blues and pinks but not yellow, she liked things with flowers and birds on, not geometric patterns, she liked baskets and nylon-tipped pens and aquamarines and seedless grapes and books about Leonardo da Vinci.

It was decorated in geometric figures of an odd but pleasing design Tepa told her later was also an original characteristic of the casual tropical clothing.

The outfit she wore was a black-and-white geometric print, a washable silk jacket over a long black tunic top, her long loose skirt brushing the tops of black suede boots.

At first it reminded Wiz of a simple geometric shape, then it became an evermore-elaborate piece of Celtic knotwork.

When we ascend to 1500 feet, the zoomorphs, hitherto predominant, are revealed merely as small scattered units surrounded by an astonishing scribble of vast geometric forms.