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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
climbed the...ladder
▪ men who climbed the career ladder in the 1980s
moving up the ladder (=getting higher and higher positions)
▪ He was moving up the ladder, getting experience of command.
rope ladder
the bottom of the ladder/pile/heap (=the lowest position in society, an organization etc)
▪ Immigrants were at the bottom of the pile.
the career ladder (=the way to higher positions in a career)
▪ Having children can disturb your progress up the career ladder.
▪ It is no accident that people who are driven to climb corporate ladders have parents who believe ladder climbing is important.
▪ The more that you let the former influence the corporate ladder, the less effective you and your company will be.
▪ There are many who rise up the corporate ladder by avoiding such risks.
▪ Rather than drawing some evolutionary ladder or tree, the best representation is a sort of multi-twigged bush.
▪ As we descend the evolutionary ladder, our behaviour becomes, increasingly extreme.
▪ The effect of the closures is being felt all the way down the social ladder.
▪ It is a contradiction which thousands happily go along with because they are keen to advance up the social ladder.
▪ Elliott and Nancy were next on thirtysomething's social ladder.
▪ Those at the bottom of the social ladder have already been hit so hard that they have no money at all.
▪ His ever-so-proper role as financial consultant to the Duchess of York marked the pinnacle of his climb up the social ladder.
▪ Secondary schools offered more rungs on the career ladder, but the chance of becoming a head teacher was much lower.
▪ Mentoring is a critical component of career success; neither men nor women can climb the career ladder without it.
▪ The problem seems to be that many women are having a tough time making their mark higher up the career ladder.
▪ Instead, they are looking for protection against anything that could disturb their quiet but steady progress up the career ladder.
▪ By Devoyrah Hogan Women's chances to climb the career ladder have been hard fought for.
▪ The career ladder is congested; prospects are generally poor and it's easy to get stuck.
▪ Each career group is in turn divided into four ranks, which constitute a self-contained career ladder.
▪ The permanent staff would lose the prospect of promotion to the highest rungs of their career ladder.
▪ He climbs up a ladder and on to the roof.
▪ Mentoring is a critical component of career success; neither men nor women can climb the career ladder without it.
▪ When he was tired of swimming he climbed a ladder to the jetty.
▪ We could climb up the ladder belatedly, but if only we shook off our mental chains like water.
▪ And most cherish the ability to climb the ladder in their functional silo without taking on bullet-biting responsibility for a specific product.
▪ Born in a small mining village near Glenrothes, he has climbed the ladder by learning his craft.
▪ We often speak of climbing the ladder don't we when it comes to the world of work or material success.
▪ The three headed along the catwalk, descended a rusty ladder on to the dunes of debris.
▪ As we descend the evolutionary ladder, our behaviour becomes, increasingly extreme.
▪ He hated leaving her there but he descended the ladder because there was nothing else he could do.
▪ The whole 10' x 4' x 4' unit was dragged across the garden using ladders and chain blocks.
▪ You made the precarious climb up the side of the bus using a ladder.
▪ They had to breach the walls at close quarters and then scale them, using ladders and fighting-towers.
▪ A similar system can be used for ladders.
▪ I got a ladder in my tights.
▪ Stevens worked his way to the top of the corporate ladder.
▪ As companies view for ever-larger market shares, competition seeps down to the lowliest rung on the ladder.
▪ Credit card donations: Back on the ladder Stella Bingham First-timers spot bargains as home market moves at last.
▪ I washed up and climbed the ladder to the attic.
▪ Ignore the ladder and go to the door just past the policeman.
▪ It was a trim white house with a ladder leaning against it.
▪ Right up the sides of them, without a ladder or rope or funny boots.
▪ She climbed higher and at last managed the difficult transition from the top of the ladder to the edge of the hatch frame.
▪ The mercer started to direct them as they propped the ladder against the side of the house.
▪ Damn! I've laddered my tights!
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ladder \Lad"der\ (l[a^]d"d[~e]r), n. [OE. laddre, AS. hl[=ae]der, hl[=ae]dder; akin to OFries. hladder, OHG. leitara, G. leiter, and from the root of E. lean, v.

  1. A frame usually portable, of wood, metal, or rope, for ascent and descent, consisting of two side pieces to which are fastened cross strips or rounds forming steps.

    Some the engines play, And some, more bold, mount ladders to the fire.

  2. That which resembles a ladder in form or use; hence, that by means of which one attains to eminence; as, to climb the corporate ladder.

    Lowliness is young ambition's ladder.

    Fish ladder. See under Fish.

    Ladder beetle (Zo["o]l.), an American leaf beetle ( Chrysomela scalaris). The elytra are silvery white, striped and spotted with green; the under wings are rose-colored. It feeds upon the linden tree.

    Ladder handle, an iron rail at the side of a vertical fixed ladder, to grasp with the hand in climbing.

