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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prosper \Pros"per\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Prospered; p. pr. & vb. n. Prospering.] [F. prosp['e]rer v. i., or L. prosperare, v. i., or L. prosperare, v. t., fr. prosper or prosperus. See Prosperous.] To favor; to render successful. ``Prosper thou our handiwork.''
--Bk. of Common Prayer.

All things concur toprosper our design.


vb. (present participle of prosper English)


adj. very lively and profitable; "flourishing businesses"; "a palmy time for stockbrokers"; "a prosperous new business"; "doing a roaring trade"; "a thriving tourist center"; "did a thriving business in orchids" [syn: booming, flourishing, palmy, prosperous, roaring, thriving]

Usage examples of "prospering".

In his master plan, those ultimately would be workshops for the various crafts needed in a large and prospering community.

They weren't certain how to treat a man who'd been a dragonrider, Weaverhallmaster, and was now Lord Warder of a Ruatha prospering under his guidance.

She knew he was the finest Sea Holder Half-Circle had ever had: the Hold was prospering, with plenty for bartering set by in the storage caves.

Fax is ambitious, and with all but Ruatha Hold prospering under his harsh management, it is entirely possible that he will look eastward, to the broad and fertile plains and the mines of Telgar.

What she needed was life, the growing of children as well as the prospering of trees, so in humbleness of spirit she asked her slaves to ready the small shallop, and when a calm day arrived she got into it by herself and sailed across to Peace Cliff, where she walked unannounced up the low hill to the telescope house.

It could be said with some accuracy that the Catholic church was one institution in Patamoke that was prospering, and as it grew, its acceptance among Protestants increased, mainly because of Father Patrick’s common sense.

Land which had begun to perish under the weight of tomatoes was prospering when planted with corn—thousands upon thousands of acres—and out beyond Devon Island, what was left of it, the bay rested in the wintry sunlight.