a. (en-superlativepalmy)
adj. very lively and profitable; "flourishing businesses"; "a palmy time for stockbrokers"; "a prosperous new business"; "doing a roaring trade"; "a thriving tourist center"; "did a thriving business in orchids" [syn: booming, flourishing, prospering, prosperous, roaring, thriving]
See palmy
Usage examples of "palmiest".
The issues were sharply drawn between the two political parties then struggling for ascendancy, and Central Illinois was the home of as brilliant an array of gifted leaders as the Whig party at any time in its palmiest days had known.
A lawyer of the old school, who still carried his green bag into Court, and who never wearied of telling of his conflicts at the bar with Grundy, Holt, and Ben Hardin, in their palmiest days, was retained for the defence.
The palmiest days of the sanctuary were during the time that Rodolfo di Montebello or Mombello was abbot--that is to say, roughly, between the years 1325-60.
No English fair in the palmiest days of fairs ever presented such an array of attractions.
In the palmiest days of the Egyptian navy the Pharaohs never held any dominion over Crete, and even Cyprus was never really under their rule.
Its very angles seemed to grow less acute, and never, in its palmiest days, had it rejoiced in such bright coats of paint.
Three hundred and six soldiers, all patricians, all of the one stock, not one of whom the senate would reject as a leader in its palmiest days, proceeded on their march, menacing destruction to the Veientian state by the prowess of a single family.
Little Meriem still played with Geeka, lavishing all her childish love upon the now almost hopeless ruin of what had never, even in its palmiest days, possessed even a slight degree of loveliness.
Alan in his palmiest days had never been half so soothing to her as Christopher was now.
Christianity itself was more vital and effective in its earlier stages, when fighting its way into existence against all sorts of persecutions, than it has ever been since in the palmiest days of its power.
It was an arena of opposing gladiators more magnificent and majestic than was ever witnessed in the palmiest days of the Roman Empire.
Thomas Jefferson, in his palmiest days, never looked grander than did the Squire on this occasion.
A tide of speculators began to set in toward the oil region, that would have overpowered that of California or Australia in their palmiest days.
Versailles in its palmiest days, and, the works being completed, the Prince moved thither with the major portion of his household.
I dare say that Belasco in his palmiest days never thought up a better one.