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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lonely \Lone"ly\, a. [Compar. Lonelier; superl. Loneliest.]

  1. Sequestered from company or neighbors; solitary; retired; as, a lonely situation; a lonely cell.

  2. Alone, or in want of company; forsaken.

    To the misled and lonely traveler.

  3. Not frequented by human beings; as, a lonely wood.

  4. Having a feeling of depression or sadness resulting from the consciousness of being alone; lonesome.

    I am very often alone. I don't mean I am lonely.
    --H. James.

    Syn: Solitary; lone; lonesome; retired; unfrequented; sequestered; secluded.


a. (en-comparative of: lonely)

  1. adj. lacking companions or companionship; "he was alone when we met him"; "she is alone much of the time"; "the lone skier on the mountain"; "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul"; "a solitary traveler" [syn: alone(p), lone(a), lonely(a), solitary]

  2. marked by dejection from being alone; "felt sad and lonely"; "the loneliest night of the week"; "lonesome when her husband is away"; "spent a lonesome hour in the bar" [syn: lonesome]

  3. separated from or unfrequented by others; remote or secluded; "a lonely crossroads"; "a solitary retreat"; "a trail leading to an unfrequented lake" [syn: lonely(a), solitary, unfrequented]

  4. enjoyed or performed alone; "a lonely existence"; "his lonely room"; "took a solitary walk"; "enjoyed her solitary dinner"; "solitary pursuits such as reading" [syn: lonely(a), solitary]

  5. [also: loneliest, lonelier]


See lonely

Usage examples of "lonelier".

Since he had no siblings or close friends, he was deeply saddened by his bride's action and, as the days went by, grew lonelier and lonelier.

He smiled too, and waited till she drove off, then carried the pane upstairs, thinking it would be a much lonelier day around here today.

The more he saw, the lonelier he felt, like a stranger wandering somewhere he did not belong.

I fancy there is not a lonelier island in the Pacific, and yet the place is known, and there is always the possibility of its being visited.

He found himself looking on at old unhappy scenes, sharing the emotions and hearing the voices of men long since dead -- voices that had broken the silence of this lonely sea and still lonelier island, nearly twenty years before.

We’re much lonelier than the Mexicans, who occupy the same type of land to the south, for Mexicans retain the extended family in which people of all ages live together in reasonable harmony.