Crossword clues for lopes
- Trots along easily
- Strides easily
- Significant strides
- Runs leisurely
- Runs gracefully
- Runs gently
- Runs at an easy gait
- Makes big strides
- Strides like a stallion
- Slow strides
- Runs with long strides
- Runs with an easy stride
- Runs with a steady, easy gait
- Paces between walks and runs
- Moves with long strides
- Moves with bounding steps
- Moves with a bounding stride
- Makes great strides
- Long, easy strides
- Long bounding strides
- Lightly gallops or runs
- Leisure gaits
- Horses' runs
- Former Brewers manager Davey
- Bounding gaits
- Runs easily
- Gently gallops
- Moves leisurely
- Proceeds smoothly
- Gallops
- Casual strides
- Runs like a deer
- Bounds along easily
- Easy strides
- Runs across the field
- Easy gallops
- Leisurely gaits
- Canters leisurely
- Easy runs
- Easy gaits
- Easy paces
- Davey of baseball fame
- An artful Dodger
- Certain gaits
- L.A. all-star infielder
- Some gaits
- Easy, swinging gaits
- Horses' gaits
- Horse gaits
- Runs with an easy gait
n. (plural of lope English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: lope)
The LOPES project ( LOFAR PrototypE Station) was a cosmic ray detector array, located in Karlsruhe, Germany, and is operated in coincidence with an existing, well calibrated air shower experiment called KASCADE. In 2013, after approximately 10 years of measurements, LOPES was finally switched off and dismantled.
There are different ways to observe cosmic rays, or, more accurately, the air showers that cosmic rays produce when they enter our atmosphere. Traditionally, one directly measures the shower products that make it all the way to the surface. These may be detected by using for example particle counters. In the case of KASCADE, the muons in the shower produce a short flash of Cherenkov light when they traverse a slab of scintillator material. These flashes can be registered using photomultipliers.
The LOPES project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of a different technique, in which not the shower products themselves are observed, but secondary radio radiation that is generated by the shower. Charged particles in the shower, mostly electrons and positrons, are deflected slightly in Earth's magnetic field. As these particles change direction, they emit synchrotron radiation. This radiation is visible as a bright flash on the sky for several nanoseconds at frequencies up to a few hundred MHz. It is hoped that the LOPES project will pave the way for more cosmic ray experiments with digital radio telescopes, such as LOFAR.
In the first phase until 2003, LOPES consisted of ten dipole antennas. This has been expanded to a total number of 30 antennas as of summer 2005. These antennas are read out digitally and are connected to a central computer. Here, the data from the antennas is correlated by software, so that the antennas together essentially form a phased array. The software can point the array by forming a virtual beam and is also able to adaptively suppress interference from other sources, such as radio and TV stations.
The test array was first set up at the MPIfR in Bonn to check the hardware and develop the software. Afterwards it has been installed at the KASCADE experiment in Karlsruhe. This is a running and well calibrated air shower experiment, which provides LOPES with a suitable trigger and reconstructed shower parameters. These parameters will act as a starting point for LOPES and have been used to calibrate its results.
In a second phase starting 2006, 15 antennas have been rotated by 90° to measure the polarization of the radio signal emitted by air showers. This efforts have been intensified in the third and last phase of LOPES starting 2010, when 10 new antenna stations were installed which allow to measure the complete polarization at each station. After leading to many scientific results published in various journals, LOPES has finally been switched off in 2013.
LOPES is a collaboration of ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands), the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (Bonn, Germany), Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), the Institute of Data Processing and Electronics (IPE) and the Institut für Kernphysik (IKP), both at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany), and the KASCADE-Grande collaboration. The KASCADE-Grande collaboration consists of groups from Germany, Poland, Romania, and Italy.
Lopës is a former municipality in the Gjirokastër County, southern Albania. At the 2015 local government reform it became a subdivision of the municipality Tepelenë. The population at the 2011 census was 723. The municipal unit consists of the villages Sinanaj, Matohasanaj, Dorëz, Dhëmblan and Lab Martalloz.