    Ladder shell (Zo["o]l.), a spiral marine shell of the genus Scalaria. See Scalaria.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English hlæder "ladder, steps," from Proto-Germanic *khlaidri (cognates: Old Frisian hledere, Middle Dutch ledere, Old High German leitara, German Leiter), from PIE root *klei- "to lean" (cognates: Greek klimax "ladder;" see lean (v.)). In late Old English, rungs were læddrestæfæ and the side pieces were ledder steles. The belief that walking under one brings bad luck is attested from 1787, but its origin likely is more pragmatic than symbolic. Ladder-back (adj.) as a type of chair is from 1898.


n. 1 A frame, usually portable, of wood, metal, or rope, used for ascent and descent, consisting of two side pieces to which are fastened rungs: cross strips or rounds acting as steps. 2 (context figuratively English) A series of stages by which one progresses to a better position. 3 # The hierarchy or ranking system within an organization, e.g. the corporate ladder. 4 (context chiefly British English) A length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment, especially in nylon stockings; a run. 5 In the game of go, a sequence of moves following a zigzag pattern and ultimately leading to the capture of the attacked stones. vb. 1 (context firefighting English) To ascend a building or wall using a ladder. 2 (context of a knitted garment English) To develop a #Noun_knit as a result of a broken thread.


v. come unraveled or undone as if by snagging; "Her nylons were running" [syn: run]

  1. n. steps consisting of two parallel members connected by rungs; for climbing up or down

  2. ascending stages by which somebody or something can progress; "he climbed the career ladder"

  3. a row of unravelled stitches; "she got a run in her stocking" [syn: run, ravel]


A ladder is a vertical or inclined set of rungs or steps. There are two types: rigid ladders that can be leaned against a vertical surface such as a wall, and rope ladders that are hung from the top. The vertical members of a rigid ladder are called stringers or rails (US) or stiles (UK). Rigid ladders are usually portable, but some types are permanently fixed to buildings. They are commonly made of metal, wood, or fiberglass, but they have been known to be made of tough plastic.

Ladder (video game)

Ladder is a barrel-jumping game (like Donkey Kong) written for the CP/M operating system and made to be operated on the early Kaypro line of luggable computers.

Since the screens on these computers only accept text characters and not rendered graphics, the game uses letters, numbers, and symbols lined up to create walls and platforms, pits/traps, characters, trampolines and goals.

The floors in Ladder are made of equal signs, and the ladders themselves are made of capital "H"s stacked on top of each other. The "lad" controlled by the player starts out as the letter "P", and barrels ("der rocks") are represented by "o"s.

The catchphrase of the game reminded the acolyte player that there are more ways than one to skin a cat. This referred to the fact that the minimized traverse of almost all levels could be enhanced by inventive utilisation of the game features, and the highest levels absolutely required it. These could entail (at the apex of the game) for instance jumping on a trampoline at precisely the right speed and point of impact to fall into one of the pit/traps, at the right timing that there would be no barrels passing for a sufficient interval.

Along with Star Trek, CatChum and Aliens, Ladder was one of the games that came with the software bundle of the early Kaypro computers.

Ladder was written by Yahoo Software of Los Angeles, California.

Ladder (disambiguation)

A ladder is a runged climbing aid.

Ladder, The Ladder, or Ladders may also refer to:

  • League table or ladder, a chart or table which compares sports teams, or other entities, by ranking them in order of ability or achievement
  • A vertical split in the fabric of a pair of tights (UK terminology; "a run in pantyhose" is the US equivalent)
  • Ladder frame, a vehicle frame type
  • Laddering, an investment technique
  • Ladder logic, a philosophy of drawing electrical logic schematics
  • Ladder tournament, a type of game or sports tournament
  • Resistor ladder, an analogue circuit
  • DNA ladder, a molecular-weight size marker used in gel electrophoresis
Ladder (Go)


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A ladder shape for black (it is white's move). Black will win this ladder battle due to the marked black stone, which will put the white stone that will be played at the spot indicated by a into atari; if the marked stone did not exist, then white would inevitably win when the regular pattern of play extended to the edge of the board. A broken ladder is full of opportunities for a double atari on white, such as positions c and d.

In the game of Go, a is a basic sequence of moves in which an attacker pursues a group in atari in a zig-zag pattern across the board. If there are no intervening stones, the group will hit the edge of the board and be captured.

The sequence is so basic that there is a Go proverb saying "if you don't know ladders, don't play Go."

The ladder tactic is often a failure, if there are stones supporting those being chased close enough to the diagonal path of the ladder. Such a failing ladder is called a broken ladder. Secondary double threat tactics around ladders, involving playing a stone in such a way as to break the ladder and also create some other possibility, are potentially very complex. Such plays are called ladder-breakers.

Usage examples of "ladder".

The room was abuzz with lesser courtiers trying to take their first step on the long and slippery ladder to preferment and office.

Carefully, he swung onto the downdeck ladder and climbed down three levels, feeling the increased acceleration in his thighs.

Keebes led the way up the ladder to the middle level and aft, to a large watertight hatch that led through a long tunnel.

Four of them bolted for the ladder to the lower levels, where a two-man team would clear the middle level and a second team would secure the lower level of the aft compartment.

As soon as Tien had bolted up the ladder Morris had sent Bony Robbins aft to see to the security of the upper level.

You climb down the ladder and go aft to the ballast-tank vents, the shiny metal plates in pairs along the centerline.

Looking over his shoulder, Alec saw a ladder descending into the darkness.

He drew in several deep breaths, then, clasping Alise firmly, placed his hands and feet on the rungs of the ladder.

The tractor was uncoupled and the pilot, followed by Bond, climbed up the little aluminium ladder and then into the raised cockpit and strapped themselves in.

Elders and the others climbed the ladder and moved around the openwork spirit that guarded the door, the Amar broke apart into family groupings and contested peacefully for seats around the Gawer.

It was a dangerous place to climb, for the ladder was auld and frail, and wanted ane or twa rounds.

The azimuth screen was equally empty, its operator equally intent, having wholly forgotten sick mother, errant boy friend, and laddered stockings as she stared at the screen in front of her.

He chose to climb the ladder himself, and joined her and Banausic on the wheeldeck as soldiers turned the capstan and raised the anchor.

Now, Damerel, will you be so very obliging as to stop behaving like a horrid schoolboy, and set the ladder up again?

No fire was ever lit in this hearth after Captal Bekke put in the Ladder.