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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
computer modelling
▪ computer modelling of the city’s traffic flow
▪ This provides a tractable framework for the economic modelling of reputation effects.
▪ The review has covered four main areas of work - wave resource modelling, capital costing, availability assessment and economic modelling.
▪ It has improved graphics features too, for abstract mathematical modelling, and new selectable fonts.
▪ Without mathematical modelling, the problem would not have been discovered until the complete antenna subsystem had been built and tested.
▪ No amount of mathematical modelling can produce the answers to these questions - even at a cost of £550 000.
▪ For many applications, mathematical modelling is actually proving preferable to physical experimentation.
▪ The creation of apparently real, solid objects by means of detailed mathematical modelling.
▪ Control and measurement of heating systems; Mathematical modelling of building thermal performance.
▪ It supports visualisation of three-dimensional data sets for applications such as satellite and medical imaging, molecular modelling, and image compositing.
▪ The system is said to be particularly useful for industrial and scientific applications like molecular modelling, computer animation, robotics control.
▪ But then Twiggy, who by now had switched from modelling to acting, came along and stole his heart.
▪ It has improved graphics features too, for abstract mathematical modelling, and new selectable fonts.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Modeling \Mod"el*ing\, n. (Fine Arts) The act or art of making a model from which a work of art is to be executed; the formation of a work of art from some plastic material. Also, in painting, drawing, etc., the expression or indication of solid form. [Written also modelling.]

Modeling plane, a small plane for planing rounded objects.

Modeling wax, beeswax melted with a little Venice turpentine, or other resinous material, and tinted with coloring matter, usually red, -- used in modeling.


n. (alternative spelling of modeling from=British spelling English) vb. (context British spelling English) (present participle of model English)

  1. v. plan or create according to a model or models [syn: pattern]

  2. form in clay, wax, etc; "model a head with clay" [syn: mold, mould]

  3. assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often" [syn: pose, sit, posture]

  4. display (clothes) as a mannequin; "model the latest fashion"

  5. create a representation or model of; "The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights" [syn: simulate]

  6. construct a model of; "model an airplane" [syn: mock up]

  7. [also: modelling, modelled]

  1. n. a preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied [syn: modeling, molding, moulding]

  2. the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale) [syn: model, modeling]

  1. n. a simplified description of a complex entity or process; "the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems" [syn: theoretical account, framework]

  2. a type of product; "his car was an old model"

  3. a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor; "the president didn't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos" [syn: poser]

  4. representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale) [syn: simulation]

  5. something to be imitated; "an exemplar of success"; "a model of clarity"; "he is the very model of a modern major general" [syn: exemplar, example, good example]

  6. someone worthy of imitation; "every child needs a role model" [syn: role model]

  7. a representative form or pattern; "I profited from his example" [syn: example]

  8. a woman who wears clothes to display fashions; "she was too fat to be a mannequin" [syn: mannequin, manikin, mannikin, manakin, fashion model]

  9. the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale) [syn: modelling, modeling]

  10. [also: modelling, modelled]

  1. adj. worthy of imitation; "exemplary behavior"; "model citizens" [syn: exemplary, model(a)]

  2. [also: modelling, modelled]


See model


Usage examples of "modelling".

He took great delight in modelling, in perspective, of which he made himself a master, and in chiaroscuro, or light and shade.

When at home, they were chiefly in the studio, he painting, modelling, poetizing perhaps, and she inseparably united with him in all.

I was just wondering whether Mitch might have got the back-up idea from the same person who taught him to use seismological modelling programs.

It reminded me of those set-ups railway modelling societies use to create atmosphere for their titchy displays.

Nevertheless, it were difficult otherwise to account for the faintly indicated slant of those little black eyes, the blurred modelling of the nose, the high cheekbones, and the thin thatch of coarse black hair which was plastered down with abundant brilliantine above that mask of pallid features.

If things worked well she would have an agent and a proper modelling contract, and she would not be working as a manicurist in Haywards by this time next year.

The classical modelling of her features and the delicacy of her complexion were unimpaired by time, while those traces of thought and care which gave age to her face in the broad light of day were invisible at night.

Most of a three-dimensional mandala in stucco existed until recently in a western Tibetan temple and elsewhere in western Tibet, including Ladakh, stucco modelling in the round or in high relief has been recorded.

Marcella parroting it all and talking about the opportunity of modelling across the water.

Joe might be right, that Marcella was far too old even to think about beginning a modelling career.

Marcella still worked in the nail salon, or if she had already gone across the water to start working on this new modelling contract that she had earned herself.

Just as he knew there was no great news on the modelling scene from across the water.

Come to London, wear these clothes, r these parcels - like a modelling job, an unusual modelling s possible, I suppose.

The agents of the one, or the officers of the other, will study the existing type of family face, and will select ancestors and ancestresses whose modelling, coloring, and expression agree with it, and will keep in view the race and nationality of the family whose ancestral portraits are to be supplied, so that there shall be no chance of the grossly improbable effect which ancestral portraits now have in many cases.

With her booking agent in New York, at the hotel, with the magazine she was modelling for.