The goal of the LOPES project (LOwer-extremity Powered ExoSkeleton) is to design and implement a gait rehabilitation robot for treadmill training. The target group consists of people who have suffered a stroke and have impaired motor control. The main goals of LOPES are:
- Reduction of the physical load on the therapist / patient;
- More efficient gait training for stroke patients;
- Selective support of gait functions;
- Therapist stays in charge of high-level decisions.
The mechanical construction should offer assistance in leg movements in the forward direction and in keeping lateral balance. Within the LOPES project, it has been decided to realize this by connecting the limbs of the patient to an exoskeleton so that robot and patient move in parallel. Most gait rehabilitation robots that are currently being developed [1, 2] focus on the support of the entire gait cycle as a single unit. These robots use joint trajectories of the entire gait cycle and offer a uniform (more or less) stiff control along this trajectory. This means that the patient receives support in gait phases where support is necessary but also in phases where support isn’t necessary. Studies have been done on an exoskeleton [3] that propose adaptive control methods which minimize the interaction forces with the patient with respect to an adaptable reference pattern, but these still control the entire gait cycle. Studies have also shown that walking with the Lokomat requires significantly less energy than normal walking [4]. LOPES aims to support and not take over those tasks that the patient is unable to perform without help using an impedance control scheme. This will lead to a more active participation from the patient’s side. The tradeoff for more active walking will likely be a smaller overall distance during therapy sessions. The implication of selective function support is that the robot will have two extreme modes in which it should be able to function, these are:
- Patient in charge: The goal of the robot is to minimize the interaction forces between the patient and the robot in order for the patient to walk freely without feeling the robot. This mode will be active mostly for the non-paretic side of the patient and during those phases of the walking cycle that the robot does not need to assist.
- Robot in charge: The goal of this mode is to take control of the patient. The robot will take over the functions which the patient is unable to perform. The robot will most likely operate somewhere between these extremes offering some support at those phases when it is needed to guide the patient towards desirable behavior.
Currently the first prototype has been completed. This prototype has 8 actuated DOF (series elastic actuation) following the design as in [5]. Clinical evaluations will be done in the course of 2007.
Lopes may refer to:
- Lopes, a Portuguese surname
- LOPES (telescope), an astronomical instrument located in Germany
- LOPES (exoskeleton), a medical instrument for physical rehabilitation involving walking
- a Malaysian glutinous rice food dish; see Malaysian traditions
Usage examples of "lopes".
He arrived on a black horse, galloping up the driveway and then curbing the stallion so fast that it reared and twisted and Lopes, instead of being thrown off as ninety-nine out of a hundred other riders would have been, stayed calm and in control.
The „pupils” were his men, a ragged band with which Lopes had been ambushing the French columns that carried ammunition to the gunners who fought against the Portuguese troops still holding the bridge at Amarante.
Kate bridled when she heard Lopes wanted his men to stay at the house.
Still the French did not come and Manuel Lopes reckoned they were simply too busy to bother with Vila Real de Zedes.
Manuel Lopes and his captured partisans were taken to the church where they were forced to break up the altars, rails and images, then ordered to heap all the shattered timber in the center of the nave.
Senhor Lopes, in a letter to me, suggests that it means the upper portion of the canopy, "
A figure in black, quick as a coyote, lopes out through the shattered front door, looks up, raises a carbine.
Senhor Lopes, who has published these documents in the original Portuguese in a recent work,[4] writes in his introduction: "Nothing that we know of in any language can compare with them, whether for their historical importance or for the description given of the country, and especially of the capital, its products, customs, and the like.
Previous to the publication of these chronicles by Senhor Lopes we had nothing to guide us in this matter, save a few vague and unsatisfactory lines in the chronicle of the historian Firishtah.
Justice Lopes, who had tried vainly to persuade the Manchester Grand Jury to throw out the bill in the case of the brothers Habron, was the presiding judge.
Justice Lopes in summing up described as an "absolute surmise" the theory of the accidental discharge of the pistol.