The Collaborative International Dictionary
Mountain \Moun"tain\ (moun"t[i^]n), a.
Of or pertaining to a mountain or mountains; growing or living on a mountain; found on or peculiar to mountains; among mountains; as, a mountain torrent; mountain pines; mountain goats; mountain air; mountain howitzer.
Like a mountain; mountainous; vast; very great. The high, the mountain majesty of worth. --Byron. Mountain antelope (Zo["o]l.), the goral. Mountain ash (Bot.), an ornamental tree, the Pyrus Americana (or Sorbus Americana), producing beautiful bunches of red berries. Its leaves are pinnate, and its flowers white, growing in fragrant clusters. The European species is the Pyrus aucuparia, or rowan tree. Mountain barometer, a portable barometer, adapted for safe transportation, used in measuring the heights of mountains. Mountain beaver (Zo["o]l.), the sewellel. Mountain blue (Min.), blue carbonate of copper; azurite. Mountain cat (Zo["o]l.), the catamount. See Catamount. Mountain chain, a series of contiguous mountain ranges, generally in parallel or consecutive lines or curves. Mountain cock (Zo["o]l.), capercailzie. See Capercailzie. Mountain cork (Min.), a variety of asbestus, resembling cork in its texture. Mountain crystal. See under Crystal. Mountain damson (Bot.), a large tree of the genus Simaruba ( Simaruba amarga) growing in the West Indies, which affords a bitter tonic and astringent, sometimes used in medicine. Mountain dew, Scotch whisky, so called because often illicitly distilled among the mountains. [Humorous] Mountain ebony (Bot.), a small leguminous tree ( Bauhinia variegata) of the East and West Indies; -- so called because of its dark wood. The bark is used medicinally and in tanning. Mountain flax (Min.), a variety of asbestus, having very fine fibers; amianthus. See Amianthus. Mountain fringe (Bot.), climbing fumitory. See under Fumitory. Mountain goat. (Zo["o]l.) See Mazama. Mountain green. (Min.)
Green malachite, or carbonate of copper.
See Green earth, under Green, a. Mountain holly (Bot.), a branching shrub ( Nemopanthes Canadensis), having smooth oblong leaves and red berries. It is found in the Northern United States. Mountain laurel (Bot.), an American shrub ( Kalmia latifolia) with glossy evergreen leaves and showy clusters of rose-colored or white flowers. The foliage is poisonous. Called also American laurel, ivy bush, and calico bush. See Kalmia. Mountain leather (Min.), a variety of asbestus, resembling leather in its texture. Mountain licorice (Bot.), a plant of the genus Trifolium ( Trifolium Alpinum). Mountain limestone (Geol.), a series of marine limestone strata below the coal measures, and above the old red standstone of Great Britain. See Chart of Geology. Mountain linnet (Zo["o]l.), the twite. Mountain magpie. (Zo["o]l.)
The yaffle, or green woodpecker.
The European gray shrike. Mountain mahogany (Bot.) See under Mahogany. Mountain meal (Min.), a light powdery variety of calcite, occurring as an efflorescence. Mountain milk (Min.), a soft spongy variety of carbonate of lime. Mountain mint. (Bot.) See Mint. Mountain ousel (Zo["o]l.), the ring ousel; -- called also mountain thrush and mountain colley. See Ousel. Mountain pride, or Mountain green (Bot.), a tree of Jamaica ( Spathelia simplex), which has an unbranched palmlike stem, and a terminal cluster of large, pinnate leaves. Mountain quail (Zo["o]l.), the plumed partridge ( Oreortyx pictus) of California. It has two long, slender, plumelike feathers on the head. The throat and sides are chestnut; the belly is brown with transverse bars of black and white; the neck and breast are dark gray. Mountain range, a series of mountains closely related in position and direction. Mountain rice. (Bot.)
An upland variety of rice, grown without irrigation, in some parts of Asia, Europe, and the United States.
An American genus of grasses ( Oryzopsis).
Mountain rose (Bot.), a species of rose with solitary flowers, growing in the mountains of Europe ( Rosa alpina).
Mountain soap (Min.), a soft earthy mineral, of a brownish color, used in crayon painting; saxonite.
Mountain sorrel (Bot.), a low perennial plant ( Oxyria digyna with rounded kidney-form leaves, and small greenish flowers, found in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and in high northern latitudes.
--Gray.Mountain sparrow (Zo["o]l.), the European tree sparrow.
Mountain spinach. (Bot.) See Orach.
Mountain tobacco (Bot.), a composite plant ( Arnica montana) of Europe; called also leopard's bane.
Mountain witch (Zo["o]l.), a ground pigeon of Jamaica, of the genus Geotrygon.
n. 1 A series of adjoin mountains, often in a line. 2 A series of lines of mountains.
n. a series of hills or mountains; "the valley was between two ranges of hills"; "the plains lay just beyond the mountain range" [syn: range, range of mountains, chain, mountain chain, chain of mountains]
A mountain range (also mountain barrier, belt, or system) is a geographic area containing numerous geologically related mountains. A mountain system or system of mountain ranges, sometimes is used to combine several geological features that are geographically (regionally) related. On Earth, most significant mountain ranges are the result of plate tectonics, though mountain ranges are formed by a range of processes, are found on many planetary mass objects in the Solar System and are likely a feature of most terrestrial planets.
Mountain ranges are usually segmented by highlands or mountain passes and valleys. Individual mountains within the same mountain range do not necessarily have the same geologic structure or petrology. They may be a mix of different orogenic expressions and terranes, for example thrust sheets, uplifted blocks, fold mountains, and volcanic landforms resulting in a variety of rock types.
Mountain ranges are exotic options originally marketed by Société Générale in 1998. The options combine the characteristics of basket options and range options by basing the value of the option on several underlying assets, and by setting a time frame for the option.
The mountain range options are further subdivided into further types, depending on the specific terms of the options. Examples include:
- Altiplano - in which a vanilla option is combined with a compensatory coupon payment if the underlying security never reaches its strike price during a given period.
- Annapurna - in which the option holder is rewarded if all securities in the basket never fall below a certain price during the relevant time period
- Atlas - in which the best and worst-performing securities are removed from the basket prior to execution of the option
- Everest - a long-term option in which the option holder gets a payoff based on the worst-performing securities in the basket
- Himalayan - based on the performance of the best asset in the portfolio
Most mountain ranges cannot be priced using closed form formulae, and are instead valued through the use of Monte Carlo simulation methods.
Usage examples of "mountain range".
The cavern was high, and the dim glow of the embers did not penetrate every cranny, but he could see the great bulk of the Cyclops near the far wall, lying like a mountain range beside the fire.
It takes next to no time to reach the town of Pritchard, which marks the beginning of their final twenty-mile ascent of the mountain range.
This was the highest point in the entire mountain range, close to the dragon-like clouds that rampaged across the sky as if in battle, the sun highlighting their golden scales.
Bando is a little stiff and sore this morning, so we walk slowly, enjoying the vistas from the skyline of this mountain range.
It reminded me somewhat of the canyons in the mountain range back of the Puebla de Los Angeles, in California.
They were at the edge of a volcanic mountain range, and the land had been carved with a violent hand.
Right now we got our backs up against the mountain range to our west.